Sunday, September 15, 2019

step out with Keystone to Youth Climate Strike Sept. 20 & more Keystone news!

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, September 15, 2019
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
with Rev. Lauren Cannon.  (Rev. Yuki Schwartz, off)

Theme: Faithfulness
Scripture: Exodus 32: 7-14
Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Reader: Marilyn
Usher: Dan O.

Coffee Hour: Arlene
Children's Ministry:  Paisley for Anita

Congratulations Yuki! and thank you everyone for making September 8 Ordination 5 pm worship and 6 pm grand reception celebration so meaningful at Keystone!
We heard the holy wisdom/ holy words of Micah 6: 1-8 and sang bold rounds of "What Does the Lord Require?"  You wore red, Rev. Rich preached, Amber read scripture, Rita and Barb led liturgy as well as Communion with Yuki & Clint!  We sang with Janet Stecher, Elliot Kraber & Yigit Kolat.  Lauren welcomed dear guests from Chicago, Bremmerton, and Pacific Northwest, and central Missouri.  We got to adorn Yuki with her doctoral hood, as she thanked Keystone for And we ate beautiful cakes from John and Barb in a reception hall decorated by Jo in Battson Hall following worship- thank you everyone for helping extend our warm welcome, bringing beautiful fruit, sandwiches, flowers and so much heart- to cheer this great day!

*Closing Hymn  What Does the Lord Require? Jim Strathdee
Lyrics reprinted under OneLicense A-730247
Bass/Tenor (part 1): What does the Lord require of you? What does the Lord require of you?

Alto (part 2): Justice, kindness, walk humbly with your God.

Soprano (part 3): To do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.
* Benediction
*Sending Hymn        What Does the Lord Require (reprise)
Families:  *new*  Your children start in worship, to start their morning in song & community! *  After the scripture is read, Children head down to classroom for the craft, Bible story, & creative play.  All ages together.  Let Anita know if your child has any snack allergies.  (Kids are always welcome to also remain in worship with you.)  Anita will usher children back up to sanctuary @ Communion- to be with you, for closing hymn!

* Find Activity pages, crayons & books on the welcome table every week as you come in: two types: younger children & older children.

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. More info at

Sermons Available Online: If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, you can listen to or download past sermons from our audio archive. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​


Sunday, September 22:  10:30 AM worship
Rev. Yuki Schwartz, preaching
with Rev. Lauren Cannon (Rev. Rich Gamble off)

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Reader: Sandie
Usher: Christian
Coffee: Barbara
Children's Ministry: Anita
~ ~ ~

Keystone member
We rejoice for you Lance Apollo Townsdin,
born July 17!   We celebrate you- & the secure love that enfolds you!  Michelle, Christian and big sis Allie (turning 3) - you are all doing an amazing job- Keep it up!  We are with you!
Sharing Life Together: community
Joys, Challenges, Prayers, & News

Nell Townsley is being admitted today (9/12) to check out the significant pain in her hip and lower back.  Nathan is helping Nell assess if she has a fracture.  And we are grateful for folks who may take turns visiting as she is in the hospital, and may transfer to needed nursing care.  Thank you to Margaret who has been present amidst Nathan and Ruth also having a dear friend in Oregon who has entered hospice.  Call, text or email to Lauren are welcome if you have a time you can offer to visit:  773-501-7382

Our prayers are sending our Children's Teacher Anita extra strength as she spends time helping her mom in Maryland, stays at her sister's, and helps out her nephews, as they all navigate her mom's recent health challenges. 

More September:
Sept. 15: Rev Rich preaches with Rev. Lauren
Sept. 22:  Rev. Yuki preaches with Rev. Lauren
Sept. 29: Rev. Rich preaches with music led by Janet

October 1- Nov. 5:
Rev. Rich on sabbatical

Also Announced: on Sunday September 8:
Amber invited us to Save the date!  FAN: Cluster Meeting: North King County – October 29 from 7-9 PM at Journey Christian Church (includes Ballard, North Seattle, Phinney Ridge, and University District)

From this past week:
9/5: FAN webinar on sensitive locations (churches etc) in immigration justice. Talk to Amber:  see below

9/5: Communities Rising gathered @ Keystone: Voting: How Do we Decide?

9/6: Friday @ Meaningful Movies @ Keystone: The Human Element.

9/7: Prayers:  We continue to hold our whole extended Hearn family in our hearts from the celebration of Donald Hearn’s life Saturday @ Keystone.

Blessings, blessings this week to our scholars, teachers, & families: Back to School!  We celebrate your sharp minds that can ask tough questions, grow your dendrites, and your hearts for humble learning, as you bloom forth!  

We rejoice with the Townsdins:  baby Lance is coming up on two months!
Upcoming Events

Friday, September 20 – join Keystone to Youth Climate Strike Rally
@ Seattle City Hall, 600 4th Ave.
March begins at noon. (see below.  other spots we are plugging in too!)

Monday, September 23 – Deadline to comment on federal proposal to end SNAP benefits for 3 million people
Click here to submit a comment on the US government's proposal to reformulate the federal poverty level that would end SNAP benefits to working families, children, and senior citizens.
Friday, October 4 – Wallingford Meaningful Movies: Damned to Extinction
@ Keystone UCC
Doors Open at 6:30 p.m., movie starts at 7 p.m.
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

Week of Climate Action is here! Sept. 20

Young climate activists around the world have been walking out of their schools to protest global inaction on climate change and organizing for change in their neighborhoods. On September 20, we will join them for week of strikes and actions, which kick off in Seattle with a Youth Climate Strike Rally at noon at City Hall, 600 4th has a list of ways that you can support them. They've also published a free Climate Resistance Handbook that has more ideas on ways you can organize for climate action. 

Couple ways Keystone folks will be out there include these:
Meet before at Cal Anderson with our Kadima friends:

Kadima Meet-Up at Climate Justice Fest
Friday, September 20⋅9:30 – 10:00am
Cal Anderson Park
1635 11th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122, USA

Description:9:30am Shacharit at Lincoln Reservoir in Cal Anderson Park Meet up with Jews and friends during the Climate Strike for a minyan during the Climate Justice Fest at Cal Anderson Park. Meet up with other Jews & allies at 9:30am on the east side of Lincoln Reservoir (by the fountain) for a short morning service. BYOTallit, Siddur, and Tefilin, or just your prayerful presence. We will blow shofar and welcome us all to arise to the world as it is before joining the larger rally at 10am, which runs until 12pm when there is a march to City Hall. Information on the general event:

Organizer: Kadima Reconstructionist Community

Advocate for Your Neighbors

Speak up for Treaty Rights and Clean Air  Puget Sound Energy is planning to build a liquefied natural gas plant on the Tacoma Tideflats, which is adjacent to Puyallup Tribal land and waters. The plant would store and distribute fracked gas in an operation that would affect the people being held at the NW Immigrant Detention Center, as well as homes and neighborhoods in the surrounding area. Puyallup Water Warriors have been praying and fasting to protest the plant. You can join them in their resistance by submitting a comment on the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, and also by speaking out to your neighbors and contacts on social media, using the hashtags #Pray4LifeGivers and #NoLNG253. You can also watch Earth Ministry's Web site for more action ideas and for more information. Comment deadline is September 9. 

Federal: SNAP Rule Changes  The Trump administration is working to end SNAP benefits for three million people by restricting eligibility for people earning over 130% of the federal poverty level and preventing states from automatically enrolling residents who receive other benefits. As with other proposed rule changes, we have 60 days to provide comments against this proposal, and each comment must be unique. You can submit a comment at, indicating how this policy would cause more hunger in our communities, especially for working families, children, and senior citizens. Deadline for comments is September 23.

Training on Immigration Responses

Faith Action Network:  Many of you are already responding with compassion and care for your immigrant neighbors. We are always looking for additional resources to share with our statewide network to maximize the role faith communities can play in response to workplace raids, detentions, and deportations.
With El Centro de la Raza and the Anti-Defamation League, FAN hosted a Sensitive Location Webinar on Thursday, September 5, at noon. Keystone was represented by Amber for now, as we talked about how places of worship are sensitive locations and can protect immigrants. 
We know in Yakima, faith communities have been engaged with the Yakima Immigrant Response Network in witnessing ICE flights and transportation to the Northwest Detention Center. They hosted an ICE Raid Verifier Training Thursday, August 29, at Central Lutheran Church in Yakima.
From the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) there are several calls to action: “The core of our Deportation Defense strategy is rapid response teams. These teams work together to verify ICE activity so that we can report back to the community where ICE is operating and whether or not they have detained people. Are you part of a team or know someone who is? Do you want to start a team? Fill out this form and let us know!”
Also from WAISN, last week there were reports of ICE action in Ephrata that caused widespread fear in the Grant County Courthouse. Please take action.
Gethsemane Lutheran Church and Sanctuary Downtown Seattle supporters gathered this past week and continue to support Jose Robles and his family while he is in detention. Contact them to support that effort.
We will continue to add resources to use at  NEW ADVOCACY TOOLKIT page, scroll down to immigration resources. Talk to Keystone folks about our next steps!
Keystone's Children's Ministries requests your help collecting a few supplies
in prep for manger making later this fall!  Keep your eye out, and start a little bag
or box, to drop off to Anita anytime in the classroom!  (half way down the stairs
from narthex to Battson Hall= the door to classroom space.)

Film:  Damned to Extinction (with special guests)
Friday, October 4; Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; movie starts at  7 p.m.
@ Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

** All events are Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation.


The Meaningful Movies Project is growing and we're looking for some enthusiastic people to join us!

We are seeking new members for our Executive Board.  Here is the Board Member description and the Board Member application.
We are also accepting applications for a 2019/2020 Meaningful Movies Intern.  Here is the internship description and application.
Do either sound like you or someone you know? We welcome you to apply and we'd be grateful if you forwarded these openings to your networks. Thank you!

Important Dates
October 1 - November 5: Rev. Rich's sabbatical
October 18-19: PNW UCC Conference Fall Gathering: Richland: check this out!

Fall:  Monthly get togethers to share food, strengthen our spirits, deepen our faith in study:  Wednesday/Saturday early evenings- faith activities for children and youth: family-design!
-- Chat more with Pastor Lauren

Save the Dates: for Festival of Hope:  November 23 & 24!

Kate Speltz - 9/23
Allie Townsdin - 9/12

Arlene Hobson- 9/20

Blake Penick - 9/29
Betty Sabo - 9/13

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!
Please let Barb know additions/ omissions! 
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Monday-Thursday mornings (and during evening classes) and Sundays. (Sabbath = Friday & Saturdays). Email to make a meeting time: 

Pastor Yuki is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment (Sabbath = Fridays). Email her at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
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