Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Midweek Update: Learn and Take Action This Week!

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
All Are Welcome!  Interactive, Online

This Sunday, May 3, 2020
Fourth Sunday of Easter
 Rev. Rich Gamble

Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren & Rev. Yuki
Music Leaders:  Elliot & Yigit
Scripture Reader:  Arlene

Text: Acts: 2:42-47
Theme: Compassionate Transformation
(Want to spend some time in reflection over this text before Sunday? Click here for some seeds for spiritual meditation from the UCC).

We are continuing to meet online for interactive worship through the Zoom Meetings platform.

SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Our Sundays together begin with Sunday School & Storytime with Teacher Anita at 10 a.m.. Children and families spend 20 minutes in a Zoom Breakout Room with Teacher Anita, then return to for worship, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Also at 10 a.m., folks can hang out for a "bring your own coffee 
☕ (half) hour" where we have some time to see each other and talk before worship. After worship, we'll also have time for fellowship together in Breakout Rooms. 

Pastor Yuki emails the Zoom access information (which remains the same for every worship or study meeting each week) via the newsletter every Saturday, and also on Sunday mornings. 
Happy Listening Anytime:  Miss a Sermon?  Down at Classroom? Audio Available Online: Click on a file for a listen HERE, and share! You can now watch sermons and worship services on our new YouTube page here
Our prayers keep going out: 
  • Please keep the family of Pastor Yuki's partner, Clint Collins, in your thoughts as they grieve the loss of Clint's Uncle Dana Collins, after a long battle with cancer. 
Have prayers you want to include in the newsletter? Email:   Text/ call cell:  773.501.7382
The most recent COVID-19 congressional relief package was signed into law last Friday and will begin to go into effect this week. As conversation begins for the 4th relief package, we need your voice to urge your members of Congress to prioritize funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). As we are seeing the exponential rise in unemployment, hunger in our state and nation has skyrocketed and food lines continue to grow. FAN is joining with our anti-hunger partners in Washington and across the country in calling Congress to provide four things in the next relief package:
  • Increase the maximum SNAP benefit by 15%
  • Increase the minimum SNAP benefit from $16 to $30
  • Suspend the Administration's rule changes that would terminate or cut benefits
  • Temporarily suspend the SNAP rule requiring eligible students to work 20 hours per week to receive benefits. A survey last fall found that 41% of students attending community and technical colleges were food insecure.
Email or call your Congress members using your own words inspired by this template:

As your constituent and a member of Faith Action Network, I urge you to ensure the SNAP program is protected and strengthened to address the food insecurity and hunger people in our state are experiencing during COVID-19. We ask you to include the following provisions in the next relief package:
  • Increase the maximum SNAP benefit by 15%
  • Increase the minimum SNAP benefit from $16 to $30
  • Suspend the Administration's rule changes that would terminate or cut benefits
  • Temporarily suspend the SNAP rule requiring eligible students to work 20 hours per week to receive benefits.
Thank you for your public service.

Click each link to send a message to your two Senate and one House members:
Don't know your Congressional District? Find your Representative at
#ClimateWeek Update
On Sunday morning before worship, Paisley gave us an update of the Sunrise Seattle Youth Movement's actions during #ClimateWeek. On Wednesday of Climate Week, the team released a video that Paisley and Caleb were part of asking Washington officials to do more to help change our economies and policies to protect folks from the damage that climate change is causing, especially in Black and indigenous communities, and among unsheltered people, and to lay the groundwork for a society based on Green New Deal principles. You can see the video below or click here to watch it on YouTube and then share it on your social media platforms.

On Friday, they also participated in a "phone zap" where they helped inundate the phone lines at the offices of Sens. Cantwell and Murray to ask them to support the Green New Deal.

The team also put out a petition that asks US leaders to start implementing Green New Deal policies NOW. The petition is only for young people under the age of 19, so if you know of a young person who wants to raise their voice, send them this link:
The Green Team Wants Your Input
One of the things that came out of our Lenten Study on Naomi Klein's book On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal was the revitalization of Keystone's Green Team. Some of the things the Green Team are working on are ways to connect Keystone to other climate justice organizations in Washington State, such as and Earth Ministry, and also to how to talk to others about why climate justice is important to us as people of Christian faith.

One of the ways we're doing that is by applying to become one of the United Church of Christ's Creation Justice Churches. Creation Justice Churches are a network of churches in the UCC that go beyond "going green" to make climate justice a central part of their identity and ministry. Help the Green Team with the application and in writing Keystone's Climate Justice Covenant: Check out the Google Doc where we're answering the questions on the application and writing our covenant together, and give us your thoughts and words to help us understand why climate justice is an important part of Keystone UCC.

The next Green Team meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. May 5 in our Zoom online space. We'll be talking about the organizations we want to link to. We're also reading Jim Antal's book Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change, and at that meeting start talking about the Introduction and first chapter. Come join us as we read, learn, and act together for climate justice!

Make a Zoom Connection

Keystone member Charles has set up a daily Zoom meeting for anyone who wants to make a connection and have some time for conversation in these times when we're all separated by physical distancing. The meetings will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, on Zoom. You can sign up at at, or you check with Pastor Yuki or Charles for the Zoom link. Thank you, Charles, for setting up this opportunity!

The next Zoom meetup will be tomorrow, April 30, at 7 p.m. 

The Pacific Northwest Conference has a new home for sharing news and information about goings-on in the conference: GoogleGroups.  If you'd like to become a member of the Google Group, send an email to

Hear More About Your Pacific NW Conference
Starting this week, the Pacific Northwest Conference begins a weekly series of conversations that will bring the work of the Conference, the successes, the challenges to you in an engaging way. Watch for these videos on the Conference's new Vimeo page:

In case you missed it ...
There was a Conference-wide worship service on Zoom this past Saturday night, on what would have been the weekend for the PNC's Annual Meeting. If you didn't get a chance to watch the worship service, you can enjoy some of the music, a sermon from Conference Minister Rev. Mike Denton, and the Zoom worship, at the Conference's Vimeo page. You can also watch the service and Rev. Mike's sermon below.

UCC National Youth Event Canceled But ... 
The UCC's National Youth Event has been canceled because of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, presenters for the event have put together some online opportunities for UCC youth to share their work and make connections. Go to to learn more about what events are coming up and how you can support UCC youth in this time!
Annual Meeting Worship 2020

Glance- down- the- Calendar
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: Keystone member Charles's Seattle Social Meetup Zoom meetings, 7 p.m. Just come and say hi, and make a connection while we're all apart from each other.

Tuesday, May 5: Keystone Green Team Meeting, 6:30 p.m. on Keystone Zoom. Topics: Linking Keystone to organizations, working on Creation Justice Church application, and reading Jim Antal's Climate Church, Climate World (read Intro & first chapter here).

Wednesdays, May 6 & May 20: Justice Bible Study, 6:30 p.m. on Keystone Zoom. This is a new study where we'll read the Bible and start making links between our justice solidarities and our sacred stories, one Bible chapter at at time. You don't have to read in advance to join this study. Email Pastor Yuki for more info,

Wednesdays, May 13 & May 27: Keystone Storytelling, 6:30 p.m. at Keystone's Zoom. Continuing the theme: A Small Thing That Had a Big Influence on My Life. Call or email Pastor Rich to tell a story (206.632.6021. or Learn more about storytelling here:

Michelle Hebner - 5/5
Lauren Cannon - 5/7
Dan Smith - 5/9
Sandie Schumacher - 5/14
Barbara Anderson - 5/17

Here's wishing them each the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!  On the last Sunday of the month- we shall have cake at coffee hour (even on line cheer these days!)

