Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Come for a quiet celebration of Christmas at our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. Poems, Carols and Candles. 7pm Monday, December 24.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Pancakes! Saturday 12/15/2012
The Nickelsville Community is serving pancakes at Keystone again. Come join us from 8AM to 11AM Saturday Dec. 15. Good food for a good cause. A winning combination.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
this week at Keystone UCC November 25
Keystone-United-Church-of-Christ Facebook page
November 25, 2012
Greetings Friends of Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA 98103
KEY Connections _ _ _ _ “We as Keystone commit to share the alternative vision of what the world can be...”
Come- see how we love! Worship every Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Visit our website:
For latest news and events:
Learn what our United Church of Christ Justice Interns are up to:
Lauren Cannon
Associate Pastor
Festival of Hope report back from November 17-18, 2012:
With full hearts of gratitude today we celebrated all the ways that each and everyone contributed to make our 34th annual Festival of Hope a huge success. Marilyn reported that we were able to raise: $12,345 for anti-poverty work!!! Congratulations and thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for all the spirited work!! As Keystone UCC will now give proceeds to non-profit organizations, we praise God for your many hands and hearts that allow us to respond!
Check out the pictures folks have posted from our Festival weekend at Keystone UCC page... Go to:
There you can ‘like’, ‘share’, and spread the good news...!
Here is another dose of congrats for building an alternative giving fair. Watch this short video to get further in to approaching our coming season, in the right mind (or incase you are still bewildered or hungover from Black Friday)- watch this Advent Conspiracy:
Coming Up This Week:
Worship Sunday December 2, at 10:30 AM: First Sunday in Advent
Take a look in advance at our scripture text:
Gospel of Luke: 21: 25-36
Greeter: Sandie S.
Reader: Rich V.
Usher: Sandie S.
Preacher: Rich G.
Music: Elliot K. and Kate F.
Coffee Hour: Fasoldts
Advent candle lighting.
Key Dates:
Tuesday November 27: Next Book Study begins: We will be reading Richard Rohr’s “The Naked Now” and discussing on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. All welcome! For books and more info for this first class, contact Joyce and Scott Hedges:
Wednesday November 28: mid-week Christian education & formation at Keystone: Next unit of Justice Leadership Class is three Wednesdays through December 5. Come check out this unit focusing on community organizing and advocacy, informed from our faith. Potluck is 6:30 pm; class is 7-8:30 pm; downstairs in Battson Hall. All welcome- with our UCC Young Adult Service Community (YASC) justice interns, members and friends of Keystone UCC, and those from other UCC churches.
This second unit of our Justice Leaders class opens as Jasmine Marwaha of Unite-Here Local 8 joins us to share inspired stories of ways that faithful folks can make a difference in labor campaigns to help support low wage hospitality workers in Seattle and build a stronger movement for those at work in our city’s hotels. Her own organizing work is inspired by her faith as a Sikh.
Friday November 30: Weekly Friday Night at the Meaningful Movies at Keystone UCC: 7 pm: Harvest of Empire: The untold Story of Latinos in America. More details:
Saturday December 1: Chloe's choir has a winter concert coming up
All Through the Night
Pacifica Choirs
3:00 PM
Maple Leaf Lutheran Church
10005 32nd Ave NE
Seattle WA 98125
$15 adults and seniors and $8 under 18.
Wednesday December 5: Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class. Come hear from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work, on ‘Why We Advocate!’ (see below)
Thursday December 6: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00- 7:30 pm in the Keystone sanctuary.
Monday December 10: Human Rights Day action to support fair jobs for Port Workers- save the date (see below.)
Tuesday December 11: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00- 7:30 pm in the Keystone sanctuary.
Wednesday December 12: Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class. Come for this hands on “Advocacy 101 Training” from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work! (see below.)
Thursday December 13: HEaring on Coal Export: 4-7 Pm at Washington Convention Center. See Rich Voget (below).
Wednesday December 19 and next Wednesdays... No Justice Leaders class - we break for Christmas and Epiphany and resume February 20.
Thursday December 20: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00- 7:30 pm in the sanctuary.
Monday December 24: Christmas Eve Service 7:00 pm, sanctuary.
Saturday January 5: Next bi-monthly rotation - cooking food for folks at Sacred Heart shelter- save the date!
Lauren’s Maternity leave:
Almost 39 weeks now, Lauren and Mike are soon to start some family leave! Lauren will be away from Keystone, and from leading the UCC Young Adult Service Community approximately from December 1 for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons and return around February 15, after Ash Wednesday as we begin Lent.
Thank you for all the ways everyone is stepping up:
We celebrate the spirit of discipleship we see popping up everywhere, with our recent staff transitions at Keystone. Thank you all who have already been so willing to identify ways you are led to help out.
One part of our coverage of our UCC justice intern program, while Lauren is away, is that our colleague, Rev. Greg Turk, pastor of All Pilgrims Christian Church, will be serving as Spiritual Sojourner with our justice interns for their weekly Friday reflection group for our Young Adult Service Community of UCC
December- mid February:
Bible Study Resources:
The weekly Bible Study is taking a pause this winter, and looking to resume in spring. Check out these weekly on line resources to support your own devotional study or personal routines. Each follows the lectionary texts that inform our worship each week.
You can sign up to receive a daily devotional from our UCC writers group in your in-box.
Or order an Advent Devotional for 2012: from UCC:
And at “Seasons of the Spirit” go to: "Spirit Sightings" each week:
Coal Export: you can help prevent coal trains blowing through our region: come testify; and come write a letter:
Thank you to everyone who signed postcards at the Festival of Hope to make your concerns known about potential impacts of coal export. Rich V. brought dozens and dozens of thoughtful messages to Earth Ministry-- adding to voices calling for the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct detailed environmental impact study before decisions can be made about coal trains.
Letters to the editor are also needed regarding the proposed export trains through our state. (see or contact Keystone UCC member: Rich Voget:
In the last few weeks, over 3,000 people turned out to hearings in their communities to oppose Big Coal's plan to put a dirty coal export terminal at Cherry Point.
The movement is growing large. The Army Corps of Engineers has postponed Seattle's Cherry Point Hearing until December 13 so that it can be moved to a venue with more space -- the Washington State Convention Center!
WHO: Friends, Family, Neighbors, the Sierra Club, Earth Ministry, and YOU!
WHAT: Coal Exports Public Hearing
WHEN: Thursday, December 13, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Washington State Convention Center, Ballroom 6F, 800 Convention Place, Seattle, WA 98101 (Map)
Questions: Contact Robin Everett, who spoke at our Meaningful Movies this summer on this:
And Jessie Dye:
Come join with hundreds of people of faith. Wear RED to show how we have been called forth in spirit to protect Washington's clean air, water, and way of life.
Make Every Job a Good Job at SeaTac Airport:
Join people of faith on December 10 to mark Human Rights Day: in a witness to support workers at Seatac and the Port of Seattle. Keystone is part of an interfaith group, walking alongside workers in this struggle for good jobs that pay more than $9 and hour. Come November 28 to plan the December 10 event with workers (below), and learn more from workers on each third Thursday of the month- for lunch meetings.
Hello Faith Allies,
Thank you for the support you have been giving to airport workers these past couple of months! Last Saturday, airport workers gathered to discuss the plans of December 10th, which is Humans Rights Day. Our message will be that worker rights are human rights. Now workers want to involve more faith leaders in the discussion and make a concrete plan of action. Please feel free to invite and bring members of your community who would be interested in supporting the airport campaign. Details about location and meeting topics are below.
What: December 10th Planning Meeting with Airport Workers
When: Wednesday, November 28th
Where: Teamsters Hall, 14675 Interurban Avenue South, Tukwila, WA
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
The focus of this meeting is to discuss and concretely plan actions for the week of December 10th to support airport workers fight for justice on the job. Workers from each airport group will be present and the goal is to leave the meeting with a solid plan around the actions of December 10th. Please let me know if you and your faith community will be joining airport workers next Wednesday. Sincerely, Claudia
Justice Leaders Class: Nancy Amidei coming to teach December 5 and 12 at Keystone:
Here is more to help us learn about Nancy Amidei, who is coming to teach:
From 1992-2008, Nancy Amidei was on the faculty of the University of Washington School of Social Work.
Today she continues to direct the Civic Engagement Project, which works with non-profit organizations throughout the country. CEP offers advocacy training, speeches, workshops, and resource materials, for work at federal, state, or local levels.
A writer, teacher, and advocate, Ms. Amidei has been involved in social policy from both inside and outside government. She is a former Director of the Food Research and Action Center (a national anti-hunger group). She also served in the Carter Administration as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now DHHS), and in the early 70’s she was on the Staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs. For many years she wrote a weekly email bulletin that described the Washington State legislative process. Focused chiefly on health, human services, and civil rights issues, POLICY WATCH helped readers understand what happens as a legislative Session unfolds.
Among her writings are: a guide to policy advocacy called, “So You Want To Make A Difference;” and a Play called, “How Ms. Bill Became A Law.”
During the 1980s she wrote a weekly column that appeared in newspapers around the country, and did commentaries for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.”
Activities include co-authorship of a Legislative Simulation, co-authorship of a curriculum for an annual 3-day Advocacy Camp, and service on a variety of national and local non-profit agency boards.
Nancy teaches at our Wednesday night class at Keystone on December 5 and 12, 2012.
The 21st Annual Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ Men's Retreat will be held at Pilgrim Firs Conference Center on February 1 - 3, 2013 with the option for a Day of Silence beginning on January 31. The program for this retreat is in two parts. On Friday night Chief Roy Wilson will share with us the spirituality of the Medicine Wheel. Then on Saturday, the Three Interfaith Amigos (Rev. Don MacKenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon, and Sheik Jamal Rahman) will share their message and reflections on what it means to be a man in today's interfaith society. Registration information will be coming out soon... Submitted by Rick Russell, member of the men's retreat planning committee and Prospect Congregational United Church of Christ:
Hey PNCUCC Youth Leaders and Advocates!!!
Midwinter Registration for Pilgrim Firs is online now!!! Visit Encourage your youth to register early! Prices go up after December 17th.
If you have any questions at all please ask Kristen Almgren and Tara Barber- we are co-directing and we are happy to answer questions!!
Please spread the word to EVERYONE! We want as many people coming as possible!!
From Kristen Almgren:
Next Keystone UCC Newsletter submissions for December can be sent to:
Blessings! ~Lauren
Sunday, November 18, 2012
This week at Keystone UCC- November 18- see Festival photos
Greetings Friends of Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA 98103
KEY Connections _ _ _ _ “We as Keystone commit to share the alternative vision of what the world can be...”
Come- see how we love! Worship every Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Visit our website:
For latest news and events:
Learn what our United Church of Christ Justice Interns are up to:
See you at the Festival! Blessings,
Lauren Cannon
Associate Pastor
Check out the pictures Lauren has posted from our weekend of Festival of Hope at Keystone UCC page!!!
Go to:
There you can ‘like’, ‘tag’, and ‘share’ and spread the good news. We have a Saturday album and a Sunday album up. Feel free to send Lauren other photos you’d like added.
A heartfelt thank you to each and everyone! Even our preliminary count so far, as we close up today, is showing we raised over $10,000 for anti-poverty work at this 34th Annual Festival of Hope! More details to come.
Worship Sunday November 25, at 10:30 AM:
Take a look in advance at our scripture texts:
Gospel of Mark: 13: 1-8
Greeter: Barbara A.
Reader: Gloria B.
Usher: Jo W.
Preacher: Rich G.
Music: Elliot K. and Kate F.
Coffee Hour: We will need someone today- leave a message at the office, if you can help. (Remember -it need not be elaborate! Just some fruit or simple snack to share- is perfect! ) To take a turn - sign your name at the clipboard by the coffee pot.
Book Study: Tuesday nights: new book begins November 27:
We will be reading Richard Rohr’s “The Naked Now” on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 pm (supper on your own- no potluck before.) This will give us the opportunity to participate in the Wednesday evening class units and potlucks throughout the year, with the justice leaders course with interns, members, and friends.
All welcome! When we have a solid count on books, Joyce and Scott Hedges will order: contact with your interest:
This week:
No Justice Leaders class of potluck-- enjoy the holiday.
Lauren’s Maternity leave:
Lauren will be on leave from us at Keystone Church, and from leading the UCC Young Adult Service Community, approximately December 1 - February 15.
Thank you for all the ways everyone is stepping up:
We celebrate the spirit of discipleship we see popping up everywhere, with our recent staff transitions. Thank you all who have already been so willing to identify ways you are led to help out.
For pastoral care concerns, contact Pastor Lauren and Rev. Rich (206-632-6021.) For buildings and facilities, contact Rev. Rich.
For weekly Newsletter submissions:
November- Lauren (goes out each Sunday afternoon)
December- Rich
January- Rich
February- Rich
March- Lauren
April- Lauren
Needed for our intern apartment:
Folks to come assemble some pre-made desks from IKEA...
Contact Pastor Lauren:
Next unit of Justice Leadership Class - Wednesday nights Christian education & formation at Keystone, 2012 to 2013: begins November 28. Three weeks. Ending December 5. Come check it out! Then, we break for winter, and resume mid February.
Potluck is 6:30 pm. Class is 7-8:30 pm. Downstairs in Battson Hall. All welcome- with our UCC Young Adult Service Community (YASC) interns, members and friends from other UCC churches.
Key Dates:
November 21: No Justice Leadership Class with YASC (break for Thanksgiving.)
November 28: Second unit Justice Leaders class begins. 6:30 pm potluck. 7- 8:30 pm class. Tonight, hear about the different aims of community organizing, and doing advocacy. Come hear hear inspired stories of faith-based coalition building work.
December 5: Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class. Come hear from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work, on ‘Why We Advocate!’ (see below)
December 6: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.
December 10: Human Rights Day action to support fair jobs for Port Workers- save the date.
December 11: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.
December 12: Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class. Come for this hands on “Advocacy 101 Training” from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work! (see below)
December 19: No Justice Leaders class (break for Christmas.)
December 20: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.
December 24: Christmas Eve Service 7:00.
December 26: No Justice Leaders class (break for Christmas.)
Class resumes Wednesday February 20. Wednesday February 13 attend Ash Wednesday services, for the beginning of our season of Lent.
Bible Study Resources:
The weekly Bible Study is taking a pause this winter, and looking to resume in spring. Check out these weekly on line resources to support your own devotional study or personal routines. Each follows the lectionary texts that inform our worship each week.
You can sign up to receive a daily devotional from our UCC writers group- to get a dose of centering in your in-box.
Seasons of the Spirit:
go to:
"Spirit Sightings" each week:
“Spirit Sightings” are intended to lift up international news stories and current events, linking these to the lectionary passages for each Sunday.
Adults, clergy, and adult Bible study leaders might visit this section of the website each week to enrich Bible study, for personal reflection...
Coal Export: you can help prevent coal trains blowing through our region: come testify; and come write a letter:
Thank you to everyone who signed postcards at the Festival of Hope with Rich V. and Gus W. to make your concerns known about potential impacts of coal export. Rich V. will be bringing dozens and dozens of thoughtful messages to Earth Ministry-- adding to voices calling for the Army Corps of Engineers to conduct detailed environmental impact study before decisions can be made about coal trains.
Letters to the editor are also needed regarding the proposed export trains through our state. On November 8, our member Rich Voget attended a faith leaders’ breakfast with our greening congregations partner, Earth Ministry, to ready to testify at a coal export hearing which was to be November 13 (see or contact: Rich Voget:
In the last few weeks, over 3,000 people turned out to hearings in their communities to oppose Big Coal's plan to put a dirty coal export terminal at Cherry Point.
The movement is growing large. The Army Corps of Engineers has postponed Seattle's Cherry Point Hearing until December 13 so that it can be moved to a venue with more space -- the Washington State Convention Center!
WHO: Friends, Family, Neighbors, the Sierra Club, Earth Ministry, and YOU!
WHAT: Coal Exports Public Hearing
WHEN: Thursday, December 13, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Washington State Convention Center, Ballroom 6F, 800 Convention Place, Seattle, WA 98101 (Map)
Questions: Contact Robin Everett, who spoke at our Meaningful Movies this summer on this:
And Jessie Dye:
Come join with hundreds of people of faith. Wear RED to show how we have been called forth in spirit to protect Washington's clean air, water, and way of life.
Make Every Job a Good Job at SeaTac Airport:
Join people of faith on December 10 to mark Human Rights Day: in a witness to support workers at Seatac and the Port of Seattle. Details coming. Keystone community is invited to also continually learn more from workers on each third Thursday of the month- for lunch meeting with interfaith group, walking alongside workers in this struggle for good jobs that pay more than $9 and hour. Contact Lauren Cannon:
Meaningful Movies:
“How to Boil a Frog” -Come spend that tradition, and highest movie attendance day in the US- and head to a film- at Keystone UCC on Friday November 23 at 7 pm. Family friendly post Thanksgiving film.
More info:
Justice Leaders Class: Nancy Amidei coming to teach December 5 and 12 at Keystone:
Here is more to help us learn about Nancy Amidei, who is coming to teach:
From 1992-2008, Nancy Amidei was on the faculty of the University of Washington School of Social Work.
Today she continues to direct the Civic Engagement Project, which works with non-profit organizations throughout the country. CEP offers advocacy training, speeches, workshops, and resource materials, for work at federal, state, or local levels.
A writer, teacher, and advocate, Ms. Amidei has been involved in social policy from both inside and outside government. She is a former Director of the Food Research and Action Center (a national anti-hunger group). She also served in the Carter Administration as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now DHHS), and in the early 70’s she was on the Staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs. For many years she wrote a weekly email bulletin that described the Washington State legislative process. Focused chiefly on health, human services, and civil rights issues, POLICY WATCH helped readers understand what happens as a legislative Session unfolds.
Among her writings are: a guide to policy advocacy called, “So You Want To Make A Difference;” and a Play called, “How Ms. Bill Became A Law.”
During the 1980s she wrote a weekly column that appeared in newspapers around the country, and did commentaries for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.”
Activities include co-authorship of a Legislative Simulation, co-authorship of a curriculum for an annual 3-day Advocacy Camp, and service on a variety of national and local non-profit agency boards.
Nancy teaches at our Wednesday night class at Keystone on December 5 and 12, 2012.
Next Newsletter submissions can be sent to:
by Sunday November 25.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
This Week at Keystone UCC
November 11, 2012
Greetings Friends of Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA 98103
KEY Connections _ _ _ _ “We as Keystone commit to share the alternative vision of what the world can be...”
Come- see how we love! Worship every Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Visit our website:
For latest news and events:
Learn what our United Church of Christ Justice Interns are up to:
Lauren Cannon
Associate Pastor
Newsletter: readying for November 17 & 18 Festival of Hope edition
Our big week of the year is ahead- we seek all hands on deck!
Request for folks to help out with hosting our 34th Annual Festival of Hope, by:
Making a crock pot of soup and bring it to church Saturday morning November 17. To donate for the deli. Include a recipe description card (to help buyers who may have food allergies.) Contact John.
Make a baked good and bring it to church Saturday morning November 17. To donate for the bakery. Don’t need a recipe card of ingredients (unless it has nuts- you should note that.) Contact Nell.
Help set up Thursday November 15 evening and Friday November 16 evening.
El Quetzal and Ten Thousand Villages will be selling again!
Help prep kitchen: Contact Marilyn.
Help close up and take down Sunday November 18 at 3 PM.
Contact: questions: Eliza Penick:
We all are lifting our support for Eliza who has been our brave new point person this year!
Worship coming up this week, Sunday November 18, at 10:30 AM:
Take a look in advance at our scripture texts:
Gospel of Mark: 12: 38-44
Children and Youth Bibles
Festival of Hope, after service (shorter worship)
Greeter: Eliza P.
Reader: Kathryn M.
Usher: Dorothy R.
No Coffee Hour: head to Festival of Hope: deli, bakery, coffee.
Preacher: Rich G.
Music: Elliot K. and Kate F.
Worship Sunday November 25, at 10:30 AM:
Take a look in advance at our scripture texts:
Gospel of Mark: 13: 1-8
Greeter: Barbara A.
Reader: Gloria B.
Usher: Jo W.
Coffee Hour: We need someone today. It need not be elaborate! The Keystone food at coffee hour has been setting a gold standard these days! So help bring the bar back down folks- if you can just bring some fruit or simple snack to share- that is perfect! Take a turn - sign your name at the clipboard by the coffee pot.
Preacher: Rich G.
Music: Elliot K. and Kate F.
Donations to help folks we are accompanying who are homeless right now:
Sacred Heart shelter needs:
drink glasses
women’s deodorant and hygiene supplies
Mary’s Place needs:
reading glasses (not prescription)
See the bin by the coat rack in the Narthex-- to drop off donations when you come to church. Our Barbara A. has then been faithfully helping get them delivered. Questions? Contact Barb at:
Book Study: Tuesday nights: new book begins November 27:
We will be reading Richard Rohr’s “The Naked Now” on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 pm (supper on your own- no potluck before.) This will give us the opportunity to participate in the Wednesday evening class units and potlucks throughout the year, with the justice leaders course with interns, members, and friends.
All welcome! When we have a solid count on books, Joyce and Scott Hedges will order: contact with your interest:
This week:
Come to the SEND OFF for School of the America’s travelers who will bear witness. St. Pat’s Church: 2702 Broadway Ave. E. Monday November 12 at 7 PM. Our own Kate Speltz is journeying to Ft. Benning Georgia over Thanksgiving. Slideshow is part of the event. Come learn why we go on this annual demonstration!
Lauren’s Maternity leave:
Lauren and Mike are preparing for the arrival of their first child, expected early December. Lauren will be on leave from us at Keystone Church, and from leading the UCC Young Adult Service Community, approximately December 1 - February 15.
Thank you for all the ways everyone is stepping up:
With Rev. Peg’s ministry recently closing with Keystone, as she heads to her new call to pastor a UCC church in Michigan, we have all been stepping up to carry new parts of our ministries. More transition is also ahead as Lauren is on leave. Rev. Rich will be solo staff here this winter. Since we know that many new ministries have bloomed since the early days of Rich’s ministry at Keystone when he was always the only pastor, we have been asking folks to fill in the gaps this fall and winter, wherever you identify you can help. We celebrate the spirit of discipleship and jumping in that we see popping up everywhere! Thank you all who have already been willing and able lead; and also to those of you identifying ways you are led to help out in the months ahead.
Correction: reaching our music leader Elliot Kraber, in to his new role at Keystone, as Music Director: Elliot’s new email is: We also are delighted to have church musician Kate Froese as our accompanist, while Mack Grout is abroad leading a band on tour for three months.
For pastoral care concerns, contact Pastor Lauren and Rev. Rich (206-632-6021.) For buildings and facilities, contact Rev. Rich.
For weekly Newsletter submissions:
November- Lauren (goes out each Sunday afternoon)
December- Rich
January- Rich
February- Rich
March- Lauren
April- Lauren
Looking to spring planning:
After the winter stretch with Rich as solo pastor, while Lauren is on maternity leave, Keystone will be looking at needs regarding the work that was Rev. Peg’s Associate Minister position. March 18, 2013 will be the anniversary of when we called Lauren, as part time Associate Pastor to teach, preach, and direct our new UCC Young Adult Service Community. We began Easter April 8, 2012. Lauren is in process toward ordained ministry with the United Church of Christ, and we hope toward a spring ordination, and installation at Keystone!
Needed for our intern apartment:
A frying pan...
Folks to come assemble some pre-made desks from IKEA...
Contact Pastor Lauren:
Justice Leadership Class - Wednesday nights Christian education & formation at Keystone, 2012 to 2013: Potluck is 6:30 pm. Class is 7-8:30 pm. Downstairs in Battson Hall. All welcome- with our UCC Young Adult Service Community (YASC) interns, members and friends from other UCC churches. Plan to come for our second fall unit, November 28- December 12, before we break for winter, and resume mid February.
Key Dates:
November 14: No Justice Leadership Class with YASC (break for Thanksgiving.)
November 15 & 16: set up for Festival of Hope (FOH). Contact:
November 17 & 18: Festival of Hope - all hands on deck!
November 21: No Justice Leadership Class with YASC (break for Thanksgiving.)
November 28: Second unit of the Justice Leaders class starts back. This one is just three weeks. Join Keystone members and YASC interns for weekly Christian formation class, throughout the year. 6:30 pm potluck. 7- 8:30 pm class. Tonight, hear about the different aims of community organizing, and doing advocacy. Come hear hear inspired stories of faith-based coalition building work.
December 5: Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class. Come hear from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work, on ‘Why We Advocate!’ (see below)
December 6: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.
December 11: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.
December 12: Justice Leaders Class, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-8:30 pm class. Come for this hands on “Advocacy 101 Training” from dynamic teacher, writer, & advocate Nancy Amidei, formerly of the University of Washington, School for Social Work! (see below)
December 19: No Justice Leaders class (break for Christmas.)
December 20: Holden Evening Prayer 7:00 in the sanctuary.
December 24: Christmas Eve Service 7:00.
December 26: No Justice Leaders class (break for Christmas.)
Class resumes Wednesday February 20. Wednesday February 13 attend Ash Wednesday services, for the beginning of our season of Lent.
A Festival of Hope: Come help volunteer for another great year of giving to our community! & Come shop at our 34th Annual Holiday Fair:
Let Eliza Penick know if you can help: Don’t miss being a part of our church’s big event! The money you spend at this non-profit event goes to hunger relief and self help programs, both locally and in developing countries. Keystone opens our space; and then extends the offering of profits to organizations we support. This is how we limit our special offering appeals in worship throughout the year. So come on down!
Coal Export: you can help prevent coal trains blowing through our region: come testify; and come write a letter:
This summer at our quarterly ministry team meetings, Keystone’s social justice ministry determined that a push this fall would be faith-based action to investigate the impacts, and write letters to the editor, regarding the proposed coal export trains through our state. On November 8, our member Rich Voget attended a faith leaders’ breakfast with our greening congregations partner, Earth Ministry, to ready to testify at a coal export hearing which was to be November 13 (see or contact: Rich Voget:
In the last few weeks, over 3,000 people turned out to hearings in their communities on proposed export terminal at Cherry Point.
The movement is growing large. The Army Corps of Engineers has postponed Seattle's Cherry Point Hearing until December 13 so that it can be moved to a venue with more space -- the Washington State Convention Center!
It shows that Washingtonians are not going to stand by while big coal tries to send mile and a half long dirty coal trains through our communities.
WHO: Friends, Family, Neighbors, the Sierra Club, Earth Ministry, and YOU!
WHAT: Coal Exports Public Hearing
WHEN: Thursday, December 13, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Washington State Convention Center, Ballroom 6F, 800 Convention Place, Seattle, WA 98101 (Map)
Questions: Contact Robin Everett, who spoke at our Meaningful Movies this summer on this:
And: Jessie Dye:
Come join hundreds of people of faith who are let to protect Washington's clean air, water, and way of life. Wear RED to show how the Holy Spirit is moving among people raising voices!
Rich V. will host a table at Festival of Hope November 17 & 18, so we can write letters there!
Meaningful Music:
Rich and Barb and John and others reported back to us today at worship that Keystone was blessed as we hosted Meaningful Music on Thursday November 8! Keystone folks rolled out the hospitality, helping set up, welcome people, and maybe even were caught singing a song as well. There were multi generations participating in offering poetry and song. Let Rich know if you want to learn more about the next one coming up:
This one was a coffeehouse that helped Keystone United Church of Christ in Wallingford inaugurate its Meaningful Music series. Folks raised voices together in song to support the struggle for peace and social justice both locally and globally. Included a bit of a post-election hootenanny. The evening was hosted by Tom Rawson, the Northwest’s very own version of Pete Seeger. Armed with longneck banjo and other weapons of mass delight, Tom had folks singing, clapping, and laughing along all night. Admission was free-will donation.
Make Every Job a Good Job at SeaTac Airport:
Join Lauren on November 15: for our next faith and labor leaders monthly lunch to support workers at Seatac and the Port of Seattle. 11:30 am- 1 pm at Plymouth United Church of Christ, downtown Seattle. We will receive campaign updates and make plans to witness alongside workers struggling for better conditions on the job. Each third Thursday of the month- come check it out. Contact Lauren Cannon:
From our partner, Puget Sound Sage: Hello Faith Allies,
Thank you for the support you have been giving to airport workers these past couple of months such as signing the Faith Letter to Alaska CEO, standing with workers on direct action delegations, testifying at Port Commission meetings, and speaking at the Fueler Strike for Safety Press conference. All these actions have made an impact and contributed to several organizing successes! We will be discussing these successes and next steps at next Thursday's Interfaith Airport Campaign meeting. Please feel free to invite and bring members of your community who would be interested in supporting the airport campaign. Details about location and meeting topics are below.
What: Interfaith Airport Campaigns Meeting
When: Thursday November 15
Where:Plymouth Church - 1217 6th Ave, Seattle WA 98101
Time: 11:30 –1:00pm (lunch will be provided, please indicate any food restrictions)
Topics that were scheduled to be discussed further from our last meeting:
- Worker and Campaign Updates
- Media Coverage
- Actions at the Airport for Workers
- Frequent Flyer in Congregations
- Bearing Witness
- Dec. 10 Vigil/Event in Conjunction with Human Rights Day
Please let me know if you and your faith community would be interested in hosting the next Interfaith Meeting.
Sincerely, Claudia Alexandra Paras, Puget Sound Sage, Airport Coalition Organizer, 206.568.5000 ext.30
People of Faith Supported the Freedom to Marry for All:
“Hope for the Journey” was an Interfaith and Ecumenical worship service November 7 that celebrated the decades of struggle that led to the passing of Ref. 74. Among many other celebrations, University UCC (United Church of Christ) colleague Rev. Gail Crouch wrote:
To all my fellow clergy and member of our UCC churches:
Thank you for all the good and hard work you did to help WA approve Referendum 74. We did holy work together with other faith communities and that made all the difference. It was not only a victory for justice and equality but a wonderful example of how people of faith can make a difference in their communities and in the political process. The interfaith aspects of our work were amazing. Let’s remember that as we continue to work for justice together. With gratitude.
Also see this letter from our Pacific Northwest Conference UCC:
Justice Leaders Class: Nancy Amidei coming to teach December 5 and 12 at Keystone:
Here is more to help us learn about Nancy Amidei, who is coming to teach:
From 1992-2008, Nancy Amidei was on the faculty of the University of Washington School of Social Work.
Today she continues to direct the Civic Engagement Project, which works with non-profit organizations throughout the country. CEP offers advocacy training, speeches, workshops, and resource materials, for work at federal, state, or local levels.
A writer, teacher, and advocate, Ms. Amidei has been involved in social policy from both inside and outside government. She is a former Director of the Food Research and Action Center (a national anti-hunger group). She also served in the Carter Administration as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the federal Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (now DHHS), and in the early 70’s she was on the Staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs. For many years she wrote a weekly email bulletin that described the Washington State legislative process. Focused chiefly on health, human services, and civil rights issues, POLICY WATCH helped readers understand what happens as a legislative Session unfolds.
Among her writings are: a guide to policy advocacy called, “So You Want To Make A Difference;” and a Play called, “How Ms. Bill Became A Law.”
During the 1980s she wrote a weekly column that appeared in newspapers around the country, and did commentaries for National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.”
Activities include co-authorship of a Legislative Simulation, co-authorship of a curriculum for an annual 3-day Advocacy Camp, and service on a variety of national and local non-profit agency boards.
Nancy teaches at our Wednesday night class at Keystone on December 5 and 12, 2012.
See you at the Festival!! Blessings,
Lauren Cannon
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