Every Sunday- 10:30 a.m. Worship- All Welcome!
April 20: Easter Sunday
Preaching: Rev. Rich Gamble
Matthew 28: 1-10 Resurrection
Reader: Christian
Usher: Betty S.
PreSchool/Kinder (3-5 year olds)- remain in worship this week with families during sermon time* Pick up children's bulletins & crayons on the welcome table as you come in!
Professional Nursery Care (0-2) downstairs, every Sunday 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM with Anita
*Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move about the sanctuary & welcome area, or classrooms downstairs / upstairs, or the playground out back!
Holy Week:
April 17 Maundy Thursday- Agape supper 7 pm, downstairs, Battson Hall
April 18 Good Friday- service of Tenebrae 7 pm, upstairs, Learning Center
Easter Sunday worship April 20 10:30 am
Coming next week:
April 22, Tuesday eve class eco-justice, ethics, faith Moe-Lobeda book- Freddie Helmiere 6:30 pm potluck 7pm class
Wednesday April 23 or 30 Teacher Orientation 6:45-8 pm |
Maundy Thursday - Agape supper: April 17 7 pm
5019 Keystone Place North, Seattle, 98103
Join- as we share an evening of ritual, song, supper, and fellowship. We will have a candlelit meal, hand washing, and remembering the last days and Last Supper Jesus had with disciples. Maundy means commandment, as demonstrated in the great commitment to love as God loves. Jesus's example to serve and love one another is our focus. We exchange stories from scripture and each other as we consider both suffering, and liberation and freedom. Pacific northwest salmon is our centerpiece, as we recall the symbol of fish, the Greek ichthus, that marked followers of Jesus. Desert and conversation, and singing a plenty. Communion in the round. Come as you are! contact: lauren.cannon@keystoneseattle.org
Good Friday 7 pm upstairs, Learning Center
5019 Keystone Place N 98103
The Service of Tenebrae (meaning "shadows") originated as an ancient Christian ritual from the 8th century. This service allows us to remember the last hours of Jesus' life. |
National news spotlight on efforts of our Justice Leadership Program interns and partners: organizing for those in need of a living wageCongratulations Keystone UCC members & friends- we took a big risk to build this program. Every bit and kind of support has made it grow. And made it possible to celebrate now with Jenn and Briana being recognized and highlighted this week across the UCC. Our Pacific Northwest Conference UCC works closely with our national UCC in Cleveland, and folks recently met and determined the wider church would want to learn what we have been busy with here! Each time you help our interns expand the work of justice in the world- we all stand for many more to benefit. Our interns have been advocating for those most in need of the basics to raise their families in Seattle. All glory to God! Link to UCC news story: "Young Adults Work to Establish a Living Wage in Seattle"April 2, 2014 Congrats Jenn, Briana, Church Council of Greater Seattle, Plymouth Church UCC, Keystone UCC, All Pilgrims Christian Church, Pacific Northwest Conference UCC, and all our partners and supporters in the JLP!
Happy 11th Anniversary to our "Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies" at Keystone UCC!
Every Friday = a film + discussion with guest speakers + neighbors
7:00 - 9:30 PM
7pm, Battson Hall (downstairs), Keystone UCC
April class in the Justice Leadership Program UCC: ALL are welcome- bring a friend!
Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation
Interactive discussion of this new book by Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, PhD Christian Ethics, who is Associate Professor, Theology & Religious Studies, and Environmental Studies at Seattle University. Connecting economic equity, earth care, and social values, Moe-Lobeda develops an "earth-honoring, justice-seeking Christian ethical stance." Cornel West says, "This is a grand prophetic book motivated by love and focused on... social justice, ecological justice, and dignity for 'the least of these.' Don't miss it!"
We are so pleased to be joined by this author and friend of JLP for the third class. And to be led in discussion by another colleague Freddie Helmiere, who teaches at Seattle U and U of Washington, and was research associate to Moe-Lobeda on the book for two years (see bio below)!
Tuesday April 8: read the first 1/3 of chapters: led by Freddie. Bring a robust question that emerges from your reading of the text.
No class on the Tuesday of Holy Week
Tuesday April 22: read the 2/3 of chapters: led by Freddie. Bring a question from your engagement with the text.
Tuesday April 29: read the last third of the chapters in book: led by Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda. Bring a question from your reading of the text.
Each Tuesday: Dinner & Study: 6:30 optional potluck; 7:00-8:30 class
Location: Keystone United Church of Christ 5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle 98103 On bus line, or park on street.
Join us for everything, or drop in when you can!
Helpful to RSVP: lauren.cannon@keystoneseattle.orgFrederica (Freddie) Helmiere has taught courses on religion, ecology and social justice at the University of Washington's Program on the Environment, Seattle University and Northwest University. She holds an MAR in Ethics from Yale Divinity and an MESc in Eco-justice and international development from Yale's Forestry School. She and her husband John live in South Seattle and serve with Valley & Mountain Fellowship (UMC)-- a "community movement, rooted in grace, that is focused on developing spiritual maturity, deep community, social justice, and creative expression." -- Our mid-week classes in the JLP run October to June, each year.
Upcoming events & info:
Richard Rohr - April 19- 9 AM-Noon Some from Keystone's 'Simpletons' book group have discussed Richard Rohr's books. He will offer a workshop in Burien before Easter.
From friend of Keystone, Rev. Katy Loyd:
Hi Conference Folks,
Some of you may already know of Richard Rohr. He is an internationally known teacher of spirituality and contemplation from the Franciscan tradition, and founder of The Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in New Mexico. His writing is widely read by church and non-church folk alike. Any help you can offer getting the word out is appreciated. If you need more information, you can contact Kay Kukowski, member of Our Lady of Guadalupe: kukowskikm@gmail.com
Father Richard Rohr will be presenting
A meditation on the Resurrection
From his book Immortal Diamond—the Search for the True Self
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish/gym
3401 SW Myrtle St., Seattle, WA 98126
Saturday April 19: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Check in at 08:30
No charge, donations only, no registration required.
Richard Rohr, OFM
Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within Christian mysticism and the Perennial Tradition. He is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province and founder of the Center forAction and Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fr. Richard's teaching is grounded in the Franciscan alternative orthodoxy—practices of contemplation and lived kenosis (self-emptying), expressing itself in radical compassion, particularly for the socially marginalized.
CAC is home to the Rohr Institute where Fr. Richard is academic Dean of the Living School for Action and Contemplation. Drawing upon Christianity's place within the Perennial Tradition, the mission of the Rohr Institute is to produce compassionate and powerfully learned individuals who will work for positive change in the world based on awareness of our common union with God and all beings.
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