Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3 All Saints and Upcoming Events

This week coming up...
Friend of FacebookKeystone United Church of Christ 
Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Come see how we love!

Sunday November 3

10:30 a.m. Worship- All Saints Day

Bring hearts ready to commemorate loved ones, who have crossed over.  We will share names of those who have passed as we remember dear ones.  In worship, with candle lighting before communion.
Remember "fall back" re-set clocks back an hour to standard time.
A powerful text from Isaiah raises the question of what kinds of actions are most pleasing to God.  All the right and dutiful burnt sacrifices?  Care and compassion for stranger and outcast?  Then, our teaching story from the Gospel of Luke shows how one who really kind of ripping off those in his community, was moved to make restitution, after Jesus came to his house (and caught the public attention of everyone else wondering what Jesus was thinking!)
Reader: Dan
Usher:  Dorothy
3-5 year old teacher:  Barb
Greeter: Charles
Coffee Hour snack: Gloria

After worship and coffee hour- please stay a few moments to lend a hand upstairs in the Learning Center to the mailing party for Festival of Hope!  A lovely social, and gets our save-the-date mailing powered out!
— Lauren

Announcements for next newsletter:  email

November 6 + 13: Wednesday night potluck & classes

6:30 pm- bring a dish to pass
7-8:30 pm class-  two weeks of study, conversation, resourcing, and inspiration alongside our UCC young adult interns:  UCC “Justice Leaders Engaging and Developing”

at Keystone- downstairs in Battson Hall

And learn more about our UCC justice interns and "like" our Facebook page:  Justice Leadership Program- Northwest!  

Justice Leadership Program - Pacific Northwest


Justice Leadership Program: Pacific Northwest

It is official from Kathryn and all:
The Justice Leadership Program - Pacific Northwest has some VERY exciting news for you on this cloudy Friday morning!  We have officially launched our new website! Check it out, and encourage all the young adults you know to check it out!

And also with our thanks to Kathryn and all, we want to be sure you already found our blog (at the new website) and liked our new FaceBook page?!
Justice Leadership Program - Pacific Northwest
Link to news of our UCC justice interns already two months in motion across the state and in Seattle.  Be thinking of those you want to encourage to apply for priority decision for next year before December 15, 2013!

Meet Charlotte!

Welcome Charlotte Powell- our professional Nursery Provider! Care for infants through age 2. Charlotte staffs our nursery each Sunday: 10 AM- Noon.  Meet and greet Charlotte at coffee hour!

Upcoming Events

Mailing Party for Festival of Hope, after 10:30 am Worship,
Noon, Learning Center at Keystone

potluck (6:30) & class (7-8:30):  Justice Leaders Engaging and Developing (Justice LED)
6:30 pm, Battson Hall

Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies
7pm, Battson Hall

Active Hope: How to Face Climate Change Without Going Crazy” at Keystone,
10am-5pm, Battson Hall + Learning Center

10:30 am, Keystone

potluck (6:30) & class (7-8:30):  Justice Leaders Engaging and Developing (Justice LED).  This is the second week of the two-week unit.  Yet all are welcome, at one or both.
6:30 pm, Battson Hall

Deadline to apply for Children's Ministry position:  we are searching for our Children's Christian Education Coordinator to teach our elementary children (ages 6-10)- ask about our job posting!  Talk to Barb, Lisa, and Lauren:
5pm, Keystone

Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies
7pm, Battson Hall

10:30 am, Keystone

November 23 + 24: Festival of Hope at Keystone- we host our large alternative gift fair + cafe.  35 years of community building to end poverty and hunger.

December 7: is our next date to cook dinner and hang out with folks at Sacred Heart family shelter.  See Barb or Michelle!

December:  evenings of Holden Prayer.  More from Elliot and Kate coming!


3-5 year olds

We hope you are catching energy from recent developments with our Children's Ministries!  We are excited to now also announce new opportunity with our PreSchoolers.  Become a trained volunteer to assist with play for our children, ages 3-5, about once every five weeks.  Talk to Barb, Lisa, and Lauren:

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