Friday, March 3, 2017

March 16 book launch Beyond $15

Beyond $15
Keystone stepping out in faith to support worker justice & dignity.

Pastor Lauren will be panelist for "Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement" book launch.  Lauren and Keystone's work with the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition is featured in  Jonathan Rosenblum's book, as he tells the inside story of how Sea-Tac Airport workers and faith and community allies led the first successful fight for $15, renewing the national labor movement."

Come hear more Thursday March 16, 6-8 PM, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
321 16th Ave. South, Seattle WA 98144

For the last 4.5 years, Keystone has been supporting workers in their fight for dignity and pay at our Seatac Airport.  Here is our recent advocacy to the Seatac City Council:

Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition

Tukwila • Seattle • White Center • Normandy Park • SeaTac • Renton • Burien • Bryn Mawr/Skyway

February 28, 2017

Dear SeaTac City Council Members,
We are the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition, comprised of over 30 different faith communities from Seattle to South King County.  For the past five years, we have worked together across our faiths to continuously stand with workers in their fights for dignity, respect, safety and living wages in their workplace.  In the summer of 2013, the year Proposition 1 was passed by City of SeaTac voters, members of our faith coalition joined with workers from SeaTac airport and other community members and appeared before you on two occasions, to urge you to support Prop 1.
We currently are concerned for the attacks on concessions workers at SeaTac airport who are mostly women, immigrants and refugees working hard to support their families. Their airport jobs are critically important to them. Some have reported to us that they have been blatantly mistreated in the workplace, have not received their pay and sick leave, and have been threatened and harassed at work. 
We are calling on you to fulfill your role in enforcing Proposition 1 to protect these workers. It is your duty to ensure SeaTac employers follow the rules in your jurisdiction. We ask you as the City Council of your city to call for an audit of these companies, and can provide you a list of the ones whose practices are most problematic. Be assured we are also calling on the Port of Seattle to fulfill their role as well.
Immigrant and refugee women working at the airport are the backbone of the economy in your City. We ask you to take the steps within your jurisdiction to insure that SeaTac Airport workers have safe, legal and just working conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via Faith Action Network at 206-625-9790.
Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition

Rev. John Helmiere, Valley & Mountain Fellowship (UMC)

Rev. Canon Dick Gillett, St. Andrews Church (Seattle)

Rabbi David Basior, Kadima Reconstructionist Community

Rev. Shelly Fayette, Christ Episcopal Church (Seattle)

Rev. Jan Bolerjack,
Riverton United Methodist Church

Rev. Troy Lynn Carr, Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church

Rev. Darrell Goodwin,
Liberation United Church of Christ

Rev. Lauren Cannon, Keystone United Church of Christ

Michael Ramos, The Church Council of Greater Seattle

Rev. Paul Benz & Elise DeGooyer, 
Co-Directors of Faith Action Network

David Choi, Faith Action Network

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