Saturday, December 22, 2018

Hope & Justice- in community

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018
Pastor Yuki Schwartz, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon, liturgist
Rev. Rich Gamble, off

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Christian
Usher: Sandie
Communion Steward: Barb
Communion: Lauren & Barb
Coffee Hour Host: Marilyn
Children's Ministry: Anita 

FESTIVAL OF HOPE MAILING PARTY: This Sunday, after Coffee Hour, head up to the Learning Center to join us for the annual Festival of Hope Mailing Party! It's true - many hands make light work - so come help us lighten the load with your helpful hands!

And Save The Date for the big event - our 40th Annual Festival of Hope Alternative Christmas Fair- happening Saturday and Sunday, November 17 and 18 (10am-4pm on Saturday, and 12-3pm on Sunday).

2018 KEYSTONE DIRECTORIES AVAILABLE: Big thanks to Barb and Hunter for updating the Keystone Directory, which is now available at church. Pick one up this Sunday!

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at

Sermons Available Online: If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, former JLP Intern, ​Hunter Paulson-Smith,​ has created an ​online audio archive​ where you can listen to them ​ or download them​. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​Thank you, Hunter!

** DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS -- Don't forget to turn your clock back 1 hour **

Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon, liturgist

Pastor Yuki Schwartz, off

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat
Children's Ministry: Anita

IMMIGRATION CONVERSATION w/DANIELLE: Stick around after church this Sunday for an enlightening conversation about immigration with Keystone's own JLP Intern Danielle Walker, who is working with the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project.

PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES:  See glimpses of recent events on our Keystone Shutterfly page:
Upcoming Events

Sunday, Oct. 28 – Festival of Hope Mailing Party
@Keystone UCC
After Coffee Hour

Friday, Nov. 2 – Wallingford Meaningful Movies
Showing: "Dark Money"

@Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)
Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie begins at 7pm
Sunday, Nov. 4 – Coffee Hour Chat w/JLP Intern, Danielle Walker
working on DACA cases @ NW Immigrant Rights Project
@Keystone UCC
During Coffee Hour

Saturday, Nov. 10 – Learn and Sing Songs of Hope & Justice
a workshop with the Seattle Labor Chorus
@Keystone UCC

Monday, Nov. 12 – Annual SOAW Celebration of Resistance & Solidarity Send Off
for those going to the US-Mexico Boarder
@St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 2702 Broadway East, Seattle

Festival of Hope
November 17 & 18
Thanks to all hands on deck!  Sign up clipboard by coffee pot!

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

Keystone Turned-out to Increase Voter Turnout for Initiative 1631

On Sunday, Oct. 14 and Sunday, Oct. 21Keystonecorralled two small but mighty crews to canvass all over Wallingford, educating our neighbors on I-1631, and encouraging all to vote!  Our truth-tellers were met with many an inaccessible apartment building, but persisted nonetheless. BIG THANKS to our faithful leader, Rich Voget, for organizing both canvassing days!

Learn More About I-1631 here: 
Climate and Energy: YES on 1631
Share Your Story
Faith Fact Sheet
Voting Our Values
More Ways to Team Up for Initiative 1631
Monday, October 15 thru Tuesday, Nov. 6 – Keystone will host a daily pop-up office for the Initiative 1631 Campaign, 9:30am-9:30pm!  We are blessed we can share our space for this great cause.  The pop-up office will support volunteers to learn to canvass, and then send em out.  Come on by and make tea with folks, be a friendly Keystone host, or sign up for more canvassing training, to do more door knocking.  

We proudly join with Admiral UCC and Prospect UCC who also are offering pop-up offices to the campaign.

The power of committed faithful folks can be stronger than the oil money.  This will be a month to step up!

Questions? Contact Rev. Lauren at, or Rich Voget at
An Invitation from Seattle Labor Chorus
Come learn and sing songs of hope & justice!

Date: Saturday November 10
Time: 1:00 – 3:30pm
Location: Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Place N

What a tumultuous season we’ve been having!  Are you glued to your screen when you’re not out door-knocking, rallying or writing emails to Congress?

Let’s get together the Saturday after Election Day, on November 10, to raise our voices together in great songs of hope, struggle & change. We’ll probably be both celebrating and commiserating. Join members of the Seattle Labor Chorus in an afternoon workshop learning and sharing songs of hope and justice.  Led by Reed Fromer, keyboardist extraordinaire and chorus/workshop leader from northern California.

A suggested donation of $5 - $15 sliding scale is requested but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.  There will be light refreshment during the break and afterward.

We encourage all of you to join us and add your voices to this marvelous music workshop on songs of protest and change.

Please RSVP to so we can coordinate refreshments and possibly arrange for carpools and lyric sheets.

Youtube links to hear Reed playing and singing

Join us and help spread the word

Friends - Join us as we Celebrate Resistance! With a migrant caravan from Honduras on the move, and the political rhetoric of hate it is the moment for solidarity and resistance - now more than ever!

Date: Monday, November 12
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Location: Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church, 2702 Broadway East, Seattle
     Everyone is invited     •     Music     •     Speakers     •      “Presente” ceremony
     offering of roses     •      Reception follows

In mid November thousands will gather at the US/Mexico Border to call for the closing of the School of the Americas, to stand against the militarization of our border, and to build a culture of peace.

We are each part of the national movement when we raise our voices locally. Join us to recommit to your own stand for justice.

Sponsored by: SOA Watch Puget Sound, St. Pat’s Social Justice Committee, Veterans for Peace Greater Seattle #92, Washington State Religious Campaign against Torture

For more information about the gathering in Nogales (Nov. 16-18) see

For more about the send-off and SOA-W Puget Sound: Kate Speltz 206-633-6667 or
Save the Date!!


(139 minutes; Kimberly Reed, 2018)
Friday, Nov. 2; Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie starts at 7:00pm

Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

“Dark Money” is a political thriller that examines one of the greatest present threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. The film takes viewers to Montana—a frontline in the fight to preserve fair elections nationwide—to follow an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. Through this gripping story, “Dark Money” uncovers the shocking and vital truth of how American elections are bought and sold. This Sundance award-winning documentary is directed/produced by Kimberly Reed (“Prodigal Sons”) and produced by Katy Chevigny (“E-Team”).

We’ll have a community discussion after the film, with a guest speaker from Fix Democracy First.

Special Guests: Fix Democracy First
** All events are Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation.
 ** WELCOME 2018-19 JLP INTERNS **

We continue to welcome our newest cohort of Justice Leadership Program interns (for our 7th year!).  Below are short bios on each of our interns, but for more detailed introductions in their own words, CLICK HERE.

AINSLEY MEYER – Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project
Ainsley moved from Virginia to California after high school to become a literacy tutor through AmeriCorps. This spring, Ainsley has been finishing a degree in Sociology and fundraising on behalf of organizations such as Oxfam, Human Rights Campaign, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the ACLU.

ALLISON TREZONA – Church Council of Greater Seattle
As a UCC-DOC Global Mission Intern for the past year, Allison has been conducting health research and working in a drop-in center for Roma children and youth. During college she volunteered with Mexican-American immigrant children, while majoring in Psychology and Statistics. Allison grew up in the UCC in Naperville, IL. She plays trumpet, guitar, ukulele, piano and drum set.

DANIELLE WALKER – Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Danielle has been majoring in Sociology and Women’s/Gender Studies in college, while volunteering in a high school to empower students around relationship violence prevention. She has also been involved in labor organizing for security guards working at her college. Danielle grew up in Nashville, and has spent the last four years in Chicago. Danielle will be working with the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, in the Children & Youth Unit. At Keystone, Rev. Lauren will be her supervisor, and Keystone member Margaret Graham will serve as Danielle's church companion this year.

NEEPAM SHAH – Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness
Neepam is taking a year between 3rd and 4th years of Rowan Osteopathic School in order to participate in JLP and solidify his practice of justice advocacy. At Rowan, Neepam is chair of the Council for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Action, and has also volunteered in providing health care in migrant worker communities. Neepam hails from New Jersey and the greater Philadelphia area.

When we interviewed Rachel, she was in Guatemala finishing her BA in Global Studies. Rachel has been involved in the Christian Ministry in the National Parks and experiential education on environmental issues in Ecuador & Peru. She has worked with her local church on human trafficking issues. Rachel grew up in Illinois, and has been attending college in Michigan and all around the world.

TANQUARAE MCCADNEY – Homestead Community Land Trust
Tanquarae has been majoring in Journalism and minoring in political science at the University of Kentucky, with a previous stint in Fashion School. Tanquarae has a passion for mentoring and advocating for children and youth, as well as economic and racial justice and ending the school-to-prison pipeline, and last summer she interned with the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus.

These 2017-2018 Interns will be part of JLP again this coming year! E is confirmed for a second year with the Church Council of Greater Seattle, and Daniel is in conversation with the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project.



Jo Winston - 10/1
Rev. Rich Gamble - 10/7
Dorothy Richey - 10/17

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff & JLP Interns:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff and interns serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Monday-Friday mornings (and during evening classes) and Sundays (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email to make a meeting time:

Pastor Yuki is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment. Email her at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook

$20K @ Festival of Hope in November! & 3 evenings of Holden Prayer- in December

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Pastor Yuki Schwartz, off

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Theme: Hope
Scripture: Luke 21:25-36
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Danielle
Usher: Christian
Communion: Rich & Lauren
Coffee Hour Host: Elvina
Children's Ministry: Anita 

FESTIVAL OF HOPE REPORT: For our 40th annual Festival of Hope, it was truly a record-breaking year, bringing in $20,275! It's so amazing that our little church pulls off this event, invites our community to participate in a vision of love and compassion, and raises a lot of money to send out into the world to help others! We will have numbers available on Sunday for those who would like to see how specific areas did. Many thanks to all who help make this event happen each year!
– Eliza Penick

KEYSTONE VOTES: On Sunday, Nov. 25Keystone voted unanimously to support Tent City 3 in its efforts to secure a new camp location, and on Sunday, Dec. 16Keystone UCC will hold a vote on allocating $1500 to the Jubilee Justice Leadership Program, for Barb Anderson's participation in the program. See below for more information on both these votes.

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at

Sermons Available Online: If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, former JLP Intern, ​Hunter Paulson-Smith,​ has created an ​online audio archive​ where you can listen to them ​ or download them​. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​Thank you, Hunter!


Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018
2nd Sunday of Advent
Rev. Lauren Cannon, preaching
Pastor Yuki Schwartz
Rev. Rich Gamble
, away

Theme: Make Ready
Luke 3:1-6

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Reader: Dan. O
Usher: Sandie
Communion: Yuki & Rita
Coffee Hour: OPEN
Children's Ministry: Anita

PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES:  See glimpses of recent events on our Keystone Shutterfly page:
Upcoming Events 

Wednesday, Dec. 5 –  Holden Prayer
First of 3 Wednesday eve services of contemplative prayer at Keystone  
Keystone UCC (Sanctuary)

Thursday, Dec. 6 – "The People vs. The Politicians"
Tickets available at
@ Rainier Arts Center, 3515 S. Alaska St. Seattle

Friday, Dec. 7 – Wallingford Meaningful Movies
Showing: "The Music of Strangers: Yo Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble"
@Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)
Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie begins at 7pm

Wednesday, Dec. 12 –  Holden Prayer
Second of 3 Wednesday eve services of contemplative prayer at Keystone  
Keystone UCC (Sanctuary)

Sunday, Dec. 16 –  Congregational Vote
On allocating $1500 to Jubilee Justice Leadership Program
Keystone UCC
During Coffee Hour
Wednesday, Dec. 19 –  Holden Prayer
Last of 3 Wednesday eve services of contemplative prayer at Keystone  
Keystone UCC (Sanctuary)

Monday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Service
Keystone UCC

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Holden Prayer Nights
Dec, 5, 12 & 19

Mark your calendars to enjoy December contemplative evening worship services at KeystoneUCC.
Holden Prayer @ Keystone
Elliot Kraber, Music Coordinator
Yigit Kolat, Accompanist
w/Rev. Rich Gamble and Rev. Lauren Cannon
Holden Prayer is 30-minute candlelit evening service with lots of singing, scripture and reflective time! Come as you are, for some peaceful contemplation after your day.

Wednesday, December 5, 7-7:30 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 7-7:30 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 7-7:30 PM

Holden Village is a Lutheran (and quite welcoming of all) retreat center in the Cascades that started this lovely prayer service.  Many of the hymns we sing in Sunday worship (green Gather hymnal) were written by Marty Haugen who once took a sabbatical in the Holden Village in 1986.  He composed Holden Evening Prayer  while he was there.  Its a vespers (evening) service, that is now done in many places for simple contemplative worship. About ten years ago, two Keystone year-long volunteers, Melissa and Eric, brought us this practice.