Please let Barbara know additions/ omissions! 
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Sabbath = Mondays.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is on Sunday thru Friday half days (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email is a great way to line up a meeting:

Pastor Yuki (they/them) is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment (Sabbath = Fridays). Email them at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Programs- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook
Click here to read our Keystone blog at "Latest News" on our website
Click here to bounce to Keystone UCC website
Give your gift to support Keystone and its many ministries, including the Sacred Heart Shelter, and the Solar Panel Fundraiser. Click the PayPal button below or send your check directly to Keystone. You can also donate through the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC at
To submit content for inclusion, email Lauren & Yuki  addresses above.  Content must be received by Wednesdays at Noon for the weekly Midweek Update, and 5 p.m. Friday for the Weekend Reminder.
Next deadline for Newsletter announcement submissions:
to Lauren & Yuki: Friday, May 1 @ 5 p.m. and Wednesday May 6 @ Noon
Copyright © 2020 Keystone United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a friend or member of Keystone or opted in at our website, blog, or FB page.

Our mailing address is:
Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
SeattleWA 98103

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Earth Day Worship & victory: eviction moratorium, & more!

Celebrate Earth Day at Sunday's Worship

Dear Keystone Community, 
Here's your weekend reminder and update for worshipping with Keystone UCC in our on line worship. 

For info contact:

Our 4/26/20 worship will have an Earth Day flavor on Sunday, so bring all your stories and witnesses for climate justice from this Climate Week to our table!

We will share Communion.  We will celebrate April Birthdays!  And have Fellowship time afterwards in Break Out Rooms of small groups, so we can really check in.
Rev. Lauren, Rev. Yuki, Rev Rich, Elliot, Digit & Anita

Our worship and fellowship schedule will be this:

10 a.m.: Storytime with Teacher Anita, begins at 10 a.m. and lasts until about 10:20 a.m. Families can log in a little before 10 a.m. to say hi to everyone and then you can head into the breakout room with Anita for crafts, stories, and together time.

Also 10 a.m.: BYOC (Bring Your Own Coffee 
☕ ) time. Come visit with one another as we prepare ourselves for worship. 

10:25 to 11:15 a.m.: Worship, which will include:
  • A few minutes of musical meditation to prepare our minds and hearts for worship.
  • Words of welcome and announcements.
  • Hymn of Gathering from Elliot and YiÄŸit
  • Words of Welcome
  • A Call to Worship
  • Scripture reading
  • Sermon
  • Prayers of the People
  • Communion (we invite you to keep some food or drink to represent the elements of communion near you. It can be bread and juice or a donut and coffee, anything that best represents this meal with what you have in your pantry. And if you forget to have these nearby, don't worry, you'll have time to gather them during the Hymn of Communion).
  • Benediction
  • Closing Hymn
  • Fellowship time (this week we're trying out Breakout Rooms! Pastor Yuki will invite everyone into Breakout Rooms of about 10 people, so we can talk with one another more easily). 
Please feel free to share our worship email with others who you know are looking for a way to connect with a community of worship on this day.  And 2) let Pastor Yuki know who you've invited so they know who to let into our worship space online. 

Eviction Moratorium Victory

The Washington Low-Income Housing Alliance is celebrating the extension of the statewide eviction moratorium that will help keep tenants in their homes if they cannot pay rent during this time, and expands that protection to include transitional housing such as motels/hotels, mobile homes, and commercial properties.

Click here to send Gov. Inslee a thank you note for this support, and to highlight why we need these protections in Washington state.

You can also take action to tell members of Congress that our nation needs rental assistance so that renters can remain in their homes after this pandemic has passed. 
Click here to tell your members of Congress to ensure the next stimulus package includes:
  • $11.5 billion in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. This combined with the $4 billion previously provided in the CARES Act will reach the funding level needed to expand access to emergency shelter, short-term rental assistance, and housing stabilization services; 
  • A uniform, national moratorium on evictions and foreclosures; and 
  • $100 billion in rental assistance to keep people housed and ensure landlords, including low-income housing providers, have the income they need to continue to operate.
The Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ held a Conference-wide Worship service at 7 p.m. 4/25/20 Come hear a good word from our Conference Minister Rev. Mike Denton and share in some fellowship time with other UCC church members in our Conference. 

The Conference is also making parts of the service available, including Mike's sermon, at its new Vimeo page: The Conference also will be posting some informative videos on this space starting next week to share the work and joys of the Pacific Northwest Conference.   See also:
Copyright © 2020 Keystone United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.
See also our FB page.

Our mailing address is:
Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA  98103

watch Mike's sermon here

Hi All,
As promised in on-line announcements today- you can go here to catch Mike's sermon:

This is from Hillary, our new Moderator of the PNC UCC  (and our Justice Leadership Program alum!  Who works at Seattle King Co. Coalition on Homelessness (SKCCH), and is headed to UW for Policy!)

Greetings Conference, 
It was great to see so many of you tonight on our Annual Meeting Conference Wide Worship! 
Thank you to all who helped make the worship possible. 

I'm writing to let you know that the videos are uploaded so you can use them for worship and to share with others as you wish! 

Find videos at the Conference Vimeo account: 

There are two videos available: 
  • Entire worship video
  • Mike's Sermon. 
 Feel free to download for your congregations. 

Thank you all and blessings for the rest of this weekend, 

Hillary Coleman 
Moderator, Pacific Northwest Conference, UCC

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Midweek Update: April 22, 2020

View this email in your browser
Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
All Are Welcome!  Interactive, Online

This Sunday, April 12, 2020
Third Sunday of Easter
 Rev. Rich Gamble

Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren & Rev. Yuki

Text: Luke 24:13-35
Theme: At a Distance
(Want to spend some time in reflection over this text before Sunday? Click here for some seeds for spiritual meditation from the UCC).

We are continuing to meet online for interactive worship through the Zoom Meetings platform that lets us connect, see, and/or hear one another when we gather together. The online worship space on Zoom opens at 10 a.m., for a "bring your own coffee hour" where folks can meet and have some time to see each other and talk before worship.

SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Our Sundays together begin with Sunday School & Storytime with Teacher Anita at 10 a.m.. Children and families spend 20 minutes in a Zoom Breakout Room with Teacher Anita, then return to for worship, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Also, this Sunday we're celebrating April birthdays! Stay for a few minutes after church and wish our April stars a happy birthday month!

Pastor Yuki emails the Zoom access information (which remains the same for every worship or study meeting each week) via the newsletter every Saturday and Sunday morning. If you have trouble accessing our space, email Pastor Yuki at or text/call 360.689.3832.

You can invite others to come to our Zoom worship by sharing the link and password with them through calls, emails, or texts, but please do not share Zoom info on social media. Also please let us know who you've invited so we know to let them into the space.
Happy Listening Anytime:  Miss a Sermon?  Down at Classroom? Audio Available Online: Click on a file for a listen HERE, and share! You can now watch sermons and worship services on our new YouTube page here

New Keystone Newsletter Schedule

Since we began physical distancing because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Pastors Lauren and Yuki have been using the newsletter more often to keep us all in touch. In addition to the usual twice-a-month newsletter blast, we've been sending smaller updates throughout the week.

We've decided to change things up a bit to streamline our communications and contact with you.

While we're following physical distancing policies, we'll consolidate the big bimonthly newsletter into two shorter newsletters each week: a Midweek Update (this one's your first), and a Weekend Reminder that has the easy links into the Sunday worship, and any news that didn't make it into the Midweek Update.

Deadline to send information to Pastor Yuki ( or Pastor Lauren ( for the Midweek Update is noon (12 p.m.) Wednesdays. Deadline to send information to Pastor Yuki or Pastor Lauren for the Weekend Reminder is 5 p.m. Friday.

We hope this change helps keep us in touch with one another, and focused on the issues and concerns that we're taking action around. Got suggestions or questions? Email or call us and let us know!
Our prayers keep going out: 
  • Continued prayers of support and holy patience for all families holding school at home, and thanks for all the extended family & friends sending sustenance from a physical distance!
Have prayers you want to include in the newsletter? Email:   Text/ call cell:  773-501-7382

Act Up for Earth Day/Climate Week

Happy Earth Day! Today is the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, and there are a lot of collective actions centered on climate justice that will carry on the work of climate justice beyond today to the rest of this month.  Check out this list of events, and get involved where you can.

