Saturday, October 8, 2016

Faith & Climate Action - today In University District

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Music Leader: TBA
Accompaniment: James Gilbraith (Yigit Kolat has some work travels abroad through October)

Theme: Faithfulness
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Nell
Usher: Margaret
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret
Children's Ministry: Anita F.
SHE MADE IT: Monday morning, Amber boarded a bus and made her way to New York City! She made it safe and sound, and reports that NYC is "Good, expensive but good."

Amber and Guppy the night before she left
If anyone wants to reach her in NYC, her cell phone number is the same. If you don't have it, you can probably find it in the ...

KEYSTONE DIRECTORY: After months of hard work, Barbara Anderson has updated our Keystone Directory and will bring a (semi)final copy to church on Sunday for everyone to check. She plans to print and pass out the directory by the end of October. Many thanks to Barb!

NEW KEYSTONE WEBSITE: Check it out at   It could still use any pictures you have that capture Keystone vitality!  We are continuing to build it, so your submissions and input are most welcome. Email them to Rev. Lauren at
Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communionAnd please help them enjoy the children’s snack/craft table during Coffee Hour!

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, to head to classrooms, or enjoy the playground out back!  The Narthex has a rocking chair for parents and babes; and feel free to also use the Balcony to hear worship while caring for your little one.  The Nursery downstairs has changing table, as does the Women's Restroom.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, Oct. 8 – Faith & Climate Action Conference
Action Steps for People of Faith on Climate

@ University Christian Church, 4731 15th Ave. NE

Tuesday, Oct. 11 – RainWise Workshop
@ Keystone UCC

Wednesday, Oct. 12 – Fall Faith Formation Study - Week 2
(Wednesdays, through Nov. 9
@ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)

Saturday, Oct. 22 – Weaving Our Strengths
@ Seattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Ave.
8:00am – 4:00pm

Festival of Hope – Nov. 19 & 20

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Join Jim, Iris, John, Lauren and about 150 others!  Come for what you can.  Rev. Lauren will be one of the interfaith leaders for the closing worship.  Questions? Email Lauren at, or Jim Little at

Keystone is actively creating this day of learning and info-sharing, with a great group of congregations across Seattle. Download the flyer Here. It lists the workshops and Interfaith panel participants. Standing out from the many events on climate change-- this focus is FAITH and climate.
How do faith communities be a moral voice in the age of climate change?
What is holy obedience?
What are spiritual tools for these times?

Working with multiple interfaith partners and leaders, we are helping plan for the keynote, workshops, interfaith service, complete with a lunch that Jim and Sandie are helping to model commitments: local, organic, no meat, low-waste.

On July 21, Jim, Sandie, Amber and Lauren participated in working groups at a planning meeting. Talk to any of them to join in the prep - food people needed! Working groups to join are: Logistics, Interfaith Service, Outreach, Food, or Advertising.

Updates on UCB Merger Talks

On September 18, our friends at University Baptist Church held a vote and determined they will end their quest to merge with another church, and will instead close as a church after this Advent season.  They look to January 2017 for their final worship in their current location as UBC. They may move in the direction of a house church, or continue to gather and discern mission as they steward resources as a 501c3. All UBC members have been encouraged to find other places for worship, so we look ahead with hope that a few of their folks may find their steps pointing toward Keystone.

We are most grateful for the surprise opportunity we had to consider Keystone identity and do visioning, over the last nine months.  We are grateful to all friends and members of Keystone for your thoughtful time in these months of conversation about mission, worship and community.  We shared time with UBC at the August picnic and at the September retreat. And special thanks to our Keystone leader team who led us in deep and sincere searching about possible merger - Rev. Rich Gamble, Rev. Lauren Cannon, John Preston, Marilyn Wall, Lisa Smith and Eliza Pennick.  It was hardly time lost, as we now move forward with a clearer and stronger sense of our calling as a church.

Fall Faith Formation Book Study:
Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman

6 Wednesdays, through Nov. 9
@ Keystone UCC, Battson Hall
Come deepen community this fall on six Wednesday evenings as we read a short, powerful book by a mentor of Martin Luther King Jr. This volume by Howard Thurman had a profound spiritual impact on MLK. In the midst of the rancor of the civil rights movement, Thurman taught leaders to be grounded in their spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and singing.

Join with others at Keystone to power up our inner strength from our tradition. Discuss how to draw upon our Christian calling, amidst these times of killings, homelessness, hatred, hurricanes, and more. Come to be challenged as well as nourished, as we take up a rich theological study and pray together. Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman, is a timeless tour de force.
"His goal was to offer…an emancipatory way of being, moving toward a fundamentally unchained life that is  available to all those everywhere who hunger and thirst for righteousness, especially those 'who stand with their backs again the wall.’ " ~Vincent Harding (from Foreword.)

Thurman was born at the turn of the last century in segregated Daytona Florida, raised by his grandmother, a former slave. In 1935, when Thurman and his wife led an African American delegation to South Asia, they met with Gandhi. They talked about oppression and freedom and nonviolence and Gandhi asked the Thurmans to sing a spiritual (“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”)

Pick up a copy on your own, or at the church office.  All welcome!  Questions? Email Rev. Lauren at

Wednesday October 5: Foreword, Preface, and start Ch. 1
Wednesday October 12: Ch. 1: Jesus, an Interpretation
Wednesday October 19: Ch. 2: Fear
Wednesday October 26: Ch. 3: Deception
Wednesday November 2: Ch. 4: Hate
Wednesday November 9: Ch. 5: Love & Epilogue

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 11
Time: 7-8:30pm
Location: Keystone UCC
A Rain Garden? A Cistern? Are You Interested? Come to a workshop about Seattle’s RainWise program hosted by Keystone UCC.

The city of Seattle will help you fund the installation of a rain garden or a cistern, which reduce storm water run-off into Puget Sound and thus, reduce Puget Sound pollution.

Get more information on the RainWise program at

Come one, come all!

Lay leaders, ministers, pastors, youth leaders, interested individuals, church leadership councils, outreach teams, social justice teams, mission teams, worship teams, . . .

Come to Weaving Our Strengths, a day-long conference of fellowship, inspiration and skill-building to strength local churches' efforts for the common good. There will be worship, workshops, a resource fair, the Apel Awards, and conversations to weave our strengths together. We would like you to be a part of it!

Date: Saturday, Oct. 22
Time: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: Seattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Ave., Seattle 98122

$55 Regular / $25 Student
Group rates: $175 for up to 5 people; $275 for 6 - 10 people
Scholarships available. No charge parking available.

Register HERE or by calling Ann at 206.525.1213, ext. 105

Last year, over 200 attendees from 16 faith traditions and at least 60 congregations gathered for a transformative day of learning, sharing, and fellowship. We hope you'll join us this year on October 22!

Learn more about the event, including the line-up of workshops from faith leader presenters, the schedule, and more on the event website:

Nominate a community champion! We are accepting nominations for the annual Gertrude Apel Pioneering Spirit Awards, honoring a congregation and an individual who embodies Rev. Apel's spirit of groundbreaking, faith-filled justice-making. We encourage you to nominate. Learn more and nominate. Deadline for nominations is Monday, September 26.

Bring home new ideas and opportunities to your congregation. Build new collaborations across the region. Come join hearts, hands, and minds to weave together a strong faith community serving the common good.

Weaving Our Strengths is offered by the Church Council of Greater Seattle. Our mission is to create a diverse community of churches and individuals who respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by building relationships of unity while working collaboratively for the common good. We partner with interfaith, community, and government organizations in our collective work for a more equitable and just society. Learn more about us and our efforts at

Sponsors include:  Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Evergreen Association of American Baptist Churches, Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbytery of Seattle, Faith Action Network, Archdiocese of Seattle, Puget Sound Dignity Memorial Providers including Acacia Memorial Park and Funeral Home, SEIU Healthcare 1199NW, SEIU Local 6, United Food and Commercial Workers UFCW 21, Center for Courage & Renewal, Horizon House, IAM Machinists' Local 751, Teamsters Local Union 117, Washington State Labor Council AFL-CIO


Jo Winston - 10/1
Rev. Rich Gamble - 10/7
Dorothy Richey - 10/17

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

next 6 Wednesday evenings: fall book study: Jesus & the Disinherited- Howard Thurman

View this email in your browser
Jesus & the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman:
Fall Faith Formation starts October 5
6 Wednesday evening classes:  
October 5- November 9.  
7-8:30 pm 
Zoka Coffee Greenlake, just north of Keystone UCC
2200 N 56th St, Seattle, WA 98103
with Pastor Lauren

Come deepen community this fall on 6 Wednesday evenings as we read a short powerful book by a mentor of Martin Luther King Jr.  This volume by Howard Thurman had a profound spiritual impact on MLK.  In the midst of the rancor of the civil rights movement, Thurman taught leaders to be grounded in their spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and singing.

Come join with others at Keystone to discuss how to live a Christian calling in these times; come to be challenged as well as nourished, as we take up a rich theological study together.  Jesus & the Disinherited- by Howard Thurman is a timeless tour de force.

"His goal was to offer…an emancipatory way of being, moving toward a fundamentally unchained life that is  available to all those everywhere who hunger and thirst for righteousness, especially those 'who stand with their backs again the wall.’ " ~Vincent Harding (from Foreword.)

Thurman was born at the turn of the last century in segregated Daytona Florida, raised by his grandmother, a former slave.  In 1935, when Thurman and his wife led an African American delegation to South Asia, they met with Gandhi.  They talked about oppression and freedom and nonviolence and Gandhi asked the Thurmans to sing a spiritual (“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”)

Pick up a copy on your own, or at the church office.  All welcome!  Grab a coffee card at church for your beverage at Zoka. Questions:

Wednesday October 5: Foreword, Preface, and start Ch. 1
Wednesday October 12: Ch. 1: Jesus, an Interpretation
Wednesday October 19: Ch. 2: Fear
Wednesday October 26: Ch. 3: Deception
Wednesday November 2: Ch. 4: Hate
Wednesday November 9: Ch. 5: Love & Epilogue

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
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