Thursday, March 23, 2017

come join March 31 action supporting workers SIS @ Amazon

Keystone folks - your presence is sought to support workers who have run in to bewildering opposition at Amazon in their hope to be respected to observe Muslim prayers on the job as security officers.

Join Pastor Lauren & our Justice Leadership Program interns Iris and David, as we accompany these workers in seeking dignity at Security Industry Specialists (SIS), the company Amazon uses in Lake Union.

Lauren recently heard first hand heart wrenching testimony of the kind of unconscionable discrimination that can not go unchecked.  All welcome - we see you to join our Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition faithful for this witness Friday March 31 at 2-3:30 pm.  contact:

Hello, FAN advocate!

Just last month, FAN joined faith leaders, labor unions, and community members came alongside Security Industry Specialists (SIS) security officers at Amazon for a Pray-In. After the powerful prayer event and over 2,000 emails about the issue, in addition to over 300 signatures from SIS officers inquiring about the lack of raises in four years and a fair path to unionization, we have received no response.

SIS officers have continually reached out to SIS management and to Amazon about their working conditions: stagnant wages, favoritism and perceived unfair treatment around race and religion. Community supporters, interfaith groups and tech workers have joined in and were met with silence.

So we are joining Serving Seattle -- an organization of security, janitorial and service workers -- to come back on March 31st, with more people, more noise, and more pressure.

When: Friday, March 31 at 2 PM - 3:30 PM
Where: Amazon Headquarters (410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109)

See more information about the event on the Facebook page. Also, here are copies of informational flyers in EnglishSpanish, and Somali.

For a recap of the February Pray-In, here is a video and a blog post.

If you could spread the word to your memberships and congregations, it would be greatly appreciated. To RSVP to this rally or if you have any questions or concerns, please email FAN organizer, David, at or call (206) 625-9790.

Thank you for your support!
David Choi & the FAN staff

Saturday, March 18, 2017

book launch "Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and...

 ...the Revival of the Labor Movement " as Keystone efforts continue for worker justice with our Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition (IEJC).

Coming up @ Keystone UCC

Our season of Lent began with Ash Wednesday, March 1. We are now amidst the 40 days leading up to Easter. Lent is traditionally a season of entering more deeply into the spiritual practices of contemplation, generosity, prayer, and self-discipline. Plan to be in community at Keystone for our sacred exploration as we journey in Holy Week. Mark your calendars for our:

April 10 – Table Turning Monday

April 13 – Maundy Thursday Supper in Battson Hall

April 14 – Good Friday Service 7pm in the Learning Center 

Sacred Heart Saturday is April 1

Keystone folks will have the pleasure of preparing and serving a meal for Sacred Heart Shelter on Saturday, April 1.

We need the following food dish items:

- Chicken Dish
- Vegetarian Dish
- Salad
- Rolls
- Milk & Juice – Barbara
- Dessert

We also need 2 servers – one that can drive.

Please email Michelle ( to sign up!

Thank you!!

Compassionate Conversations
on Race and Culture

Keystone wants to let everyone know about this series being offered at Interfaith Community Sanctuary, beginning Saturday, March 25 and meeting for 5 weeks (not including Easter weekend.) Please see the details below.  All are welcome.  A trusted friend of Keystone, SallyJo Gilbert de Vargas is one of the good trainers. (Download the half-page announcement here)

Dates: 5 Saturdays – March 25April 1April 8April 22April 29
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd St, Seattle, WA 98107

In this 5-week series of 2-hour workshops, we will explore issues of race, culture, and white privilege through story-telling, activities, art, music and conversation. We hope to deepen our exploration to include an examination of institutionalized racism, intergenerational trauma, and internalized oppression.  In the process of exploring these issues our goal is to achieve a new level of self-awareness and cultural competence as we learn to get more comfortable interacting and connecting with people who are different from us in a variety of ways.

Conversations and activities will be designed to engage people in conversations and exploration of topics they may have previously avoided, by creating an atmosphere of trust, curiosity, and openness. The goal is to open our minds and hearts in community, and practice compassionate listening, authentic sharing, and genuine learning and growth for everyone involved.

We hope to actively shape the workshops around the needs of the participants as these needs emerge.  Participants may join one, several, or all of the workshops.  Each workshop will be different, and each will build upon the previous experiences.  Facilitators will invite questions and feedback at the end of each session, so as to incorporate suggestions and needs of the participants. 
Congratulations to JLP Alumna, Alyssa Nedrow
Former Keystone JLP Intern, Alyssa Nedrow, has let us know that she was accepted into the University of Westminster to get her MA in Media, Campaigning and Social Change.

Alyssa’s internship with us at Keystone included advocacy to end gun violence and homelessness, as she helped us advocate with Faith Action Network.  Among her gifts, she shared her photojournalism & videography skills, and built our Keystone website.

We celebrate her news with prayers of thanksgiving and cheer for her studies ahead!

BIG WIN: Keystone celebrates faithful support of workers who have been advocating for fairness

On March 1, 2017, Alaska Airlines announced they will stop contracting out to Menzies for baggage handlers. Now these can be on a pathway toward union jobs within Alaska Airlines. Nine hundred baggage handlers will now receive better wages and benefits.

In a dramatic reversal, Alaska Airlines announced that they are going to stop contracting out bag-gage-handling jobs at our airport. Instead, 900 Alaska baggage handlers are now going to become employees of an Alaska subsidiary. And thanks to SeaTac Proposition 1, the workers are going to keep their jobs, and their starting wage will be $15.34/hour.

Economic Justice Coalition
monthly meetings

Join this witness:  Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 10am.  All welcome to join Pastor Lauren & JLP Intern Iris Chavez as Keystone continues to support workers at Seatac fighting for dignity on the job and the wages they are due.  We had a training March 16 for ‘Know Your Rights’ to be with concessions workers, as we prepare to offer more faithful sup-port in the days ahead. 

Beyond $15: Keystone stepping out in faith to support worker justice and dignity
REPORT BACK FROM MARCH 16 BOOK SIGNING: Pastor Lauren was a panelist for "Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement" book launch on March 16.  Lauren and Keystone's work with the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition, since 2012  is featured in Jonathan Rosenblum's just-released book, as he tells the inside story of how SeaTac Airport workers and faith and community allies led the first successful fight for $15, renewing the national labor movement.

Click here to purchase the book

For the last 4.5 years, Keystone has been supporting workers in their fight for dignity and pay at our Seatac Airport.  Here is our recent advocacy to the Seatac City Council:

IEJC - Letter to SeaTac City Council Feb 2017 by JLP Intern David Choi

Christening Conversation

Families with children, adults interested in baptism, friends ~ new or old to Keystone UCC~ are gathering  for a supper time discussion about this ritual in our faith. We will break bread, while we have childcare for your little one.  Wednesday evening, late March/early April. Interested?  Contact Rev. Lauren Cannon at

OR ....

Keystone Membership

In the season of Lent, Keystone friends are thinking about joining the church.  This is less of a formal portal to some inside privileges, but more of an opportunity to offer a statement of support for the life and work of Keystone UCC.  It is an expression of your commitment and intention in our beloved community.  Talk to Rich and Lauren to join with others who will be reflecting this season on their own Stepping Stones of faith!

MARCH 25,  2017

Amid cold winds weather-wise and politics-wise, you can cheer yourself up by attending the annual Seattle Labor Chorus Singalong—Saturday evening March 25th7:00-9:30 p.m.  You can look forward to the usual spirited community singing with words provided, a silent auction, a song or two by the Chorus, great homemade snacks, fellowship, and family-friendly atmosphere.  The event will take place at the same location as last year, the Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Avenue N., Seattle 98103.  There is street parking (though not in the handicapped parking near the church’s back door), or else take the #5 bus.

The Singalong features great songs of labor, peace, and justice as well as some old chestnuts.  You are welcome to lead a song as an individual or a group, or to sit back and join in the singing, or, just listen.  The food will include savories, desserts, and non-alcoholic drinks.  And—you can buy tickets for the Chorus’ annual quilt raffle, or buy the Chorus CD’s.  For bidding in the silent auction, bring your checkbook or cash.  Another feature:  you can bring flyers for a community table, available to the approximately 200 people who typically attend.  Admission is by a suggested donation of $15 per adult or $5 for children, but no one will be turned away.

The Singalong is the Chorus’ biggest fundraiser of the year.  It is one of the means that allows the Chorus to sing for free in support of working people at strikes, rallies, protests, and union meetings; at annual conferences, at benefits for good causes, for book signings, at memorials; and at the Northwest Folklife Festival.  Further information about the Chorus is on the SLC website—  Or contact Janet Stecher at (206) 524-7753 or

• Sheri healing sprained ankle
• Sandie healing from knee surgery
• Charles healing from cold illness


Gus Wall - 3/9
Eliza Penick -3/10
Rev. Mike Denton - 3/18
Ruth Little - 3/21
Connie Voget - 3/25
Margaret Graham - 3/28

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Wednesday night series in May: Bridging the Divide

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Third Sunday of Lent
Guest Presentation: Dr. Tracee Laing and Paul Hammond from Healing Art Missions
Leading Worship: Rev. Lauren Cannon & Rita Peterson

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Theme: Water of Life
Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Rita
Usher: John
Communion: Rita & Lauren
Coffee Hour Host: Marilyn & Rita
Children's Ministry: Anita

DOING THE GOOD WORK: JLP Intern Iris Chavez will be gone this Sunday, attending a "Know Your Rights Training" at St. Mary’s.

WELCOME GUESTS: On Sunday, March 19, Dr. Tracee Laing and Paul Hammond from Healing Art Missions (HAM), will join us for worship at 10:30am and will also share a special “Moment of Ministry" about their organization's work on behalf of the Haitian people.  

Tracee and Paul will also be sharing a more in-depth presentation about their organization later in the afternoon on March 19.  This will be held in the Belltown neighborhood and Keystone members who are interested are most welcome to attend this presentation and reception. Please contact Rita Peterson at for more details.

Here is the link to HAM's beautifully updated website:
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon, away to teach Justice Leadership Program class on nonviolence

Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Arlene
Usher: Jim
Communion: Rich & Barb
Coffee Hour Host: Arlene
Children's Ministry: Anita

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 19 –  Healing Arts Missions - Moment of Ministry
w/Dr. Tracee Laing and Paul Hammond
@ Keystone UCC

Saturday, March 25 – Compassionate Conversations on Race and Culture
series continues on April 1April 8April 22 and April 29
@ Interfaith Community Sanctuary, 1763 NW 62nd St.

Saturday, March 25 – Seattle Labor Chorus Sing-a-long
@ Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Ave. N.
Saturday, April 1 –  Sacred Heart Shelter
Cooking and Serving Dinner
food and servers at Keystone by 5pm;
leave by 5:15pm
March 1, Ash Wednesday – Lent season began
April 10 – Table Turning Monday
April 13 – Maundy Thursday evening Supper @ Keystone, Battson Hall
April 14 – Good Friday evening worship @ Keystone, Learning Center
April 16 – Easter Sunday!
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Spread the word!
Bridging the Divide series
@ Keystone May 3, 17, 24
** Register at Brown Paper Tickets **

Bridging the Divide: Constructive Communication in Difficult Times is a workshop series being offered at Keystone United Church of Christ on three Wednesday evenings in May - 3, 17 and 24. The workshop is designed as a 3-part curriculum with assignments between sessions to build skills, complexity and confidence. Each session builds upon the previous ones, so we strongly recommend signing up for the entire series.

What to Expect
•    You will learn to confidently engage conflict and have constructive conversations with family, friends and colleagues.

•    You will learn specific techniques to assess, initiate and hold difficult conversations.

•    You will gain insights into your own reactions to conflict and learn communication skills to better understand and respond to challenging situations.

Who May Attend
Adults, Elders and Teenagers. People who are feeling stuck, alienated or reactive when talking with loved ones, friends or colleagues who hold different views. People who want to engage confidently and constructively with others in respectful dialogue.

Workshop Description
This workshop offers a model for building trust and engaging in difficult conversations in these polarized times, using a framework of self-knowledge, purposeful listening, common courtesy and good faith.

Nora Ludviksen and Jim Levy, both facilitative mediators and conflict engagement specialists, will teach and demonstrate ways to engage with others in a constructive way, to build confidence, and to manage emotions as we attempt to bridge the divide.
Wednesday Evening 3-Part Series May 3May 17 & May 24
5:30 pm: Doors ------ 5:45: Potluck Supper ------ 6:30-8:30 pm: Workshop
 $15/evening or $40/series 
You are welcome to come to one or two evenings if you can't attend the full series.
Limited financial assistance available through Keystone UCC, so pay what you can. Students free.
Childcare 6:30-8:30 pm with registration by May 1.
Register at Brown Paper Tickets
or by phone and pay with check or cash at door.
For more information: Keystone UCC 206-632-6021

Friday, March 3, 2017

Coming Up at Keystone UCC!

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
** Keystone UCC Weekly News & Events has moved to biweekly publication. See lower down for leaders lineup for next two Sundays and more **
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Theme: Temptation
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Grant
Usher: Christian
Communion: Rich, Lauren, Paisley, Caleb
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret
Children's Ministry: Anita


Sunday, March 12, 2017
Guest Preacher TBA
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Rev. Rich- leading memorial 1 PM for Rick Turner of Meaningful Movies
Scripture: John 3: 1-17 or Matthew 17: 1-9

Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Julia
Usher: Lisa
Communion: Rita/Barb & Lauren
Coffee Hour Host: OPEN
Children's Ministry: Anita

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: On February 26, Keystone UCC held a congregational meeting to discuss the possibility of hiring an additional staff person to expand our social justice efforts. The vote was unanimous, and we will now begin the process of searching for the ideal candidate, to be followed by another congregational vote on whether or not to hire the candidate.

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events:

Friday, March 3 – Wallingford Meaningful Movies - We The People 2.0
@ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)
Doors Open at 6:30pm; Movie Starts at 7pm
Saturday, March 4 –  Community Education:
No New Youth Jail Campaign
@ Kadima Reconstructionist Community, 832 32nd Ave, Seattle

Thursday, March 16 –  Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition
See Rev. Lauren or Iris for location

Sunday, March 19 –  Healing Arts Missions - Moment of Ministry
w/Dr. Tracee Laing and Paul Hammond
@ Keystone UCC
Saturday, April 1 –  Sacred Heart Shelter
Cooking and Serving Dinner
food and servers at Keystone by 5pm;
leave by 5:15pm
March 1, Ash Wednesday – Lent season began
April 13 – Maundy Thursday evening Supper @ Keystone, Battson Hall
April 14 – Good Friday evening worship @ Keystone, Learning Center
April 16 – Easter Sunday!
** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

Our season of Lent began with Ash Wednesday, March 1. We are now amidst the 40 days leading up to Easter. Lent is traditionally a season of entering more deeply into the spiritual practices of contemplation, generosity, prayer, and self-discipline. Plan to be in community at Keystone for our sacred exploration as we journey in Holy Week. Mark your calendars for our:

April 13 – Maundy Thursday Supper in Battson Hall


April 14 – Good Friday Service 7pm in the Learning Center 


Our continued prayers are with Sandie Schumacher who continues her rehab at home from successful knee surgery on Jan. 30
Empowering Haitians Through Access to Healthcare | Education | Clean Water

On Sunday, March 19, Dr. Tracee Laing and Paul Hammond from Healing Art Missions(HAM), will join us for worship at 10:30am and will also share a special “Moment of Ministry" about their organization's work on behalf of the Haitian people.

Through our Festival of Hope, Keystone has supported the efforts of HAM for many years and we have become a beloved partner in their efforts. Tracee and Paul look forward updating our community about their work and extending their gratitude to us in person for our annual support.

They will also be with us at the coffee hour after the service to answer questions and share in fellowship.

As Keystone reaches out in new ways to provide hopeful actions for justice, the unfolding story and example of HAM can provide us with encouragement for tapping into the treasure of our gifts as individuals and as a small faith community.

Additional Note: Tracee and Paul will also be sharing a more in-depth presentation about their organization later in the afternoon on March 19.  This will be held in the Belltown neighborhood and Keystone members who are interested are most welcome to attend this presentation and reception. Please contact Rita Peterson at for more details.

Here is the link to HAM's beautifully updated website:

Report on Feb. 5 Congregational Conversation

When Keystone members convened after service on Feb. 5, for another Congregational Conversation, we explored how our members could faithfully respond to the implications of the last election. We assessed our resources, and came up with a few ideas of what we could contribute, and who could be the contact person for said efforts. Here is a list of what we came up with:

• Sponsor an immigrant - Charles
• Have mediators come teach us skills to discuss issues - Connie
• Social Justice Job/Volunteering Fair - Dan
• Internet activism  - Jim
• Hire a staff person – ChristianBarbDan , Jim
• Joining other groups to combine efforts - Barb
• Addressing anger, channel to something positive - John

If you are interested in learning more or getting involved with any of the above efforts, please contact the person listed.

Community Education:
No New Youth Jail Campaign

Please join us on Saturday, March 4 during our Kadima Shabbat gathering for a meaningful and strategic learning session on the No New Youth Jail (NNYJ) Campaign with attorney and activist Knoll Lowney. Knoll is a member of Kadima and represents the community groups fighting the proposal. He will provide a brief history of the proposed $225 million youth jail in Seattle, the many problems with the proposal, and the antiracist aspects of the campaign. Please join us and learn how Kadima and you can become involved in this important movement.

Date: Saturday, March 4
Time: 9:30 - 11:00am
Location: Kadima Reconstructionist Community
832 32nd Ave, Seattle, Washington 98122

This is a great opportunity to learn more among our faithful friends at Kadima about the campaign Keystone has been at work on over last 3.5 years. See the Facebook Event page HERE.
Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition

Join Pastor Lauren & JLP Intern Iris at the Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition, to support workers at Seatac fighting for dignity on the job and the wages they are due.

Date: Thursday, March 16
Time10- 11:30am

Ready to engage more on Climate Change?

On January 22, Lauren and Jim Little helped host this first public meeting of “1SustainablePlanet,” a new group Lynn Fitz-Hugh is helping organize. It is one follow-up of the Interfaith group that Keystone was part of to help host the Faith & Climate Action Conference last October.

Contact Pastor Lauren or Jim to learn more about these 6 work groups:
1. 150 trees and me - led by Jan
2. Little Green Groups - led by Diedre
3. Sustainable Urban Design - led by Anne
4. The Food Challenge - led by Lynn
5. Green sustainable economy alternative - led by Randy
6. Taming Bigfoot campaign - led by Andy and FACT (Faith Action Climate Team)

Pastor Lauren can be reached at
Jim can be reached at

Christening Conversation

Families with children, adults interested in baptism, friends ~ new or old to Keystone UCC ~ come for a supper time discussion about this ritual in our faith. At Keystone we share in two sacraments: Communion and Baptism. It is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship. Through baptism a person is joined with the body of Christ, as one who is already beloved by God. In this act, our community pledges to support and share the call to be God's people always. Christening offers our children a chance to choose baptism as they are later confirmed. And some adults have circumstances that bring them to seek re-baptism as a renewal of the spirit.

Start to learn more here:

Then come break bread, with childcare for your 
little ones, as we converse!

(90 minutes; Leila Connors, 2016)
Friday, March 3; Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie starts at 7:00pm

@ Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

We the People 2.0 confronts its viewers with the ravages of mine tailings and leaky containment ponds, of sludge and ooze and grue, all of which are killing people, particularly in the cancer-blighted small towns of North America. Alongside documenting grassroots activism, including the kayak flotillas that protested Shell Oil in Seattle, the film focuses on legal challenges presented to corporations by granting rights to ecosystems. Featured are spokespersons from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, a nonprofit that helps small towns draft laws against fracking, factory farming, and water privatization.

Special Guests: Mary Ann Kae from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund


In Memory of Rick Turner

Rick Turner, founder of The Meaningful Movies Project, passed away on December 16, 2016 from an acute flare-up of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a disease he was diagnosed with 6 years ago.  Rick had also been diagnosed earlier this year with acute myeloid leukemia, and had undergone chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant.

Rick was passionate about and tirelessly committed to the vision for Meaningful Movies: educating people about social justice issues, while at the same time building bonds between people.  And to have fun while doing it!  Rick ignited an amazing spark and grew it into a fire that is now nurturing communities far and wide.

We will miss him greatly – his amazing smile, his humor, loving kindness, and the hope and generosity he always shared with everyone.


Gus Wall - 3/9
Eliza Penick -3/10
Rev. Mike Denton - 3/18
Ruth Little - 3/21
Connie Voget - 3/25
Margaret Graham - 3/28

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Mondays: 9:30am-3:30pm, and mornings: Tuesday-Friday, & Sundays:  9:30am- 12:30pmWednesday evening mid-week classes.  (Saturday is Sabbath). Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
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