Thursday, August 28, 2014

Come... see how we love! upcoming Keystone events

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday- 10:30 AM
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, August 31:  
Rev. Rich Gamble preaching

Exodus 3:1-15
Read more on our lectionary text
Reader: Nell
Usher:  Sandra
Coffee Hour Host:  Barbara

** Don't forget to pick up a copy of our new KEYSTONE DIRECTORY **

Professional Nursery Care (0-2 year olds): downstairs with Anita, 10:00 AM - 12 PM.

PreSchool/Kinder (3-5 year olds):
during sermon time- activities & play with Anita in Pre-School classroom (10:45- 11:15 AM.)

Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.

Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, or to rove to classrooms downstairs / upstairs, or enjoy the playground out back!  

THEME:  called to service
Exodus 3:1-15
Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.  There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed.  Then Moses said, "I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up."  When the LORD saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am."  Then he said, "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."  He said further, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God.  Then the LORD said, "I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings,  and I have come down to deliver them from the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the country of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.  The cry of the Israelites has now come to me; I have also seen how the Egyptians oppress them.  So come, I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt."   But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"  He said, "I will be with you; and this shall be the sign for you that it is I who sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God on this mountain."  But Moses said to God, "If I come to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?"  God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." He said further, "Thus you shall say to the Israelites, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"  God also said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the Israelites, 'The LORD, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you': This is my name forever, and this my title for all generations.

Upcoming Keystone Events :

Friday, Aug. 29  –  environmental justice -field trip of Keystone folks (wear a Keystone shirt!)- come help Bless Totem Pole, 10:30 am @ St. Mark's

Tuesday, Sept. 2- come add faith community support for silent protest questioning New Youth Jail.  Noon, downtown at James & 3rd.

Sunday, Sept. 7     –  Welcome our new JLP Intern, 10:30 @ Keystone

Tuesday, Sept. 23  –  JLP Kick Off Celebration Supper @ Keystone, 6:30 PM
Saturday, Oct. 4     –  Cook/Serve Dinner for Sacred Heart Shelter
Sunday, Oct. 26     –  Ordination & Installation Service for Lauren Cannon, 5:30 PM

** See below for details on these, and other events related to life in our community **

Justice Leadership Program Work Party!   AND...
Last push needed: this week before August 30 arrivals

Thank you amazing Keystone members and friends- we powered out our annual work party to ready the apartment.  Let Lauren know if perhaps you were not there and can offer an hour this week- we have one last surge going on Friday after lunch for a bit... Let us know if you can join Elizabeth, Barb, and 2 folks from Plymouth UCC for our last push!

Final needs:
one bureau
one futon sofa 
good floor lamps
free standing wardrobes

Justice Leadership Program news & events:

We are underway to soon welcome our third year of JLP interns on August 30!  The Young Adult Service Community of the UCC is a core ministry of Keystone UCC, who helped found it, and currently staff it.   

Right after they move in over Labor Day weekend, the new JLP interns head to a September 2-5 orientation in California with our national UCC, and our new Spiritual Sojourner, Sam Rennebohm.

Then they have September 7-12 orientation with us in Seattle.  Then a September 14 event, "Launching the Service Journey," that Keystone helps put on for 60+ other new volunteers arriving to Seattle!  

Please join us for the following JLP welcome Events!

• Introduction at worship of Amber Dickson, JLP Intern to serve 2014-2015 at Keystone!
– Sunday, Sept. 7; 10:30am @ Keystone

• Kick Off Celebration- meet all 4 new interns, 4 agencies, 3 church partners!  Help host this potluck supper for all our supporters
– Tuesday, Sept. 23 6:30 PM @ Keystone

And all are also invited to an evening of music & meeting interns at our JLP partner church where the interns live:

• Night Song
Sunday, Sept. 21; 7pm @ All Pilgrims Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

For more info- contact:

Our prayers are with the Hearn family
Linda Hearn, past member of Keystone UCC, died August 10.  A memorial service will be held Saturday, October 4 at 2:00pm. See more in Linda's obituary in the August 17 Sunday Seattle Times.
From Linda's son Phil ... "We lived kitty corner from the church when we were a young family and Keystone was integral to our lives as a family."

Justice Leadership Program:
Call for Keystone hosts for upcoming potluck celebration- thank you!  And learn more at these links below!

Please save-the-date!  Join our Justice Leadership Program, affiliated with United Church of Christ Young Adult Service Communities in welcoming our third year of interns to the Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ!  Please come break bread and celebrate our new JLP interns, 3 host churches, and 4 partner agencies, with JLP staff Rev. Rich Gamble, Lauren Cannon, and Elizabeth Dickinson. All are welcome - bring a friend to help us kick off the 2014-2015 year.

Potluck Supper Celebration

When: Tuesday September 23, 2014
   6:30 - 8:00 PM

Where: Keystone United Church of Christ
    5019 Keystone Place North
    Seattle, WA 98103
             In the Wallingford neighborhood, just west of I-5 at NE 50th St.

With dinner there will be a brief program about the Justice Leadership Program, introductions of interns, and much fellowship.  

Other Justice Leadership Program News:
Over Labor Day our new interns will move in to their apartment at All Pilgrims Christian Church on Capitol Hill, Seattle (one of the 3 host church partners.)  Our other partners joining with founder Keystone United Church of Christ, Seattle, are Plymouth UCC, and the 

Interns spend the first two weeks of September in orientations.  The national gathering is with our national UCC partners at Pilgrim Pines UCC camp in Yucaipa CA.  Then they have orientation in Seattle where they will get acquainted with our 2014 agency placement sites:

Fall classes with JLP begin in October.  The goal is to have PNC church folks & friends join the classes - all welcome!  Your participation over the last two years has been an enriching gift, as we share study at the intersection of faith and justice.

Please hold interns and our partners in prayer as they begin their UCC church placements in Seattle on September 7, and year of service at their agency sites on September 15!

Lauren Cannon, Elizabeth Dickinson, Rich Gamble

Sacred Heart Shelter  –  Save the Date!

Saturday, Oct. 4 is our next date to cook and serve at the shelter for families residing there.

Thank you to each and every one who made our August 3 dinner a success! 

Keystone offers the meal on the first Saturday of every other month, so mark your calendars - thank you!

If you would like to lend a hand on October 4, or a future date, please contact Michelle Hebner @

Time to celebrate!  Ordination Service for Lauren Cannon and Installation as our Associate Pastor at Keystone UCC
Sunday, October 26; 5:30 PM; reception to follow

It is official- we will now worship both morning AND night for one very special Sunday in our life together!  Friends and family will join us to celebrate Lauren's call to ordained ministry (and position here already almost 2.5 years underway since our calling her to Keystone UCC in April 2012!)

We will worship and holler at 5:30 PM, and then we will feast and cheer- in the Narthex, spilling up into the Learning Center.  Please bring a dish to help host our reception (or help with set up, clean up, or anything else you would like to offer.)  Praise God!


Our GREENING DOCUMENT has been updated, thanks to everyone's work the last couple months!  CHECK IT OUT on our website here (click the link at bottom left-hand corner of the Keystone site.)

The Greening Document captures the goals laid out by our Green Team.  The team has formed three Work Groups to developed and prioritized plans in these areas:

• Personal Sustainability

• Church Sustainability

* Advocacy

Take a look to see which area you are called to join, as we begin fall events and work on these projects until next July.  Email a member listed below for more information.

Jim Little,
Rich Voget,
Lauren Cannon,

Can you bring an extra toiletry or supply to church this week?
Keystone member Barbara Anderson faithfully volunteers weekly at Mary's Place, helping offer shelter, support and services to women and children in Seattle who are experiencing homelessness.

Mary's Place currently needs the following items:
Shampoo and Conditioner
Snacks like Cup of Noodles (for evenings)
Bar Soap
Underwear, sizes 5 - 9

This is the time of year when the donations are few and far between, so anything you can provide is greatly appreciated!

Place your items in the box under the coat rack in the Narthex (welcoming area) and Barb will get them to Mary's Place.

To learn more about volunteering at Mary's Place, email Barb at:

Thank you!

Multiple ways to act and pray with Ferguson
Our hearts have been with folks in Ferguson, Missouri, as we also discern ways to be in prayer and solidarity here in Seattle.  Our thanks go to the United Church of Christ congregations and pastors and many people of faith who have been taking active nonviolent roles in speaking out about the Ferguson murder and working for peace in the midst of all the violence that has erupted.  Our prayers are also with our sister Young Adult Service Community of the UCC in nearby Granite City, Illinois (just north of St. Louis).

