Monday, January 9, 2017

Art Installation... Christening... Into the Streets... with Keystone UCC - in January

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
** Keystone UCC Weekly News & Events has moved to biweekly publication. See lower down for leaders lineup for next two Sundays and more **
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Theme: Baptism
Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Barb
Usher: Jo
Communion: Lauren, Rich & Barb
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret, John, Barb, Charles
Children's Ministry: Anita

REV. RICH ON VACATION:  From January 9-24, Rev. Rich and Kate will be taking a well-earned vacation in southern Spain, and as such, will not be with us on Sunday January 15 or Sunday January 22.

NEW KEYSTONE DIRECTORY: Pick yours up this Sunday – thanks to Barbara Anderson!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Rev. Lauren Cannon, preaching
Rev. Rich Gamble, off

Moment of Ministry: Iris

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Christian
Usher: Nick
Communion: Rita and Lauren
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret, Michelle, John, Barb
Children's Ministry: Anita

PAMELA VOGET ART INSTALLATION & GIFTING:  After worship, join us in the Narthex for the unveiling of the Pamela Voget art installation. Come share this time of reflection and community with the Voget family. If a piece speaks to your heart, Rich and Connie invite you to take the piece home with you. All are welcome! 
Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events:

Sunday, Jan. 15 –  Celebration of Pamela Voget's Art
Pamela's Art is being gifted by Connie and Rich, for the people of Keystone to take home​
@ Keystone UCC (to be displayed in the Narthex)
After Coffee Hour

Friday, Jan. 20 - Know your Rights Training
@ McCaw Hall at Seattle Center, 321 Mercer St.

Saturday, Jan. 21 - March in Solidarity w/Keystone folks at Washington DC Women's March
Contact Barb Anderson for details:

Sunday Jan. 22 - January Birthdays Celebration @ coffee hour

Friday, Jan. 27 - Immigration 101 Session
@ Everett Community Center

Friday Feb. 3- Meaningful Movies- "Dream On"
7 PM  about the fading of the American Dream.

Saturday, Feb. 4 –  Sacred Heart Shelter
Cooking and Serving Dinner
food and servers at Keystone by 5pm;
leave by 5:15pm

Saturday, Feb. 4 –  Seattle Labor Chorus 20th Anniversary Concert
@ Keystone UCC
Doors open at 6:30pm; show starts at 7pm

Thursday, Feb. 9 –  Interfaith Advocacy Day (IFAD) w/Faith Action Network
@ State Capitol, Olympia

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Can you help?  
We invite folks to sign up to host Coffee Hour on these upcoming February dates.

It can be anything you like and quite simple.  A bit of fruit? A box of crackers and a dip?  A bag of store bought cookies?  Anything works! Thank you!

Clipboard sign up is behind coffee pot in Narthex or you can send a note to:
Friday Feb. 3-  Jim Little will facilitate the Meaningful Movie discussion for the film “Dream On”, about the fading of the American Dream.  Themes it touches on include:  worsening income inequality, poverty, home foreclosure, homelessness, globalization, healthcare access.

Christening Conversation

Families with children, adults interested in baptism, friends ~ new or old to Keystone UCC ~ come for a supper time discussion about this ritual in our faith. At Keystone we share in two sacraments: Communion and Baptism. It is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship. Through baptism a person is joined with the body of Christ, as one who is already beloved by God. In this act, our community pledges to support and share the call to be God's people always. Some circumstances invite Adults to seek re-baptism as a renewal of the spirit.

Start to learn more here:
And come break bread as we talk about the sacred ritual at Keystone; bring all your questions.  Childcare provided.  Email your interest to Pastor Lauren- we are picking a weekday early evening that works best for most.
~ Celebration of Pamela Voget's Art ​~​
Display in Narthex - January 15, 2017​
Pamela's Art is being gifted for the people of Keystone to take home​.

From Connie Voget:
"I am grateful for the opportunity to offer to this community some artwork created by our daughter, Pamela Voget. The art will be on display in the Narthex​ on January 15​. Our daughter had a goal  to attend art college to learn how to create work for people to enjoy in their homes. Her interest in art manifested early and her earliest art classes were at the Neo Art School for children. She also did art in elementary and middle school, took art classes in high school and studied with private teachers in their studios. She was thrilled and honored to be accepted by the Cornish College for the Arts, but she died before she could matriculate. It has come to me recently that if I give away the art that she left behind, I would be allowing such fulfillment, as is possible, of her goal of giving pleasure through her art. I am honored to involve the Keystone community in this plan."

From Pastor Lauren:
"Friends, please ​mark your calendar to linger after coffee hour on Sunday January 15. You are invited by Connie and Rich Voget; Rita Peterson; Pastor Lauren and Pastor Rich ​to enjoy ​art pieces crafted by Pamela ​Voget before she died, Dec. 28, 2001 at the age of 20.
Keystone UCC is honored to ​offer​ community space ​where Pamela's art can continue to ripple, as gifts to bring in to your homes. Pamela's work will be mounted, and in notebooks, with display boxes for you to look through and select a piece that speaks to you.
Know Your Rights Trainings  
Immigration 101 Workshop

Our JLP Intern Iris has been at work supporting these trainings on behalf of Keystone, and invites us to plug in. Contact Iris for more information:
Our immigrant community faces a lot of uncertainty these days. One step various organizations are taking is inform community members of their basic constitutional rights regardless of immigration status through “Know Your Rights” trainings. Colectiva Legal is working with the City of Seattle to host an all-day immigration clinic on January 20, the day of inauguration. Details:

Seattle United for Immigrant and Refugee Families
Date: Friday, Jan. 20, 2017
Time: 12 – 8pm
Location: McCaw Hall at Seattle Center, 321 Mercer Street
For more information go to

AN INVITATION TO VOLUNTEER: To volunteer and for more information call the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs at (206) 386-9090 or click HERE.

ALSO ...
The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is offering Immigration 101 sessions, which are informational sessions open to anyone in the community who wants to know more about immigration law and policies. The next one will be held in Everett. Details:
Date: Friday, Jan. 27, 2017
Time: 9am – 12:30pm
Location: Everett Community College, Walt Price Student Fitness Center, 2206 Tower Street, Everett, WA 98201
Go to to register for Immigration 101

As an Advocating Congregation, we send a team from Keystone UCC each year, for this fun & connecting field work, as a labor of our love! Iris, our JLP intern, will be our team leader as we come alongside our partners at Faith Action Network and bring to our elected leaders our voices of compassion and justice. We partner for the common good with people of all faiths—and with people of no faith at all—who stand up boldly to challenge the powerful.

For more information and to register, visit
You can reach Iris by texting or calling (509) 990-5668 or by email at
Iris gives testimony at Burien City Council
City votes to become sanctuary city
Keystone celebrates with JLP Intern Iris Chavez after she advocated for immigrant protections. The City of Burien voted on Dec. 19 to become a Sanctuary City. Here is an excerpt from the public comment she delivered:

"According to Seattle Mayor Murray's Executive Order 2016-08, "Washington State's population grew by 40,000 unauthorized residents between 2009 and 2014, making our state one of six in the country with a growing unauthorized population when numbers have decreased nationally." Immigrant communities are a primary target for the dangers and threats imposed by the political climate, meaning a great number of our state's communities are feeling unsafe and threatened. Immigrants should feel secure in their communities to contact local officials if they have legal issues. Burien city government must take actions that will ensure the justice system provides protection to Burien's most vulnerable residents."

Read her full comment HERE.

Report back from Hate-Free WA Press Conference
Here is an excerpt from a summary that was printed in The Stranger of the Hate Free Washington press conference attended by Rev. Lauren and Rich Voget.

"Congresswoman-elect Pramila Jayapal stated, "We come together today to say we will fight injustice and policies rooted in racism and will condemn hateful rhetoric. ... Together we say we respect women, we value Muslims, we value Black lives, we stand with LGBTQ community members, and with immigrants, refugees and people of all faiths. We value those of all abilities and workers and we will fight for dreamers of all kinds, immigrant and Native born."

Read the full summary HERE. this work in accountable coalition, and POC/non-Christian-identified folks are always welcome.

Kids & Race: Changing the Narrative
Saturday, Jan 21, 9:30am—noon @ Central Lutheran Church

Featuring Pastor Darla DeFrance of Columbia City Church of Hope  and early childhood educators Sharon Chang and Jason Frelot of The Well, Queen Anne Methodist Church & STCC, on how narratives and counter-narratives shape our children's racial identity development. Includes childcare with racial justice program for young kids. Tickets at

More Events:

Monday, Jan. 16 - MLK Day workshops and Seattle March- @ Garfield High School

Thursday, Jan. 19 - Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition. Please come join Pastor Lauren & JLP intern Iris, representing Keystone UCC:  10 -11:30am
“Finding the Wisdom we Need”
As part of our Pacific Northwest region, our United Church of Christ Conference invites all those of us identifying as men to this wonderful opportunity to retreat together at our beautiful UCC camp:
From Rev. Rick Russell, retired, member of the planning team, and member of Prospect Congregational UCC on Capitol Hill:
This is a reminder to sign up for the Conference Men's Retreat at Pilgrim Firs which is being held on February 3-5, 2017 (With a day of Silence opportunity on February 2).
The Program theme is "Finding the Wisdom We Need" with Program Leader, Rev. Mike Denton. Here are some words Mike uses to describe the theme:
There is a difference between being an elder and being older. Everyone can get older but an elder is chosen by a community to share the stories, wisdom, faith, love and hope that has been shared with them for the sake of the community. Past systems of eldership were dismantled by self-perpetuating systems based on privilege as opposed to the needs of the community. They were dismantled by systems of power that were threatened by the foresight and hindsight of wisdom. This retreat will be a discussion about how we might choose the elders we need and be open to being the elders our communities need.
The retreat is an opportunity to engage with other men in meaningful discussion, worship and song, and reflection on life’s transitions. The schedule allows for sharing as well as solitude.
To register, go to and click on Events in the banner. Then scroll down to the Men's Retreat.


Pierre Velonjara - 1/1
Lisa Smith - 1/6
Yigit Kolat - 1/9
Janice Hougen - 1/10
Pastor Peg Faulmann - 1/16
Nell Townley - 1/20
James Sabo - 1/23
Anita Featerstone - 1/24
Charlene Chang - 1/26

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Mondays: 9:30am-3:30pm, and mornings: Tuesday-Friday, & Sundays:  9:30am- 12:30pm. Wednesday evening mid-week classes.  (Saturday is Sabbath). Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
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