Friday, July 29, 2016

Can you help Furnish the new JLP Intern House?

Justice Leadership Program
Furnishings Needed for Intern Housing

Thanks to Keystone UCC, Plymouth UCC, Prospect UCC, and more... and also the United Methodist Service Corps, we are making great progress on our furnishings!! Contact:

Elizabeth Dickinson
Program Manager, Justice Leadership Program
Affiliate of UCC Young Adult Service Communities Network

as the list is updated.  Thank you!


Work Party this Saturday July 30 ** Fall Retreat** More

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Closing Ritual with Justice Leadership Program Interns, Alyssa & Amber - during worship

Theme:  Economics of Faith
Scripture:  Luke 12: 13-21
Reader:  Grant D.
Music Leader:  Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat 
Greeter: OPEN
Usher: Elvina S.
Communion Ministers: Lauren & Rich
Communion Servers: Paisley & Caleb S.
Coffee Hour Host: Elvina S.
Children's Ministry: Anita F.
Luke 12:13-21
Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me."  But he said to him, "Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you?"   And he said to them, "Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions."  Then he told them a parable: "The land of a rich man produced abundantly.  And he thought to himself, 'What should I do, for I have no place to store my crops?'  Then he said, 'I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.  And I will say to my soul, 'Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.'  But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you. And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?'  So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God."
Saturday July 30- Work Party- help prep JLP Intern House!  Directions below; starting 9 AM
Sacred Heart Shelter- cooking & serving- Saturday August 6- see below.
New 2016 Photo Directory- final adjustments - verify your Contact info as the clipboard comes around this Sunday July 31 & August 7: Alyssa (JLP intern) & Barbara Anderson have undertaken a true labor of love for us all.  What is often a significant project, expense and professional task, has been offered in house.  Barb has worked with Interns over last three years to help our Community be able to contact each other with ease.  Help show them our thanks!

Alyssa took new head shots of members & friends.  So if you missed, flag her down this Sunday July 31, her last Sunday!  Add your photo to our new 2016 Keystone Directory.  Updates since the 2014 Directory, please write in/add on the clipboard with Barb:

Your address, phone, email & birthday.
New website under construction!  We seek your best photos! Lots of photos are being added to help update and make visible the vital life going on every week at Keystone UCC, and the kinds of ministries that new folks may be drawn to check out!  Please thank Alyssa, and share more of your very best action, community, worship, fellowship photos with Alyssa (through August 6) and Lauren (thereafter):    AND

SOLIDARITY: thanks to many at Keystone who helped co-create the Blessed Ramadan banner that has been up the past month.  "To Our Muslim Neighbors This Ramadan:  Peace Be Upon You"
Our prayers continue now that Ramadan has come to a close.

July 30- starting 9 AM - til done- Work Party - new JLP intern house!
Contact: Elizabeth: cell 206-498-4654

July 31- We celebrate the JLP year!  Come reflect and cheer.  Even chance to hang out with Amber's family!   Closing ritual in worship with Justice Leadership Program interns & our Keystone congregation.  As we bless Alyssa & Amber on their way, and celebrate Keystone as a teaching church!

August 311 AM - Noon: summer Wednesday Bible Study
Gospel of Luke- pick up last three Gonzalez book chapter copies in Lauren's box.  All welcome! Drop in!  Last Wednesday of Summer Study.  

August 6- approx. 5 PM - Sacred Heart Shelter dinner: help make food or come serve on Alyssa's last rotation.  Barb & Michelle will tell you what we still need (see below) 

August 21- we are all warmly invited!  mark the date!  Lets hang out a little, already! 12 -2 PM - summer Picnic Potluck with University Baptist Church
Ravenna Park.  Food, games, family friendly.  Also welcome to join their 10:30 AM Worship in the Park beforehand (Keystone worship remains 10:30 AM as always.)

September 9, 10, 11- Fall Retreat with UBC.  A beautiful place and time- is available.  Your Keystone leaders have worked with UBC leaders to find these dates to connect more - Retreat on Vashon Island at the Baptist's beautiful Camp Burton.  Generously subsidized by UBC.
Weekend of shared meals, reflection, relaxation.  UBC invites Keystone folks to co-plan- and design the presenter & program et all.  Don't want to have us come to their 'already set' retreat- but seek a few Keystone folks with the heart to organize it together!  Call the Keystone office.

Mark your calendar:  options include:

Full time participant's cost is $75.00 per person, Friday evening through Sunday lunch. The cost for those attending part time, like all day Saturday, will be prorated.

Camp Burton is accessible.  Worship Sunday included.  Or travel back for Keystone Sunday usual 10:30 AM.

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs classroom every week,
during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.
(Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion.)

Children of any age also always welcome in worship!  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to sanctuary (based on the scripture of the day; two types: younger children & older children.) 
July 30- starting 9 AM - til done- Work Party - new JLP intern house!
Contact: Elizabeth: cell 206-498-4654

12044 Roosevelt Way NE #E

Take I-5 to 130th.  Exit to East (Right if coming north) toward Roosevelt.

Right on Roosevelt.

Cross 123rd , then look to left for sign.  Its just a long driveway- house isn't fully visible there.

Limited parking down driveway- so thank you for parking on Roosevelt.
7:00 PM, Friday, August 5, 2016 Location: Wallingford, Seattle, WA 
by Dwight Rousu / July 20, 2016 / 0  5019 Keystone Place N (at Keystone Congregational Church) Seattle,WA
A Working Group of international scientists is deciding whether to declare a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene – a planet shaped more by mankind than nature. Its members tell the story of the Anthropocene and argue whether it’s a tragedy, a comedy, or something more surreal.  ANTHROPOCENE proposes a common secular narrative for mankind but leaves viewers to decide how we should write the ending. The film has the blessing of Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen, who coined the term, and is the first feature film about the Anthropocene. It is now our turn to decide–in this decade–how the Anthropocene will end.
Interviewees include Will Steffen, Erle Ellis, Jan Zalasiewicz, Andrew Revkin, John McNeil, Monica Berger Gonzalez, Eric Odada, Davor Vidas

Feeding families at Sacred Heart Shelter -- August 6
Keystone folks are ready to prepare and serve a meal for Sacred Heart Shelter, as part of our congregation's bi-monthly rotation-- the first Saturday every other month- late afternoon.

THANK YOU!  to all those folding in this time:
Lasagna – Anne Marie
Vegetarian Lasagna – Elvina
Salad – Aaron
Bread – Sandie
Dessert – Rich and Jim
Beverages – Betty

Servers:  Rita and Alyssa (the eve of her departure for Thailand!)

Drop off your dish to Keystone church about 4:30 PM Saturday August 6

And thank you as always to our wonderful Coordinators, Barbara and Michelle!
Please email Barb ( and Michelle ( to get in the cue for our next rotation and put October 1 on your calendar.

The post to serve at the shelter and hang out with the families is approximately 5 pm.  Arrive to lower Queen Anne, on Warren and John, by 1st Ave, near the Seattle Center.
About Sacred Heart ShelterSacred Heart Shelter
The Sacred Heart Shelter is located on lower Queen Anne and is a temporary shelter that offers a safe, home-like refuge to homeless families in Seattle. Sacred Heart functions under the premise that every person is entitled to a safe place to sleep. They believe that the transition from homeless to housed is one that takes time, effort and perseverance. Sacred Heart Shelter operates as a support network for people as they go through that process. The staff works with residents to develop goals, obtain health and dental care, job and parent training, childcare and ongoing support and assistance towards the ultimate goal of locating stable, permanent housing.
One call connects someone to housing resources in King County. Family Housing Connection provides a single access point for shelter and housing resources.
If someone you know is pregnant or an adult with at least one child in your care and do not have a place to stay:
  • Schedule an appointment. CALL 211 or 1-800-621-4636
  • Meet with a Family Housing Connection specialist
  • Receive a follow up phone call when a housing resource becomes available
  • Meet with housing staff to ensure the best fit for your family
 click here to visit the Family Housing Connection website.
The Sacred Heart mission that Keystone supports: 
Sacred Heart Shelter empowers residents in their efforts to stabilize their lives, connect to resources in the community, and achieve secure housing.
The Vision 
To see every homeless family make the transition to stable housing, equipped with the skills and resources to sustain it.
Upcoming Events Info:

Sunday, July 31 – church companions help us close our year with JLP interns Alyssa & Amber.   Our Closing Ritual will be in Worship at the Offering because Keystone's JLP participation is truly the work of the people.  Come as we celebrate how the interns have been central to Keystone, and also lift up that Keystone can be central to the lives unfolding for our interns.  All glory to God!

August 21- picnic with University Baptist Church! mark your calendar!
After worship, we head to Ravenna Park - we are invited to join UBC for their annual BBQ, games, fellowship.

September 9, 10, 11:  Fall Retreat:  Camp Burton- Vashon Island- with University Baptist Church

More background:  the congregational conversation continues summer & fall:  possible creative union with University Baptist Church:

June 26 Rich preached and held Q & A at UBC.  Keystone leaders met July 5.  What could it look like to move forward with a 'merger' for our unique situation?  UBC met July 10 as a congregation. Leaders from both congregations then met July 19.

Wednesday, August 3 – Last Mid-Week Summer Bible Study
@ Keystone UCC
5019 Keystone Pl. N
11am - Noon
Chapter 6, 7,8, Conclusion

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Thank you - our July 24 Keystone UCC Annual Congregational Meeting sets us in motion for a great year ahead!

Officers re-Elected:

John Preston, Moderator
Marilyn Wall, Treasurer
Lisa Smith, Secretary

Budget approved.  In Keystone tradition including a small 'Faith' portion.

Slate of organizations to receive dispersements of Festival of Hope proceeds:
Northwest Harvest

University Churches Emergency Fund

Church World Service

Heifer Project

Sacred Heart Shelter

St Martin de Porres Shelter

Puget Sound Sage

Bread for the World

Church Council

Faith Action Network

Mid-Week Summer Bible Study:  Gospel of Luke
Wednesdays 11 AM - 12 Noon @ Keystone

Join us for an 8-week Summer study using the small book “The Story Luke Tells; Luke’s Unique Witness to the Gospel” by Justo Gonzalez.  This is year our world church lectionary brings us through portions of LUKE each Sunday until November.  On summer Wednesday mornings, we sit with the Luke story for the coming Sunday, and then discuss a chapter in our book (approx. 15 pages/week.)  Purchase a copy on your own, or pick up photocopied chapters from Lauren’s box at church, available each week.

June 15: Introduction & Ch. 1- Luke and the History of Humankind
June  22: Ch. 2 - Luke and the History of Israel
June 29: Ch. 3 - Luke and the Great Reversal
July 6: Ch. 4 - Luke and Gender
July 13: Ch. 5 - Luke and Salvation
July 20: Ch. 6 - Food and Drink in Luke’s Theology
July 27: Ch. 7 - Luke and Worship
August 3: Ch. 8 - Luke and Holy Spirit & Conclusion: Luke’s Open Invitation

Feel free to bring your brown bag for an early lunch!

Questions? Contact Pastor Lauren at

In Our Life Together:  

Rich & Kate's loss-- Many of you learned last Sunday in Rich's sermon that their beloved dog was nearing death due to cancer.  Rich and Kate were with Tiaglath on Monday July 25 when he died.  We hold their family in this time, reflecting on 12 years together.

Nell's back-- we seek a small or medium electric recliner for Nell's room.  Keystone is at work with Nell's family to search for one that would help her back healing & recovery, and does not require manual operation with a lever (to protect her shoulder.) If you happen to have access to one, contact:  This week Nell has been interviewed by students making a video.  Nell asked us to convey she is grateful for your continued healing prayers!  206- 850-2416. 

Kaaren welcomes your prayers, now home after a stay at University of Washington Hospital.  Please continue to send your good thoughts.  She and Nadia welcome visits- often 11 AM, Noon, or afternoon are best (call ahead).   206-693-3998.  206-458-5993

Prayers of Joy and Thanksgiving with Betty as she returns from time helping her son's family with her new grandchild! 
Prayers with Amber as she travels back July 30 from representing the Justice Leadership Program with the national Young Adult Service Communities, at the UCC's big National Youth Event July 26-30 in Orlando, Florida.  Check it out here!  Also there this week is our WA delegation of UCC youth joining over 3000 UCC young people for this gathering (the next largest after the denomination's Synod.)
Congratulations 2015-2016 Justice Leadership Program interns Alyssa & Amber at Keystone!
And Julia, Hannah, AnnMarie, and Abi!

Thank you to the Keystone congregation for accompanying our 2015-2016 JLP interns in the innumerable ways you do, as a teaching church!  We give thanks here for their church companions, Barb, John, Lisa, Dan, Paisley, Caleb, Daniel.  And to many many more in the congregation in less public roles, embodying our hospitality and support.  We look to close the year with Amber and Alyssa on Sunday July 31 in a ritual of thanks and blessing in worship.
Alyssa and Amber are completing their last month (July) of eleven months of service with Keystone and Justice Leadership Program.

Here are a few pictures from the July 6 celebration when agency supervisors, church supervisors, JLP alums, and friends helped us celebrate the end of our 2015-2016 year, as our 6 interns approach their transition.  
Thank you for the generous immediate response to our first shout out to begin donations of furnishings (see list at bottom.)  Can you come to the house on July 30 to help prep?

The Justice Leadership Program needs your help! Here is an Invitation.
As we wind up year four of the Justice Leadership Program and look forward to year five and beyond, we are keenly aware of the transformational impact that the JLP interns have had on us as congregations and individuals, and the corresponding transformation the interns' experiences have had on them. We dare to dream of a greatly expanded program that can extend this work to a broader social justice audience in the Seattle area. 
We also know that housing is one of the major roadblocks to this expansion. Recognizing this, JLP Program Director, Rev. Rich Gamble has stepped out in faith and commitment and bought a large seven-bedroom house on Roosevelt Ave N.E. in North Seattle. There are plans to house 4-5 interns in this house beginning September 1. That's where you come in
What we need to do in the next four weeks is some painting, cleaning and minor maintenance to the Roosevelt house. And the house needs to be completely furnished and ready for 5 interns to live there. It is a big set of tasks - but not so big if the work is shared by many hands. We will be soliciting donations of a variety of furniture and miscellaneous items soon (donations list attached). But the first step is to have a work day so that we can have the house ready to receive the donations. 
So, we are announcing a WORK DAY for Saturday, July 30 from 9 a.m. until the job is done. We would love to see the people of the participating congregations band together to do this major ministry work for our interns. Will you join us? Grab a brush? clean a sink? You don't have to be a super handy person, only have a passion for helping. Here's a chance for you to be part of a great day of work, fun, and fellowship!  
If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please call or email Elizabeth Dickinson ( - 206-320-0432), and thank you!
In faith, service, and justice,
Don Bell, Plymouth United Church of Christ
Elizabeth Dickinson, Justice Leadership Program

Elizabeth Dickinson
Program Manager, Justice Leadership Program
Affiliate of UCC Young Adult Service Communities Network
Office hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs: 10:00-3:30


Here is list of ***UPDATED*** Furnishings Needed
Please contact Elizabeth once you look at this list, because donations are kindly filling in!

Furnishings Sought for new Intern house!
Justice Leadership Program
 has acquired a house to add to the rental apartment on Cap Hill at All Pilgrims United Church of Christ.  We need your help to prep for 2016-2017!  This is a big year to outfit the house (easier next year!) Click the UPDATED list of furnishings needed for both places.
We are hoping for as many contributions as possible, and then we must soon head to Goodwill and Target!
We plan to purchase and install triple-cell shades in the church apartment to help with climate control. Any financial donations toward that would be helpful, if you prefer to contribute that way.
Thanks for your help and partnership!  Questions:
incase you missed previously
Updates on Merger Talks
The Keystone leadership team met with University Baptist Church leaders for the fifth time on Tuesday, July 19, regarding a possible merger of the two churches.

Rich preached at UBC on Sunday, June 26 & did Q & A time there.  The Keystone leader team met July 5.

The first meeting focused on the questions, what are the most important aspect of our respective churches, and what impact had our churches made in our lives. The second meeting focused on concerns connected with the merger and considered that concern in relation to a particular vision each leader has of what a merged congregation would look like. The third meeting focused on the questions, "What would be a vision big enough to risk what you like about your church, and face what you fear?  And if so, what does that vision specifically look like?" The fourth meeting addressed foundational concerns raised at end of last two meetings (such as financials and fundamentals).

July 19 looked deeply at whether we can hope realistically for a merger (or an alternative model?  a more creative?) to fit our unique situations.

If you have any questions or comments to share with our team, feel free to contact leaders at the following email addresses:

Rev. Rich Gamble,
Rev. Lauren Cannon,
John Preston,
Marilyn Wall,
Lisa Smith,
Eliza Pennick,
RSVP here if you can turn out July 30
Keystone has been working to build this effort & we need a few to show support.  Please RSVP to Pastor Lauren:  Help faith communities of Seattle join all who care about family leave (newborns, eldercare, etc).  Help the city support workers when a rare life event requires some time away from work to be present to a loved one! Can you put July 30 on your calendar?
Keystone is active with a group of congregations to plan an October 8 Interfaith Conference on Climate Change, to be held at University Christian (Disciples of Christ).

Standing out from the many groups or conferences on climate change-- this focus is FAITH and climate.

"How do  faith communities be a moral voice in the age of climate change?  What is holy obedience?  What are spiritual tools for these times?"  Working with multiple interfaith partners and leaders, we are helping plan for keynote, workshops, interfaith service, complete with a lunch that will model commitments: local, organic, no meat, low waste.  Poster session to learn how other faith communities are acting on climate change.  Open space networking.

On July 21, Jim, Sandie, Amber, and Lauren participated in working groups at planning meeting at Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue (at Seattle First Baptist.)  Talk to any of them to join in the prep.  Working groups seek many a worker bee and your labor of love!  Logistics, Interfaith Service, Outreach, Food, or Advertising.

Join our neighbors as they offer a fun disclaimer these are NOT meaningful movies, but....  Mosaic Coffee House and Church of the Nazarene welcome any and all to bring a lawn chair for any of these summer flicks!  S'mores provided.
Friday August 5th- the Sandlot
Friday August 12th- The Lion King - singalong
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Lending Library:
Keystone has (click here) "COSMOS" DVD's to be checked out.  Neil Degrasse Tyson.  Episodes 1-13 are available, with thanks to the work of Charles Rudash, Green Team.  Please stop up to church office any Sunday to sign one out with Pastor Lauren.

Justice Leadership Jubilee is a program for adults who want to integrate faith and justice work into their lives in a meaningful way.

Are you looking for the path to re-ignite your faith?

Do you long to deepen your spiritual self through social justice work?

Do you wonder…how do we create sustainable systemic change?

We are looking for adults who are in a transition point in their lives who are seeking an experience of transformation -- maybe you're retiring, maybe children have recently moved out of the house, maybe you're experiencing a lot of change in your work/life balance. That is the time to make intentional choices for your future, and the future of generations to come!

This will be the inaugural year of the program and we are seeking people who are interested in being a part of the formative year of Justice Leadership Jubilee. Please prayerfully consider the program and contact us with any questions or comments!

For more information, please read these flyers:
Initial Proposal: Justice Leadership Jubilee
Justice Leadership Jubilee Flyer

Contact Jenn Hagedorn at or 206.265.2834 for more information.
Welcome Daniel!
On Sunday June 26 baby boy Daniel Smith started his regular attendance at Keystone - one week old!  Blessed welcome to your community Daniel!  The Smiths celebrate the birth of Daniel on Sunday June 19, and thank everyone for their continued wishes and prayers in this time.
Pastor Lauren takes her family vacation time August 8-29.  Pastor Rich is looking to an October trip to be with his mother in the midwest.

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is @ Keystone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, as well as Sundays.  Wednesday office times.  And as she is often out and about for meetings and visits, just email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook

Friday, July 22, 2016

Congregational Meeting this Sunday July 24...&...submit Clean Air comment today!...& in Community - Keystone UCC

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Annual Congregational Meeting - at Coffee Hour
Alyssa Nedrow- presenting Faith Action Network certificate in worship

Amber Dickson off

Theme:  Grace
Scripture:  Luke 11: 1-13
Reader:  Marilyn Wall
Music Leader:  Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat 
Greeter: OPEN
Usher: Christian Townsdin
Communion Ministers: Lauren & Rich
Communion Servers: Paisley & Caleb S.
Coffee Hour Host: Barbara
Sunday School: Anita F.
Luke 11:1-13
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples."
He said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial."
And he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread;
for a friend of mine has arrived, and I have nothing to set before him.'
And he answers from within, 'Do not bother me; the door has already been locked, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.'
I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, at least because of his persistence he will get up and give him whatever he needs.
"So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.
For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for a fish, will give a snake instead of a fish?
Or if the child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion?
If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask!"

In Our Life Together:  

Please help us find a small or medium recliner for Nell's room.  Margaret has determined with Nell that it would be most welcome in her back healing & recovery to have an alternative to her bed for daytime rest, that does not require as many painful assists.  We are searching for a recliner (not super large for her room.)   Nell will be most grateful, and your continued healing prayers are appreciated:  206- 850-2416. 

Kaaren welcomes your prayers in this time.  She was in University of Washington Hospital last week, for pneumonia.  Got home July 17.  Prayers requested that God continue to embolden her with strength. Uplift and renew her ever-positive Spirit.  Nadia is working hard to find a second assistant for transfers, and is very much in our prayers as well.  Please send your good thoughts as Kaaren adjusts to her new chair.  Visits in afternoon are best (call ahead).   206-693-3998.  206-458-5993

Prayers surround Sandie this week as she has returned with her family from travels to share the memorial for her sister Judy.

Please submit a comment now- click the link below- Friday July 22 is the deadline for comments!
Immediate Action Alert from Keystone's Rich Voget:

I went to Olympia last Thursday to ask at the hearing for the Clean Air Rule that the emission targets be consistent with the best available science.  The Clean Air Rule as written would reduce emissions 1.7% per year, while scientists are stating that reductions need to be 4-8% per year.  Please make a comment online by using this link from the Washington Environmental Council and either just fill in your information and submit it or rewrite the text to submit your personal comments.
Thank you for taking the time to make your submission,
Rich V.
Prayers go with Amber this week as she represents the Justice Leadership Program with the national Young Adult Service Communities, at the National Youth Event July 26-30.  Check it out here!  There is also a WA delegation of UCC youth joining over 3000 UCC young people for this gathering (the next largest after the denomination's Synod.)

Sacred Heart is August 6- see below- food and servers requested!
New 2016 Photo Directory- final adjustments - Update your Contact this Sunday July 24:Alyssa (JLP intern) is taking last head shots of any members & friends, who need to update or add their photo for our new 2016 Keystone Directory.  If you have updates since the 2014 Directory, please send/bring your address, phone, email & birthday to Alyssa at church:

New website under construction:  thank you Alyssa!  Please send her favorite pictures of life in our community by July 27.

SOLIDARITY: thanks to many at Keystone who helped co-create the Blessed Ramadan banner that has been up the past month.  "To Our Muslim Neighbors This Ramadan:  Peace Be Upon You"
Our prayers continue now that Ramadan has come to a close.

July 24- Keystone UCC Congregational Meeting- our annual business meeting is after worship.  Held in Narthex at Coffee Hour.  Everyone present has voice and vote.  The assembled body will include official members, friends, regulars, visitors, all our community!

During worship: Faith Action Network (FAN) certificate. Watch herethe video Alyssa made.  Learn what FAN is, and why Keystone is getting this!

July 2711 AM - Noon: summer Wednesday Bible Study
Gospel of Luke- pick up Gonzalez book chapter copies in Lauren's box.
All welcome! Drop in any week.  Wednesdays through August 3.

July 31- closing ritual in worship with Justice Leadership Program interns & our Keystone congregation.  As we bless Alyssa & Amber on their way!

August 6- approx. 5 PM - Sacred Heart Shelter dinner: help make food or come serve on Alyssa's last rotation.  Barb & Michelle will tell you what we still need (see below) 

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs classroom every week,
during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.
(Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion.)

Children of any age also always welcome in worship!  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to sanctuary (based on the scripture of the day; two types: younger children & older children.) 
Feeding families at Sacred Heart Shelter is August 6
Keystone folks will prepare and serve a meal for Sacred Heart Shelter, as part of our congregation's bi-monthly rotation-- the first Saturday every other month- late afternoon.  Can you help this time?

We need 2 more servers to join Alyssa (the eve of her departure for Thailand!)  And many cooks or shoppers for our summer menu!
Please email Barb ( and Michelle ( to confer on what you want to do.  Drop off your dish to Keystone Saturday August 6 before 5 pm.

Or, serve at the shelter and hang out with the families after 5 pm... on lower Queen Anne, on Warren and John, by 1st Ave, near the Seattle Center.
About Sacred Heart ShelterSacred Heart Shelter
The Sacred Heart Shelter is located on lower Queen Anne and is a temporary shelter that offers a safe, home-like refuge to homeless families in Seattle. Sacred Heart functions under the premise that every person is entitled to a safe place to sleep. They believe that the transition from homeless to housed is one that takes time, effort and perseverance. Sacred Heart Shelter operates as a support network for people as they go through that process. The staff works with residents to develop goals, obtain health and dental care, job and parent training, childcare and ongoing support and assistance towards the ultimate goal of locating stable, permanent housing.
One call connects someone to housing resources in King County. Family Housing Connection provides a single access point for shelter and housing resources.
If someone you know is pregnant or an adult with at least one child in your care and do not have a place to stay:
  • Schedule an appointment. CALL 211 or 1-800-621-4636
  • Meet with a Family Housing Connection specialist
  • Receive a follow up phone call when a housing resource becomes available
  • Meet with housing staff to ensure the best fit for your family
 click here to visit the Family Housing Connection website.
The Sacred Heart mission that Keystone supports: 
Sacred Heart Shelter empowers residents in their efforts to stabilize their lives, connect to resources in the community, and achieve secure housing.
The Vision 
To see every homeless family make the transition to stable housing, equipped with the skills and resources to sustain it.
Upcoming Events Info:

Sunday, July 24 – Keystone UCC Annual Meeting
@ coffee hour
11:45 am
Business to include:
election of officers,
slate of organizations to receive dispersements of Festival of Hope money.

Sundays in July – merger or?
continuing congregational conversation on possible union with University Baptist Church.  

June 26 Rich preached and held Q & A at UBC.  Keystone leaders met July 5.  What could it look like to move forward with a 'merger' for our unique situation?  UBC met July 10 as a congregation.  Leaders from both congregations to met July 19.

Wednesday, July 27 – Mid-Week Summer Bible Study
@ Keystone UCC
5019 Keystone Pl. N
11am - Noon
Chapter 7

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

Mid-Week Summer Bible Study:  Gospel of Luke
Wednesdays 11 AM - 12 Noon @ Keystone

Join us for an 8-week Summer study using the small book “The Story Luke Tells; Luke’s Unique Witness to the Gospel” by Justo Gonzalez.  This is year our world church lectionary brings us through portions of LUKE each Sunday until November.  On summer Wednesday mornings, we sit with the Luke story for the coming Sunday, and then discuss a chapter in our book (approx. 15 pages/week.)  Purchase a copy on your own, or pick up photocopied chapters from Lauren’s box at church, available each week.

June 15: Introduction & Ch. 1- Luke and the History of Humankind
June  22: Ch. 2 - Luke and the History of Israel
June 29: Ch. 3 - Luke and the Great Reversal
July 6: Ch. 4 - Luke and Gender
July 13: Ch. 5 - Luke and Salvation
July 20: Ch. 6 - Food and Drink in Luke’s Theology
July 27: Ch. 7 - Luke and Worship
August 3: Ch. 8 - Luke and Holy Spirit & Conclusion: Luke’s Open Invitation

Feel free to bring your brown bag for an early lunch!

Questions? Contact Pastor Lauren at
Congratulations 2015-2016 Justice Leadership Program interns Alyssa & Amber at Keystone!
And Julia, Hannah, AnnMarie, and Abi!

Thank you to the Keystone congregation for accompanying our 2015-2016 JLP interns in the innumerable ways you do, as a teaching church!  We give thanks here for their church companions, Barb, John, Lisa, Dan, Paisley, Caleb, Daniel.  And to many many more in the congregation in less public roles, embodying our hospitality and support.  We look to close the year with Amber and Alyssa on Sunday July 31 in a ritual of thanks and blessing in worship.
Alyssa and Amber are completing their last month (July) of eleven months of service with Keystone and Justice Leadership Program.

Here are a few pictures from the July 6 celebration when agency supervisors, church supervisors, JLP alums, and friends helped us celebrate the end of our 2015-2016 year, as our 6 interns approach their transition.  
Furnishings Sought for new Intern house!
Justice Leadership Program
 has acquired a house to add to the rental apartment on Cap Hill at All Pilgrims United Church of Christ.  We need your help to prep for 2016-2017!  This is a big year to outfit the house (easier next year!) Click here for a list of furnishings needed for both places.
We are hoping for as many contributions as possible, and then we must soon head to Goodwill and Target!
We plan to purchase and install triple-cell shades in the church apartment to help with climate control. Any financial donations toward that would be helpful, if you prefer to contribute that way.
Thanks for your help and partnership!  Questions:
incase you missed previously
Thank you John & Marilyn- new microphones were installed and tested July 3-7 and rolled out Sunday July 10, 17 - hear the difference!

Updates on Merger Talks
The Keystone leadership team met with University Baptist Church leaders for the fifth time on Tuesday, July 19, regarding a possible merger of the two churches.

Rich preached at UBC on Sunday, June 26 & did Q & A time there.  The Keystone leader team met July 5.

The first meeting focused on the questions, what are the most important aspect of our respective churches, and what impact had our churches made in our lives. The second meeting focused on concerns connected with the merger and considered that concern in relation to a particular vision each leader has of what a merged congregation would look like. The third meeting focused on the questions, "What would be a vision big enough to risk what you like about your church, and face what you fear?  And if so, what does that vision specifically look like?" The fourth meeting addressed foundational concerns raised at end of last two meetings (such as financials and fundamentals).

July 19 looked deeply at whether we can hope realistically for a merger (or an alternative model?  a more creative?) to fit our unique situations.

If you have any questions or comments to share with our team, feel free to contact leaders at the following email addresses:

Rev. Rich Gamble,
Rev. Lauren Cannon,
John Preston,
Marilyn Wall,
Lisa Smith,
Eliza Pennick,
RSVP here if you can turn out July 30
Keystone has been working to build this effort & we need a few to show support.  Please RSVP to Pastor Lauren:  Help faith communities of Seattle join all who care about family leave (newborns, eldercare, etc).  Help the city support workers when a rare life event requires some time away from work to be present to a loved one! Can you put July 30 on your calendar?
Keystone is active with a group of congregations to plan an October 8 Interfaith Conference on Climate Change, to be held at University Christian (Disciples of Christ).

Standing out from the many groups or conferences on climate change-- this focus is FAITH and climate.

"How do  faith communities be a moral voice in the age of climate change?  What is holy obedience?  What are spiritual tools for these times?"  Working with multiple interfaith partners and leaders, we are helping plan for keynote, workshops, interfaith service, complete with a lunch that will model commitments: local, organic, no meat, low waste.  Poster session to learn how other faith communities are acting on climate change.  Open space networking.

On July 21, Jim, Sandie, Amber, and Lauren participated in working groups at planning meeting at Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue (at Seattle First Baptist.)  Talk to any of them to join in the prep.  Working groups seek many a worker bee and your labor of love!  Logistics, Interfaith Service, Outreach, Food, or Advertising.
Letter to the Editor- sent July 13
Seattle Times
When, in its July 8 article “Dallas deaths suddenly make 2009 cop killings here seem ‘like it was yesterday,’” the Times published a photo of Jasen Frelot handing a flower to a police officer and captioned it as an offering of sympathy, the paper fundamentally missed the point.
In response to the racially charged shootings last week, Jasen mobilized 30 churches to send flowers to police precincts. Downtown he handed flowers to police and to African-American women. The flowers were accompanied by this note, “Our prayers for safety and peace on this painful day. With gratitude, love, and hope for a more just and peaceful future.” This was an act of extravagant love. Too much blood has been spilled. Too many families and communities are torn apart. Racism directly kills African Americans at alarming rates, but the effects of racism negatively affect all of society. The campaign’s purpose was to interrupt violence and fear for the sake of a just peace.
Jasen Frelot works for The Well, a United Methodist ministry. We are committed to addressing deep divisions in our community, especially around race and injustice. We work collaboratively for systemic change. We deeply mourn the lives of the Black men and the officers killed last week.
The Rev. Katie M. Ladd, Founder and Pastor, The Well, UMC
Jasen Frelot, Community Outreach Program Coordinator, The Well
Co-Signed (Co-supporters of the campaign),
The Rev. Julie M. Blum, Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, Seattle; The Rev. Kathleen Weber, Trinity United Methodist Church, Ballard; The Rev. Dani Forbess, Northminster Presbyterian Church and The Well Advisory Board; Pastor Tim Oleson, Edmonds Lutheran Church; Sara Bates, Ministry Intern, St. Luke’s Episcopal, Ballard; The Rev. Shalom Agtarap, Highline United Methodist Church; The Rev. Britt Olson, St. Luke’s Episcopal, Ballard; The Rev. Doug Early, Queen Anne Presbyterian Church; Kyle Turver, Director of Worship, Bethany Presbyterian Church & The Well Advisory Board; Pastor Darla DeFrance, Columbia City Church of Hope; Sr. Liz Colver, catacomb churches; Pastor Terry Kyllo, catacomb churches, Pastor Amy Epp, Seattle Mennonite Church; The Rev. Terri J. Stewart, Riverton Park United Methodist Church (Tukwila) and Director, Youth Chaplaincy Coalition; The Rev. Priscilla Austin, Immanuel Lutheran Church; The Rev. Jeffrey Gill, Trinity Parish Episcopal Church, Seattle; The Rev. Sharon L. Moe, First United Methodist Church; Pastor Lauren Cannon, Keystone United Church of Christ; The Rev. Julie Martin Hutson, Luther Memorial Lutheran Church
Pride SUNDAY June 26
Join our neighbors as they offer a fun disclaimer these are NOT meaningful movies.  Mosaic Coffee House and Church of the Nazarene welcome any and all to bring a lawn chair for any of these summer flicks.  S'mores provided.
Friday July 22- Inside Out
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Lending Library:
Keystone has (click here) "COSMOS" DVD's to be checked out.  Neil Degrasse Tyson.  Episodes 1-13 are available, with thanks to the work of Charles Rudash, Green Team.  Please stop up to church office any Sunday to sign one out with Pastor Lauren.

Justice Leadership Jubilee is a program for adults who want to integrate faith and justice work into their lives in a meaningful way.

Are you looking for the path to re-ignite your faith?

Do you long to deepen your spiritual self through social justice work?

Do you wonder…how do we create sustainable systemic change?

We are looking for adults who are in a transition point in their lives who are seeking an experience of transformation -- maybe you're retiring, maybe children have recently moved out of the house, maybe you're experiencing a lot of change in your work/life balance. That is the time to make intentional choices for your future, and the future of generations to come!

This will be the inaugural year of the program and we are seeking people who are interested in being a part of the formative year of Justice Leadership Jubilee. Please prayerfully consider the program and contact us with any questions or comments!

For more information, please read these flyers:
Initial Proposal: Justice Leadership Jubilee
Justice Leadership Jubilee Flyer

Contact Jenn Hagedorn at or 206.265.2834 for more information.
Keystone UCC met with King County leaders July 13 in support of Youth Undoing Institutional Racism (YUIR), and Ending the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC)
Jenn Hagedorn, Claire West, a professor and student from Seattle University, and Rev. Lauren met with the King County regarding plans to spend $210 million dollars to build a new youth jail and court buildings at 12th and Alder in the Central District of Seattle.  How do youth see Restorative Justice best being designed?  How to align with Dow Constantine's game changer pledge for "Zero Detention" as a goal in Seattle?  As we join European Dissent to move the conversation at the County, we seek solutions that the youth see as most promising.  Email Lauren for witnessing and future actions:
Signature collection currently on Narthex table:
Initiative Measure No. 873 concerns use of deadly force by public officers or peace officers.
BALLOT TITLE - Initiative Measure No. 873 concerns use of deadly force by public officers or peace officers.
Concise Description: This measure would amend the law to eliminate consideration of whether an officer acted "without malice and with a good faith belief' when determining whether the officer committed justifiable use of deadly force.
Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]
This measure would amend the law that exempts public officers and peace officers from criminal liability for using deadly force under specific circumstances. It would eliminate consideration of whether the officer acted "without malice and a good faith belief." Instead, under this measure, a public officer or peace officer could not be held criminally liable for using deadly force if the act was justifiable under the specific circumstances set forth under the statute.
Welcome Daniel!
On Sunday June 26 baby boy Daniel Smith started his regular attendance at Keystone - one week old!  Blessed welcome to your community Daniel!  The Smiths celebrate the birth of Daniel on Sunday June 19, and thank everyone for their continued wishes and prayers in this time.

Wishing all our July folks the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is @ Keystone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, as well as Sundays.  Wednesday office times.  And as she is often out and about for meetings and visits, just email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
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