Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Take 5 for Advocacy: Reform the Eviction Process

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Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
5 minute Advocacy action opportunity here:
Keystone member Barb Anderson is serving a year in the Justice Leadership Jubilee Program:
and her placement is at the Seattle King County Coalition on Homelessness:
If you were not able to be at Keystone coffee hour on Sunday Feb. 3, Barb kicked off our season of Advocacy with a Take 5 Table, with Keystone member Amber Dickson of the Faith Action Network :

It could be timely if you can Take 5 from your snowy perch today!

Barb Anderson and Amber Dickson offered Keystone folks this break down, in hopes we can make calls- our advocacy may make a timely difference this week:

1.  See:

Prevent Homelessness, Protect Renters- Keep People in their homes:

Reform the eviction process.  Allow tenants more days to pay late rent- HB 1453

Introduced by Representative Nicole Macri (Keystone's District 43)

Referred to the committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary on January 22, 2019.

Send a note to your legislators asking them to increase the 3 days eviction notice to allow tenants to catch up on late rental payments which allows them to stay in their housing- keeping them from being evicted and having to start all over again to find and obtain housing.  This reduces homelessness, while also reducing court costs and attorney's fees.  Limiting termination notices will protect tenants from housing discrimination and displacement.

Please support Rep. Nicole Macri's Reform HB 1453 (in Keystone UCC's 43rd district.)

See the map in Narthex at church (in picture below) to study your District.

Find your officials & info here:  WA State Legislature:   www.leg.wa.gov

Cal Toll Free 1-800-562- 6000 to leave a message for ALL of your elected officials (at once) (including the governor) from 8 AM - 7 PM Monday - Friday during the legislative session for this year, through April 2019.

2.  See:

Please ask to increase the cash grant in budget- $61 million is needed for Aged-Blin- Disabled assistance.

In thanks, solidarity,
Pastor Lauren, Barb Anderson, Amber Dickson, Pastor Rich

PS- Lauren here- with this primer, today I just wrote my reps in about 2 minutes, and then called to leave them all a message- in about 2 minutes- (plus 1 minute when the good scribe in Olympia and I got chatting about my faith inspired church doing advocacy...) 
How did Amber escape the photos?  Thank you photographer!!
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