Read Rev. Rich's August 17 sermon "Becoming Human" at our Keystone UCC blog
Some of us have begun to attend events to hear more from local Seattle "Youth Undoing Institutional Racism". They have invited our community of faith to join them in a silent vigil on Tuesday September 2 at Noon to question the goals of build a new Youth Jail in the Central District of Seattle.  See more below.

Another thing some of us are considering follows from our regional UCC Annual Meeting in April.  A book study to help build anti-racist allies as people of faith.  Let Lauren know if you might be interested to read Christena Cleveland's book (Disunity in Christ) together, and then CLICK ON THIS LINK: Disunity in Christ Book Study .  This survey will be open until the end of the August.  Please share the link in our Keystone network and with others whom you think could be interested.
For more information, contact Lauren Cannon at

Silent Protest
No New Youth Jail
September 2

Outside of the King County Council Building
Downtown Seattle on 3rd & James
Tuesday, Sept 2nd

All welcome- come add faith community support to this silent protest to question the building of a larger  youth jail.  Meet in park- led by Youth Undoing Institutional Racism. Noon, downtown at James & 3rd.

Earth Ministry Event:
Blessings for Totem Pole
Friday, August 29

Join Lisa, Barbara, Jim, Lauren, Leo at this special Earth Ministry event:

Blessings for the Journey
Protecting the land, the water, the people... from fossil fuels.
The Lummi Nation House of Tears Carvers has created another healing totem pole that they are taking on a journey across the country to raise awareness about the issue of fossil fuel extraction, transportation and exportation. As you know, these projects affect all communities along their path and harm the most vulnerable among us. Coal export is especially detrimental for the Lummi as it threatens their ancient village site and treaty protected fishing waters.
We will gather at 10:30am at St. Mark’s Cathedral on Capitol Hill in Seattle to bless the totem pole and stand in solidarity with the Lummi and all afflicted by the injustice of these unsustainable projects. 

Date: Friday, Aug. 29
Time: 11am - 12:30pm outside
Location: St. Mark's Cathedral, 1245 Tenth Ave E

** Contact Lisa or Barbara if you'd like to be part of representing Keystone at this event (and get a snazzy Keystone T-Shirt too!) **

Summer Sunday School @ Keystone
Children's Christian Education

Bring the kids!  Spirit never takes a summer break at Keystone!

Sunday School for 3-5's is every week during the middle of worship service and Professional Nursery care is open every Sunday 10am - Noon!

For our 3-5 year olds, Anita Featherston offers a learning time each week in the downstairs classroom during the sermon and prayers. Tykes will read the Bible story of the morning, with the weekly activity pages that follow the text in the worship service.  The time also includes a craft or dramatic play.

Info for families:
When do my children head to Sunday School?
Families will begin in worship together.  After the Scripture is read at the pulpit, the children are invited to head downstairs for about 30 minutes
(10:45-11:15am), after which time the children return to the sanctuary for Communion (you are welcome to go assist their return where needed.)
Meaningful Movies paused for annual August planning.

Mark September 5 as their first Friday of the fall!  7:00 to 9:30 PM in Battson Hall (downstairs).

FREE and open to the public! ...but Donations are kindly accepted.

Rehearsals start in September
Seattle Labor Chorus practices weekly @ Keystone UCC- in Learning Center
Ever Thought of Singing Your Politics?
Do you like to sing, build community, and learn about labor and peace struggles?  Come join a fun, non-audition chorus of dedicated, community-minded folks—the Seattle Labor Chorus (SLC).  From September to May you can find SLC singing in four-part harmony at political events, at union assemblies, as well as walking and singing on picket lines.  As members strive for a quality sound, SLC attempts to capture the attention and imagination of people who are not already persuaded. We aim to convey a glowing message that social justice is not just about struggle, but also about beauty and culture. 
Rehearsals are 7:15-9:15 on Tuesday nights at Keystone Church (5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle, WA 98103. Fall is the best time to join. Come try us out!
Learn more on SLC, contact Janet Stecher at

Pastoral care concerns & reaching our pastors:
Rich and Lauren at the church office:  206-632-6021
(which is also checked remotely, since both serve half- time)


To submit content for inclusion, email

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