The Seattle Climate Strike isn't being hampered by physical distancing. Learn more about the Seattle Climate strike and how you can get involved by clicking here: Also, Paisley will talk to us more on Sunday after worship about the Seattle Climate Strike and how we can support this important movement.

Washington Youth Climate Strike Online Education
Wed. April 22, beginning at 10 a.m. Topic: 
Amplifying indigenous leadership.
Thurs. April 23, beginning at 10 a.m. Topic: Divestment.
Fri. April 24, beginning at 10 a.m. Topic: Political mobilization.
Click on this link to the WA Youth Climate Strike to find out more about what education and actions are happening near you. 

Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power & Light Earth Day Gatherings
Wednesday, April 22
Happy Hour: 5:30-6:30 p.m. PST
Register Here

Since we can’t gather in person as we normally would, we are inviting Earth Ministry/WAIPL Colleagues and others in the faith community to come together for a Zoom happy hour. Join virtually for a casual conversation to check in, share what’s happening with your congregation, and reflect on how we can carry the message of Earth Day moving forward. Staff will also briefly share about the release of our new action toolkit. BYOB and see you online!

Amazon Employees for Climate Justice Daylong Livestream
Friday, April 24, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST

Amazon Employees for Climate Justice are calling for an Amazon-wide "Sick Out" (like a "Walk Out" but adapted to this time of COVID-19), to tell Amazon that workers are sick of the firings, sick of silencing and censoring, sick of putting their lives at risk with inadequate protections, sick of racism, and sick of inadequate climate action. The daylong livestream will include stories from warehouse workers about what it’s like on the ground right now, talks from climate leaders, Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben, discussions about the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, and Amazon, and other activities throughout the day. Click here to register or to watch online. 

Earth Day Northwest
Earth Ministry/WAIPL is part of the Earth Day Northwest 2020 movement, which shares a long-term commitment to prioritizing equity and inclusion, preserving the natural environment, and ensuring healthy built communities. Earth Day NW 2020 will be launching a social media campaign called Voices Carry as well as sharing virtual events.

Interfaith Power & Light Cool Congregations Calculator Webinar
Thursday, April 30, 12 p.m. PST

Earth Ministry/WAIPL is happy to co-sponsor this webinar about a new resource from national Interfaith Power & Light. This new Cool Congregations Calculators will help measure the footprint of your congregational facilities and your own household. Click here to register.

Sunrise Movement Sunrise School
Thurs. April 28-Fri. May 1.

Young leaders can learn about how to build connections, take action, and learn about the links between the Covid-19 pandemic and the Green New Deal. Register for Sunrise School here, or send this link to a young leader in your life:

Keystone UCC Supports Protections for State's Undocumented Communities

Keystone UCC leaders added our name and support to a letter from the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network to Gov. Inslee and Washington state legislative leaders urging them to include Washington residents who are undocumented to the economic, legal, and political protections in the $2 trillion relief plan from Congress. People who are undocumented were not included in that plan. This letter asks Gov. Inslee and our state leaders to recognize the many contributions undocumented residents provide to our state and communities. It also asks state leaders to address the needs of undocumented communities by: 
1. Creating a “Washington Worker Relief Fund” through the Governor’s office with at least $100 million initially allocated to it. The Fund will be administered by community based organizations to provide emergency economic assistance to undocumented Washingtonians, so that everyone has access to the relief they need during the pandemic; and,
2. Working with caucus leadership to create a permanent system that will provide wage-replacement protection to workers who lose their jobs and are excluded from the current unemployment insurance system, including undocumented immigrants.

You can read more about the letter by downloading a PDF here. We'll also keep you posted on any new actions that may come from this letter. Thank you to the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network for your work in keeping our immigrant neighbors and family members protected! 

Tell Your Story: Small Things That Changed Your Life

From Pastor Rich:
Greetings Keystone in Exile,

We will meet this Thursday, April 23, in our usual Zoom space at 6:30 p.m.for our storytelling session.

The theme for storytelling this week is: “A small thing that had a big influence on my life.”

