Friday, October 27, 2017

Nov. 2 - Communities Rising - John de Graaf

Thursday, 2Nov at 7PM:  Communities Rising City-Wide Meeting @ Keystone UCC 
John de Graaf, author/filmmaker of "Affluenza,’" will explore ways we can find common ground in our divided nation. Could it be through a shared sense of Beauty
Please join us for an intriguing discussion!

Friday, 3Nov at 7PM:  Wallingford Meaningful Movies Shows The Documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel” @ Keystone UCC
This follow-up film to "An Inconvenient Truth" shows how close we are to an energy revolution.  Former V.P. Al Gore the world training an army of climate champions, influencing international climate policy, and pursing the idea that the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.  

Keystone UCC
5019 Keystone Place N.
Seattle 98103

on bus lines.  parking on street.

Yuki preaching Oct. 29. Mail party Oct. 29. Third Reconstruction Nov. 1.

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, October 29, 2017
Rev. Lauren Cannon, leading worship
Rev. Rich Gamble, on vacation
Bri Little, Call to Worship
Yuki Schwartz, preaching

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Scripture: Matthew 22:34-46
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Pat
Usher: Barbara
Communion Steward & Liturgist: Rita
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret
Children's Ministry: Bri & Annabell (Anita on vacation)

FOH Mailing Party: After Coffee Hour on Sunday, Oct. 29, join us up in the Learning Center for the annual Festival of Hope Mailing Party! It's always a wonderful time of working side-by-side to spread the word of our ever-popular alternative Christmas fair. Many hand make light work!

WELCOME YUKI: After the presidential elections we had a series of meetings at Keystone. The result of those meetings was to increase our commitment to the work of justice. We voted to endorse the creation of a new staff position specifically focused on justice.

On October 8, we mapped our diagrams of the constellation of things currently going on, as well as brewing, at Keystone, and why we need staff. We confirmed Yuki Schwartz to begin November 1, as Associate Pastor for Justice Formation, 10 hours/week.  Our staff team is with Hunter Paulson-Smith as Keystone’s Justice Leadership Program intern with primary placement at our church.

Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Greeters: OPEN
Reader: Dan
Usher: Betty
Communion: Lauren & Rich
Coffee Hour Host: OPEN
Children's Ministry: Bri & Annabell (Anita on vacation)

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events

Saturday, Oct. 28 – Faith Action Climate Team (FACT)
Love at the Crossroads: Climate and Social Justice

@ Mount Zion Baptist Church, 1634 19th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
8:30am - 5:00pm

Sunday, Oct. 29 – Yuki Schwartz preaching
Yuki joins Keystone Staff Nov. 1)
@ Keystone UCC
During Worship
Sunday, Oct. 29 – Festival of Hope Mailing Party
@ Keystone UCC
After Service

Wednesday, Nov. 1 – Keystone Faith Formation Book Study
5th of 5 Wednesday Evenings; Oct. 4 – Nov. 1
@ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall - Fireside Room)

Friday, Nov. 3 – Wallingford Meaningful Movies
showing: "An Inconvenient Sequel"

@Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)
Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie begins at 7pm

Monday, Nov. 6 –  Annual SOAW Solidarity Send Off & Celebration of Resistance 
for those going to US/Mexico border, including our Kate Speltz.
@ St. Patrick's Church, 2702 Broadway E.

Monday, Nov. 6 – Rev. William Barber, Poor People's Campaign:
Moral Revival: Mass Meeting

Hosted by Repairers of the Breach
@ UW Intellectual House, 4249 Whitman Court, UW Seattle campus
Rich vacation notes:
October 22 and 29 – Lauren preaching; Rich & Kate away

Save the Dates:
November 18 and 19 – 39th Annual Festival of Hope​
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Love at the Crossroads:
Climate and Social Justice

You are invited to register for this year’s Faith Action Climate Team (FACT) conference Love at the Crossroads: Climate and Social Justice, which is Saturday, Oct. 28, from 8:30am to 5:00pm at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle.

See the brochure at to read about the 22 exciting workshop possibilities, and to read more about our keynote speaker Deborah Parker. Click here to register:

​Keystone Green Team and members helped plan and present last year's Conference, with Seattle's Faith Action Climate Team.

​Questions? Contact Lynn Fitz-Hugh, FACT Coordinator at Please email if you have difficulty. You are not registered till you get a confirmation email, so please be sure you get one. 
You can still join us for our last night, Nov. 1.  All are welcome - the evening will include more distilling our next actions  from this study....

Keystone Faith Formation Book Study
Wednesday evenings:
October 4 – November 1
Faithful readers, doubters, questioners, come for discussion!
Wednesdays in Battson Hall - Fireside Room; 7-8:30 PM

Update: from Hunter:  We’ve been having insightful conversations over the past few Wednesday nights about this fabulous and challenging text. Anyone is welcome to join us for our last meeting next Wednesday. And then we’re going on a field-trip to see Rev. Barber himself speak at the UW Intellectual Hall on November 6th at 7 pm. We especially hope you all will join us for this. Here is a picture of some of the group’s thinking about the text from this week’s book study.

Grab yourself a copy of Rev. Barber's "The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement Is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear," by Rev Dr. William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove. C​ome together with Keystone friends, new and old, for our fall study.  All welcome (come to any you can)​.

The ​study ​will aid ​our ​discernment for ​our​ next ​actions​ at Keystone, in these rocky times.  How we are called to live out our faith, in these divisive days?  Read it not for a set formula but to inspire. In the face of ​​relentless injustices and ​the ​ecological evidence these days, how ​is ​God calling us to act in our particular Keystone setting? And with the added blessing of two new interns​, and a possible staff person,​ joining us for this year ahead?

Our church is active with the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition (IEJC). One of our partners, Christ Episcopal in the University District, is hosting​ Rev. Barber for a two-day training November 6 & 7,  and there is a public talk Monday evening, November 6.  Save that date!  The book study will wrap up November 1, so any who like, ​can then fieldtrip to hear Rev. Barber on November 6.

Nov. 1 – Chapters 9, Appendix for Organizers, & Afterword
See Lauren if you need a book- jump in any time: How a moral movement is overcoming the politics of division and fear.

Newer folks encouraged to come check this out!  Bring your faithful tough questions, October 4- November 1!

– Pastor Lauren

A couple links ​-​ Barber's book:



Mary's Place Wish List

The cupboard is bare right now until the holiday season. Can you give:
  • Women’s underwear (sizes 6-8)
  • Bra’s (40 & 42)
  • Socks
  • toothpaste – personal sizes
  • Deodorant
  • Rain Jackets/Coats – Used or New
  • Shampoo/hair care products
 Contact Barb for more information on how to donate:
Friends - Join us as we Celebrate Resistance!

Please join us at our annual celebration of resistance and send-off for the SOAW Vigil and Border Convergence. Everyone is invited!

Date: Monday, Nov. 6, 2017
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm
Location: Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church, 2702 Broadway East, Seattle
Music, speakers, “Presente” ceremony, offering of roses.
Reception follows

In early November thousands will gather at the US/Mexico Border to call for the closing of the School of the Americas, to stand against the militarization of our border, and to build a culture of peace.  Never has it been more important that we gather to  Tear Down Walls & Build-up Community.

We are each part of the national movement when we raise our voices locally.

Please help spread the word and join us on November 6.

Sponsored by: SOA Watch Puget Sound, St. Pat’s Social Justice Committee, Veterans for Peace Greater Seattle #92, Washington State Religious Campaign against Torture

For more information about the gathering in Nogales (Nov. 10-12) see  and

For more about the send-off and SOA-W Puget Sound: Kate Speltz 206-633-6667 or
SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement working to close the SOA / WHINSEC and similar centers that train state actors such as military, law enforcement and border patrol. We strive to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas.  We act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas. We envision an end to all forms of violence, and a world where all peoples and countries have relationships of dignity and respect.
Announcing the

Festival of Hope!

Saturday, November 18, 10am – 4pm
Sunday, November 19, 12-3pm

Last year, our Keystone community raised over $15,000 to support programs that alleviate hunger and poverty, both locally and around the world.

Total throughout the Festival’s history, we have raised over $340,000 to help others!!

The mailing party will be after service on Sunday, October 29 – please join us!

In the coming weeks, keep an eye out for Festival items or think about things you might like to make or donate.
  • Soups for deli
  • Baked goods
  • Books
  • Holiday decorations
  • Nice household items/décor, things you could give as a gift
  • Vintage/Antiques
  • Jewelry
Cashiers, booth-attendants and set-up/breakdown helpers are also always needed.
Click HERE for a preview of the beautiful quilts up for auction at this year's Festival of Hope.  The quilts are hand-made by our quilter par excellence, Mona Hassan. When you bid on a quilt, you will enter an auction to win a quilt, AND you will help Keystone donate to Healing Art Missions, who were here with us leading worship on March 19, 2017.

Bring your family and friends and work together raising money to help those less fortunate!

Contact Eliza with questions or suggestions: or 206-245-5446

Sermon Recordings now available online

If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, our JLP Intern, ​Hunter Paulson-Smith,​ has created an ​online audio archive​ where you can listen to them ​ or download them​. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​Thank you, Hunter!

ALSO: Hunter has been at work with Lauren on some website updates.  Send us your pictures, your thoughts and your questions! Email Hunter at

Check out Bri's first feature in Real Change (10/18/17) 

Thank you for the connections our Justice Leadership Program interns foster in our midst! Briana Little is serving at Keystone UCC and Real Change for 2017-2018.
Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition
monthly meetings - 'love of neighbor'

Opportunity to witness for justice:  Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 10am, with Keystone represented by Pastor Lauren, our Justice Leadership Program Interns, and Keystone folks.  You are welcome any month to come check out a meeting and see if this witness calls to you, as we embody our 'love  of neighbor'. Iris Chavez (JLP '16-'17) helped us support concession workers at Seatac Airport and security workers at Amazon, as they fought for dignity on the job and the wages they were due; most are workers of color, women, immigrants and refugees.

IEJC met on September 21 with Aaron Scott of Chaplains on the Harbor & The New Poor People's Campaign (NPPC).  Clergy and lay-folk alike are invited to attend a massmeeting with Rev. William Barber II on November 6 at the University of Washington (Intellectual House on campus. 

See more information on the Facebook event page, found here, Hosted by Repairers of the Breach.  Come field trip with the book study group- all welcome!

Barber is helping who kick off a nation-wide direct action campaign in the Spring of 2018 across the country. On November 7th NPPC will host a training for people who are ready for direct action - please contact Aaron directly if you are interested ( 


(98 minutes; Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk, 2017)
Friday, Nov. 3; Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie starts at 7:00pm

@ Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

Ten years after the Academy Award®-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” brought climate change to the forefront of mainstream culture, former Vice President Al Gore continues his fight to educate the next generation of climate champions.  This compelling follow-up, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power,” shows that while the stakes have never been higher, the solutions to the climate crisis are still within our reach.  With superb cinematography, an excellent soundtrack and focussed storyline, this is a powerful, must-see documentary.
** All events are Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation.


Christian Townsdin - 11/13
Abby Diggs - 11/17
Will Larson - 11/28

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Mondays: 9:30am-3:30pm, and mornings: Tuesday-Friday, & Sundays:  9:30am- 12:30pm. Wednesday evening mid-week classes.  (Saturday is Sabbath). Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook
Click here to read our Keystone blog at "Latest News" on our website
Click here to scope out our new Keystone UCC website

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Welcome Yuki! & 'The Third Reconstruction' book study Wednesdays & October 19 action for airline catering workers

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon, off
Bri Little is leading our Call to Worship, with a liturgy she wrote

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Kate Froese (in for Yigit Kolat)

Scripture: Exodus 32:1-14
Theme: Faith
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Barbara
Usher: Lisa
Communion: Rich & Rita
Coffee Hour Host: Arlene
Children's Ministry: Anita (10am-12pm, shorter)

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Thanks to all who attended our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 8. 

See the meeting's minutes HERE

Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017
Rev. Lauren Cannon, preaching
Rev. Rich Gamble, off
Greeters: OPEN
Reader: Christian
Usher: Hunter
Communion: Lauren & Barb
Coffee Hour Host: Dick & Pat
Children's Ministry: Anita

NEXT SUNDAY:  Join us for the Festival of Hope Mailing Party, after service. As many people as can, please stick around to help prep our bulk mailing of Festival flyers.  Its a nice time to chat, fold, and stamp together!  With many hands, it takes about an hour!

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events

Wednesday, Oct. 18 – Keystone Faith Formation Book Study
3rd of 5 Wednesday Evenings; Oct. 4 – Nov. 1
@ Battson Hall - Fireside Room

Thursday, Oct. 19 – Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition Meeting
& Union-Wide Day of Action/Rally
Meeting @ IBEW Local 77 Union Hall, 19415 International Blvd, SeaTac
Rally @ Angle Lake Park (across street from Union Hall)
3pm meeting; rally to follow

Wednesday, Oct. 25 – Keystone Faith Formation Book Study
4th of 5 Wednesday Evenings; Oct. 4 – Nov. 1
@ Battson Hall - Fireside Room

Saturday, Oct. 28 – Faith Action Climate Team (FACT)
Love at the Crossroads: Climate and Social Justice

@ Mount Zion Baptist Church, 1634 19th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
8:30am - 5:00pm
Sunday, Oct. 29 – Festival of Hope Mailing Party
@ Keystone
After Service
Rich vacation notes:
October 22 and 29 – Lauren preaching; Rich & Kate away

Save the Dates:
November 18 and 19 – 39th Annual Festival of Hope​
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

For Kaaren – Kaaren and caregiver Nadja are interviewing and training a possible additional caregiver, to add to the support of Pico and Kaaren's community of friends.

For Marilyn – with a broken arm (the good arm) and facial stitches, recovering from a fall on September 28, already mending from the other shoulder surgery.  A visit and/or a meal or homemade cookie delivery is appreciated.

For Nell – home from the hospital on October 2, after a heart attack and stent inserted.  Visits and calls welcome.

For Sandy – recovering from October 11 toe surgery, and less mobile for this week.  Calls appreciated. 
Keystone Faith Formation Book Study
Next 5 Wednesday evenings:
October 4 – November 1
Faithful readers, doubters, questioners, come for discussion!
Wednesdays in Battson Hall - Fireside Room; 7-8:30 PM

Grab yourself a copy of Rev. Barber's "The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement Is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear," by Rev Dr. William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hargrove. C​ome together with Keystone friends, new and old, for our fall study.  All welcome (come to any you can)​.

The ​study ​will aid ​our ​discernment for ​our​ next ​actions​ at Keystone, in these rocky times.  How we are called to live out our faith, in these divisive days?  Read it not for a set formula but to inspire. In the face of ​​relentless injustices and ​the ​ecological evidence these days, how ​is ​God calling us to act in our particular Keystone setting? And with the added blessing of two new interns​, and a possible staff person,​ joining us for this year ahead?

Our church is active with the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition (IEJC). One of our partners, Christ Episcopal in the University District, is hosting​ Rev. Barber for a two-day training November 6 & 7,  and there is a public talk Monday evening, November 6.  Save that date!  The book study will wrap up November 1, so any who like, ​can then fieldtrip to hear Rev. Barber on November 6.

(Festival of Hope is November 18 & 19)

Newer folks encouraged to come check this out!  Bring your faithful tough questions, October 4- November 1!

– Pastor Lauren

A couple links ​-​ Barber's book:



Mary's Place Wish List

The cupboard is bare right now until the holiday season. Can you give:
  • Women’s underwear (sizes 6-8)
  • Bra’s (40 & 42)
  • Socks
  • toothpaste – personal sizes
  • Deodorant
  • Rain Jackets/Coats – Used or New
  • Shampoo/hair care products
 Contact Barb for more information on how to donate:
Love at the Crossroads:
Climate and Social Justice

You are invited to register for this year’s Faith Action Climate Team (FACT) conference Love at the Crossroads: Climate and Social Justice, which is Saturday, Oct. 28, from 8:30am to 5:00pm at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle.

See the brochure at to read about the 22 exciting workshop possibilities, and to read more about our keynote speaker Deborah Parker. Click here to register:

​Keystone Green Team and members helped plan and present last year's Conference, with Seattle's Faith Action Climate Team.

​Questions? Contact Lynn Fitz-Hugh, FACT Coordinator at Please email if you have difficulty. You are not registered till you get a confirmation email, so please be sure you get one. 
Announcing the

Festival of Hope!

Saturday, November 18, 10am – 4pm
Sunday, November 1912-3pm

Last year, our Keystone community raised over $15,000 to support programs that alleviate hunger and poverty, both locally and around the world.

Total throughout the Festival’s history, we have raised over $340,000 to help others!!

The mailing party will be after service on Sunday, October 29 – please join us!

In the coming weeks, keep an eye out for Festival items or think about things you might like to make or donate.
  • Soups for deli
  • Baked goods
  • Books
  • Holiday decorations
  • Nice household items/décor, things you could give as a gift
  • Vintage/Antiques
  • Jewelry
Cashiers, booth-attendants and set-up/breakdown helpers are also always needed.
Click HERE for a preview of the beautiful quilts up for auction at this year's Festival of Hope.  The quilts are hand-made by our quilter par excellence, Mona Hassan. When you bid on a quilt, you will enter an auction to win a quilt, AND you will help Keystone donate to Healing Art Missions, who were here with us leading worship on March 19, 2017.

Bring your family and friends and work together raising money to help those less fortunate!

Contact Eliza with questions or suggestions: or 206-245-5446

Sermon Recordings now available online

If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, our JLP Intern, ​Hunter Paulson-Smith,​ has created an ​online audio archive​ where you can listen to them ​ or download them​. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​Thank you, Hunter!

ALSO: Hunter has been at work with Lauren on some website updates.  Send us your pictures, your thoughts and your questions!
Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition
monthly meetings - 'love of neighbor'

Opportunity to witness for justice:  Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 10am, with Keystone represented by Pastor Lauren, our Justice Leadership Program Interns, and Keystone folks.  You are welcome any month to come check out a meeting and see if this witness calls to you, as we embody our 'love  of neighbor'. Iris Chavez (JLP '16-'17) helped us support concession workers at Seatac Airport and security workers at Amazon, as they fought for dignity on the job and the wages they were due; most are workers of color, women, immigrants and refugees.

The next IEJC meeting will be a little later in the day than usual because we have an opportunity to join an exciting action in support of airline catering workers. Contact Pastor Lauren to help Keystone turn out this Thursday:!

Date: October 19th
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: IBEW Local 77 Union Hall, 19415 International Blvd, SeaTac

Following the meeting, we will rally at Angle Lake park (across the street), starting with a picnic and followed by a march to Alaska Airlines and SeaTac City Hall -- see attached flier for more location details.

IEJC met on September 21 with Aaron Scott of Chaplains on the Harbor & The New Poor People's Campaign (NPPC).  Clergy and layfolk alike are invited to attend a mass meeting with Rev. William Barber II on November 6th at the University of Washington (Intellectual House on campus.  Barber is helping who kick off a nation-wide direct action campaign in the Spring of 2018 across the country. On November 7th NPPC will host a training for people who are ready for direct action - please contact Aaron directly if you are interested ( For more info on the mass meeting, the event page on Facebook can be found here.  Many Keystone folks from our book study will be going together- please join!


We are very excited about our new cohort of interns for 2017-2018!

• Brianna (Bri) Little, working with Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project
• Hunter Paulson-Smith, working with Keystone Church as an outreach intern.
• Amanda Agrellas, working with Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness
• Daniel De La Rosa, working with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 6
• Erica West, working with Church Council of Greater Seattle
• Leda Zakarison, working with Earth Ministry
• Renee Lumia, working with 350-Seattle

Click here to read intern bios



Jo Winston - 10/1
Rev. Rich Gamble - 10/7
Dorothy Richey - 10/17

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Mondays: 9:30am-3:30pm, and mornings: Tuesday-Friday, & Sundays:  9:30am- 12:30pmWednesday evening mid-week classes.  (Saturday is Sabbath). Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook