Thursday, August 6, 2020

Gatherings every Wednesday eve online in Keystone Community; + come try Contemplative Lectio Divina

Join us for services

Worship Every Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
All Are Welcome!  Interactive, Online

This Sunday, August 9, 2020
 Rev. Rich Gamble
Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren (Rev. Yuki on vacation Aug. 3, 5-9)

Text: Matthew 14: 22- 33
Theme: Amazing Possibilities
Musicians: Elliot Kraber, vocals, and Yiğit Kolat, piano/instruments

Announcement online after Worship:  stay to hear an update on a couple key ways we are in ministry with Sacred Heart Shelter these days.  Come hear from some of our Sacred Heart Shelter team leaders- thank you Michelle & Rita!

We currently meet online for interactive worship through the Zoom Meetings platform. The link to the worship service is mailed through the newsletter every Sunday morning. Want to invite someone to worship with us? Send them the Sunday newsletter Cheat Sheet, or invite them to subscribe to our newsletter through our web site by clicking here:

SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Our Sundays together begin with Church  School Storytime with Teacher Anita at 10 a.m. for younger children.  Families can give them 20 minutes in a Zoom breakout room with Anita, then return to the main Zoom space, where worship starts with music at 10:30 a.m. Also at 10 a.m., folks can hang out for a "Bring Your Own Coffee ☕(half) hour" where we have some time to see each other and talk before worship. After worship, you can share your Announcements, and then we host about 15 minutes for connection and sharing together in breakout rooms.

Keystone Beloveds- there has been a lot of Get Out the Vote effort this week- thank you! Green Team Members have been part of a training and then a great big texting campaign with the Environmental Justice group of our Pacific Northwest Conference UCC, and more across the country.

And below you will learn of our excitement that we have ways to connect and learn coming up each Wednesday in August!  And find links to last week's sermon.    ~ Pastor Lauren (with Pastor Yuki & Pastor Rich)
Happy Listening Anytime:  Miss a Sermon or Worship?  Watch sermons and worship services on our YouTube page & subscribe!  You can go back to find specific Prayers or Benedictions as well.

Audio also Available Online: Click on a file for a listen from the archives, back in the sanctuary HERE, and share!  
Mark dates! Every Wednesday Eve @ Church:
On line Solidarity/ Learning/ Getting Together!


Wed. Aug. 5:  Contemplative Lectio Divina 6:30 - 7 pm w Lauren.

Wed. Aug. 12:  Justice Bible Study 6:30- 7:20 pm w Yuki.

Wed. Aug. 12:  Solidarity: Gather & Build Resilience Hang Out: with your faithful crew: Connect, Lament & Laugh:  7:30-8:15 pm
(Come this first gathering to circle up support around our faithful parents especially!  All welcome) w Lauren.

Wed. Aug. 19:  Story Telling: theme:  Transcendence 6:30-7:15 pm w Rich.

For Wed. Aug. 26:  Check here @ next week's newsletter!  We are in discussions with the Lectio group tonight... or... for Aug. 26 to possibly launch our next study book...

The Solidarity Gathering to Build Resilience Hangout may begin to meet regularly after the Second-Wednesdays-of-the-month Bible Study- stay tuned.  Come on for both!

Wednesday night is church night, every week!

On months that have 5 Wednesdays, we plan to schedule our next Community Feedback Listening Sessions (ex. see you on  Sept. 30 and Dec. 30.)
Listen to sermon from August 2:  Abundance:  
scripture was Matthew 14: 13-21

Don't let the rumblings you hear that it involves a parasite-- keep you from some devotional time!  Hmmm, is this going to become a sermon series?


Let us continually lift our prayers, in these, and all times:

  • For Jim and Ruth welcoming their grand baby this week! Congratulations!!! Joyful prayers around you all!
  • Prayers surround Maureen's sister Teresa throughout Thursday as she is in surgery for cancer.
  • With Dorothy's son Michael in his continued recovery from his tumor, so he might be free of further surgeries.
  • All our Keystone families and extended families being impacted by Covid, and those facing illness and injuries, and for those who grieve loved ones lost this year.  
  • For the Keystone community, in gratitude for all the work to get out the vote these weeks and months.  And continually adapting to build voter access for all.  
  • Thank you God for the charge to build our lives and this  world on love.

Our prayers continue to surround:

  • Caregivers at Keystone, offering devoted love to those with whom they live.  For grace, holy patience, & humor.
  • The Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church UCC, The Wallingford Co-Op PreSchool, The Seattle Labor Chorus, The Seattle Peace Chorus, The Meaningful Movies Project, Communities Rising, and our other many building users, figuring out news ways to be right now!
  • Families & teachers at Keystone, who are figuring fall plans for youth scholars, college scholars, and for children who will have a new design than their daycare, preschool, or school. 
Holy God ... hear our prayers!

These prayers are crafted to carry those shared in worship to our whole community, in the general spirit in which they were given (one pastor or leader makes note as one prays.)  We also especially welcome you to send Rev. Lauren your note during the week with any prayer request, we are so happy to incorporate it into our online worship (if you may not be up for voicing it). We are also always glad for you to add your prayers to the Zoom chat box during live worship, and we can fold them in to the spoken prayers. Contact Keystone's pastors for any pastoral concerns (contact info is below and at the bottom of this newsletter)

Prayers to include in the newsletter? Email them to Pastor Yuki (, Pastor Rich (, &/or Pastor Lauren:, or text/ call Lauren cell:  773.501.7382

Sustaining Worship in These Times

A note from Pastor Rich:

The congregation met via Zoom on Wednesday July 22nd, as Lauren hosted a Community Feedback Listening Session. Those who attended voiced some sadness for some of the things our Zoom worship cannot provide like hugs, congregational singing and cake. Overall though, the feedback was that given the restrictions of Covid, things are going quite well. People are generally pleased with the Sunday service and appreciate some of the things Zoom gatherings provide, like opportunity to see everyone’s faces during worship, the ease of attending worship and discovering new music. One of the primary advantages of Zoom worship is that we have people participating from far away and our attendance is up significantly.

The reality is that we will be doing Zoom worship for many months to come and possibly we will keep Zoom worshipping at some level even after a vaccine has been distributed to everyone. Given that, we are now moving from doing Zoom worship as an emergency response, to working out how we can continue to do such worship sustainably. That means that we are going to need to have more people trained in the technologies we use, and we will need to standardize the technology we are using so that various people can do the work.

The long and the short of it is that we are building something new and lasting and that will take some time. We ask that the congregation please be patient as we work out a system that will run as smoothly as our traditional worship did.

Contemplative Practice in Community @Keystone Online: Tonight

Wednesday, August 5, from 6:30-7 p.m.  In this long haul through Covid 19, we are in this together.  Come spend 30 minutes tonight to give your Spirit a little restoration & fortification.  Lauren will lead a short reflective practice called Lectio Divina, using our Matthew 14: 22-33 text for Sunday August 9.   (Lectio Divina is a simple practice for connection — personal, spiritual, and collective.  We read the passage 3 times, with a couple questions.  Its not very heady Bible study, but closer to centering prayer.)

“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.”  ~ Dorothy Day.
Together in community we can slow a little bit to ‘rest in God’ as Pastor Lauren (with Rita and Barb) will lead us through a way we can each reflect on "what sticks out in this text for me?" and to what God is urging, through our reading together.  Come enjoy a quieter moment tonight with others from Keystone: bring your favorite Bible translation, or click on the link here!  

Tonight, Wed. Aug. 5, we will use our lectionary Matthew 14: 22- 33 story of Jesus coming across the water, and the disciples become afraid, but he offers, "take heart, it is I; do not be afraid..."  This will be our text @ worship Sun. Aug. 9!

(Look next for the Cheat Sheet with the link for tonight: the space opens at 6:15 pm.)  Call Lauren with any questions:  773-501-7382

Actions You Can Take This Week


Take one hour out for this (you tube link below)!!

Rich V. and Barb and Lauren recommend!  Lets do this!

This streamed Aug. 4 but is available anytime.  Check out other linked resources too.
Organize the Church: Voter Registration, Education, and
Mobilization (featuring Stacey Abrams, Leah Daughtry and Traci
Beloved of God,

Thank you so much for your interest in Organize the Church: Voter Registration, Education, and Mobilization (featuring Stacey Abrams, Leah Daughtry and Traci Blackmon!

As you are led to watch or share, the recording is available on the following playlist for future learning, along with all past Tuesdays for Nurture offerings.
See All Videos
During the webinar, we also mentioned the following resources:

Our Faith Our Vote
Black Church PAC
Power Rising
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference

Our next digital conversations are:We hope you will join us! If you can’t make it to the live event, we will send out a recording to all who register.

We are praying for you. We are in this together. Be well and know that you are a beloved child of God.

With Peace,
Justice and Local Church Ministries
The United Church of Christ
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Also locally: questions related to voting, call King County Elections: (206) 296-8683 or visit

Keystone is a Creation Justice Church!

After Keystone’s Lenten study on Naomi Klein’s book On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal, the members of the study (who are also part of the Keystone Green Team), pinpointed some specific actions we wanted to take on to live out our commitment to climate justice. One of those actions was to apply to become on of the United Church of Christ’s Creation Justice Churches, joining may other churches in the UCC who are committed to creation care and climate justice in the world. The Green Team spent a few months working on that application, which you can read here, and Pastor Yuki sent it to the UCC’s national offices on July 22.

In July, Pastor Yuki received an email from the UCC’s Environmental Justice Minister Rev. Brooks Berndt welcoming Keystone as one of the UCC’s Creation Justice Churches. Rev. Berndt wrote: “I was able to read Keystone’s Creation Justice Church application just now, and I am happy to share that you are now officially a Creation Justice Church! I was glad to learn about your ministries, and I am happy to connect with you.”

Rev. Berndt said in the email that usually Creation Justice Churches receive a vinyl banner that they can display outside the church to show the world that they are committed to climate justice, but because the Covid-19 pandemic has kept the UCC’s office staff working from home, the UCC won’t be able to send that banner anytime soon. Rev. Berndt also encourages members from our Green Team to write articles about our experiences for the UCC Environmental Justice Ministries blog, The Pollinator.

Thank you, Green Team, for your work on the application and your commitment to this important ministry!

Meaningful Movies Online & Discussions!  Stay Home Times mean many great films are available to view online.  Check Them Out!

Next Justice Bible Study: Aug. 12

The Justice Bible Study Group meets Wednesday August 12, reading the Gospel of Mark, Chapters 5, 6... Come to the study and bring your questions and your reflections of your week as we try to work out together where we meet God in these stories and in our work in the world. You don't need to read before coming, we'll read stories together. 

The study space opens up at 6:15 p.m., and the study will start at 6:30 p.m., in the same Zoom space we use on Sunday mornings and for our other gatherings (look for a Cheat Sheet with the info coming in your email!). 
Next Gathering: More Solidarity!  Build Resilience Hang Out: 
Connect, Lament & Laugh:  
Aug. 12: 7:30-8:15 pm 

Come circle up (this one especially welcomes parents!)  Perhaps we each strive to stay well by various groups for support.  But here is a chance to gather with your fellow Keystone faithful families (and all generations of Keystone folk who are cheering you on).  We will hold a circle of support.  Keystone prayers continue to be with you these days, families!  Lets meet on line to casually commiserate a little, then strategize a bit too.  We can lean in to our tradition that practices hope!  We will get through this wild year ahead, with remote schooling, and any and everything else that is to come.  We can hold each other's grief.  We can have a few laughs in solidarity with each other.  Come lament a little on Aug. 12 for a 45 minute round up, on how the heck you are doing!

All Keystone folks and friends are welcome too!  You can show your support to all our beloved parents!

At the end, we will plan if we might circle up again. 
(If you are at Bible Study beforehand- just come on in to chat after your study!)

Meeting link will be in the Cheat Sheet Wed. Aug. 12.  
Lauren cell:  773-501-7382

Gratitude from Nell

In her own voice, @ worship, Nell has been adding her deep thanks for prayers while she was getting stronger, and its been a joy to be 'back together!'  
Nell said she welcomes call visits - her strength is good.  She has been back to beating her grandkids at many a card game!  
You can leave a message at her CaringBridge site.

And send Nell a card, care of Nathan & Ruth Townley:
9931 18th Ave. W. #34
Everett, WA 98204 
10-10:20 AM Sundays:  weekly StoryTime w/Teacher Anita happens before worship!  Families, we are on the 18th chapter of Matthew, filling the spaces on the map (see!), as we read hrough the whole gospel.  We also read a fun series about Ben and his dog and a porcupine!  Contact Anita.  This picture shows a little of this breakout room fun!

The Pacific Northwest Conference's home for sharing timely news, analysis, & info on how we can be the conference is on GoogleGroups.  If you'd like to become a member of the Google Group, send an email to Arlene The Conference also shares news and information on its new Vimeo page:

As part of its "Tuesdays for Nurture" series, the UCC will host ORGANIZE THE CHURCH: Voter Registration, Education, and Mobilization (featuring Stacey Abrams, Leah Daughtry and Traci Blackmon), an engaging conversation about electoral politics and the role the church is called to play to ensure every voice is heard. This webinar continues the OUR FAITH/OUR VOTE 2020 Series as we journey toward elections. The webinar will be Aug. 4 at 12:30 p.m. PDT/3:30 p.m. EDT. Click here to register: 
Glance down Calendar
~Different ways to be in Solidarity, in these times~

Wednesday, August 5: Contemplative Practice in Community, 6:30-7 p.m., Keystone Zoom. Come explore with us a lectio divina practice to sustain your spirit during this week. Pastor Lauren and a few leaders are designing this half-hour practice, and if there's interest, it will continue on a regular basis: we can pick when is good. 
Wednesday, August 5: Webinar on the Green New Deal and Reparations, featuring's North America Director Tamera Toles O'Laughlin and UCC Economic Justice Minister Sekinah Hamlin. Register at

Wednesday, Aug. 12: Justice Bible Study, 6:30 p.m. on Keystone Zoom. We'll read the Bible and start making links between our justice solidarities and our sacred stories, one Bible chapter at at time. You don't have to read in advance to join this study. Email Pastor Yuki for more info, Contact Yuki for Chapters!  5 & 6.

Wednesday, Aug. 12: Solidarity: Gather & Build Resilience: Hang Out:  On line: Connect, Lament & Laugh:  7:30-8:15 pm
Come circle up support around our families especially!  All welcome (whether you are a parent or a faithful supporter!) w Lauren
, on Keystone Zoom. 

Wednesday, August 19: Keystone Storytelling, 6:30 p.m. on Keystone Zoom. NEW THEME: Transcendence. Email Pastor Rich to sign up to tell a story (206.632.6021. or Learn more about storytelling here:


Release Year: 2019
Running Time: 101 minutes
Director: Barak Goodman and Chris Durrance

A secretive, high-tech gerrymandering initiative launched 10 years ago threatens to undermine our democracy. Gerrymandering influences elections and sways outcomes. It has become a hot-button political topic and symbol for everything broken about the American electoral process. But there are those on the front lines fighting to change the system. “Slay the Dragon” follows everyday people as they fight to make their votes matter.

To register for this event, please email so we can send you the Zoom link.

Other movies to watch this week:

Watch Fight the Power: Protest in Films” on Kanopy at home and then on August 11 join an online discussion about the film with Lance Rhoades, Seattle-based film critic“Fight the Power” focuses on filmmakers in the 1980s speaking truth to power by highlighting protests in their films. This event is part of the program Meaningful Movies Matinee, a social justice documentary film and discussion series aimed at educating and engaging people online. Registration is required. Please register HERE with your email and you will be sent the Zoom link or phone number the day of the event. 


Quinn O'Neill - 8/1
Kaaren Mills - 8/10
Levi Penick - 8/23
Jim Little - 8/26
Grant Davis - 8/27
Steve Bauck - 8/28
Elliot Kraber - 8/29

Here's wishing them each the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!  On the last Sunday of the month- we shall have cake at coffee hour (even on line cheer these days!)

Please let Barbara know additions/ omissions! 
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Sabbath = Mondays.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is on Sunday thru Wednesday mornings + Wednesday evenings (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email is a great way to line up a meeting:  

Pastor Yuki (they/them) is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment (Sabbath = Fridays). Email them at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Programs- UCC
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Give your gift to support Keystone and its many ministries, including the Sacred Heart Shelter, and the Solar Panel Fundraiser. Click the PayPal button below or send your check directly to Keystone. You can also donate through the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC at