Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fossil Free King County?

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, March 17, 2019
Second Sunday of Lent

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Pastor Yuki Schwartz
Rev. Lauren Cannon, off (for Mike's Birthday)

Theme: Discipleship
Luke 13:31-35

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Arlene
Usher: Betty
Communion: Rich & Yuki
Coffee Hour: Sandie
Children's Ministry: Anita

LENT BEGINS: On March 10, our first Sunday in Lent, we took in some shards of ancient wisdom.  We were encouraged to cut them out of the bulletin (or any good little verse of choice), and use them in a moment of meditation this week, maybe even memorize them.

Joel 2:13: Return to God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.

Allie takes communion with Rita

Families: Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

Children's Ministry with Anita – program every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at

Sermons Available Online: If you missed a Sunday, were ​downstairs at Sunday School, or just want to hear a sermon again, former JLP Intern, ​Hunter Paulson-Smith,​ has created an ​online audio archive​ where you can listen to them ​ or download them​. Click HERE to listen, and please share. ​Thank you, Hunter!


Sunday, March 24, 2019
Third Sunday of Lent

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Pastor Yuki Schwartz, off

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Christian
Usher: Sandie
Communion: Rich & Lauren
Coffee Hour: O'Neills
Children's Ministry: Anita

SUPPER SIGN UPS: April's almost here, so be on the look out for Maundy Thursday Supper sign ups, coming soon!

WHEN YOU'RE NOT JUST A VISITOR ANYMORE:  For those who have gone through their inquirers stage here at Keystone, and for those just curious about what it means to be an "official" Keystone member, an opportunity is in the works to induct any who wish to officially join the Keystone community. It could be Easter Sunday, April 21. Talk to Rev. Lauren to learn more.
Upcoming Events 

Saturday, March 16 – Seattle Labor Chorus Singalong
@ Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Ave N

Wednesday, March 20 – Support Latinx Workers 
@ Industrial Container Services (ICS), 7152 1st Ave S., in South Park

POSTPONED:  Northwest Pilgrimage, Migrant Justice: Realities & Resistance
No longer to be April 9-11. We look forward to announcing rescheduled dates soon

Looking ahead through Lent to Holy Week

Palm Sunday, April 14 
Children lead procession

Monday, April 15
Holy Table-Turning action

Thursday, April 18
Maundy Thursday - Supper 5:30pm

Friday, April 19
Good Friday - Service of Tenebrae 7pm

Sunday, April 21
Easter Sunday Worship!
(w/Egg Hunt for the little ones)
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

For Nell – as she gets relief for challenging infection in her hands and her feet.

For Kaaren – as she and Pico are adjusting routines and greeting new caregiver, Loyce.

Take 5 Advocacy Action & Update

Keystone Friends, thank you!  On Sunday March 10, Barb and Rich V. led us through a "Take 5" for Advocacy work session, and they say our advocacy is making a difference! So let's keep it up for this end-of-season down in Olympia!

KEEP ADVOCATING – HB1453/SB5600 & HB1400
Addressing homelessness and the affordable housing crisis has been one of the top priorities for Keystone and lawmakers this year.

We’ve seen a dramatic increase in evictions over the last decade. Passing eviction reform is one major step we can take to reduce homelessness in our state. Evictions are a leading cause of homelessness. See HB 1453 and HB 1440.

Right now, state law allows landlords to begin the eviction process after three days of a tenant failing to pay rent. This time frame is too short, so HB 1453 will extend the timeline to pay up to 14 days before a landlord can begin the eviction process.

HB 1453 passed the House 54-44. SB 5600 passed the Senate 31-15. Yay!!

HB 1440 is another bill to move us on a pathway of more housing stability, by requiring landlords in most situations to give 60 days’ written notice for a rent increase instead of 30 days (current law). HB 1440 passed the House 62-36. It is now in the Senate and scheduled for a hearing on March 19th in the Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade Committee at 8:00 a.m.

We want to Strengthen Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).   Undo harsh sanctions and time limits that deprive families of needed support.
This is an act revising economic assistance programs by updating standards of need, revising outcome measures and data collected, and reducing barriers to participation.
The third reading was passed from the House on Thursday the 7th and moved to the first hearing in the Senate today.  It was sent to the Human Services Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee.
Please send a note supporting this bill – send to your senator and to the Committee:
Darneille, Jeannie (D)
237 John A. Cherberg Building(360) 786-7652
Nguyen, Joe (D)
Vice Chair
213 John A. Cherberg Building(360) 786-7667
Walsh, Maureen (R)
Ranking Member
205 Irv Newhouse Building(360) 786-7630
Cleveland, Annette (D)220 John A. Cherberg Building(360) 786-7696
O'Ban, Steve (R)102 Irv Newhouse Building(360) 786-7654
Wilson, Claire (D)407 Legislative Building(360) 786-7658


– Barbara Anderson
Justice Leadership Program on hold for 2019-2020

On March 11, Rev. Rich shared this update with our partners among and of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ.  We look forward to the listening and thinking in the year ahead with all our Keystone folk, who have been at the heart of our seven years of JLP thus far:


On February 27th 2019 the Advisory Council of the Justice Leadership Program affirmed the recommendation of the staff that the young adult residential program discontinue operations for the year 2019-20. The year will be used to re-imagine a program that will connect young adults with social justice efforts grounded in faith.

The Justice Leadership Program has produced in its seven years of operation, an impressive list of graduates, who carry the work of justice into the future. We have learned a great deal in those seven years. We hope to use those insights in the process of developing a program that is a more sustainable melding of our aspirations and our resources.

Though the young adult residential program will not be operational next year, the Justice Leadership Program plans on continuing our curriculum project, the Jubilee program and Northwest Pilgrimage.

We are sincerely grateful for the ongoing support of the congregations of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC.

With Hope,
Rich Gamble

Report back from Communities Rising
Criminal Justice Forum

From Margret Graham: On Thursday, March 7, Communities Rising had an excellent panel presentation on juvenile incarceration presented by Mary Lou Dickerson, who worked on this issue while she was state representative and continues to in retirement; a formerly incarcerated young man who is currently working with an organization to help provide community support for formerly incarcerated people; and Amber Dickson, who is working for FAN in a number of ways, such as providing education to those in prison, making a better re-entry possible, along with other issues that are on the FAN website. I was very moved to talk to two very nice formerly incarcerated men and hear even a little of what they were up against, both in and after prison. I signed up to receive a link for future actions and will forward it on when I receive it.

Help Keystone support Latinx workers

From Pastor Lauren:  Friends, can you join me for an hour+ to support a group of Latino workers that our Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition (IEJC) helped support several years ago?  It was at a critical time in their organizing for a union.  Now they are back in a stand-off with their employer.  You will see what tricky work they do, at the margins of our city’s economy, and why some added layers of accompaniment, could really help, at this juncture.

Date: Wednesday, March 20
Time: 9:30am
Location: Industrial Container Services (ICS), 7152 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108, South Park

Quick refresher on the company ICS is that they clean metal industrial drums and prepare them for re-use at a very run-down facility in South Park.  Our IEJC created a great ‘Hope and Health at Work’ coloring book (that Leo grew up on) that featured their story of organizing for sanitary conditions, living wages, and health insurance.  In part because of IEJC support, ICS workers joined Teamsters Local 117 and negotiated a pretty good contract several years ago- victory!

Unfortunately, the company is bargaining for a new contract that walks back commitments they made in the last one.  The workers feel deeply disrespected and have already taken a vote to strike. Local 117 reached out to Puget Sound Sage (a Seattle agency whom we have partnered with in JLP placements, and UCC environmental justice toxic tours in Georgetown, among many other worker support campaigns you have walked with them- from the Port to the airport, etc.)  We are at work to bring some faith/community folks to form a delegation to speak to ICS management so that the workers don't have to actually strike.  (Ministry of presence is welcome for those who don't wish to speak yet.)

Anyone who is interested, please join with me & ICS workers, Wednesday March 20 at 9:30 am.  We will be joined by Local 117 organizer Maria Torres, who will likely translate for us.
Questions? Contact Rev.Lauren at

Conference Women's Weekend
@ Pilgrim Firs, May 10-12

Come for a joy-filled, nourishing women’s weekend of music, creativity, sabbath and spiritual exploration This weekend is designed to encourage women to take a break from their normal routine and perhaps try something new.

During full group gatherings, small group discussions, and mini-workshops, you will have an opportunity to embrace creativity and playfulness. Opportunities include yoga, art, spiritual exploration, time to nap, hike, read, visit, and enjoy the quiet beauty and radical hospitality of Pilgrim Firs.

Yes, this is Mother’s Day weekend, but what a great opportunity to give yourself the gift of time and renewal. And our program will be completed by 10 a.m. on Sunday, so you can still be present for family celebration. We would love for you to join us! This retreat is designed for all who identify as women. Teens 15 and older are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Retreat leadership will be Emily Tanis-Likkel, Kaila Russell, Brigitta Remole and Tara Barber

Cost is $135, or $150 after April 1.

Register at

Keystone members testify at public hearing on #FossilFreeKC Moratorium

In January, King County passed some of the strongest anti-fossil fuel legislation of anywhere in the United States, including a six month moratorium on all new fossil fuel infrastructure.

Now it’s time to get to work on making the moratorium into a permanent ban! So to make their voices heard, Keystone members Dan O'Neill and Connie and Rich Voget, attended a public hearing on the #FossilFreeKC Moratorium, on Wednesday, March 13.

The hearing was well attended and all speakers were in favor of the ordinance, pointing out the urgent need for action, offering thanks to the Council, pledging ongoing support and asking for a strong, transparent and permanent measure.  Both Rich and Connie testified.  Click here to read Connie's testimony.

AND DON'T FORGET to contact our state senators and ask them to support the Green New Deal. 

To e-mail Senator Murray, visit

To email Senator Cantwell, visit

If you have any questions, contact Rich V at

It’s time for the annual Seattle Labor Chorus Singalong—Saturday evening March 16, 7:00-9:30 p.m.

It’s an evening to warble topical songs and pop and folk classics, led by audience members or Labor Choristers.  The singing is assisted by our house band, with lyrics projected onto the wall so that everyone can follow the words.  Or, you can just sit back and listen.  The Chorus itself performs a song or two.

Don't want to sing? Then come for the silent auction, which features a wide range of goods, experiences, and services.  Click here to see a list of all the exciting items available to bid on.For bidding in the silent auction, bring your checkbook or cash.

The snacks, desserts, and non-alcoholic drinks are included in the admission price.  It’s a family-friendly atmosphere, so bring the kids. The event will take place at the same location as last year - the Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Avenue N. (corner of Greenwood and N. 75th Street), Seattle 98103. Doors open at 7:00pm and street parking is available (though not in the handicapped parking near the church’s back door), or else travel by the #5 bus.

And you can also buy tickets for the Chorus’ annual quilt raffle, or buy the Chorus CD’s.  Admission is by a suggested donation of $15 per adult or $5 for children, but no one will be turned away.  Tickets are available from SLC members or at the door.

The Singalong is the Chorus’ biggest fundraiser of the year.  It is one of the means that allows the Chorus to sing for free in support of working people at strikes, rallies, protests, and union halls; at annual meetings, at benefits for good causes, for book signings, at memorials; and at the Northwest Folklife Festival.  Further information about the Chorus is on the SLC website—    Or contact Janet Stecher at (206) 524-7753 or at

And don't forget to SAVE THE DATE: Roy Zimmerman is coming April 7th!

Roy Zimmerman will bring his political satire in music to Seattle on Sunday evening April 7, 7:30pm, at Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Place (Wallingford), Seattle.

Admission will be $20, or pay what you can.  If you don’t already know Roy, he has written topical songs in collaboration with his wife, Melanie Harby; mischievously performs them accompanying himself on a mean guitar; and is funny as hell.  The Los Angeles Times said it all:  “Zimmerman displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society’s foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer.”

Contact for more info.


Hunter Paulson-Smith - 3/5
Gus Wall - 3/9
Eliza Penick -3/10
Rev. Mike Denton - 3/18
Ruth Little - 3/21
Connie Voget - 3/25
Margaret Graham - 3/28


Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff & JLP Interns:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff and interns serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Monday-Friday mornings (and during evening classes) and Sundays (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email to make a meeting time:

Pastor Yuki is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment. Email her at
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