Sunday, November 4, 2012

Coming Up This Week at Keystone UCC

Greetings Friends and Members
of Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA 98103
KEY Connections   _  _  _  _  “We as Keystone commit to share the alternative vision of what the world can be...”

Come- see how we love!  Worship every Sunday at 10:30 A.M.

Longer newsletter for this coming week-- due to lots of updates- happy reading!
Lauren Cannon
Associate Pastor

Worship coming up this week, Sunday November 11, at 10:30 AM:
    To take a look at our scripture texts: 
        Book of Ruth 3: 1-5; 4: 13-17
        Gospel of Mark: 12: 38-44
    Greeter:  Gloria B.
    Reader:  Kathryn M.
    Usher:  Gloria B.
    Coffee Hour:  Sandie S.
    Preacher:  Lauren C.
    Music:  Elliot K. and Kate F.

Worship Sunday November 18, at 10:30 AM:
    Children and Youth Bibles
    Festival of Hope, after service
    Greeter:  Eliza P.
    Reader:  Stephen B.
    Usher:  Dorothy R.
    Coffee Hour:  Festival of Hope: deli, bakery, coffee.
    Preacher:  Rich G.
    Music:  Elliot K. and Kate F.

Farewell to Faulmanns:
Our hearts are full as we come from a weekend full of blessed and tender partings.  Thank you to each and every one of you for all the ways you brought such cheer and grace and love to our November 3 potluck send off for Peg and Erv, and our November 4 day of celebrations with their last Sunday leading worship among us at Keystone.

November 4 was also a day to rejoice as we gave thanks and recognized All Saints Day and celebrated the baptism of Paisley with her family!

This week:
See sign up info below for preparations for Festival of Hope, November 17 & 18.  And please share the attached PDF and JPEG fliers.

Care in our community:
Sheri A. is looking for a little help with a round trip ride on Monday November 12, to meet with folks about her helper dog.  To learn more, & if you may be able to assist with transportation, call the office at 206-632-6021.

Julia B. and her sister MaryBeth had a good meeting with Julia’s doctors December 2 at University of Washington, as they prepare for Julia’s surgery on November 15 regarding some nodes showing thyroid cancer.  They welcome prayers as they ready for surgery and recovery, and continue to be grateful for the outlook that chemo and radiation may not be necessary afterwards.  Follow up reports will be November 30. 

Lauren’s Maternity leave:
Lauren and Mike continue to prepare in fine health and spirit as they ready for the arrival of their first child, expected around December 6.  Lauren will be on leave from us at Keystone Church and from leading the UCC Young Adult Service Community, starting approximately December 1 (but beginning whenever baby comes) and out the month of January, and then will start back about February 15. 

Rev. Rich will be primary lead for most all our ministries this winter.  (In preparation, Rev. Rich has been recalling to us the days back when he was solo staff here!  And is as ready for the winter challenge as can be!)  We all also know that many new ministries have bloomed since those days of which he speaks.  And so we celebrate the spirit of discipleship and jumping in, wherever folks see a need, in this time of transition, and as we re-work responsibilities after Peg and Erv’s ministry has closed here.  Thank you to so many of you who have stepped up with willing and able lead.

Celebrations in our congregation; and transitions after Peg’s departure:
We welcome our beloved and familiar worship vocalist, music leader Elliot K., in to his new role at Keystone, as Music Director!  And we are delighted to have church musician Kate F. as our accompanist, while Mack G. is abroad on tour for three months!

For pastoral care concerns, contact Pastor Lauren and Rev. Rich (206-632-6021.)  For buildings and facilities, contact Rev. Rich.

For weekly Newsletter submissions:
    November- Lauren
    December- Rich
    January- Rich
    February- Rich
    March- Lauren
    April- Lauren

Looking to spring planning:
In March as we approach Lauren’s first year end, we will be reviewing responsibilities and structures for the next year.  Keystone voted on March 18, 2012 to call Lauren, as part time Associate Pastor for teaching and preaching, and to lead our UCC Young Adult Service Community.  She began a first trial year on Easter on April 8, 2012, and is in the final stages of the process toward ordained ministry with the United Church of Christ.  We look toward a hopeful ordination this coming spring, and then installation at Keystone!

Hands on help needed: for our intern apartment:  furniture construction making party invitation!
Our four UCC justice interns are getting desks at their digs at All Pilgrims Church on Broadway in Capitol Hill.  All Pilgrims is generously providing them from IKEA.  We need a few good hands who are deft at assembling pre-made furniture, to make for light  work with levity!  (The interns have already wrestled the bureaus together and need reinforcements!)  Contact Pastor Lauren to offer your skill, and for this fun gathering date:

Justice Leadership Class -  every Wednesday night Christian education & formation at Keystone, September 2012 to June 2013:  Potluck is 6:30 pm.  Class is 7-8:30 pm.  Downstairs in Battson Hall.  All welcome- with our UCC Young Adult Service Community (YASC) interns, members and friends from other UCC churches.

Key Dates:

November 7: is the last in the foundational 7 week primer class “Progressive Christian Values”.  We pause for two weeks for Thanksgiving, then resume with three Wednesday nights of dynamic speakers and trainings in grass roots and community organizing, and advocacy.  Contact:

November 14: No Justice Leadership Class with YASC (break for Thanksgiving.)

November 15 & 16:  set up for Festival of Hope (FOH).  Contact:

November 17 & 18:  Festival of Hope  - all hands on deck- see below!  And looking forward to seeing everyone!

November 21:  No Justice Leadership Class with YASC (break for Thanksgiving.)

November 28: Second unit of the Justice Leaders class begins.  This one is just three weeks.  Join Keystone members and YASC interns for weekly Christian formation class, throughout the year.  6:30 pm potluck.  7- 8:30 pm class.  Tonight, hear the life stories of organizer, Rebecca Saldana, who works with Puget Sound Sage:  Rebecca has worked with farm workers, janitors in Seattle, and many more- come hear her inspired stories of faith and family and coalition building work!  (see below)

December 5:  Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class.  Come hear from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work, on Why we Advocate!   (see below)

December 6:  Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.

December 11:  Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.

December 12:  Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class.  Come for this  hands on “Advocacy 101 Training” from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work!  (see below)

December 19:  No Justice Leaders class (break for Christmas.)

December 20:  Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.

December 24:  Christmas Eve Service 7:00.

December 26:  No Justice Leaders class (break for Christmas.)


A Festival of Hope:  Come help volunteer for another great year of giving to our community!  & Come shop at our 34th Annual Holiday Fair:
From Eliza Penick:  Thank you to all who helped with the mailing on October 28th. Attached to this email you will find a PDF of the Festival flyer & a JPEG (for use in social media) – spread the word!  Keystone’s 34th annual A Festival of Hope is just a couple weeks away & we need your help. Check out the opportunities below & don’t miss being a part of this great event!  Please email Eliza to sign up or if you have questions:

Preparation Help
·         Clean kitchen weekend prior – one or two people to get the kitchen ready would     be much appreciated!
·         Set-up in the Learning Center, Thursday 11/15 at 1pm – strong legs & backs are     greatly needed to move furniture & set-up tables. Betty – are any members of     your lovely family available to help?
·         Set-up of booths, Friday afternoon/evening 11/16 – come help set-up & price the     goods for your assigned booth.

·         Collectibles –Betty?
·         Books –Sandy?
·         Deli
·         Kids’ Corner – new this year, Lisa suggested having a booth with high quality,     gently used kids’ clothes, toys, books, games & other items. We probably won’t     have a ton to work with this first year, but we’ve got the booth. Lisa could use a     helper.
·         Kids’ Craft area – new this year, Kathryn will head up a children’s activity down in     the deli (on the Battson Hall stage). She would welcome a helper or two!
·         Extra booth! We have one extra table spot, if you have an idea or goods that     would be a good fit for the Festival. Open for suggestions!

·         Soups – yummy soups are needed for the deli. Suggested amount is a full crock     pot or two. Please include a list of all ingredients.
·         Baked items – the bakery is always looking for home-baked goodies for their     booth. Please package individually or in groupings & include info about nuts or     other known allergens.
·         Books, high quality kids’ clothes & toys, handmade items, fine household items &     holiday décor – if you’re not sure about what to donate ask Eliza, Marilyn or a     veteran Festival of Hoper.

·         Sunday 11/18 at 3pm – energetic helpers are needed to help load cars, move     boxes & breakdown tables.

People of Faith Support the Freedom to Marry for All:
“Hope for the Journey”:  Interfaith and Ecumenical Worship Service: Wednesday, November 7 at 7:00 PM:  The night after elections, please join people of faith, gathering together in worship throughout Washington in response to Ref. 74.  Come join us to share, sing and prepare for the journey that lies ahead.  University UCC (United Church of Christ):  4515 16th Ave. NE, Seattle.  Contact: Gail C.:  206-363-1432.

Coal Export:
This summer at our quarterly ministry team meetings, Keystone’s social justice ministry determined that a push this fall would be faith-based action to investigate the impacts, and write letters to the editor, regarding the proposed coal export trains through our state.  November 8- join our member Rich V. and come to a faith leaders’ breakfast, 8-10 AM, at University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle 98105.  This event for creation care, with our greening congregations partner, Earth Ministry, is to learn how to testify at a coal export hearing which will be November 13, at 4-7 pm.

Contact: Rich V. or

Power Past Coal:  Hearing on Coal Export in Washington, November 13, 4-7 pm.  North Seattle Community College, 9600 College Way North, Seattle, 98103.

And a November 11 concert with Sierra Club, You, Friends, Family and Neighbors, with singer Dana Lyons and a presentation on coal exports! He will be joined by Seattle Council member Mike O'Brien for a brief speech on coal exports. The event is free and open to everyone!  Sunday, November 11, at 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Woodland Park Presbyterian Church, 225 N. 70th Street, Seattle.  RSVP:  Contact: Robin Everett at

Meaningful Music:
From Rich: we are getting something new off the ground at Keystone and I need your help.  We have been doing Meaningful Movies on Fridays for nearly 10 years now and we want to start Meaningful Music on Thursdays.  On this Thursday November 8 there will be a music event at Keystone:  ......  Rich will be teaching at another church about homelessness and advocacy that night.  It would be wonderful if some Keystone foks could come and help set up and welcome people and maybe sing a song as well.  Have fun, help the church, save the world, not a bad way to spend a Thursday night.  Let Rich know if you can come:

Coffeehouse featuring Tom Rawson at Keystone United Church of Christ, 5019 Keystone Place N, Seattle 98103 Thursday, November 8, 7:00 p.m. Keystone Church in Wallingford inaugurates its Meaningful Music series. Come join us for our first concert/coffeehouse as we raise our voices together in song to support the struggle for peace and social justice both locally and globally. Coming a mere two nights after November 6 (Will we still be awaiting the results of a recount?), this will be a post-election hootenanny. The evening will be hosted by Tom Rawson, the Northwest’s very own version of Pete Seeger. Armed with longneck banjo and other weapons of mass delight, Tom will have you singing, clapping, and laughing along all night. Admission is by free-will donation. No one turned away.

Make Every Job a Good Job at SeaTac Airport:
November 15: our next faith and labor leaders monthly meeting to support workers at Seatac and the Port of Seattle.  11:30 am- 1 pm.  Campaign updates and making plans to witness alongside workers struggling for better conditions on the job.  Each third Thursday of the month - come join the lunch meetings.  Contact Lauren Cannon:

And words of thanks from Peg, already in:

Erv and I wish to extend our extremely grateful hearts to the Keystone community.  The potluck on Saturday was so much fun, with all the different groups represented.  Keystoners are such good hosts!  And the gift of the scrapbook with always be cherished.  We loved the entire idea of meeting at Gloria's to put together this wonderful book of memories.  Sunday's worship was over the top.  The singing!!!!!   Wow.  What beautiful voices were lifted.  The stole was a total surprise, and was one that I would have picked out myself.  The words of "letting go" and commissioning me on to my new pastorate was a perfect closure.  And the little bags with the stones was the best "touch" ever.  Best of all was Paisley's baptism.  What a way to close my ministry with you all.  Thanks you so much for nurturing me into being the best pastor I can be, and for loving Erv and me so much.  Keystone is a unique little congregation that has lots of good energy.  Keep the lights on, folks!!!!

Peace and Blessings,
Erv and Peg

Justice Leaders Class:  Rebecca Saldana coming to speak November 28 at Keystone:
Rebecca Saldaña is Program Director for Community Benefits and Development at Puget Sound Sage (which is one of our partner agencies in the UCC Young Adult Service Community in Seattle.)
Rebecca brings over 12 years of community organizing and coalition building for economic and social change. From 2006-2011 she served as Congressman Jim McDermott's community liaison with the Labor, Housing, LGBTQ, Latino, and Environmental communities. Previously, she worked as an organizer with the SEIU Local 6, the United Farm Workers, and Oregon's farmworker union, PCUN. Rebecca was born and raised in Seattle and is a graduate of Seattle University.
Watch these videos to glimpse Rebecca Saldana!

Justice Leaders Class:  Nancy Amidei coming to teach December 5 and 12 at Keystone:

Recently “retired” after working for the University of Washington School of Social Work from 1992-2008, Nancy Amidei continues to direct the the Civic Engagement Project (CEP), which works with non-profit organizations throughout the country. CEP offers advocacy training, speeches, workshops, and resource materials for work at federal, state, and local levels.
A writer, teacher and advocate, Amidei has been involved in social policy from both inside and outside government. She is a former Director of the Food Research and Action Center (a national anti-hunger group). She also served in the Carter Administration as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the federal department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now DHHS), and in the early 70s she was on the Staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs. For many years she wrote a weekly e-mail bulletin, “Policy Watch,” that described the Washington State legislative process. Focused chiefly on health, human services, and civil rights issues, Policy Watch helped readers understand what happens as a legislative session unfolds. Among her writings are: a guide to policy advocacy called, “So You Want To Make A Difference,” and a play called, “How Ms. Bill Became A Law.”
During the 1980s she wrote a weekly column that appeared in newspapers around the country, and did commentaries for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.”  Amidei also participates as a co-author of a Legislative Simulation and a curriculum for an annual three-day Advocacy Camp (which our UCC justice intern Kathryn Murdok recently attended), and she serves on a variety of national and local non-profit agency boards.

Watch this video to meet Nancy Amidei!


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