Saturday, March 28, 2020

Celebrate Worship & March Birthdays! one click on line invite to community time, music, sermon, live prayers

Celebrate Worship and March Birthdays

Our schedule Sunday morning:

10-10:30 a.m.- BYOC (Bring Your Own Coffee) ☕Bring your favorite morning beverage and catch up with folks!

10:15-10:25 a.m. - Teacher Anita will host a story with the kids in their own Zoom breakout room. Pastor Lauren will also be in that break room for stories and some show & tell time with Keystone's littlest members!

10:30-11 a.m. - Worship that will feature a hymn sung by Elliot (Those who want to sing along at home can download a song sheet here) as well as a closing hymn from Emma's Revolution (download lyrics sheet here). Bring a candle to light at the beginning of the service if you can. Also, Pastor Yuki will mute everyone during the service except for Pastor Lauren, Pastor Rich, and the scripture readers, until Prayers. During Prayers, we invite you to raise you hand (see instructions below) and Pastor Yuki will unmute you so you can share your prayer. We will also share a prayer that Rita Peterson wrote, which you can download here. If you don't want to download these files and can switch between the Zoom and our browser screen, you can also see these resources on a new page on the Keystone website, Online Worship Resources.

11.a.m.- Birthdays! We'll celebrate March birthdays after worship! We'll sing Happy Birthday together (and if you want, bring a piece of cake or a snack to your computer and we can "eat together").

And finally, below you can see a few reminders for making Zoom worship a little easier on us all, including the instructions on how to use Zoom to "raise your hands." We can practice this during the BYOC time and/or right before worship. Remember to be gentle with each other and yourself in this time where we're learning so much and feeling deeply about how the world is and how we are loving each other from afar. 
Copyright © 2020 Keystone United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a friend or member of Keystone or opted in at our website, blog, or FB page.

Our mailing address is:
Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA  98103

Friday, March 27, 2020

Making Holy Week Connections, Update on Nickelsville, & More!

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
All Are Welcome!  Interactive, On-Line

This Sunday, March 29, 2020
Fifth Sunday in Lent
 Rev. Rich Gamble

Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren & Rev. Yuki

Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Theme: Hope

We are continuing to meet online for worship. During the past few weeks you all have been working so hard to learn this new technology! And, we're all learning new ways to be a community in solidarity right now, so let's celebrate how far we've come and how far we're getting by supporting each other right now. 
The worship space opens at 10 a.m., for a "bring your own coffee hour" where folks can meet and have some time to see each other and talk before worship. At 10:15 a.m., Pastor Yuki will open up a virtual classroom with Teacher Anita so that the children can have storytime with her for 10 minutesbefore worship. Worship will begin around 10:30 a.m.

We worship til about 11a.m.  Lauren, Rich, & Yuki include Announcements, music by our own Yigit or Elliot, scripture, short sermon, & Prayers (you can voice yours, and hear others), and a closing song we can each bring into the week ahead.  Sign right off, if you wish.  Or sign off with a personal greeting, as the mic goes around, as we end.

After worship this week we'll celebrate March birthdays, so bring a snack to your computer desk or couch and we'll sing Happy Birthday - thank you Barb & Elliot!

Sunday, April 5: 10:30 a.m.
Palm Sunday

Preaching: Rev. Rich
Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren & Rev. Yuki

Text: Matthew 21:1-11
Theme: The Hunger for Truth

A note from Pastor Rich

Physical Distancing Practices to Continue Past Easter to End of April

Greetings Keystone Folk, 
It has become clear to us that our hopes of worshipping together for Easter are not going to happen. Though we have no idea when things will return back to the way we are used to, we do know that this period of social distancing is going to be going on for several more weeks.
This then is the official announcement that we will not worship in person in the sanctuary until after April. At the end of April we will assess whether we will need to continue to keep the church closed for May.
It has been a joy to see how many people have attended our online worship. Our attendance has probably improved in our on-line format over our in-person worship gatherings. Though it is not the same as the joy of being with everyone in the same place, still it is amazing that we have done this together.
We will continue to work on new ways we can be an active community of faith in these unusual times.
In the meantime, please check in on one another regularly and let us know if there are concerns that are too large for you to address on your own. We are here for one another and the world.  
Please feel free to contact us at the church (206.632.6021) if you have questions or concerns.
Pastor Rich
Happy Listening Anytime:  Miss a Sermon?  Down at Classroom? Audio Available Online: Click on a file for a listen HERE, and share! You can now watch sermons and worship services on our new YouTube page here

Holy Week Connections

This year we can mark Maundy Thursday and our holy commandment to love one another, by taking time to write & mail a note, to extend love to a Keystone member, who might open it, by Easter!  (And if writing or mail is a challenge, reach out with a phone call, to one of our community!) We celebrate the care that Keystone is naturally extending beyond our network as well.  On Maundy Thursday, we get to share mercy with each other, recalling how Jesus gathered with friends.  We can share the love around our church, mailing notes to one another. (We also note some warnings regarding how long the Covid-19 virus might survive on paper and cardboard. Best practices for sending and receiving mail seem to be debated, so in an abundance of caution, you can leave them in the sun for 6 hours, or gently wipe down mail or packages with disinfectant. We will update if we learn more.)  If you can write an additional card, or invite the kids to craft one, reach out to Lauren:

On Maundy Thursday, April 9, we will be celebrating this night of story and light with a shared, online Tenebrae service with First Christian Church of Bremerton, the church where Pastor Yuki's partner, Clint Collins, is the pastor. Yuki and Clint are working together on a service of readings that both of our congregations can participate in. The service will be at 6:30 p.m. 

If you would be willing to be a reader for this service, contact Yuki at or by phone/text at 360-689-3832. 

Three Ways to Support Keystone & Partners

We may not be meeting in person, but we're still working in the world, and our partners that we support are still working, too. You can continue to financially support Keystone and our partners by giving your offering in one of three ways:

1) You can mail checks to Keystone (5019 Keystone Place, Seattle 98103). Pastor Rich is still visiting the church regularly and picks up mail.

2) We have a PayPal button at the bottom of the front page of the Web site (and you can use it below and in other articles tied to specific fundraising efforts!) that you can use to support Keystone using your credit card or a PayPal account if you have one. You can even designate which project your offering will directly support (Keystone Church itself, the Shelter Task Force, the Solar Panels Fundraiser, or the Justice Leadership Programs). 


3) The Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ is taking donations on their web site for churches, camps, and other ministries in our conference. You can designate your offering for Keystone or any other UCC church or ministry in the Pacific Northwest Conference. Go to and click the "Donate" button in the corner, and fill out the form. Be sure to fill out the DONATE TO MY CHURCH field with the church or ministry of your choice. The conference will then send your offering to the church or ministry you indicate.

It's a tough time for a lot of people right now, as paychecks dwindle but costs like utility bills and rents keep coming in. Our support keeps the work of justice going along so many different paths. THANK YOU for in all the ways that you bring care and love to our world; we can't do what we do without each other. 
Do let Pastor Lauren know if you could use a hand, in these days.  As we cannot hold well-washed hands in person … we are holding each other up!  Thank you Keystone, you are inspiring in the many acts of care and mercy you are extending to one another.  It is heartwarming to witness the types of support you are doing for each other, and for neighbors, even as we are under orders to stay home. So do continue to let me know if you discover an additional need in our church neighborhood, or beyond, and we may be able to help:
  • prayers to share around, on phone, or to print out for your devotions
  • ordering a supply or grocery item or prescription? (sometimes one of us can pick it up when we make a trip to get an essential.)  
  • maybe one of us can help cue an order to be delivered?
  • need a Keystone Picture Directory? It has contact info, phone numbers, etc.  We can mail one your way!
  • Need time with one of our ‘Tech Deacons’?  To get a computer on line?  How to click the worship link on the Keystone website? Or trouble-shoot a snag? Order earbuds?  Let Lauren know!  
  • applying for assistance? navigating an unemployment application, health insurance question, deferment on a loan, etc?
Email:   Text/ call cell:  773-501-7382

Nickelsville Update

The Nickelsville community has postponed their plan move to their new location. They have not yet determined a date for their move. We at Keystone have postponed any vote we might take about whether to be their faith community sponsor in their new location until they have set a moving date. If you have questions call Pastor Rich at the church. 

No Foolin': Lenten Study Concludes April 1
The Lenten Study group has spent the last few Wednesday night in holy and prophetic conversation about climate change and how we turn our individual and collective work into a movement, with Naomi Klein's book On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal as our conversation partner. There's still one more chance to join in this conversation! We are meeting online, and you can join in those discussions by clicking the picture above, or here. Pastor Yuki is also posting summaries of our discussions, including videos and articles we're sharing with one another, at our web site. Click here to check out what we've been talking about!

Lenten Study Reading Guide

You can join us for conversation at any point during the study. You don't have to read the book (but it helps!), but if you are following the reading guide, we'll be reading these sections for the remainder of the study:
April 1: On Fire, pages 207-292 OR Chapter 13 “Capitalism Killed our Climate Momentum, Not Human Nature (pages 243-252) or read it online at, AND chapter 15, “Movements Will Make, or Break, the Green New Deal” (pages 259-271) or read it online at
Other ways to focus on climate justice during this season:
  • Make your donation to our solar panels for our roof (see more below)! Every bit helps make a lasting boost toward aligning our community's values, for years to come!

Spread the Word About Our Solar Panel Fundraiser!

One of the things we've talked about in the Lenten Study and that our folks who are attending the Drawdown meetings is the importance of investing collectively in greener sources of energy. We're in the middle of making that investment happen at Keystone, and you can help! Please invite your contacts to donate to the solar installation.  You can invite them to donate by sending checks to Keystone, or they can use the PayPal button below and be sure to tell them to indicate that they are donating to the Solar Panel fundraiser. 

We are still asking for participation from our many good groups and people of our extended community of neighbors, renters and visitors. Thank you to Christian, Eliza, and everyone who has been at work on this important project!

New Opportunity to Connect and Share Stories Starts in April

From Pastor Rich:

Hello Keystone Community in Exile,
It occurred to me that we could use this time of enforced physical isolation to grow in our connections to one another and grow in our storytelling skills. What if we had a community storytelling gathering every week? Those who wanted to would craft a story to share. Hopefully most of us would share a story so that we can get to know one another better. The stories would be 7 minutes or less in duration. We would pick a theme for the stories and hopefully in exploring the theme we would get to know more about the storyteller. Then we would come together and share 3 or 4 stories on our online platform on the internet and then spend a little time talking about the stories. We shoot for no longer than 45 minutes for the whole event and we keep going on the one theme every week until everyone has a chance to share. Then we can pick another theme and go around again. Some of us are better storytellers than others but all of us can get better through practice.
Traditionally a story has an opening which lays out the setting of the story (I always wanted a go-cart). After that, there is the rising action of the story itself (after much planning and savings I bought a go-cart. It didn’t have an engine and was only good for going down hills.). This leads to climax or high point of the action (on my first ride down a steep hill near my house I came to realize that having brakes on a go-cart would have been a good idea). After the climax comes the resolution (I sold my go-cart to some other kid with a dream).
Craft your story to fit within the time allotted. The only way that you can be sure it fits within the 7 minute time frame is to practice telling the story in front of clock or by using a stopwatch. Good storytelling takes practice.
We will ask for people to sign up ahead of time to share their stories. If no one signs up then we know it’s not something that people are interested in and we will have learned something.  
I’m thinking Wednesday nights might be a good time to gather, though we could pick a different day and time if that doesn’t work for most of us.
The first theme will be: Lessons Learned from Childhood Injury or Illness.
Let’s plan on the first gathering to be on Wednesday, April 15 at 6:30 p.m. That will give us time to sign up and prepare our stories.
You can sign up by sending an email to Put “story to share” in the subject line.

A way to help, when we are apart...

On our last drop off, Barb & John connected 10 families with some supplies & groceries, and then did a second run to bring frozen goods, in the prep for hunkering down from the virus.  This is a big part of the ministry that Christian, Michelle, Margaret, Barb, John, Rita, Dan O. & more have been helping us bring to the shelter, every two weeks.  We especially welcome more folks to help financially.
In addition, Arlene welcomes those at home now to join her in our sewing project, repurposing old towels, or crocheting.  Dan O. helped connect the shelter with a handy fix it person who donated time!  Connie & Rita & Michelle & Barb got Move In Boxes out to folks.  Would you like to be part?  Please join our amazing team.  Especially appreciated now are the financial donations at our Keystone PayPal button where you earmark it for Sacred Heart Shelter groceries.

We are continuing to to purchase food and updating our way of delivering to Sacred Heart Shelter families, every two weeks.  We also are figuring how to get Move In boxes out, as we are able, safely, adjusting some of the methods, with necessary physical distancing.  Thank you!  Let Lauren, Rita, Michelle or Barb know how you would enjoy helping with this ministry.  We know that awaiting stable housing, in an already destabilizing time, has many layers of added vulnerability.  We want to do what we can.

The Pacific Northwest Conference has a new home for sharing news and information about goings-on in the conference: GoogleGroups.  If you'd like to become a member of the Google Group, send an email to

Get a Dose of the PNCUCC in Your Inbox
From Pastor Lauren:  Take a look here at stories being shared each day of Lent in our Pacific Northwest Conference UCC, “This Is Me”. You can sign up to receive an email, and learn a story each day. These writers are regular folk from across our conference- just a mix of church members, leaders, & pastors, brave enough to put it out there and share. You can submit as well!

You will receive them for the remaining two weeks+ of Lent.

Or check out this first story that started the series on Ash Wednesday: from Nathan in Walla Walla: 
On Ash Wednesday a few years ago I was praying about what practice I should take on for Lent. What came to me was “Jubilee.” As I explored what this Jubilee could mean for me, I found it was calling me to notice the ways I needed to forgive – but not only in the moral terms we usually think of, but also in terms of that nasty little four-letter word that biblical Jubilee is literally about: Debt. 
You see, there was this guy who owed me a chunk of money. He had been my housemate along with several other people, years ago. Talented guy, charming, with a life full of struggles since day one, always scrapping by. One month I helped cover his rent. Then another. We’d even written up an agreement for him paying me back. And he did pay back a little, here and there. But there came time I really needed that money. He’d jerk me around. I’d get angry – I hadn’t helped him out because I was rich, I had my debts to pay too, and a promise was a promise.

It turns out he had been struggling with addiction this whole time, which he had managed to keep hidden from us, for a while at least. He owed money all around town, and from folks who posed much more of a threat to him than he ever would fear from me.

Time passed, we all moved and moved on. I didn’t expect him to ever make good on what he owed me. The sum became less critical to my monthly needs. I also had much weightier moral grievances to preoccupy me.

So, it was surprising to me that years later, as I prayed about the practice of Jubilee, it was this debt that came to the fore. I had to admit that, for all the more pressing concerns of my life, this episode was for me a source of bitterness. It had been easier for me to forgive outright theft. Debt can have a bite to it.

As with any wise ancient prescription, it’s best to just go ahead and do it without much hand wringing and see how it works out. I wrote to him and told him I forgave him the debt. He responded with gratitude. It has been weighing on him too. It felt good that now we were both a little freer.

This is me.

-Nathaniel Mahlberg
First Congregational Church of Walla Walla, United Church of Christ
Read more at the This is Me archive.  All are also posted at the PNC UCC Facebook page
Take 5 from Home!
Look to your email this Monday as we are send out a Take 5 that helps support domestic workers who have multiple challenges in these times (personal care-givers, house cleaners, nannies, etc.)

And today:
Keystone, there is one more ask before we close the chapter on this legislative session. Please send a note of thanks to your lawmakers who worked extremely hard to secure important wins. You have the bills and victories I (Barb) sent out by email a week ago.  A thank you note goes a very long way and builds the path towards more leadership for the next session.

Please respond to the 2020 Census by April 1st either online or by mail.  Here's some information to know:

The census helps communities get the funding they need and helps businesses make data-driven decisions that grow the economy.  More than $675 billion in federal funding flows back to states and local communities each year based on census data.  The personal information that you send will be strictly confidential and by law, your responses cannot be used against you by any government agency, or court in any way.

One note here:  After each decade's census, state officials redraw the boundaries of the congressional and state legislative districts in their states to account for population shifts.  It is mandatory and everyone counts!  Follow-up operations will be conducted nationwide between March 30, 2020 - July 31, 2020. Door to door will be from May thru July.

~Barbara Anderson, of Keystone UCC.
Alum, Justice Leadership Program Jubilee Fellow @ Keystone.
Advocate @ Seattle King County Coalition on Homelessness (SKCCH).

Glance- down- the- Calendar

Wed. April 1: On Fire: Prophetic Faith & the Green New Deal Lenten Study, 6-8 p.m. Read: Pages 207-292 OR Chapter 13, "Capitalism Killed Our Climate Momentum, Not Human Nature (pages 243-252) or read it online at, AND chapter 15, “Movements Will Make, or Break, the Green New Deal” (pages 259-271) or read it online at

Thur. April 9: Shared Online Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service with First Christian Church of Bremerton, 6:30 p.m. 

Wed. April 15: Storytelling Practice w/ Pastor Rich, 6:30 p.m. 

Stay Tuned: Church staff & leadership are communicating with one another as we monitor the latest requests and orders from public health officials about physical distancing practices. We'll keep you informed when we know more about when we will be able to see one another in person again! 

Rita - 4/5
Jake - 4/7
Jonathan - 4/9
Julia Blackburn - 4/11
Sheri - 4/14
Nick Havey  - 4/18

Here's wishing them each the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!  On the last Sunday of the month- we shall have cake at coffee hour (even on line cheer these days!)

Please let Barb know additions/ omissions! 
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Sabbath = Mondays.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is on Sunday thru Friday half days (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email is a great way to line up a meeting:

Pastor Yuki (they/them) is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment (Sabbath = Fridays). Email them at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Programs- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook
Click here to read our Keystone blog at "Latest News" on our website
Click here to bounce to Keystone UCC website
To submit content for inclusion, email Lauren & Yuki  addresses above.  Content must be received by Thursdays at Noon, for Friday bi-weekly newsletters.
Next deadline for Newsletter announcement submissions:
to Lauren & Yuki: Thurs. April 9 @ Noon

Here is a way to Worship On Line / by phone today March 22- Keystone!

View this email in your browser

Physical Distance, Not Community Distance

Keystone community, I'm sending out a quick reminder and schedule of events for this week's Sunday morning online community time and worship service. 

10-10:30 AM- BYOC - bring your own coffee ☕come catch up with folks, if you so desire!

10:15-10:25 AM- Anita will host a story with the kids!  Their own class break out room- woot!  I will be in that break out room too. You can bill it as a little show & tell time with your Keystone buddies!  Special request for our youth: can you come play too, and harangue our kiddos a minute?  We would love to have you drop in to the break out room (so use an additional device?) Can you join the story hour/ miss-you-mayhem, and then let me know your ideas after?  What features could we use with the younger kids?  (On this one, we are steering the little ones away from using Chat in story time, just so Anita & kids can have a group conversation, where everyone can flow with each other on video.)

10:30-11 AM Worship: Entice your family to chill for worship: you can be muted the whole time, but for Prayers, when you want to offer a prayer, raise your hand to camera.  Tell the kids-- if they listen in, guess who is playing the piano?  It's our own Yigit doing a creative signature on a song they will recognize!  And there is a hymn and another song you can belt out as family.  The sermon is just about 5-7 minutes.  Thank you for jumping in to experiment Keystonebeloveds!
Copyright © 2020 Keystone United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you are a friend or member of Keystone or opted in at our website, blog, or FB page.

Our mailing address is:
Keystone United Church of Christ
5019 Keystone Place North
Seattle, WA  98103

Friday, March 13, 2020

We're Together Even When We're Apart: Online Worship & Other Ways to Connect

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
All Are Welcome!

This Sunday, March 15, 2020
Third Sunday in Lent
 Rev. Rich Gamble

Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren & Rev. Yuki

Text: Philippians 4:6-7
Theme: Fear Not

Worship will be online throughout the rest of Lent. See the note from Rev. Rich below, but since we are choosing to maintain the practices of responsible social distancing in order to keep COVID-19 from spreading throughout our communities, KeystoneUCC has chosen to suspend in-person worship for the time being. However, that doesn't mean that we can't be together! We will be using an online program for Sunday morning worship.
Practice on line
Test your camera/ microphone/ computer/ phone set up!
Saturday March 14 @ 11 AM
Video/call in with Lauren, Yuki, Rich.  Come check in.
Give it a try!

We will post the link on the Keystone blog:  go to website:  right side menu: click "News & events" button!

Come practice - before it is Sunday worship on line together!

We know that this is going to be a difficult time where we'll learn a lot about how to be together even as we're keeping a responsible distance apart from one another. We'll make mistakes that we'll learn from, and support each other as we go!

Please email, text or call Pastor Yuki (; 360-689-3832) or Pastor Lauren (; 773-501-7382) if you have any questions about accessing our new online worship!  


Sunday, Mar. 22: 10:30 a.m. worship online
Fourth Sunday in Lent

Preaching: Rev. Rich
Worship leaders: Rev. Lauren & Rev. Yuki

A note from Pastor Rich

Hoping We Can Resume In-Person Worship at Easter (April 12)

Greetings Keystone Folk,

I have been impressed by how quickly we have responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Though gathering together each week sits at the heart of our practice as a worshipping community we have chosen not to gather, not out of fear but out of concern for the most vulnerable members of the wider community. By not gathering we are helping limit the spread of the virus and thereby protecting the wider community.
It is the first time in my 25 years as pastor that I have served a congregation that has chosen not to gather for Sunday worship; but because we are making this choice as an extension of our calling as people of faith to provide special care for the most vulnerable, I am proud that we made that decision.
The pastoral staff has recommended and the leadership of the congregation has agreed that we continue to refrain from gathering until at least Easter. It is our hope that by April 12th we will once again be able to gather without risking the wider community. That may not be possible. We will have to wait and see. For now at least, we are planning to provide alternatives to in-person church life until Easter.
We are quickly learning new ways to be a worshipping community while not being physically gathered in one place. The technology required to participate in this new form of worship might be challenging for some of us (It is certainly challenging for me) but we are working on bringing the congregation up to speed on the ways we can remotely worship together.
We will be using our website as our primary gathering place online ( And in case you missed it, you can catch last Sunday’s sermon on Youtube: (
The other way we can be together is by checking in on one another by telephone or email. I would encourage you to set aside some time and call one another.
Please feel free to contact us at the church (206.632.6021) if you have questions or concerns 
Pastor Rich
Happy Listening Anytime:  Miss a Sermon?  Down at Classroom? Audio Available Online: Click on a file for a listen HERE, and share! You can now watch sermons on our new YouTube page here

Community Cancellations

Keystone worked with each of our renters at church to pause meeting last week, which they each voluntarily did.  And now with the governor's closures, we officially closed the church to all renters, last being the Preschool (which was working with us on safety protocols via North Seattle College, Public Health, and SPS.)

Also of course many organizations in Puget Sound are cancelling in-person gatherings as part of their efforts to keep the COVID-19 virus from spreading. Some of these cancellations affect the life and work of KeystoneUCC and our hard-working members and friends. Here are a few cancellations that we know from March, and it may be that they will be cancelled in April. Keep an eye on their web sites for any information about future cancellations or about when they hope to meet again:
  • Memorial service for unsheltered folks who have died during the past year, at the St. Martin de Porres Shelter. Original date: 3 p.m. Thursday, March 19, at the shelter. 
  • Poor People's Campaign Mass Meeting. Original date: March 20 and 21 (see more below, now on line)
  • Meaningful Movies in Wallingford, which usually meets on the first Friday of the month.
  • Communities Rising, which usually meets on the first Thursday of the month.
  • Seattle Labor Chorus, which usually practices every Tuesday.
  • Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church, which usually worships on Sunday afternoons. 
  • Seattle Dances of Universal Peace, which usually meets every Wednesday night. 
If you need to share word of other cancellations, let Pastor Yuki or Pastor Lauren know.
Bri Little- continuing prayers of support around Bri and her family in DC in the sudden loss of her mother January 22.

Jenn Hagedorn- congratulations!  We were with Jenn at her (n-line) interview yesterday with the Committee on Ministry of the Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ.  She led a worship service and answered questions about her theology, and we conveyed our uncontainable celebratory, whole-hearted support!  She was approved for ordination, pending a call!  
Anita Featherston took these pictures of our kids during coffee hour on March 1 with Pastor Lauren. Who's looking forward to seeing these beautiful faces in person soon?

Got pictures you want to share with the community while we're apart? Send them to Pastor Yuki (, who save them for our newsletters and post them on our Facebook page! 

Resources for All of Us, especially for our front lines Care-givers, & Parents, & Guardians:

No hand washing & sanitizing tips here- we got it all!  But here are a couple resources we are sharing with one another.  Now that we are maneuvering school being closed, work, care, education, economic fear, for our families, all while not getting Grandma sick, and, and, and...

So whether you are in shock mode, or the creative-community-collaboration mode, or finding a surprise in leaning in to a moment of imposed stillness, God is with us in it all.  Maybe you can bust out to discover a wonderful new hike in our beautiful region.  Maybe your gym routine will become some good outdoor regular neighborhood walk.  We will get through this, and come out the other side stronger. 

Its not just a phrase our officials keep saying, it is already happening in Keystone community.  It was so heartening to study together on line Wednesday night 3/11.  Jump in this week if you can 3/18- all welcome!  Some folks had not 'seen' each other in our pews in a while, but were able to video in from home.  Praise God!

Until Sunday 3/15, when we worship on-line (all ages welcome!)...

*Read this 3/10  Atlantic article when you need some back up reinforcement on why you are canceling every in person gathering you had planned-- & need to be brave to cancel some more!

*Read the 3/11 Seattle Times article when you sense what we really need is a vaccine for anxiety!  Or when anxiety seems even more contagious than virus!  Here are its practical tips:
◦ Avoid crowds, but don’t isolate yourself.
◦ Sleep, because it’s good for your immune system.
◦ Eat healthy food; don’t stress-eat junk.
◦ Don’t drink too much alcohol — or coffee.

 *Maintain routines as you can (see article below too)
◦ Exercise: It’s calming and may boost immune function
Some ideas here: how to keep routines for kids:

Your kid’s school is closed — now what? "Education may be disrupted, but that doesn’t mean your children have to lose out, starting with predictable, consistent routines at home that provide a sense of security."
And here from talking with Wallingford Co-Op PreSchool:  tips to help kids understand the COVID-19 pandemic:

As our kids are asking all good questions, like with all hard topics, start off by asking, "What have you heard?"  After learning what they've heard, you can ask "What questions do you have?"  And then... just answer those questions.  Sometimes us grownups jump into big or hard topics with WAY too much information.  Helping our kids have answers to their questions but not giving them more info than they need, is a great way for them to feel empowered.

To lower their anxiety, stress, and fears:

Children and The News (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Explaining the News to Our Kids (Common Sense Media)
How to Talk to Kids About the CoronaVirus (NY Times)
Keystone children & youth have been rallying in their faithful effort to help refrain from in-person meeting.  Keep finding those ways for youth & children to make kind offerings to others.  Use the old fashioned post mail.  & See you on-line soon.  We are facing losses to come, but we will get through this together.  Keep up all the good extra reaching out!
Lauren (cell)  773-501-7382


Even though social distancing is keeping us apart from one another, we can still keep doing the work of advocacy. Let's give a big THANK YOU to Barbara Anderson for the tireless work she has put in that kept KeystoneUCC connected to the legislation that needed our voices and support during the legislative session. The Washington state legislative session ended on Thursday; watch for an update next week that will let us know how our advocacy efforts fared this year.

Even though the legislative session in Washington state is over, there's still more to do. Here's another way you can learn about the fight to stop the recent public charge ruling:

New public charge rules have been in effect for green card applications and visa applications submitted in the last two weeks, and with COVID-19 in Washington State, it's more critical than ever that immigrants and refugees feel safe to access critical healthcare services.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, along with 17 other states, have called for the public charge rule to be suspended until the coronavirus outbreak can be contained. DHS said the rule could lead to ‘increased prevalence of communicable diseases,’ disenrollment from public programs, and increased use of emergency rooms as a primary method of health care.

You can learn more about the fight to suspend the public charge rule:

Tuesday, March 17, 10 a.m.-11 a.m., webinar: Public Charge 101, presented by PIF-National. Ideal for those who want a refresher or a first-time overview on what public charge is. FREE, register here. (English)

Tuesday, March 17, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., webinar: Public Charge updates from the Immigration Legal Resource Center, mainly intended for legal service providers. FREE, register here. (English)

Saturday, March 14, 11 a.m., Washington State Labor Council, 321 16th Ave S, Seattle, 98144, presented by Colectiva Legal del Pueblo. (Spanish and English)

Wednesday, March 18, 11 a.m., Seattle Goodwill, 700 Dearborn Pl S, Seattle, 98144(English)

Going Ahead with the Lenten Study

After being postponed for a week as Keystone cancelled worship and other in-person meetings, the Lenten study kicked off online this past Wednesday (March 11) night, with about 10 folks taking part in the discussion.

Pastor Yuki is will post a recap of the KeystoneUCC Lenten Study 2020 web site as soon as they can (it may take a few days so keep looking in!). Pastor Yuki will also share articles, music, notes, pictures, and other things we share in the online study on the web site as well.

The next meeting is 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 18

Lenten Study Reading Guide

You can join us for conversation at any point during the study. You don't have to read the book (but it helps!), but if you are following the reading guide, we'll be reading these sections for the remainder of the study:
March 18: On Fire, pages 70--148 OR chapter 2: "Capitalism vs the Climate" (pages 70-103) or read it online at, AND chapter 6: “Stop Trying to Save the World All By Yourself” (pages 129-136) or read it online at
March 25: On Fire, pages 149-206 OR chapter 8, “Let Them Drown: The Violence of Othering in a Warming World” (pages 149-168) or read it online at

April 1: On Fire, pages 207-292 OR Chapter 13 “Capitalism Killed our Climate Momentum, Not Human Nature (pages 243-252) or read it online at, AND chapter 15, “Movements Will Make, or Break, the Green New Deal” (pages 259-271) or read it online at
Other ways to focus on climate justice during this season:
  • Make your donation to our solar panels for our roof (see more below)! Every bit helps make a lasting boost toward aligning our community's values, for years to come!

Outreach to Raise Solar Funds

Christian, Eliza and the Keystone Green Team folks are at work, setting up an online donation system.  We are already receiving electronic gifts from Meaningful Movies folks.  Please invite your contacts to donate to the solar installation.  Within a few short years, we will be giving energy into the grid.

We are asking for participation from our many good groups and people of our extended community of neighbors, renters and visitors.  We have started making visits to users of the building, giving a quick intro at their group, to share the news they can donate to the solar panels.  Maybe you want to be on a team to meet with Taiwanese UCC, or Wallingford Co-op PreSchool, or Seattle Labor Chorus, or Seattle Peace Chorus, and more?  Let us know.  And thank you -- spread the word!  

Also, Pastor Yuki is working on getting a PayPal button set up on the Keystone web site so you can make online donations to the solar panel project and other Keystone ministries. We heard you and it's coming soon!

Poor People's Campaign Action in Seattle Cancelled

The Poor People's Campaign sent out a notice earlier in the week letting supporters and allies in the Seattle area know that, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, they are cancelling the MORE Tour activities for the next 30 days, which included a stop in Seattle on March 20 and 21 (Friday and Saturday).

Rev. Dr. Barber & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis said in a statement: “While we are disappointed to not be able to gather, the new coronavirus already is uncovering the issues we had hoped to raise more clearly than our words and actions could have. This public health crisis makes clear how ignoring poor and low-wealth people impacts all of us.” 
Keystone spent a year immersed in the Poor People's campaign, studying the books written by Rev. Dr. Barber and attending trainings given by local PPC leaders. Although the March action in Seattle won't happen, there's still a possibility that the mass meeting scheduled for June 20, 2020, in Washington, D.C., may occur. For more information or to register for that meeting, check out the new national site and register to attend in June!

Supporting Sacred Heart 

Even though we can't meet in person, the work of justice continues. We can still work on supporting our shelters, which will be stretched in terms of resources and volunteers, during this outbreak. Here are the different ways KeystoneUCC has been supporting the shelter. Please join your heart and efforts to one of these teams: 
TWICE-A-MONTH FOOD & SUPPLY DELIVERY TO THE SHELTER (Team Coordinators: Barbara Anderson & Michelle Hebner)   
Please contact Barbara if you would like to help with our on-going food/supply delivery and/or if you would like donate funds. Currently it is a Costco routine.  Barbara’s Email:
Providing a basic kit of house-hold items for shelter residents who have procured housing 
(Team Coordinator:  Rita Peterson) If you’d like to help, contact Rita at:
Current Goal: Have advance supply inventory on hand so we can build kits as soon as they are needed
Current Needs:  Ideas to help make this new project run smoothly / Willing shoppers, & packagers
(Team Coordinator: Arlene Hobson, and maybe you are another who has a sewing machine?) 
Goal: Collect and hem old towels to be re-purposed as cleaning rags AND/OR provide funds & shop for bulk ready-to-use bar towels.  Arlene’s email:
Contact Pastor Lauren to help with the youth service project: learn-to-sew party at church, then deliver towelettes to shelter:
(In Need of Team Coordinator and a group willing to have a packaging party on a regular basis.  @ coffee hour?)
Contact Barbara Anderson for details:
(In Need of a Team Coordinator)     
Sacred Heart needs on-call maintenance volunteers to help keep the shelter looking good and running in tip-top shape.  Share this with someone you know?  
(In Need of a Team Coordinator)           
Northwest Pottery, located near Sacred Heart Shelter by Seattle Center, opens their doors for Sacred Heart on occasion so people can learn to make pottery.  Sacred Heart would love to have volunteers who would occasionally come along to help “break the ice,” interact, and support a welcoming atmosphere during these events.  Bring your vibrant spirit and try out your creativity!
(In Need of a Team Coordinator)      
Do you like to bake?  Or could you provide dessert items?   A dessert night at Sacred Heart is a new idea put forth by the shelter staff as a possible way for residents to come together for fun and socializing. It can provide an additional & effective avenue to serve and interact with the residents. One idea from our Feb. 5th meet-up: how bout bring treats to the monthly meeting of staff & residents (a time everyone is required to be in the same place at the same time!)
PROVIDE A MEAL   (Would you like to organize a hot meal for the residents once a year?)

The Pacific Northwest Conference has a new home for sharing news and information about goings-on in the conference: GoogleGroups. Previously, the conference has been using a Yahoo!Group as an online center for conversations about PNC happenings. Yahoo!Groups recently shut down, so the conference has a new home on GoogleGroups. If you were a member of the PNC's Yahoo!Group and haven't received an email from the conference notifying you that you have been added to the new Google Group, or if you'd like to become a member of the Google Group, send an email to

Keystone Upcoming Events with our Pacific Northwest UCC Conference
  • UCC's National Youth Event in 2020 will take place at Purdue University in Indiana July 22-25. (more)

Glance- down- the- Calendar

Wed. March 18: On Fire: Prophetic Faith & the Green New Deal Lenten Study, 6-8 p.m. (light supper from 6-6:30 p.m., study begins at 6:30 p.m.) @Keystone. Pages 70-148, or focus chapter, Chapter 2. 

Stay Tuned: Church staff & leadership have communicated since the Governor's announcement and School closures (to re-open April 27, at the moment), so we know that April 12 in -person church, may no longer be our goal, and that things may change again at the end of April.  Updates to come!  

Mike Denton - 3/18
Connie - 3/25
Margaret - 3/28

Here's wishing them each the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!  On the last Sunday of the month- we shall have cake at coffee hour

Please let Barb know additions/ omissions! 
Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Reaching Keystone UCC Pastoral Staff:

Reach us at your Keystone church office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since all staff serve part-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Sabbath = Mondays.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is on Sunday thru Friday half days (Sabbath = Saturdays). Email is a great way to line up a meeting:

Pastor Yuki (they/them) is at church two Sundays a month and is available to meet by appointment (Sabbath = Fridays). Email them at
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To submit content for inclusion, email Lauren & Yuki  addresses above.  Content must be received by Thursdays at Noon, for Friday bi-weekly newsletters.
Next deadline for Newsletter announcement submissions:
to Lauren & Yuki: Thurs. March 26 @ Noon