Friday, July 13, 2018

Come check out events @ Keystone: July 14 Open Mic, Clothing Swap. July 21 Charlie King Concert . July 15 Workshop: songs of Poor People's Campaign.

July 11- a couple folks began visioning for this November’s Festival of Hope- it will be our 40th!  After coffee hour brief Brainstorm Session coming in August!

Saturday July 14- ‘Speak Your Truth’ open mic & clothing swap- for young adult volunteers around Seattle- thank you Hunter & Bri
 (see below)

Thursday, July 19 – Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition w/Puget Sound Sage- 10 am

Saturday, July 21 – Charlie King & Rebel Voices in Concert: Benefit for Keystone Church & the Justice Leadership Program.  Come at 6 pm to help set up welcome table, ticket takers.

Sunday, July 22 – JLP Intern, Hunter Paulson-Smith preaching.
Ritual with Bri & Hunter to close our JLP year (note date change from July 29.)

Thursday, July 26 – Vigil for Safe Jobs and Safe Communities- 10 am
w/Seattle Workers for Justice Coalition @ Ravenna Neighborhood - Corner of NE 65th and 15th Ave NE, SE of Roosevelt HS10:00am

Sunday, July 29 –July Birthdays Celebration

Saturday, Aug. 4 – Sacred Heart Shelter
Come cook food or Serve Dinner: leave church by  5:15pm

2018 Church Directory in the works

Hunter and Barb are working on crafting the new church directory. We want to make sure everyone's information is updated and accurate. If you have moved or changed email/phone number, email with your new information.

We will also be taking pictures of new community members on Sundays after church.

Join us for an open mic featuring poetry, spoken word, music, and more! Prior to the open mic we will have a clothing swap. Feel free to join for one or both of these. The theme of the open mic is "Speak Your Truth." We hope that folks bring their stories.

All are welcome! This space will be open to people of every race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, social location, etc. It will be a young-adult centered event. Our hope is to honor diversity and share stories from the many walks of life we come from.

The order of events is as follows:

Clothing Swap: 6-7pm
Open Mic: 7-8:30pm

Snacks and beverages will be provided. Bring clothes to swap! The event will be held in the church downstairs in Batson Hall.

(An accessible ramp is at playground door for those with access needs)

Contact Hunter through Facebook if you're interested in sharing a piece at the open mic. We're asking that readings don't exceed 4 minutes. All are welcome to share, we are trying to put together a set list before the date itself so please contact Hunter if you're at all interested!!

Please invite your friends! It's going to be an awesome night.

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