Thursday, April 13, 2017

come for Holy Week events

Come for Holy Week events
(THIS ThursdayFriday and Sunday!)

Agape Supper

Date: Thursday, April 13
Time: 5:30-7pm
Location: Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Place North, Seattle, 98103

~ A family-friendly event ~
Come into community during Holy Week to share an evening meal with communion and song, to remember Jesus' last days with disciples, and his example to love and serve one another.  Pause to light a candle at two reflection stations, on your own. ’Maundy' means the great commitment to love as God loves.  We connect to the roots of our faith and our obligation to liberate others who are being oppressed.  In so doing we move from suffering toward freedom.

Communion in the round.  Come to deepen relationships and build new ones, come as you are, come to feast!

3:30-5:30pm: Doors open, set up (we could use a couple more hands)
5:30-6:30pm: Communion and Meal (we could use one more salad!)
7pm: Clean up (we welcome any who want to help us clean and close up)

Questions: Contact Rev. Lauren Cannon at


Good Friday Service w/ Rev. Rich Gamble
Date: Friday, April 14
Time: 7pm

Location: Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Place North, Seattle, 98103

The Service of Tenebrae (meaning "shadows") originated as an ancient Christian ritual from the 8th century.  This service allows us to remember the last hours of Jesus' life.  Take time to observe Good Friday with our Keystone community, for this sparse, powerful, twilight service of readings, song, and candle extinguishing.

Questions: Contact Rev. Rich Gable at


Easter Sunday Service (and Egg Hunt!)
Sunday, April 16 @ 10:30am
@ Keystone UCC

All are welcome!

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Theme: Resurrection
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10
Music: Elliot & Yigit
Children's Ministry: Anita
Reader: Jim
Usher: Lisa
Communion Leaders: Lauren & Barb, Paisley & Rich
Coffee Host: Jo, John, Barb

During Coffee Hour, join us for a good old fashion Easter egg hunt, for kids and kids-at-heart!  Just bring 5 filled eggs per child (if you can, though we'll have extras) and a basket (we'll have bags if you forget!)

(At the moment, the weather prediction is partly cloudy, High 60/Low 45.  But if it turns super rainy, we will do it inside)

Questions: Contact Rev. Lauren Cannon at

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Maundy Thursday 5:30 pm supper & Holy week events

View this email in your browser
Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

(extra KWN edition from the church office while editor is out-- all the good news & events coming up!)

HOLY WEEK at Keystone
April 9-16, 2017

Palm Sunday  April 9       Worship 10:30 AM 
Rev. Lauren, Rev. Rich preaching, Janet Stecher music leader, Iris Chavez testimony.
Monday, April 10           – Holy Table-Turning Monday 9 AM
                                             Faith in Action: No New Youth Jail witness:
                                            Offices of Howard S. Wright, 415 1st Ave N Seattle 98109
                                             9 AM.  Contact:
Thursday, April 13            – Maundy Thursday - Supper  5:30 PM (note new time =earlier!)
                                         @ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)
                                         Rev. Lauren:
Friday, April 14            – Good Friday - Service of Tenebrae 7 PM
                                         @ Keystone UCC (Learning Center)
                                          Rev. Rich:

Sunday, April 16               – Easter Sunday Worship!  10:30 AM

Maundy Thursday Supper
Date: Thursday, April 13
Time: 5:30-7 pm
Location: Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Place North, Seattle, 98103
Come into community during Holy Week to share an evening meal with communion & song, family friendly.  To remember Jesus last days with disciples, and his example to love and serve one another.  Pause to light a candle at two reflection stations, on your own.  ’Maundy' means the great commitment to love as God loves.  This brings us from suffering to the path toward liberation and freedom.
(doors open, set up 3:30-5:30 pm)
***5:30- 6:30 pm - communion and meal.***
(7 pm- clean up)
Questions: Rev. Lauren Cannon,

Worship on Good Friday April 14:
Keystone UCC 7 pm Learning Center with Rev Rich Gamble
Date: Friday, April 14
Time: 7 pm
Location: Keystone UCC, Learning Center (upstairs), 5019 Keystone Place N  98103
The Service of Tenebrae (meaning "shadows") originated as an ancient Christian ritual from the 8th century.  This service allows us to remember the last hours of Jesus' life.  Take time to observe Good Friday with our Keystone community, for this sparse, powerful, twilight service of readings, song, and candle extinguishing.
Questions: Rev. Rich Gamble at

Easter Sunday @  Keystone! 10:30 AM worship
Spread the word!
Bridging the Divide series @ Keystone

Wednesday Evening 3-Part Series May 3, May 17 & May 24
5:30 pm: Doors ------ 5:45: Potluck Supper ------ 6:30-8:30 pm: Workshop
 $15/evening or $40/series 
** Register at Brown Paper Tickets **
Join our third year of witnessing for Holy Table Turning Monday:  No New Youth Jail
Table Turning Monday  9 AM
Liturgy for Liberation 
Monday, April 10 @ 415 1st Ave N, Seattle, WA  98109
Check the Facebook event for even more details: Table Turning facebook event

Jesus' triumphal entry at Passover was followed by His challenge to the money changers in the Temple. We invite you to join us for Christian and Jewish worship as we challenge the logic of white supremacy that has led to the building of a new Youth Jail (“Children and Family Justice Center”) rather than investment in detention alternatives. Ecumenical Christian liturgy begins @ 9 AM, Jewish Passover celebration begins @ 10 AM. Stick around for an interfaith coffee hour!

Come join our third year of entering Holy Week with this witness- questions to

Details from Claire West:
Enough! An Interfaith Anti-Racist Action Against the Youth Jail
Join us April 10 for this Passover & Holy Week Action against King County's New Youth Jail! We honor Jewish and Christian traditions of liberation and disruption with rituals of witness and protest. 

We say ENOUGH! DEY! to the racist youth jail project. It's time to invest in community-owned healing spaces. 

Wear red! Bring a sign or hold one of ours. Clericals, kippot, etc. encouraged. All are welcome. 

8:45 - Gathering - 1st Ave N & Republican St. 
9am - Christian Table Turning
10am - Passover Seder Rituals

Organized by European Dissent Seattle & Jews Undoing Institutional Racism, in solidarity with the No New Youth Jail Campaign led by Ending the Prison Industrial Complex - EPIC Seattle and Youth Undoing Institutional Racism - YUIR Seattle.

The ritual of Passover tells the story of the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt. We bring to live Passover rituals to remember our confrontation of power toward collective liberation and incite continuing action. We celebrate our liberation even as we renounce the complicity of those of us who are white with modern day oppression - systemic racism, the prison industrial complex, and the building of a new youth jail in King County.

Jesus overturned the tables in the Jerusalem temple at the beginning of Holy Week, challenging a religious, economic, and political system that was exploiting the poor and marginalized of his day. As predominantly white churches/denominations, we claim our complicity in upholding structural racism, and recognize that while we benefit in very tangible ways from these unjust systems, we also pay a very real price physically, emotionally, morally, and spiritually.

We say ENOUGH to institutions making money caging children of color, represented by the corporation of Howard S. Wright, a subsidiary of behemoth multinational corporation Balfour Beatty, who secured a $154 million taxpayer-funded contract to build the new jail. 

We say ENOUGH to our religious institutions - which uphold white supremacy and sell out our morals for capital profit and to maintain business-as-usual. 

We say ENOUGH investing in the Prison Industrial Complex to solve our social problems. We must join the leadership of those most affected in calling out for justice. We must build healing spaces for community-run and community-owned alternatives to detention.
Holy Table Turning/Passover
European Dissent, in solidarity with Ending the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC), is coordinating a brief 9 AM ecumenical worship service. The liturgy will call attention to the ways we, voters of King County, have allowed powerful corporate interests to use taxpayer money for a new Youth Jail (“Children and Family Justice Center”) in the Central District instead of investing in alternatives to detention in local communities.  Jews Undoing Institutional Racism (JUIR) – a multiracial group of Jewish anti-racist organizers also in collaboration with European Dissent and in solidarity with EPIC -  will lead a modified Passover Seder ritual at 10 AM.  In retelling the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt – the ritual will reflect on our modern form of slavery – the Prison Industrial Complex – and how Jewish tradition calls us to continue challenging power toward the liberation of all peoples. We will gather at 8:45 AM across the street (in front of Key Arena) with info tables, flyers, and snacks. & Feel free to stick around afterward for a public, interfaith coffee hour!
April 11 Keystone members will host a 7 PM poster-making party downstairs in Battson Hall for Communities Rising WallyLake (Wallingford / Greenlake) and Wallingford Indivisible. CRWL & WI are two of several community organizations that have formed recently to encourage more active participation in our democracy. The posters will be used in the Seattle marches planned for April: Tax Day March (15Apr), Black Lives Matter March (15Apr), March For Science (22Apr) and People’s Climate March (29Apr).  Contact:  Jim Little

Seven Sisters Share the Seven Last Words of Christ
An Ecumenical Observance of Good Friday at Plymouth Church
April 14 at noon featuring several UCC Seattle pastors. 

Holy Saturday (April 15) - 2pm, Black Lives Matter march.
Bridging the Divide: Constructive Communication in Difficult Times
A Workshop Series
At Keystone United Church of Christ  -  5019 Keystone Place North  -  Seattle 

Please pick up a flyer to give to a friend.  Please register at Brown Paper Tickets!  We need everyone to make a 1:1 invite to make this a success!
Wednesday Evening 3-Part Series May 3, May 17 & May 24
5:30 pm: Doors ------ 5:45: Potluck Supper ------ 6:30-8:30 pm: Workshop
 $15/evening or $40/series.  
Come to one or two evenings, but we recommend the full series, as it builds each evening (and some assignments)
Limited financial assistance available through Keystone UCC, so pay what you can. Students free.
Childcare 6:30-8:30 pm with registration by May 1.  RSVP children's ages to Lauren.

Register at 
Brown Paper Tickets or by phone and pay with check or cash at door. 
For more information: Keystone UCC 206-632-6021 
Workshop Sessions
Evening 1 – Wednesday, May 3  
Stories of the Divide
Why communicate? Defining your purpose
How do you deal with conflict?  Self-assessment exercise
Five conflict-handling modes and when to use them
Recognizing emotions and triggers 
How emotional escalation happens and what to do

Evening 2 – Wednesday, May 17
Deciding if, when and how to communicate
One-way, two-way and inner communication 
Techniques for one-way communication
Active listening for understanding

Evening 3 – Wednesday, May 24
Techniques for engaging in two-way communication
Keys to a good conversation: how to prepare, invite and participate
De-escalating yourself and others from conflict 

Workshop Leaders
Jim Levy   
Certified mediator and founder, Constructive Conflict Resolution 
Jim works with people in organizations, faith communities, universities and workplaces to engage conflict proactively and constructively. Through dialogue and building  communication skills, Jim also helps people bridge the polarized divide that separates members of communities and cultures. 
Nora Ludviksen 
Certified mediator and founder, The Table Mediation
Nora believes that even the most difficult conversations hold potential for creating lasting accord. She uses facilitative mediation to conduct mature, respectful dialogue with individuals, families and colleagues, transforming entrenched conflict into creative problem solving. 

Update from Iris Chavez about her immigration work: 
Iris is our Justice Leadership Program intern 2016-2017:

Sunday March 26, I was away to attend St. Mary’s bilingual mass. The room was packed full because the usual English mass and Spanish mass were combined to make time for a Know Your Rights (KYR) training that was to follow. The KYR training was put on by Colectiva Legal, the National Refugee Congress, the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, and Ureña Law Offices. The purpose of KYR trainings is to inform the community how to prepare a safety plan in the event someone is detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and what to do in the event of an ICE raid, sweep, or if ICE comes to your door. Often times when families are not prepared, raids and deportations cause families to be broken up, with the parent taken away and the children split up and put in foster care. 
This training was different from other KYR trainings because people were encouraged to talk to each other about their fears and were taught breathing and grounding exercises to turn fear into power. Channeling fear is an important skill to acquire, especially in moments of paralyzing fear when it can be hard to think straight or focus. The current reality for immigrants and refugees is grim. Trump’s hyperactive executive orders banning certain Muslims and refugees, the possible non-renewal of DACA, expanded raids (including raids outside of shelters), mass detention and deportation along with the denial of due process puts multiple communities at risk. The more informed we are of the realities the more we are able to be of help and resource to the communities at risk.

Thank you’s!
Love in Action:  Keystone witnessing:

Friday, March 31 - Keystone stood with Amazon workers -
Seeking dignity at Security Industry Specialists
@ Amazon Headquarters, 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Saturday, April 1 was  Sacred Heart Shelter
Keystone Cooked, Served, and Hung Out for Dinner with families in transitional housing

Friday, April 7 was Wallingford Meaningful Movies -
Command and Control
Keystone UCC hosted in (Battson Hall)

March 31- A couple Keystone folks supported workers who have run in to bewildering opposition at Amazon in their hope to be respected to observe Muslim prayers on the job as security officers.
Workers are seeking dignity at Security Industry Specialists (SIS), the company Amazon uses in Lake Union.
Contact: David Choi Justice Leadership Program intern  <>
Faith Action Network joined faith leaders, labor unions, and community members came alongside Security Industry Specialists (SIS) security officers at Amazon for a February Pray-In. After the powerful prayer event and over 2,000 emails about the issue, in addition to over 300 signatures from SIS officers inquiring about the lack of raises in four years and a fair path to unionization, we have received no response.
SIS officers have continually reached out to SIS management and to Amazon about their working conditions: stagnant wages, favoritism and perceived unfair treatment around race and religion. Community supporters, interfaith groups and tech workers have joined in and were met with silence. 
So we joined Serving Seattle -- an organization of security, janitorial and service workers -- and came back on March 31st, with more people, more noise, and more pressure.  About 130 people marched!
See more information about the event on the Facebook page. Also, here are copies of informational flyers in EnglishSpanish, and Somali.
For a recap of the February Pray-In, here is a video and a blog post.
See David Choi & the FAN staff, Rev. Lauren, and Iris Chavez.
Join our witness:  Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 10 AM.  All welcome to join Pastor Lauren & JLP Intern Iris Chavez as Keystone continues to support workers at Seatac  and SIS at Amazon fighting for dignity on the job and the wages they are due. 
April 20: 10 AM
contact Lauren for location (rotates between churches)
May Day is International Workers Day.
Join us on May Day 2017 for a day of resistance for workers in Seattle, up and down the West Coast, and across the country.  May 1st, Seattle
Women's Retreat at N-Sid-Sen: 
Celebrating Sisterhood:For Such A Time As This
A time of rest, relaxation, and renewal for women of all ages. Register here. This three-day retreat at beautiful Camp N Sid Sen on the shores of lovely Lake Coeur d’ Alene will provide opportunities for worship, fun, creativity, quiet, prayer, music, and laughter. All activities are purely voluntary, so if what you need is to just get away from life for a while and relax, you are welcome to come and truly ‘retreat.’  This is a gathering of women* across our Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ (WA, Idaho, Alaska)   *all who identify as female, or anyone who doesn't identify with the gender binary, but feels called to share this female-orientated space.

Big win- Keystone celebrates faithful support of workers who have been advocating for fairness. On March 1, 2017, Alaska Airlines announced they will stop contracting out to Menzies for baggage handlers.  Now these can be on a pathway toward union jobs within Alaska Airlines.  900 baggage handlers will now receive better wages and benefits.

In a dramatic reversal, Alaska Airlines announced that they are going to stop contracting out baggage-handling jobs at our airport. Instead, 900 Alaska baggage handlers are now going to become employees of an Alaska subsidiary. And thanks to SeaTac Proposition 1, the workers are going to keep their jobs, and their starting wage will be $15.34/hour.
For the last 4.5 years, Keystone has been supporting workers in their fight for dignity and pay at our Seatac Airport.   Join Iris and Lauren in April and May for reading this new book:  March 16 was Book signing:  see pictures on FB and blog:

Beyond $15
Keystone stepped out in faith to support worker justice & dignity.

Pastor Lauren was a panelist for "Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement" book launch.  Lauren and Keystone's work with the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition, since 2012  is featured in Jonathan Rosenblum's just-released book, as he tells the inside story of how Sea-Tac Airport workers and faith and community allies led the first successful fight for $15, renewing the national labor movement."

See pictures here on FB from the panel Thursday March 16, 6-8 PM, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
321 16th Ave. South, Seattle WA 98144

Pick up a copy and read along a chapter/ week with Iris and Lauren for April & May!

Thank you’s:

April 1- Sacred Heart

April 7 Meaningful Movies @ Keystone 7 p

Command And Control
Thank you - Meaningful Movies in Wallingford
Friday | 4/7/2017 | showed:
5019 Keystone Place N (at Keystone Congregational Church) Seattle, WA
COMMAND AND CONTROL  a minute-by-minute account of a near catastrophic nuclear explosion at a Titan ll Missile complex.  The movie was directed by Robert Kenner (FOOD, INC.) and based on the critically acclaimed book by Eric Schlosser (FAST FOOD NATION).  Recently declassified documents provide a cautionary tale of freak accidents, near misses, human fallibility and extraordinary heroism.  Command and …

Mark calendars for next Meaningful Movie at Keystone:  first Friday of month:  May 5th.
In this rainy season, we are part of good stewardship! Thursday March 16- Rain Wise Sign was installed (see picture.)  In our partnership with City of Seattle for our church rain garden, there is now an educational sign at the corner of our lot, for everyone passing by to learn how they can also help with rain gardens.
Upcoming @ Keystone:
Sunday April 9, Palm Sunday
Rev. Lauren
Rev Rich preaching
Music- Janet 
Testimony- Iris
Reader- Hannah
Scripture: Matthew 21: 1-11
Theme: Palm Sunday
Usher- Dick & Pat
Communion- Rich, Lauren, Rita
Childrens Ministry- Anita
Coffee Host- Sandy

Sunday April 9:  12:15-1 PM
Sunday April 23:  12:15-1 PM
Sunday April 30:  12:15 - 1 PM:

Doing outreach to neighbors:  flyering for Bridging the Divide series May 3, 17, 24

contact Connie: and

Easter Sunday April 16!
Rev. Lauren 
Rev. Rich preaching
Music- Elliot & Yigit
Childrens Ministry- Anita
Reader- Jim
Scripture & Theme- Hope
Usher- Lisa
Communion leaders- Lauren and Rich (Paisley and Caleb?)
Coffee Host- (see clipboard)

Christening Conversation

Families with children, adults interested in baptism, friends ~ new or old to Keystone UCC ~ are gathering  for a supper time discussion about this ritual in our faith. We will break bread, while we have childcare for your little one.  Wednesday evening, early April. Interested?  Contact Rev. Lauren Cannon at

OR ....

Keystone Membership

In the season of Lent, Keystone friends are thinking about joining the church.  This is less of a formal portal to some inside privileges, but more of an opportunity to offer a statement of support for the life and work of Keystone UCC.  It is an expression of your commitment and intention in our beloved community.  Talk to Rich and Lauren to join with others who will be reflecting this season on their own Stepping Stones of faith!


Rita Peterson - 4/5
Jonathan Sabo - 4/9
Julia Blackburn - 4/11
Sheri Amundson - 4/14
Nick Lott-Havey - 4/18
Alyssa Nedrow - 4/20
Oliver Lott-Havey - 4/26

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Mondays: 9:30am-3:30pm, and mornings: Tuesday-Friday, & Sundays:  9:30am- 12:30pm. Wednesday evening mid-week classes.  (Saturday is Sabbath). Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook
Click here to read our Keystone blog at "Latest News" on our website
Click here to scope out our new Keystone UCC website

Friday, April 7, 2017

Holy Week events

Upcoming @ Keystone:
Sunday April 9, Palm Sunday
Rev. Lauren
Rev Rich preaching
Music- Janet 
Testimony- Iris
Reader- Hannah
Scripture: Matthew 21: 1-11
Theme: Palm Sunday
Usher- Dick & Pat
Communion- Rich, Lauren, Rita
Childrens Ministry- Anita
Coffee Host- Sandy

Bridging the Divide series May 3, 17, 24

Table Turning Monday April 10 action 9 AM.

Maundy Thursday supper April 13 new earlier time: 5:30 PM.

Good Friday service April 14 7 PM.

Easter Sunday April 16!
Rev. Lauren 
Rev. Rich preaching
Music- Elliot & Yigit
Childrens Ministry- Anita
Reader- Jim
Scripture & Theme- Hope
Usher- Lisa
Communion leaders- Lauren and Rich (Paisley and Caleb?)
Coffee Host- (see clipboard)

HOLY WEEK at Keystone
April 9-16, 2017

Palm Sunday  April 9  Worship 10:30 AM 

Monday, April 10           – Holy Table-Turning Monday
                                             Faith in Action
                                            Offices of Howard S. Wright, 415 1st Ave N Seattle 98109
                                             9 AM

Thursday, April 13            – Maundy Thursday - Agape Supper
                                           sign up- contact Rev. Lauren:
                                         @ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall); 5:30 pm
(note new time = earlier!)  

Friday, April 14            – Good Friday - Service of Tenebrae
                                         @ Keystone UCC (Learning Center); 7pm
Rev. Rich presiding

Sunday, April 16               – Easter Sunday Worship!  10:30 AM


** See below for details on these, and other events related to life in our community **

Agape Supper

Date: Thursday, April 13
Time: 5:30-7 pm
Location: Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Place North, Seattle, 98103

Come into community during Holy Week to share an evening meal with communion & song, family friendly.  To remember Jesus last days with disciples, and his example to love and serve one another.  Pause to light a candle at two reflection stations, on your own.  ’Maundy' means the great commitment to love as God loves.  This brings us from suffering to the path toward liberation and freedom.

(doors open, set up 3:30-5:30 pm)

***5:30- 6:30 pm - communion and meal.***

(7 pm- clean up)

Questions: Contact Rev. Lauren Cannon,


worship on Good Friday April 14:
Keystone UCC 7 pm Learning Center with Rev Rich Gamble


Date: Friday, April 14
Time: 7 pm
Location: Keystone UCC, Learning Center (upstairs), 5019 Keystone Place N  98103

The Service of Tenebrae (meaning "shadows") originated as an ancient Christian ritual from the 8th century.  This service allows us to remember the last hours of Jesus' life.  Take time to observe Good Friday with our Keystone community, for this sparse, powerful, twilight service of readings, song, and candle extinguishing.

Questions: Contact Rev. Rich Gamble at


Easter Sunday @  Keystone! 10:30 AM worship

Table Turning Monday

Liturgy for Liberation
Monday, April 10 @ 415 1st Ave N, Seattle, WA  98109
Check the Facebook event for even more details: Table Turning facebook event

Jesus' triumphal entry at Passover was followed by His challenge to the money changers in the Temple. We invite you to join us for Christian and Jewish worship as we challenge the logic of white supremacy that has led to the building of a new Youth Jail (“Children and Family Justice Center”) rather than investment in detention alternatives. Ecumenical Christian liturgy begins @ 9 AM, Jewish Passover celebration begins @ 10 AM. Stick around for an interfaith coffee hour!

Come join our third year starting Holy Week in this witness- questions to

APR 10
Enough! An Interfaith Anti-Racist Action Against the Youth Jail
Public · Hosted by Claire Alison West
Monday at 9 AM - 11 AM
Next Week
Howard S. Wright Company - 415 1st Ave N, Seattle 98109

Join us April 10 for this Passover & Holy Week Action against King County's New Youth Jail! We honor Jewish and Christian traditions of liberation and disruption with rituals of witness and protest. 

We say ENOUGH! DEY! to the racist youth jail project. It's time to invest in community-owned healing spaces. 

Wear red! Bring a sign or hold one of ours. Clericals, kippot, etc. encouraged. All are welcome. 

8:45 - Gathering - 1st Ave N & Republican St. 
9am - Christian Table Turning
10am - Passover Seder Rituals

Organized by European Dissent Seattle & Jews Undoing Institutional Racism, in solidarity with the No New Youth Jail Campaign led by Ending the Prison Industrial Complex - EPIC Seattle and Youth Undoing Institutional Racism - YUIR Seattle.

Contact: | 206.909.8758

The ritual of Passover tells the story of the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt. We bring to live Passover rituals to remember our confrontation of power toward collective liberation and incite continuing action. We celebrate our liberation even as we renounce the complicity of those of us who are white with modern day oppression - systemic racism, the prison industrial complex, and the building of a new youth jail in King County.

Jesus overturned the tables in the Jerusalem temple at the beginning of Holy Week, challenging a religious, economic, and political system that was exploiting the poor and marginalized of his day. As predominantly white churches/denominations, we claim our complicity in upholding structural racism, and recognize that while we benefit in very tangible ways from these unjust systems, we also pay a very real price physically, emotionally, morally, and spiritually.

We say ENOUGH to institutions making money caging children of color, represented by the corporation of Howard S. Wright, a subsidiary of behemoth multinational corporation Balfour Beatty, who secured a $154 million taxpayer-funded contract to build the new jail. 

We say ENOUGH to our religious institutions - which uphold white supremacy and sell out our morals for capital profit and to maintain business-as-usual. 

We say ENOUGH investing in the Prison Industrial Complex to solve our social problems. We must join the leadership of those most affected in calling out for justice. We must build healing spaces for community-run and community-owned alternatives to detention.


Holy Table Turning/Passover
Monday, April 10 at the Howard S. Wright HQ
415 1st Ave N Seattle 98109  9AM
European Dissent, in solidarity with Ending the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC), is coordinating a brief 9 AM ecumenical worship service. The liturgy will call attention to the ways we, voters of King County, have allowed powerful corporate interests to use taxpayer money for a new Youth Jail (“Children and Family Justice Center”) in the Central District instead of investing in alternatives to detention in local communities.  Jews Undoing Institutional Racism (JUIR) – a multiracial group of Jewish anti-racist organizers also in collaboration with European Dissent and in solidarity with EPIC -  will lead a modified Passover Seder ritual at 10 AM.  In retelling the Jewish people’s liberation from slavery in Egypt – the ritual will reflect on our modern form of slavery – the Prison Industrial Complex – and how Jewish tradition calls us to continue challenging power toward the liberation of all peoples. We will gather at 8:45 AM across the street (in front of Key Arena) with info tables, flyers, and snacks. & Feel free to stick around afterward for a public, interfaith coffee hour!


April 11 Keystone members will host a 7 PM poster-making party downstairs in Battson Hall for Communities Rising WallyLake (Wallingford / Greenlake) and Wallingford Indivisible. CRWL & WI are two of several community organizations that have formed recently to encourage more active participation in our democracy. The posters will be used in the Seattle marches planned for April: Tax Day March (15Apr), Black Lives Matter March (15Apr), March For Science (22Apr) and People’s Climate March (29Apr).

Seven Sisters Share the Seven Last Words of Christ
An Ecumenical Observance of Good Friday at Plymouth Church
April 14 at noon featuring several UCC Seattle pastors. 

Holy Saturday (April 15) - 2pm, Black Lives Matter march.


Bridging the Divide: Constructive Communication in Difficult Times
A Workshop Series
At Keystone United Church of Christ  -  5019 Keystone Place North  -  Seattle 

What to Expect
  • You will learn to confidently engage conflict and have constructive conversations with family, friends and colleagues.

  • You will learn specific techniques to assess, initiate and hold difficult conversations.

  • You will gain insights into your own reactions to conflict and learn communication skills to better understand and respond to challenging situations. 

Who May Attend
Adults, Elders and Teenagers. People who are feeling stuck, alienated or reactive when talking with loved ones, friends or colleagues who hold different views. People who want to engage confidently and constructively with others in respectful dialogue.

Workshop Description
This workshop offers a model for building trust and engaging in difficult conversations in these polarized times, using a framework of self-knowledge, purposeful listening, common courtesy and good faith.  

Nora Ludviksen and Jim Levy, both facilitative mediators and conflict engagement specialists, will teach and demonstrate ways to engage with others in a constructive way, to build confidence, and to manage emotions as we attempt to bridge the divide.

Wednesday Evening 3-Part Series May 3, May 17 & May 24
5:30 pm: Doors ------ 5:45: Potluck Supper ------ 6:30-8:30 pm: Workshop
 $15/evening or $40/series.  
Come to one or two evenings, but we recommend the full series, as it builds each evening (and some assignments)
Limited financial assistance available through Keystone UCC, so pay what you can. Students free.
Childcare 6:30-8:30 pm with registration by May 1.
Register at Brown Paper Tickets or by phone and pay with check or cash at door. 
For more information: Keystone UCC 206-632-6021 

Workshop Sessions
Evening 1 – Wednesday, May 3  
Stories of the Divide
Why communicate? Defining your purpose
How do you deal with conflict?  Self-assessment exercise
Five conflict-handling modes and when to use them
Recognizing emotions and triggers 
How emotional escalation happens and what to do

Evening 2 – Wednesday, May 17
Deciding if, when and how to communicate
One-way, two-way and inner communication 
Techniques for one-way communication
Active listening for understanding

Evening 3 – Wednesday, May 24
Techniques for engaging in two-way communication
Keys to a good conversation: how to prepare, invite and participate
De-escalating yourself and others from conflict 

Workshop Leaders
Jim Levy   
Certified mediator and founder, Constructive Conflict Resolution 
Jim works with people in organizations, faith communities, universities and workplaces to engage conflict proactively and constructively. Through dialogue and building  communication skills, Jim also helps people bridge the polarized divide that separates members of communities and cultures. 

Nora Ludviksen 
Certified mediator and founder, The Table Mediation
Nora believes that even the most difficult conversations hold potential for creating lasting accord. She uses facilitative mediation to conduct mature, respectful dialogue with individuals, families and colleagues, transforming entrenched conflict into creative problem solving. 

Here is a blurb from our JLP intern Iris Chavez about her immigration work: 
Iris Chavez, Justice Leadership Program intern:

Sunday March 26, I was away to attend St. Mary’s bilingual mass. The room was packed full because the usual English mass and Spanish mass were combined to make time for a Know Your Rights (KYR) training that was to follow. The KYR training was put on by Colectiva Legal, the National Refugee Congress, the Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, and Ureña Law Offices. The purpose of KYR trainings is to inform the community how to prepare a safety plan in the event someone is detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and what to do in the event of an ICE raid, sweep, or if ICE comes to your door. Often times when families are not prepared, raids and deportations cause families to be broken up, with the parent taken away and the children split up and put in foster care. 
This training was different from other KYR trainings because people were encouraged to talk to each other about their fears and were taught breathing and grounding exercises to turn fear into power. Channeling fear is an important skill to acquire, especially in moments of paralyzing fear when it can be hard to think straight or focus. The current reality for immigrants and refugees is grim. Trump’s hyperactive executive orders banning certain Muslims and refugees, the possible non-renewal of DACA, expanded raids (including raids outside of shelters), mass detention and deportation along with the denial of due process puts multiple communities at risk. The more informed we are of the realities the more we are able to be of help and resource to the communities at risk.

Thank you’s!
Love in Action:  Keystone witnessing:

Friday, March 31 - Keystone stood with Amazon workers -
Seeking dignity at Security Industry Specialists
@ Amazon Headquarters, 410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109

Saturday, April 1 was  Sacred Heart Shelter
Keystone Cooked, Served, and Hung Out for Dinner with families in transitional housing

Friday, April 7 was Wallingford Meaningful Movies -
Command and Control
Keystone UCC hosted in (Battson Hall)

March 31- A couple Keystone folks supported workers who have run in to bewildering opposition at Amazon in their hope to be respected to observe Muslim prayers on the job as security officers.

Workers are seeking dignity at Security Industry Specialists (SIS), the company Amazon uses in Lake Union.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Choi <>
Date: Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Follow Up Rally at Amazon | FRI, MAR 31 at 2 PM
To: "Rev. Lauren Cannon" <>

Hello, FAN advocate!

Just last month, FAN joined faith leaders, labor unions, and community members came alongside Security Industry Specialists (SIS) security officers at Amazon for a Pray-In. After the powerful prayer event and over 2,000 emails about the issue, in addition to over 300 signatures from SIS officers inquiring about the lack of raises in four years and a fair path to unionization, we have received no response.

SIS officers have continually reached out to SIS management and to Amazon about their working conditions: stagnant wages, favoritism and perceived unfair treatment around race and religion. Community supporters, interfaith groups and tech workers have joined in and were met with silence. 

So we are joining Serving Seattle -- an organization of security, janitorial and service workers -- to come back on March 31st, with more people, more noise, and more pressure.

When: Friday, March 31 at 2 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: Amazon Headquarters (410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109)

See more information about the event on the Facebook page. Also, here are copies of informational flyers in English, Spanish, and Somali.

For a recap of the February Pray-In, here is a video and a blog post.

If you could spread the word to your memberships and congregations, it would be greatly appreciated. To RSVP to this rally or if you have any questions or concerns, please email FAN organizer, David, at or call (206) 625-9790.

Thank you for your support!
David Choi & the FAN staff

Join our witnessInterfaith Economic Justice Coalition monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 10 AM.  All welcome to join Pastor Lauren & JLP Intern Iris Chavez as Keystone continues to support workers at Seatac fighting for dignity on the job and the wages they are due. 

April 20: 10 AM
contact Lauren for location (rotates between churches)

May Day is International Workers Day.
Join us on May Day 2017 for a day of resistance for workers in Seattle, up and down the West Coast, and across the country.  May 1st, Seattle
Women's Retreat at N-Sid-Sen: 
Celebrating Sisterhood:For Such A Time As This
A time of rest, relaxation, and renewal for women of all ages. Register here. This three-day retreat at beautiful Camp N Sid Sen on the shores of lovely Lake Coeur d’ Alene will provide opportunities for worship, fun, creativity, quiet, prayer, music, and laughter. All activities are purely voluntary, so if what you need is to just get away from life for a while and relax, you are welcome to come and truly ‘retreat.’  This is a gathering of women* across our Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ (WA, Idaho, Alaska)   *all who identify as female, or anyone who doesn't identify with the gender binary, but feels called to share this female-orientated space.


Big win- Keystone celebrates faithful support of workers who have been advocating for fairness. On March 1, 2017, Alaska Airlines announced they will stop contracting out to Menzies for baggage handlers.  Now these can be on a pathway toward union jobs within Alaska Airlines.  900 baggage handlers will now receive better wages and benefits.

In a dramatic reversal, Alaska Airlines announced that they are going to stop contracting out baggage-handling jobs at our airport. Instead, 900 Alaska baggage handlers are now going to become employees of an Alaska subsidiary. And thanks to SeaTac Proposition 1, the workers are going to keep their jobs, and their starting wage will be $15.34/hour.

For the last 4.5 years, Keystone has been supporting workers in their fight for dignity and pay at our Seatac Airport.   Join Iris and Lauren in April and May for reading this new book:  March 16 was Book signing:  see pictures on FB and blog:

Beyond $15
Keystone stepped out in faith to support worker justice & dignity.

Pastor Lauren was a panelist for "Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement" book launch.  Lauren and Keystone's work with the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition, since 2012  is featured in Jonathan Rosenblum's just-released book, as he tells the inside story of how Sea-Tac Airport workers and faith and community allies led the first successful fight for $15, renewing the national labor movement."

See pictures here on FB from the panel Thursday March 16, 6-8 PM, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
321 16th Ave. South, Seattle WA 98144

Read along a chapter/ week with Iris and Lauren for April & May.

In the season of Lent, Keystone friends are thinking about joining the church.  This is less of a formal portal to some inside privileges, but more of an opportunity to offer a statement of support for the life and work of Keystone UCC.  It is an expression of your commitment and intention in our beloved community.  Talk to Rich and Lauren to join with others who will be reflecting this season on their own Stepping Stones of faith!
Christening conversation- 
Families with children, adults interested in baptism, friends ~ new or old to Keystone UCC~ are gathering  for a supper time discussion about this ritual in our faith.  We will break bread, while we have childcare for your little one.  Wednesday eve late March/early April,  Interested?  contact:

Our Holy Week journey:

April 10 Table Turning Monday Action: 9 AM No New Youth Jail @ 

April 13 Maundy Thursday Supper 5:30 PM
in Battson Hall 

April 14 Good Friday Service 7 PM in Learning Center

April 16 Easter Sunday!

Thank you’s:

April 1- Sacred Heart

April 7 Meaningful Movies @ Keystone 7 pm

Command And Control
Thank you - Meaningful Movies in Wallingford
Friday | 4/7/2017 | showed:
5019 Keystone Place N (at Keystone Congregational Church) Seattle, WA
COMMAND AND CONTROL  a minute-by-minute account of a near catastrophic nuclear explosion at a Titan ll Missile complex.  The movie was directed by Robert Kenner (FOOD, INC.) and based on the critically acclaimed book by Eric Schlosser (FAST FOOD NATION).  Recently declassified documents provide a cautionary tale of freak accidents, near misses, human fallibility and extraordinary heroism.  Command and …

Mark calendars for next Meaningful Movie at Keystone:  first Friday of month:  May 5th.
In this rainy season, we are part of good stewardship! Thursday March 16- Rain Wise Sign was installed (see picture.)  In our partnership with City of Seattle for our church rain garden, there is now an educational sign at the corner of our lot, for everyone passing by to learn how they can also help with rain gardens.
