Thursday, February 28, 2019

Take 5 to Advocate for Housing Solutions. Yuki approved for Ordination. Concert. Green New Deal.


Take 5 for Advocacy!

ANNOUNCEMENTS –shared in worship 2-24-2019

First and foremost, Yuki is sharing the following great news with us!  
Yuki: I am thrilled to let you all know that I was unanimously approved for ordination in the United Church of Christ at my Ecclesiastical Council on Feb. 19. I had a wonderful conversation with folks from churches in the Chicago Metropolitan Association (CMA) about matters of self-care, theology, the future of the church, and how to respond to issues of injustice from a perspective of deep faith. I will be in conversation with both the CMA and Keystone about planning an ordination for some time later this year, and I will keep you posted on that process! And THANK YOU again for your prayers and words of support and solidarity with me as I entered this council. I was able to bring the best of what you have given me to the table that night, and look forward to continuing the work with you to incarnate the very real presence of God’s love and justice in the  walls of the church and out in our world. 
B. Yuki Schwartz (she/her, they/them pronouns),
associate pastor for justice formation,  Keystone Congregational UCC, Seattle
Send Yuki congrats at:

Rich V. gave a compelling case that we need to contact our US Senators and Representatives to show big support for Green New Deal.  We are on the Titanic- but we can actually see there is an iceberg ahead.  Please take faithful action according to your conscience.  Many say that progressive support should not be assumed, but expressing our concerns is most helpful right now. 
On February 18th, President’s Day Lisa and Guppy went to Volunteer Park to stand with 200 others at the Seattle Protect Democracy Rally at 5:30. (not for partisan but principle!)  There was protesting Trump’s “national emergency” in response to lack of funding for his border wall.  They were advocating for the preservation of Democracy and equal protection of citizens and asylum seekers in the US.  Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal was there and Congressman Adam Smith.  Thank you Lisa and Guppy for your faithful witness!
This past Friday and Saturday Rev. Dr. Jim Antal, who wrote the book: Climate Church, Climate World spoke at the University UCC on climate change.   Barb attended Friday night 7-8:30 and became so inspired that she is now speaking with Rich V., Connie V. and Jim L. about things this church can do to support the changes that need to be made.  Connie came in from attending the service on Sunday morning at University UCC at 10:00 a.m. and as promised to Lauren, gave us a wonderful report back in announcements and at coffee hour, and we are all conferring about the book and next steps.  Check out the book if you like!
Pastor Darrell Goodwin’s farewell service was at 1:30 at Liberation UCC – 831 32nd Ave. Sunday, attended by Pastor Lauren, Leo, Rev. Mike Denton (PNC UCC). Pastor Darrell has been called to be the Assoc. Conference Minister for the Tri-Conference Ministries of the United Church of Christ and will be transitioning to Omaha, Nebraska at the beginning of March.  We send him with all our thanks!  Check it out here: 

Tuesday, February 26, We joined workers and faithful at the Port of Seattle Commission meeting to demand equality for airline catering workers at 12:00 PM at SeaTac Airport.  See Unite Here!
The Seattle Labor Chorus will having a Sing Along on March 16th at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church 7500 Greenwood Ave. N. at 7:00.  There will be a silent auction and homemade snacks.  It’s a lot of fun!
Take 5 Advocacy after Worship – We met for a few minutes after worship Sunday Feb. 24 to take action on a few advocacy items. Barb led a wonderful charge for us- as we all filled out postcards from SKCCH to our legislators to Go BIG for housing solutions this session.  We asked them to fix our UPSIDE DOWN tax system.  To raise new revenue; to preserve core benefits for poor and disabled WA taxpayers.  And budget for the homes to end homelessness.
 Please see here for our 4 demands:
On February 28th there will be many people going to Olympia for Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day.  The Coalition will be taking a bus down so if you are interested on riding the bus, please let Barb know. Also there is a bus going from another church here in the U District area and they have room for 1 or two more.  Please let Barb know if you are interested: ☺
Tuesday April 9th – 11th there will be the Northwest Pilgrimage conference here at Keystone on Migrant Justice: Realities and Resistance.  9-5 each day.  Please contact pastor Rich if you are interested in attending: (and make sure you save Rich’s new email to your address book.)
From Pastor Lauren:  Hi, Jo Winston is gathering a group to go Friday March 1 to David Haas concert.  Contact Jo at: and check it out here:
Here is invite from Rev. Rich & Kate Speltz:
Greetings Keystonites
David Haas, has written some of the songs we sing out of the Gather Hymnal. He will be here in town at a concert at St Patrick's Church Friday March 1. Their choir will be singing with him and I think there may be some liturgical dance (done well) there also. 
Rich Gamble
NOTE - St. Pats choir will be singing some with him, and I believe Betsy Beckman will also dance.

Also Friday March 1, 2019: 
Meaningful Movies in Wallingford
Friday | 3/1/2019 | 7:00 PM
Keystone Congregational Church
5019 Keystone Pl. N, Seattle, WA
This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price we pay for clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. “The True Cost” is a documentary film that uncloaks the story and asks …

Reader- Danielle
Usher- Rita
Communion- Lauren & Yuki
Rich preaching
Coffee- Margaret

Reader- Julia
Usher- Elvina
Communion Rita? & Lauren
Lauren preaching; Rich off; Yuki away; 1st Sun. of Lent
Coffee- Marilyn
THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ UP AND MAKE THESE VITAL CALLS AND/OR EMAILS!!  Remember, these action items are in committee THIS WEEK, so please contact your legislators by Wednesday or Thursday.  Anything that does not move out of committee will be DEAD after this Friday.

Again, the toll-free number is 1-800-562-6000. Call any time! You can leave a message for your legislators at this number.

You can also send a comment online at to your legislators, governor and also the committee members.

Thank you again for your time and advocating for the most vulnerable!
FEELING FIRED UP? Here are a couple more ways you can help. Ask your legislators to support these budget asks:

Increase the Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) Monthly Cash Grant by adding $61M to the current budget:

Sample comment you can use: "We need $61M to increase the ABD monthly cash grant. Presently, the program provides a modest cash assistance of $197.00/month to low income adults with permanent mental health illnesses or physical disabilities. This ABD cash grant remains at an all-time low. Please work to raise the ABD cash grant to more closely reflect Washington’s rising cost of living."

Funding Housing for All:

Sample comment you can use: "We want funding for more affordable housing - $600M total to build 17,000 more affordable homes in Washington State. $200M of the $600M would support the Housing Trust Fund."
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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Take 5 for Advocacy: Reform the Eviction Process

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
5 minute Advocacy action opportunity here:
Keystone member Barb Anderson is serving a year in the Justice Leadership Jubilee Program:
and her placement is at the Seattle King County Coalition on Homelessness:
If you were not able to be at Keystone coffee hour on Sunday Feb. 3, Barb kicked off our season of Advocacy with a Take 5 Table, with Keystone member Amber Dickson of the Faith Action Network :

It could be timely if you can Take 5 from your snowy perch today!

Barb Anderson and Amber Dickson offered Keystone folks this break down, in hopes we can make calls- our advocacy may make a timely difference this week:

1.  See:

Prevent Homelessness, Protect Renters- Keep People in their homes:

Reform the eviction process.  Allow tenants more days to pay late rent- HB 1453

Introduced by Representative Nicole Macri (Keystone's District 43)

Referred to the committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary on January 22, 2019.

Send a note to your legislators asking them to increase the 3 days eviction notice to allow tenants to catch up on late rental payments which allows them to stay in their housing- keeping them from being evicted and having to start all over again to find and obtain housing.  This reduces homelessness, while also reducing court costs and attorney's fees.  Limiting termination notices will protect tenants from housing discrimination and displacement.

Please support Rep. Nicole Macri's Reform HB 1453 (in Keystone UCC's 43rd district.)

See the map in Narthex at church (in picture below) to study your District.

Find your officials & info here:  WA State Legislature:

Cal Toll Free 1-800-562- 6000 to leave a message for ALL of your elected officials (at once) (including the governor) from 8 AM - 7 PM Monday - Friday during the legislative session for this year, through April 2019.

2.  See:

Please ask to increase the cash grant in budget- $61 million is needed for Aged-Blin- Disabled assistance.

In thanks, solidarity,
Pastor Lauren, Barb Anderson, Amber Dickson, Pastor Rich

PS- Lauren here- with this primer, today I just wrote my reps in about 2 minutes, and then called to leave them all a message- in about 2 minutes- (plus 1 minute when the good scribe in Olympia and I got chatting about my faith inspired church doing advocacy...) 
How did Amber escape the photos?  Thank you photographer!!
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Sunday, February 3, 2019

We Celebrate Two Victories This Week!

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, Feb. 3, 2019

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Pastor Yuki Schwartz

Theme: Disturbing Love
Luke 4:21-30

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Greeter: OPEN
Announcements: Barb
Reader: Paisley
Usher: Bri
Communion: Lauren & Rita
Coffee Hour: Jim (also holding 'Take 5' minutes on an Advocacy action in Narthex)
Children's Ministry: Anita

ARE YOU SIGNED UP?: Interfaith Advocacy Day is coming up on Thursday, Feb. 14, and Keystone plans on sending many voices to Olympia! (carpools are available) We will practice, caucus, workshop and then advocate together. Please join our informal team! Contact Barb Anderson to confirm your participation or learn more:

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at

Sermons Available Online: If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, former JLP Intern, ​Hunter Paulson-Smith,​ has created an ​online audio archive​ where you can listen to them ​ or download them​. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​Thank you, Hunter!


Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019

Rev. Lauren Cannon, preaching
Rev. Rich Gamble, off
Pastor Yuki Schwartz,

Theme: A Surprising Catch
Luke 5:1-11

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Greeter: OPEN
Announcement: Barb
Reader: Eliza
Usher: John
Communion: Rita, Barb, Lauren
Coffee Hour: John & Barb
Children's Ministry: Anita

PODCAST FEATURING JLP ALUMNUM & LEADERS: Make a cup of tea, or take this 50+ minute conversation on your walk:

This episode offers reflections on the meaning of "resilience," for people of faith invested in a just world for all. Hosted by Rev. Tracy Howe Wispelwey and featuring E West, Jennifer Hagedorn, Elizabeth Dickinson, Yuki Schwartz and Rev. Richard Gamble.
Upcoming Events 

Wednesday, Feb. 6 – Seattle Labor Chorus
Celebrate Seattle General Strike in song and story
@ Museum of History And Industry (MOHAI)

Thursday, Feb. 14 – Interfaith Advocacy Day
@ Washington State House, Olympia

Friday, Feb. 22 thru Sunday, Feb. 24 – Rev. Dr. Jim Antal speaks on Climate Change
w/the UCC Lecture Series
@ University Congregational United Church of Christ, 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle 98105
Hours vary by date; see registration at

Sunday, Feb. 24 – Pastor Darrel's Farewell Service
@ Liberation UCC, 831 32nd Ave., Seattle 98122

Tuesday, April 9 thru Thursday, April 11 – Northwest Pilgrimage, Migrant Justice: 
Realities & Resistance
@ locations throughout Seattle
9am to 5pm each day
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Celebrating two victories this week!
Thank you Keystone, for hearing the invitations from our members to get active on two efforts that both culminated on Monday, January 28 – and we won on both!

This past Monday, Keystone and Rev. Rich Gamble testified at City Hall to help pass a moratorium on new development for one year on mobile home parks in Seattle, in support of a community at Halcyon.  We wanted to save senior housing, and we got the emergency moratorium to help work to hold down affordable housing in the city of Seattle.  Keystone and JLP interns raised our voices with a great mix of folks from Councilmember Sawant's office, The Association of Mobile Home owners, The Church Council of Greater Seattle, the Faith Action Network, the Tenants Union, and more.  

Also on Monday, our calls to King County Councilmembers added up!  We helped pass a first in the country for a Fossil Free King County.  It will prevent the building of new infrastructure in the future.  We represented in the proactive push for our air and water to be clean and safe from toxic fossil fuel climate pollution.  Thank you Rich and Connie Voget for getting us going all month, and for all of you who surged your calls out, til the vote!

Each Keystone member with a leading for justice, can be supported by this community in faith, as we step out, stronger together.  Thank you!

– Rev. Lauren Cannon

Articles about Halcyon:

Articles about Fossil Free KC:

Keystone UCC Sabbatical update & invite

At our 2018 Keystone Congregational Annual Meeting on June 10, our church voted to develop a sabbatical policy, with the goal of renewal for pastors as well as a chance to deepen leadership among congregation members. We reviewed research on the benefits, and a draft policy. It was then decided that our elected leadership would finalize the policy by the end of July, 2018. John Preston (our Moderator) has carried that forward, working with Marilyn Wall (our Treasurer) and Lisa Smith (our Secretary), in consultation with Pastor Rich and Pastor Lauren. The policy follows at the end of this.

A sabbatical is a time for the pastor to rest, reflect and study. It is also a time for the congregation to enrich their church presence by providing the support for the liturgy and other areas of the ministry. We take for granted the functions that the pastors provide, but a sabbatical is our time for enrichment, as we assume some of those functions. Envision members doing the announcements, the call to prayer, the collection, pastoral care and possibly preach. This is our time to renew, reflect and commit to our faith and our church. As a church, we will plan and call upon the congregation to volunteer where their interests lie. We encourage all to please be in touch and let us know about your interests.

Sabbatical Leave Policy Keystone UCC:

A Sabbatical Leave is a period of time for the clergy of Keystone UCC to reflect and renew in body and spirit away from the daily obligations of parish life. Renewal periods are not vacations but times for intentional exploration and reflection. It is a time to immerse in God’s life-giving waters, for recharging enthusiasm and creativity for ministry. We add sabbatical policies to our pastors existing call agreements, in order for the entire congregation to become enlivened in continuing to serve God and the world.

It is the policy of Keystone UCC to provide paid sabbatical leave to its pastors at a rate of one week per year of service. Pastors are eligible for sabbatical leave after 5 years of service. This is a time for our pastors to innovate, gain knowledge and pursue their interests. This policy contains no additional covenants or requirements.
Looking Ahead: Faith Action Network
Interfaith Advocacy Day

Join Barb, Rich V., Margaret and our Keystone team as they carpool down!  Register HERE 

Date: Thursday, Feb 14
Time: 9am-3pm
Location: The United Churches of Olympia, 110 11th Ave SE, in Olympia

We’re less than two weeks away from Interfaith Advocacy Day! This is an excellent way for people of faith to advocate for justice at our state Capitol. We will be gathering on February 14 for a day full of information, connection and advocacy. During the morning we will hear from people of faith, participate in workshops, and meet with others in our district. Following a packed morning, we will head over to the Capitol and share our concerns with our state legislators.

Interfaith Advocacy Day is nothing without our wonderful faith partners in attendance, so PLEASE REGISTER SOON! Staff are working tirelessly to schedule appointments with legislators or their staff members. By registering early, it allows us to ensure offices that their constituents will be present. Keep in mind, that we can not guarantee anyone who registers after February 7th an appointment. You can register HERE.

Wanna carpool with Keystone? Email Rev. Lauren Cannon at to find out more.

And visit to learn more about Faith Action Network’s 2019 Legislative Agenda.

Pastor Darrel's Farewell Service

All are welcome! Join with other Keystone folks as we worship at Liberation UCC

Liberation and Everett UCC want to both share some news with you and invite you all to join them for a very special service. Their Pastor, Rev. Darrell Goodwin has been called to be the Associate Conference Minister for the Tri-Conference Ministries of the United Church of Christ and he will be transitioning to Omaha, Nebraska at the beginning of March.  Many of our Keystone members and interns have known him, as he taught in our Justice Leadership Program.

Date: Sunday, Feb. 24
Time: 1:30pm
Location: Liberation UCC, 832 32nd Ave. Seattle, WA 98122

A Pastor’s Commissioning and Farewell Service will be held on Sunday, February 24 at 1:30pm, hosted at Liberation UCC, which is located at 832 32nd Ave. Seattle, WA 98122. This is a time to enjoy, celebrate and wish luck to Pastor Darrell as he starts this new journey. They are requesting that all clergy wear robes and a stole of your choosing.

You can find out more about Darrell’s next chapter with the Tri-Conference in Omaha, Nebraska by clicking here. You can also get additional info on the farewell service and an easy way to share with others, by going to the Facebook event found here.

For more information on attending, email Rev. Lauren at

Rev. Dr. Jim Antal speaks on Climate Change
The University Congregational United Church of Christ Lecture Series is delighted to present the Rev. Dr. Jim Antal speaking on “Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change”

Date: Friday, Feb. 22 - Sunday, Feb. 24
Location: University Congregational Church, 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105
Register at

When Jim Antal speaks about the role that the church and people of faith can play in fighting climate change, he gets excited. Why? Because it turns out that we are absolutely essential.

He writes, “When thousands of congregations stand with their community leaders, committed to transition to a safe and sustainable future for their children, the church will reintroduce hope to a world gripped by fear and despair.”

Come to the Lecture Series on Feb 22, 23, and 24 to find out what we can do to work for change. We are part of a global movement engaged in fighting climate change. Come and be inspired! Jim will speak to the larger issue, and on Saturday he will be joined by a panel of local experts who will speak to efforts in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest.

Copies of Jim’s book, Climate Church, Climate World, are available for purchase at Also available as audiobook or CD. Register for the lecture series at
Northwest Pilgrimage, Migrant Justice: Realities & Resistance

The Justice Leadership Program and the Church Council of Greater Seattle is offering a justice educational opportunity in April. Northwest Pilgrimage, Migrant Justice: Realities & Resistanceis an educational opportunity for those interested in taking a larger role
in the work of justice. This pilgrimage will introduce participants to leaders in the work of justice for migrants in the Northwest and provide insight into the many and complex issues involved in the work of securing justice for migrants in America today.

DATE: Tuesday, April 9, Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11
TIME: 9am to 5pm each day
LOCATION: At various locations in Seattle
COST: The subsidized participation fee for the three days is $150

For more information contact Rev. Rich Gamble at 206 632-6021 or

Join The Seattle Labor Chorus for two upcoming events:


This event will celebrate, in song and story, the Centennial of the Seattle General Strike in 1919 — a milestone in Northwest (and American) labor history.  See us at the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), 860 Terry Avenue N., Seattle 98109, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.  Admission cost:  $10.


The Chorus will hold its annual SLC Singalong, complete with community singing, homemade snacks, and a silent auction.  It will be at the same location as last year - the Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Avenue N. (corner of Greenwood and N. 75th Street), Seattle 98103, with doors open at 7:00 p.m.  If you would like to donate items such as artwork, jewelry, gift cards, vacation cabin or services, or would like to make a financial contribution even if you cannot attend, please contact Sue Moser at (206) 782-8115 or at before the deadline of February 19th.  Contact any SLC member for advance tickets, or contact Terri Pollock at   Tickets will also be available at the door.


Margaret Birdsall - 2/9
Charles Rudash - 2/12
Hannah Lott-Havey -2/19
Caleb Smith - 2/22
Marilyn Wall - 2/22
Paisley Smith - 2/24

Julia Velonjara - 2/27

Alan Winston - 2/28

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff & JLP Interns:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff and interns serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Monday-Friday mornings (and during evening classes) and Sundays (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email to make a meeting time:

Pastor Yuki is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment. Email her at
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