If you can think of a story to tell then craft it so that it has a beginning, middle and end. Aim to tell the main action of the story in seven minutes or less and then add three minutes of description to place the action in a setting, for a total of ten minutes. Tell it, time it, cut or add to it to meet the time parameters.

Everyone is a storyteller and we can all improve with practice. So there is no reason why we can’t all give this a try.

Let me know if you would like to tell a story this week: call 206.632.6021 or email keystone5019@gmail so that I can schedule you.

If you would like to spend a little time with other storytellers here are a couple of videos you can watch on the internet:

I look forward to seeing and hearing from you on Thursday.

Pastor Rich

The Pacific Northwest Conference has a new home for sharing news and information about goings-on in the conference: GoogleGroups.  If you'd like to become a member of the Google Group, send an email to

Worship with the PNC on Saturday at 7 p.m.
On Saturday evening, the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC will have a Conference-wide worship service via Zoom at 7 p.m. this Saturday, April 25, on Zoom (Pastor Yuki will send you the link in the Saturday Weekend Reminder newsletter blast). The worship service will be a mixture of real-time parts and pre-recorded aspects (including music, and time for fellowship in Zoom breakout rooms after worship).

The Conference invites people to start logging on to the Zoom link (to come) at 6:40 p.m. to begin greeting one another in the chat box. Worship will start at 7 p.m. and fellowship and a brief greeting followed by break out rooms for connection will begin around 7:30/7:40 p.m. with the experience wrapping up around 8 p.m.

Beginning the week of April 27, the Conference begins a weekly series of conversations that will bring the work of the Conference, the successes, the challenges to you in an engaging way. Watch for these videos in the Google Group (see above) or in our newsletter blasts. 
Glance- down- the- Calendar

Today, April 22: Earth Ministry/WAInterfaith Power & Light Gathering, Happy Hour @5:30 p.m. Register here.

Thurs. April 23: Washington Youth Climate Strike online conversations on divestment, beginning at 10.m. Click here for more info and to register.

Thurs. April 23: Solidarity Through Storytelling workshop, 6:30 p.m. at Keystone's Zoom space. Theme: A Small Thing That Had a Big Influence on My Life. Call or email Pastor Rich to tell a story (206.632.6021. or

Fri. April 24: Washington Youth Climate Strike online education on political mobilization, beginning at 10 a.m. Click here for more info and to register. 

Sat. April 25: Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ Conference-side worship service, @ 7 p.m. on Zoom (link to come on Saturday).

Tues. April 28-Fri. May 1: Sunrise Movement Sunrise School, online. Times vary. Click here for more info and to register.

Thurs., April 30: Interfaith Power & Light Cool Congregations Calculator Webinar, online @ 12 p.m. Register here. 


Rita Peterson - 4/5
Jake O'Neill - 4/7
Danielle- 4/8
Jonathan Sabo - 4/9
Julia Blackburn - 4/11
Sheri - 4/14
Nick Havey  - 4/18

Here's wishing them each the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!  On the last Sunday of the month- we shall have cake at coffee hour (even on line cheer these days!)

Please let Barb know additions/ omissions! 
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Sabbath = Mondays.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is on Sunday thru Friday half days (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email is a great way to line up a meeting: 

Pastor Yuki (they/them) is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment (Sabbath = Fridays). Email them at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Programs- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook
Click here to read our Keystone blog at "Latest News" on our website
Click here to bounce to Keystone UCC website
Give your gift to support Keystone and its many ministries, including the Sacred Heart Shelter, and the Solar Panel Fundraiser. Click the PayPal button below or send your check directly to Keystone. You can also donate through the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC at
To submit content for inclusion, email Lauren & Yuki  addresses above.  Content must be received by Wednesdays at Noon for the weekly Midweek Update, and 5 p.m. Friday for the Weekend Reminder.
Next deadline for Newsletter announcement submissions:
to Lauren & Yuki: Friday, April 24 @ 5 p.m. and Wednesday April 29 @ Noon
Copyright © 2020 Keystone United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a friend or member of Keystone or opted in at our website, blog, or FB page.

Our mailing address is:
Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
SeattleWA 98103