Come for some shelter in what is an all too busy season of much scurrying.  Come breathe deeply with others at Keystone for any and all of these Wednesday evenings.  Bring a friend!  All ages welcome!
For more info, contact Pastor Lauren Cannon at Keystone UCC: (206) 632-6021 or at

Congregational Vote to be held, Dec. 16
RE: investment in Justice Leadership Jubilee Program

On Nov. 11, Keystone heard testimony in worship from our member and Justice Leadership Jubilee intern Barbara Anderson, who has started serving at Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness.  Barb shared a particularly moving story from her work with the organization, registering folks to vote. She recalled meeting a man without housing, whom she supported to register to vote for the first time!

A few months ago, at the start of her year with SKCCH, we shared a charge and blessing with Barb, as Keystone deepened our connection with the Justice Leadership Jubilee Program. Keystone was also fortunate to have member Jim Little serve during the first year of the Jubilee program.  His work was with the Meaningful Movies.

Read more about the Justice Leadership Jubilee program here:

On Sunday, Dec. 2, we will announce in church that Keystone will vote on Sunday, Dec. 16, to approve our $1,500 due to participate in Jubilee Program. This will be an investment towards this year of Barb's internship, as the other partner churches are doing with their interns.

Questions? Please contact Pastor Lauren at

The work continues to reunite thousands of immigrant families torn apart by our government.

Protect Immigrant Families
The comment period for changes to the Public Charge Rule is open until December 10, so we urge you and your communities to speak against this rule change. For more information on this issue and how it will negatively impact immigrant communities, see our web post on Public Charge. It is important that you provide a unique comment in order for it to be counted, and we have provided a template you can edit with your own stories:

For more information, the Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs has translated FAQs for Seattle residents, which includes flyers.

Other avenues for helping asylum-seekers:

• Northwest Immigrant Rights Project:
Accepting donations to support direct legal services and pay bonds, volunteer interpreters

• AIDNW (Tacoma):
Accepting supplies on wish list, volunteers, funds to purchase phone cards for people in detention

• Immigrant Resources & Immediate Support (Skagit, Whatcom, Snohomish counties):
Accepting money to support Yolany Padilla and her son with food, clothing, housing and counseling

• Church Council of Greater Seattle:
Coordinating volunteers to translate, accompany, house or transport asylum-seekers

• Washington Immigrant Defense Network:
Accepting volunteers, funds to provide legal services for difficult cases in Washington


New home needed by Dec. 9

On Sunday, Nov. 25, Keystone met with representatives from SHARE/WHEEL's Tent City 3, to hear about their efforts towards securing a new location for their homeless encampmentWe heard about how Seattle's Encampment Ordinance is more generous to Religious Institutions than the King County Encampment Ordinance. The City Ordinance allows any land "controlled" by a religious institution to be used for an encampment. As a result, any property owner willing to lease their land for two to four months to a religious institution can help Tent City3.  As such, Keystone put it up for a vote, and unanimously approved to sponsor S/W's Tent City3 use such land, once someone leases it to them. Coverage inquiries to our insurance carrier are still awaiting answers, and the issue will be revisited if it comes back that our sponsorship of such a parcel would not be covered.

TC3 continues its search for a 9,000 square foot parcel of land, which they need to move to by Dec. 9. If you have any connections to property owners which might help them, please reach out to Scott at (206) 450-9136.  

Read more about their efforts here.


Come see HEDRICK SMITH, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and documentary filmmaker, present and discuss his latest film, "The People vs the Politicians." This is a story of We the People rising up against fat cats and entrenched power ... and winning!

Date: Thursday, Dec. 6
Time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
Location: Rainier Arts Center, 3515 S Alaska St, Seattle

Tickets available at
Suggested donation - $6
Reception with Hedrick and a signed copy of his book - $35

Sponsored by the Meaningful Movies Project and Fix Democracy First


(96 minutes; Morgan Neville, 2016)
Friday, Dec. 7; Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie starts at 7:00pm

Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

Over the past 15 years an extraordinary group of musicians has come together to celebrate the universal power of music.  The Silk Road Ensemble exemplifies music’s ability to blur international boundaries, blend disparate cultures and inspire hope for artist and audience.  The film focuses on artists as they gather in locations across the world, exploring the ways art can both preserve traditions and shape cultural evolution and provide solace in times of conflict.
** All events are Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation.


Anabell Chang - 12/3
Carolyn Sabo - 12/7
Amber Dickson - 12/11
Leo Denton- 12/22
Elvina Spoon - 12/23
Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff & JLP Interns:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff and interns serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Monday-Friday mornings (and during evening classes) and Sundays (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email to make a meeting time:

Pastor Yuki is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment. Email her at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook