Tuesday, April 1, 2014

supporting targeted local hiring: good for the economy & the environment

Come... see how we love!

Sunday March 30 Keystone UCC engaged in a discussion and voted for the church to help support the effort at Got Green to ask the City of Seattle to adopt a Targeted Local Hire Ordinance.  See below- reinvestment in local neighborhoods.

Worship each Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Every Sunday- 10:30 a.m. Worship- All Welcome!

March 30: Fourth Sunday in Lent     
Preaching: Rev. Rich Gamble
We continue along our Lenten journey leading toward Easter. This week's theme is light/darkness.

Our scripture assigned from our common lectionary is:  Ephesians 5:8-14

For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light- for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true.  Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, "Sleeper, awake! Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

Reader:  Lisa S.
Usher:  Jo W.
Greeters: we seek someone to serve as our welcome person this week.  (If you are able, contact Barb at gepreston@msn.com  We offer orientation on the set up tasks and goals!)
Coffee hour hospitality snacks: Marilyn
3-5 year olds: remain in worship with families this week
Professional Nursery Care (0-2) downstairs with Anita, every Sunday 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM

Coming up:

Education after church this Sunday March 30
with Connie Voget
approximately 11:45 AM/Noon

Wednesday April 2
Lenten Study: class on nonviolence
6:30 potluck 7 pm class

Friday March 28
Meaningful Movies- film
7 pm

Sunday April 6
10:30 am

Look ahead:

Sacred Heart Shelter
April 5

Holy Week:

April 17
Maundy Thursday meal and service
7 pm, downstairs, Battson Hall

April 18
Good Friday service
7 pm, upstairs, Learning Center

This Wednesday evening - class 4 of 4- come anytime
Lenten Study:  Nonviolence

This week we continue with Gandhi and King
What is the theory of nonviolence that has informed many movements for social change?  How are we inspired and rooted in nonviolence from the Judeo-Christian tradition?  How can I use nonviolence in the challenges in my life?  Come explore courageous examples from the history & practice of nonviolence in action.  And begin to apply to your social change work, or to your personal development.  Four evenings of study & discussion including brief video segments from A Force More Powerful.  Led by Lauren Cannon, Associate Pastor, Keystone United Church of Christ.  March 12, 19, 26, & April 2

With church members and friends and our UCC Social Justice Interns- all welcome!
Wednesday nights:  6:30 optional potluck; 7:00-8:30 class
Keystone United Church of Christ, 5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle 98103

Stride Toward Freedom, The Montgomery Story, Martin Luther King Jr., 1958
Sharing the Rock:  Leadership for the Common Good, Bill Grace, 2011
Helpful to RSVP: Elizabeth Dickinson
Join us for everything, or drop in when you can!

Announcements & news below
Newsletter submissions:  email:

Happy 11th Anniversary to our "Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies" at Keystone UCC!

Every Friday =  a film + discussion with guest speakers + neighbors

7:00 - 9:30 PM  
7pm, Battson Hall (downstairs), Keystone UCC

Sunday March 30 Education  GOT GREEN

Coffee hour after church:  Connie Voget will be talking about an opportunity for Keystone to endorse legislation before the Seattle City Council. Here are a couple of links to get a jump on what Connie will be talking about.


Keystone Family, Janice Hougen's mother died this week.  Our prayers surround her and her family.  Thank you for your continued prayers
Mudslide in Oso, Washington:


Dear sisters and brothers;

Some have begun to ask what their churches might do to help those effected by last weekend's mudslide.  At this point, that's simply not clear.  The scene is so unsafe and so unstable that only official first responders are being allowed.  There are enough supplies to meet the immediate physical needs of those who have had to evacuate.  Its not yet clear what will be the financial needs of those effected.  I'll share more news in this regard as more news becomes available.

In this case, it is fortunate that there are so many resources available.  In the case of many disasters throughout the world, this is not always the case.  One thing I'd encourage you to consider is giving to One Great Hour of Sharing (http://www.ucc.org/oghs/) in memory of those who died in Oso.  This fund helps people all over the world effected by natural and human disasters.

Regardless, this news is jarring and heartbreaking.  As your church prepares for this Sunday, are there resources you intend to use?  Please share them here.  I added a prayer to my blog that you can feel free to use or adapt in any way.  Here's the link:


Rev. Michael Denton
Pacific Northwest Conference of
The United Church of Christ
"We are justice seekers called to embody our faith."



Resources for our prayer lives

We have been exploring practices we are taking up for the season of Lent.

A resource to share:
Pray As You Go is a daily podcast, about 10 minutes long.
It follows lectionary readings for the year, and the church seasons.  Put together by an order of Catholic brothers in England, to share freely with the world. Uses music and scripture and a couple question prompts.

Teacher Orientation in April
You Are Invited to Teach Sunday School
We are underway to offer you (adults!) a way to deepen your faith and share your love and joy with our children.  Help us start our new season of teaching this April, May, and June.  Become a Sunday school teacher or assistant.  Please contact Lauren at lauren.cannon@keystoneseattle.org for more information and to sign-up.

Begin with our 3-5 year olds!

Pick a Sunday or two in April, May, and June to teach.

Teacher Orientation in April

If you are interested in being a teacher with our 3-5 year olds, we have an evening coming up in the month of April, to orient to a different set of materials, and to provide Safe Church Training.  Let Lauren, Barb, or Lisa know if you want to attend.  Then Lisa is finding the best evening for us-- and then will send you the link for the sign-up-genius.  You can see what dates are open and sign up for a few when it is convenient for you to teach!

Friday March 28 film + community discussion

"Food Stamped"

With Nancy Amidei
Every Friday =  a film + discussion with guest speakers + neighbors

7:00 - 9:30 PM  
Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies
7pm, Battson Hall (downstairs), Keystone UCC

April class in the Justice Leadership Program UCC:
ALL are welcome- bring a friend!
Resisting Structural Evil:
Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation
Interactive discussion of this new book by Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, PhD Christian Ethics, who is Associate Professor, Theology & Religious Studies, and Environmental Studies at Seattle University. Connecting economic equity, earth care, and social values, Moe-Lobeda develops an "earth-honoring, justice-seeking Christian ethical stance."  Cornel West says, "This is a grand prophetic book motivated by love and focused on... social justice, ecological justice, and dignity for 'the least of these.' Don't miss it!"

We are so pleased to be joined by this author and friend of JLP for the third class.  And to be led in discussion by another colleague Freddie Helmiere, who teaches at Seattle U and U of Washington, and was research assistant to Moe-Lobeda on the book (see bio below)!

Tuesday April 8: read the first 1/3 of chapters: led by Freddie. Bring a robust question that emerges from your reading of the text.

No class on the Tuesday of Holy Week
Tuesday April 22: read the 2/3 of chapters: led by Freddie.  Bring a question from your engagement with the text.

Tuesday April 29: read the last third of the chapters in book: led by Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda.  Bring a question from your reading of the text.

Each Tuesday:  Dinner & Study:
6:30 optional potluck;
7:00-8:30 class
Location:  Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle 98103
On bus line, or park on street.

Join us for everything, or drop in when you can!
Helpful to RSVP: lauren.cannon@keystoneseattle.org

Frederica (Freddie) Helmiere has taught courses on religion, ecology and social justice at the University of Washington's Program on the Environment, Seattle University and Northwest University. She holds an MAR in Ethics from Yale Divinity and an MESc in Eco-justice and international development from Yale's Forestry School. She and her husband John live in South Seattle and serve with Valley & Mountain Fellowship (UMC)-- a "community movement, rooted in grace, that is focused on developing spiritual maturity, deep community, social justice, and creative expression."


Justice Leadership Program offers classes that connect interns, church members, friends, families, and other service volunteers in study, discussion, and breaking bread together.  All welcome- bring a friend!  Class units run from 2-5 weeks, October to June.  Some guest presenters are one night only.  ALL are always welcome!

Starting April 8, we switch over to Tuesdays for April, May, & June.


Keystone United Church of Christ in Wallingford, 98103 
Come for a full unit, or drop-in for nights you can attend - always welcome! 
7:00-8:30 pm Class- downstairs
6:30-7:00: Optional potluck  
And come on by just to break bread for supper & connect in community, if that is your night's timing!  

News from Earth Ministry and our UCC justice intern, Karin Frank (pictured below), serving at Earth Ministry with our Justice Leadership Program:

Beloved Community,

It was not a great year for creation in the Washington State Legislature. I wish I could give you an upbeat wrap-up. Sadly, however, oil and chemical companies used their influence to block these important bills:

The Toxic Free Kids and Families’ Act was not allowed on the floor of the Senate for a vote, despite getting strong bi-partisan support in the House. However, we had a large and unexpected victory in a significant budget item ordering the Department of Ecology to study toxic materials, including flame retardants. Ecology will evaluate product safety with a mandate to report back to the legislature with the aim of a stronger safe chemicals bill next year.

I wish I could tell you that we succeeded in our valiant effort to close the $59 million big oil tax loophole to fund education. Again we were thwarted, and were forced to hold a bake sale at the Capitol to make up the difference for schools (58,999,720 baked goods left to sell).

The Oil Transportation Safety Act also died in the Senate Environment Committee. It was a modest bill, which included small steps to help with prevention and public safety in the event of an exploding oil train or an oil spill in Puget Sound. Let us hope that Washington doesn’t have a tragic disaster before we can protect ourselves from the movement of explosive oil through our state.

Even in the face of these disappointments, the gift of Earth is that spring is a time of renewal. Christian faith takes us through the journey of Lent to the season of death and resurrection, while Judaism brings us out of bondage and into freedom, and all faiths celebrate the budding of new life around us. This is a good time of year to put the work of advocacy aside for a few weeks, smell the cherry blossoms, walk the Way of the Cross, and celebrate new life at Easter.

Anyone who works in advocacy knows that change is made over the long run, not in any given year. You are a strong and vibrant voice for God’s creation, and each time you call, email, or speak to your elected officials you are participating in democracy and honoring our Creator. Our team is better every year and grace is with us.

More to come—you know there will be!

Jessie Dye
Join our UCC justice interns, staff, and others at:

The Dream of God: A World of Justice and Non-Violence

(This will be the last portion of the Justice Leadership class- which runs annually at Keystone through June.  This year ends with this opportunity to all.)

The Lecture Series of University Congregational United Church of Christ will host Marcus Borg, Joan Chittister and John Dominic Crossan for a 3 day panel event on justice and non-violence June 19, 20 and 21.  This event is presented in collaboration with University Temple Methodist Church and The Church Council of Greater Seattle.

Our guest speakers will give an overview of a world of justice and peace in the Bible, explore examples and illustrate the implications of "The Dream of God" for Christians today.  The format is 4 sessions, Thursday and Friday, 6/ 19 & 6/20 from 9 am to 3 pm, Friday evening , 6/20, from 7 to 8:30 pm and Saturday, 6/21 from 9 am to 12:30 pm.  During the 4 sessions each speaker will give a presentation and dialogue with the other speakers and then take questions from the audience. 

We offer an early bird discount on tickets for for all 4 session to "The Dream of God"  until April 19. Tickets to individual sessions are also available. Tickets are available at Brown Paper Tickets:                      http:/bpt.me/570391.  You can find information in the church office at 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle or on the church website: www.universityucc.org.  Student discounts, group rates and a limited number of partial scholarships are available.  For details, contact (206) 524-6255, ext. 3447 or lectureseries@universityucc.org.  

Tina Michalak, Coordinator
The Lecture Series
University Congregational United Church of Christ

More details soon- FYI!

April teacher orientation

Coming up in May:

Wednesday eve classes Environmental Justice  Rich Voget

Keystone UCC Annual Meeting after church on a Sunday in May
in May or June:

Spring contemplative Retreat day, back at the beautiful spot near Bellevue from fall Retreat day.

Inquirers class
Save the Date - next Sacred Heart Shelter
Come help serve dinner for folks at Sacred Heart Shelter for families.  Contact Barb and Michelle if you would like to cook or serve: next time:  Saturday April 5!

Bring a dish to Keystone, and help pack up the meal.  Or deliver and dine with folks.  Our rotation is the first Saturday, every other month.  Email Michelle to sign up and learn about the theme: mmhebner at gmail dot com

Save the Dates!  April 25-27 "Welcome Home" Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Conference (PNC) UCC

Its not often that we gather in Seattle, right around the corner. This April we meet at University UCC on 45th!  Come check out workshops & worship with folks from all our 83 churches across the region.

Worship on Sunday April 27 includes preaching by a great UCC author & teacher, Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel.

News here from our PNC Moderator:

Hello Everybody
Just a quick word regarding the Registration Packets for Annual Meeting at:
Our theme for Annual Meeting 2014 at University Congregational UCC in Seattle is:  “WELCOME HOME!”. 
The Planning Team are very eager to welcome clergy, lay members, youth and friends to this gathering on April 25-27. 
Christena Cleveland and Lillian Daniel (our two keynote presenters) will be full of insight and humor, there will be many engaging workshops, and there will be great singing, praying and feasting together. (We have a lovely banquet planned for Saturday night.)  
We will culminate our weekend of worship and song, merriment and feasting, and work together through joint worship on Sunday morning with the good people of University Congregational UCC. 
Mark your calendar now!

All of us on the Planning Team look forward to greeting you with Easter Season joy,
Andy CastroLang
acting Moderator for the PNC-UCC

Inquirer’s Class and Joining Opportunity
Join us for an Inquirer’s Class this spring. The class is for anyone who is interested in learning more about Keystone UCC and our UCC denomination. The classes cover some history of our church and denomination, ways to be active at Keystone, and a chance to learn more about each other and our own backgrounds and paths leading us to Keystone. There will be an opportunity to learn more about what it means to become a member. We are polling for what dates might work well for folks, likely for May or June.  Chat with Rich or Lauren if you are interested, as we narrow to dates.  Snacks and childcare will be part of the mix!
Update from our witness with workers at SeaTac

From Working WA:

The $15 wage initiative in SeaTac is still being hashed out in court because of interference from Alaska Airlines and its allies, but airport workers aren’t sitting around waiting for a judge. We are taking action — and we need your support.

My coworkers and I at Bags, Inc. have just formed a union with SEIU Local 6! It’s exciting, but we know it won’t be easy to get Bags to recognize our union and bargain a contract with us. We’ve called for a union representation election overseen by the federal government. But Bags, which is hired by Alaska Airlines, is already fighting our decision to form a union and is trying to stall a vote.

That’s why we are asking for your support as we are call on both Bags and Alaska Airlines to respect, and not fight, our decision to form a union.

We take care of passengers, including Alaska Airlines customers, who need wheelchair assistance, skycap services and baggage delivery. We are proud of our work, but we are paid minimum wage with no benefits and little respect. We formed a union because we have the right to good jobs, living wages and the chance to push for workplace improvements.

Join us in telling the businesses at Sea-Tac Airport that we won’t be ignored and we won’t be intimidated.

From the Bags Worker Organizing Committee,
Raymond McNew, Rahel Biru, Nuur Abdiwahid, Yared Sima, Yusur Adan, Halimo Hirsi, Nimo Ahmed, Ferhiwot Taffa, Amina Mohamud, Saliban Abdullahi, Meklit Desta, Lemlem Areda , Habibo Ali, Alemeyahu Anja, Kinfe Molito, Carol Worman


Check out Keystone United Church of Christ on Facebook! 

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