Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Come hear our Keystone folks Sing at Northwest Folk Festival with Seattle Labor Chorus

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, May 22, 2016
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Theme: Realm of God
Scripture: Luke 6:20-26
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Nick
Usher: Margaret
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret
Sunday School: Anita
SAVE THE DATE: Please mark Sunday, June 12, for a Noon Coffee Hour to shower the Smith family with new baby cheer!

Dan and Lisa Smith, big sister Paisley, and big brother Caleb, are preparing for the new Smith baby (little "Guppy" right now) to arrive late June!  Come help their Keystone community pour some love on them!

Feel free to help create our table of blessings by placing a token of love in the Narthex that morning.  Wishes, wisdom, books, cards, gifts, gift cards, gently used gear, or anything you are inspired to share with the Smiths. We rejoice with them, as their call to family deepens and grows!
Families:  Sunday Worship:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  (Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion)

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, to head to classrooms, or enjoy the playground out back!  
Upcoming Events:

Saturday, May 21 – Racial Justice as a Spiritual Imperative workshop
@ Trinity Episcopal Church, 609 8th Ave., Seattle

Saturday, May 28 – Seattle Labor Chorus performs at Northwest Folklife Festival
@ Cornish Playhouse 305 Harrison Street, in Seattle Center

Tuesday, May 24 – The Food Challenge: How we eat and the Link to Climate Change
@ University Unitarian Church, 6556 35th Ave NE, Seattle

Sunday, June 12 – Smith Family Baby Shower
@ Keystone UCC
During Coffee Hour

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Lauren and Connie join Racial Justice Workshop
– May 21 @ Trinity Episcopal Church
Keystone UCC will be sending member Connie Voget and Pastor Lauren to the next piece of work, Racial Justice as a Spiritual Imperative workshop on Saturday, May 21, from 8am-12:30pm at Trinity Episcopal Church, 609 8th Ave, Seattle.  Organized by the Church Council of Greater Seattle, this will be a next level of study alongside congregations from all around Seattle.  Contact Connie V.Lauren C., and Rich V. to become involved as Keystone enters its next stages of integrating our commitments, callings, and ministries, in our ongoing life together.

Invitation fro 350Seattle
The Food Challenge:
How we eat and the Link to Climate Change

– May 24 @ University Unitarian Church

Come hear a talk by Lynn Fitz-Hugh of explaining the new food and climate campaign, Tuesday, May 24, 7:00pm, at University Unitarian Church, 6556 35th Ave NE, Seattle.

Globally Food production causes about 1/3 of GHG emissions; in the US 9%.  There are things we can do about food related Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Come learn about 350Seattle’s food challenge:
  • Eating locally vs. the 1,300 miles from field to table.
  • Eating food that is not bathed in fossil fuel based fertilizers and pesticides
  • Eating less meat is eating less GHG’s.
  • Wasting less food – 40% of all food produced in the US is wasted.
  • Changing the policies that keep our industrial agriculture system churning out GHG.
  • Working for food justice.
In September, 350Seattle will be coordinating a campaign on Food and Climate, which will be a food challenge for congregations. They will be focusing on four areas that all have carbon implications: eating locally, eating organic, eating less meat and wasting less food.  They will be encouraging people to find the right choice that works for them to reduce their carbon footprint and also understand the policy changes needed to reduce our collective agricultural foot print. Once the campaign launches, this May 24 talk will be available for church's adult ed, religious ed or Social justice hour.  Interested parties are encouraged to preview the talk on May 24, to understand the food challenge which they we will be encouraging Congregations to try to do.

Updates on merger talks
The Keystone leadership team met with University Baptist Church leaders on Tuesday, May 10 for the first of several meetings, regarding a possible merger of the two churches. The first meeting focused on the questions, what are the most important aspect of our respective churches, and what impact had our churches made in our lives. Conversation was both lively and deep, and the meeting as whole was a wonderful step in better understanding each churches backgrounds and values. The next merger meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24.

If you have any questions or comments to share with our leadership team, feel free to contact them at the following email addresses:

Rev. Rich Gamble,
Rev. Lauren Cannon,
John Preston,
Marilyn Wall,
Lisa Smith,
Eliza Pennick,

Performing at Northwest Folklife Festival
Saturday, May 28

Save Saturday eveningMay 28 at the Northwest Folklife Festival in Seattle for the Labor Stage, 7:10 to 9:30 p.m. at the Cornish Playhouse (formerly known as the Intiman). This year the show will host a group new to Folklife — the Resisters (or Re-Sisters, a chamber vocal group of women from Vancouver BC) who inform with music and stories particularly about working-class women. They pay special attention to aboriginal women in Canada, an often forgotten group in that country. The longest segment of the show will be a narrative on the decades-long American struggles for labor justice.  Featured in the narrative in speaking roles are Al (Alexandra) Bradbury and Francisca Garcia, while the Seattle Labor Chorus will provide musical soundbites. Singer-songwriter Bradbury will also perform some of her own material, and the Labor Chorus will be spotlighted in its own set. The Labor Stage will close with Citizens’ Band from Olympia, who have delighted Northwest audiences for years with their sharp-witted political commentary in song.

** Keystone Members Kate Speltz, Lisa Smith and Paisley will be singing in this performance!
In case you missed it ...

It is with great joy that we share the news that Nick and Hannah Lott-Havey welcomed their new baby boy into this world, Tuesday, April 26 at 10:05pm - right on his due date!  Oliver Ian Lott-Havey came in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 19 inches, and is now home with mom and dad, and doing well. Our congratulations and love go out to Nick, Hannah and baby Oliver!


We need your help to spread the word -- Applications for the Justice Leadership Program are still being accepted on a rolling basis. Please consider the program yourself or think about young adults (ages 21-35) you know who may be interested in a transformational year of justice work in Seattle.

We are excited to announce that the Justice Leadership Program has received a grant from the National UCC Office of Stewardship and Philanthropy in partnership with Environmental Ministries of the UCC to fund two environmental justice positions for the upcoming year: Earth Ministries and

Positions for work in housing/homelessness, worker's rights, legislative/policy work, economic justice, and other areas are still open as well.

For more information, contact myself or Elizabeth Dickinson ( or visit our website.
In faith,
Jenn Hagedorn
Outreach Coordinator, Justice Leadership Program


Justice Leadership Jubilee is a program for adults who want to integrate faith and justice work into their lives in a meaningful way.

Are you looking for the path to re-ignite your faith?

Do you long to deepen your spiritual self through social justice work?

Do you wonder…how do we create sustainable systemic change?

We are looking for adults who are in a transition point in their lives who are seeking an experience of transformation -- maybe you're retiring, maybe children have recently moved out of the house, maybe you're experiencing a lot of change in your work/life balance. That is the time to make intentional choices for your future, and the future of generations to come!

This will be the inaugural year of the program and we are seeking people who are interested in being a part of the formative year of Justice Leadership Jubilee. Please prayerfully consider the program and contact us with any questions or comments!

For more information, please read these flyers:
Initial Proposal: Justice Leadership Jubilee
Justice Leadership Jubilee Flyer

Contact Jenn Hagedorn at or 206.265.2834 for more information.

Rev. Lauren Cannon - 5/7
Michelle Hebner - 5/5
Dan Smith - 5/9
Sandie Schumacher - 5/14
Barbara Anderson - 5/17

Aaron Crosetto - 5/21

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is @ Keystone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, as well as Sundays.  Wednesday office times.  And as she is often out and about for meetings and visits, just email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Finance & the Green Economy

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, May 1, 2016
Rev. Steve Bauck, preaching

Theme: Hope in Difficult Times
Scripture: Jeremiah 32:1-15
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Song Leader: Sarah Kolat
Greeter: Sandie
Reader: Sandie
Usher: Elvina
Coffee Hour Host: Jim
Sunday School: Anita
THIS WEEK: You'll notice something a little different at church this Sunday. First, it's who won't be there: our Keystone pastors, members Arlene Hobson and Rich Voget, and our JLP interns will be away, leading workshops and attending the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Conference UCC in Wenatchee, April 29- May 1.

In their absence, some familiar faces will be taking care of business:
- Yigit will unlock the doors, ​set up mics and light the candles
- Charles will ​set out the Narthex chairs and get the ccoffee pot going
​- Barb will set out children's bulletins and set up children's table and chairs
- Sandie will turn on the lights and serve as Greeter
- Barb or John​ will do the welcome and announcements​
- Jo will lead Prayers
- Rev. Steve Bauck (former Keystone minister) will lead the Call to Worship and serve as guest preacher

It's sure to be an exciting Sunday!

ALSO: Congrats Alyssa! After participating in Ecumenical Advocacy Days in DC, Alyssa got back to her home church in Ohio. Take a look here - cheers to Keystone's Justice Leadership Program intern- Alyssa preached on the home court April 24!
Families:  Sunday Worship:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  (Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion)

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, to head to classrooms, or enjoy the playground out back!  
Upcoming Events:

Saturday, April 30 – Continuing the Community Dialogue on Race
@ First AME Church, 1522 14th Ave., Seattle

Friday, April 29 – Pacific NW UCC Annual Meeting
hrough Sunday, May 1 w/JLP Interns + Rich Voget presenting
@ Wenatchee Convention Center
Click HERE for Registration information

Sunday, May 1 – Guest Preacher, Rev. Steve Bauck
@ Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Pl. N.

Tuesday, May 10 – Performance by Keystone Accompanist, Yigit Kolat
Inverted Space Ensemble Long Piece Fest 2.3:
Kolat/Baldwin World Premieres
@ The Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N.

Thursday, May 19 – Music by Keystone Accompanist Yigit Kolat
Jonathan Shames Piano Recital
@ The Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N.

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

It is with great joy that we share the news that Nick and Hannah Lott-Havey welcomed their new baby boy into this world, Tuesday, April 26 at 10:05pm - right on his due date!  Oliver Ian Lott-Havey came in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 19 inches, and is now home with mom and dad, and doing well. Our congratulations and love go out to Nick, Hannah and baby Oliver!

JLP interns, Keystone members & staff to present workshops for regional UCC Annual Meeting April 29- May 1

Making their mark on the Pacific Northwest UCC, all five of our first-year JLP interns will be presenting workshops at the Pacific Northwest Conference Annual Meeting later this month! Also worth noting, two of our former interns, Briana and Jenn, will also be presenting workshops, as will Keystone member Rich Voget. And joining them in Wenatchee are Rev. Rich Gamble, Rev. Lauren Cannon and Keystone Member Arlene Hobson (who also happens to be the event's dynamo planner, in her role as Pacific Northwest UCC Executive Administrator).

Hannah Long-Higgins (JLP Intern at Unite Here! Local 8 and Plymouth Church UCC) will speak on "Radical Hospitality for Hospitality Workers" (Friday, April 29; 2:00-3:30pm). As an intern in the Justice Leadership Program, Hannah works at Unite Here Local 8, the hospitality workers' union of the Northwest. She will share some of these photos, statistics, and stories arising out of this project to hopefully serve as a wake up call to the faith community that radical hospitality means ensuring that these hotel workers are able to stay in our Pacific Northwest cities.

Ann Marie Do (JLP Intern at Church Council of Greater Seattle and Plymouth Church UCC) and Alyssa Nedrow (JLP Intern at Faith Action Network and Keystone Church UCC) will present "Rooted in Justice: the Justice Leadership Program" (Saturday, April 30; 3:00 - 3:55pm). Ann Marie and Alyssa will discuss many of the aspects of the JLP program, such as internships in advocacy and community organizing work, and church engagement. Interns will also share their journeys to social justice work and how they look forward to continuing this work in the future.

Abi Velasco (JLP Intern at Washington Low Income Housing Alliance and Prospect UCC, Seattle) and Julia Urban (JLP Intern at Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness and All Pilgrims Christian Church, Seattle) will present "Beyond Direct Service: Advocacy Stories and Strategies from JLP Interns" (Saturday, April 30; 3:00-3:55pm). Through the Justice Leadership Program, interns engage with congregations and communities in advocacy work, particularly at the state level. This workshop is an opportunity to learn about the legislative work around housing and homelessness, as well as other issues important to communities of faith. Come get inspired to make a difference for those without homes!

Click HERE to download more information on these workshops.

For more information on the meeting, contact Arlene Hobson, Executive Administrator
Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ (and Keystone member!) at 206-725-8383


Save the date! Come celebrate Spirit of Pentecost moving among us today in many languages!
Saturday, May 14, join us for an ecumenical potluck at Keystone UCC with the Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church and Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian churches!  5-7 pm in Battson Hall. May 15 is Pentecost Sunday.
Also, welcome Rev. Chang to Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church, worship each Sunday 2 PM at Keystone UCC!
Jerry Chang received a BS degree, then earned an M.Div. degree from Eden Theological Seminary. After graduating, he served at Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church as a youth and children minister. In 2013, Jerry completed the Final Assessment with the Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy in St. Louis, then accepted a call from Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church. He and his wife, Charlene will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this May. Their daughter, Anabell, is 18, and son, Andrew is in 10th grade.
Updates on merger talks
A first meeting of the leadership teams of University Baptist and Keystone is being planned for either May 10th, 11th or 12th. The first meeting would focus on some version of these two questions:

1. What is the most important aspect of Keystone for you?

2.What impact has Keystone had on your life?

The leaders from UBC will answer the same questions about their congregation.
Green Team news: Successful Lecture on Finance & The Green Economy at Keystone

On Tuesday, April 26, Keystone hosted a lecture by Randy Mandell, which was attended by about 25.  Mandell described some actions that we in the U.S. need to take to transition from fossil fuels to clean energy expeditiously:

1) Repeal corporate personhood
2) Oppose TTP & TTIP trade deals
3) Consider nationalizing the fossil fuel companies and big banks, if they resist the clean energy transition
4) Have the federal government print money and take on more debt to finance the clean energy transition and to provide full employment.

Mandell recommended that we read more about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) from the economists Michael Hudson and Stephanie Kelton, to delve more into the topic.  There was a lively discussion after the lecture.  

About Face

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, May 8, 2016
Seventh Sunday of Easter

Rev. Lauren Cannon, preaching
Rev. Rich Gamble, off

Theme: About Face
Scripture: Acts 16:16-34
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Amber
Usher: John
Communion Minister: Barbara
Coffee Hour Host: Marilyn
Sunday School: Anita
THIS WEEK: Our Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are chock full of great reversals. Those who are weary shall be lifted up. Those who are hungry can be fed.  And this week, from Paul and Silas' jail cell, as they sing their way through their wrongful imprisonment, the jailer's heart begins to change. He becomes converted to a new way of life.

As we gather for worship on Sunday we will draw upon this story as we open our own hearts to the possibility of being changed. What reversals and transformations is God inviting you to in your life, and for us together at Keystone?

ALSO: Prayers for Kaaren who was in the hospital this past week.  She is now at the Ballard Rehab, 9520 8th Ave. NW. (or try around the corner at 820 NW 95th St,) in room 531B.  She will be there until Tuesday if anyone would like to visit her.  Afternoons are her best time and she would love to see us.

Praises for Gus, Marilyn and Barbara who attended the Mary’s Place Spring Benefit Luncheon on May 3.  Barbara says it was so inspiring and such a blessing to be a part of the event.  $2 million was raised! Their goal is to have 1,000 beds for the homeless by 2020.  With hope and love it will be accomplished.
Families:  Sunday Worship:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  (Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion)

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, to head to classrooms, or enjoy the playground out back!  
Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, May 10 – Performance by Keystone Accompanist, Yigit Kolat
Inverted Space Ensemble Long Piece Fest 2.3:
Kolat/Baldwin World Premieres
@ The Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N.

Friday, May 13 – John O'Conner in Concert
@ Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Pl. N

Saturday, May 14 – Pentecost Potluck w/Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church UCC as well as local Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian congregations
@ Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Pl. N

Thursday, May 19 – Music by Keystone Accompanist Yigit Kolat
Jonathan Shames Piano Recital
@ The Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. N.

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Updates on merger talks
A first meeting of the Keystone leadership team and University Baptist leaders is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10. The first meeting would focus on some version of these two questions

1. What is the most important aspect of Keystone for you?
2.What impact has Keystone had on your life?

The leaders from UBC will answer the same questions about their congregation.

John O’Connor in Concert @ Keystone

News from our friends at Seattle Labor Chorus (who practice weekly at Keystone):Songwriter and labor folksinger John O'Connor makes his first concert appearance in the Seattle area in almost two decades.

Date: Friday, May 13
Location: Keystone UCC
Suggested donation: $15

This is a performance not to be missed. It has been almost two decades since songwriter and folksinger John O'Connor last appeared in concert here.

John has written scores of songs about labor struggles, Central America, the anti-apartheid movement, the anti-nuclear movement. Both as a solo artist and with the singing group Shays’ Rebellion, John was a mainstay at political events throughout Puget Sound and beyond.

He has traveled the U.S. performing for labor education classes, high schools, colleges and folk audiences. Britain’s Southern Rag has said that “John O’Connor deserves to be numbered with the all-time greats of contemporary folk music.”

For reservations and more information, or call (206) 551-0818.

If you miss the concert at Keystone, John will also be presenting his program, Hold the Fortat the Machinist Hall at 9135 15th Place S, in Seattle at 7:00pm, on Saturday, May 14.  See for more information.

Come celebrate Spirit of Pentecost moving among us today in many languages!
Saturday, May 14, at Keystone UCC, enjoy Pentecost Potluck with the Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church UCC (STCC), 5:00-7:00pm. All are welcome!  Join our sisters and brothers from local Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist congregations, all coming to STCC to potluck together at Keystone, in a Spirit of Pentecost fellowship.

Send Lauren a quick RSVP of how many are coming:, as it will help our friends with set up.  And bring anything you like.

Spend a spring evening enjoying a performance by our own Keystone Accompanist, YiÄŸit Kolat

Inverted Space Ensemble Long Piece Fest 2.3:
Kolat/Baldwin World Premieres
Date: Tuesday, May 10
Time: 7:30pm
Location: The Chapel at the Good Shepherd Center (1 block south of Keystone)
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98103 (fourth floor)

Inverted Space continues its “Long Piece Fest,” a series of concerts that feature a single work that is one hour or longer. A rare double-header concert, this event will feature the premiere of works by Seattle composers Kevin Baldwin and Takemitsu Prize-winner YiÄŸitKolat.

$5-15 suggested donation

Visit!events/k8a5i for more information

Jonathan Shames Piano Recital
Date: Thursday, May 19
Time: 8pm
Location: The Chapel at the Good Shepherd Center (1 block south of Keystone)
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98103 (fourth floor)

Grammy winner and Tchaikovsky Competition finalist Jonathan Shames performs a unique program that features three 21st-century works — Berio's Sonata, "Enfance" by Joël-François Durand, and "Halki/Heybeliada" by YiÄŸit Kolat — as well as Debussy’s Prélude, “La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune” and Étude, “Pour les arpèges composés”.

A rare double-header concert, this event will feature two commissions from Seattle composers Kevin Baldwin and Takemitsu prize-winner Yigit Kolat.

 $5-15 suggested donation

Visit and for more information.

YiÄŸit says"I am looking forward to seeing the members of the Keystone Congregational community with us!"
In case you missed it ...

It is with great joy that we share the news that Nick and Hannah Lott-Havey welcomed their new baby boy into this world, Tuesday, April 26 at 10:05pm - right on his due date!  Oliver Ian Lott-Havey came in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 19 inches, and is now home with mom and dad, and doing well. Our congratulations and love go out to Nick, Hannah and baby Oliver!


We need your help to spread the word -- Applications for the Justice Leadership Program are still being accepted on a rolling basis. Please consider the program yourself or think about young adults (ages 21-35) you know who may be interested in a transformational year of justice work in Seattle.

We are excited to announce that the Justice Leadership Program has received a grant from the National UCC Office of Stewardship and Philanthropy in partnership with Environmental Ministries of the UCC to fund two environmental justice positions for the upcoming year: Earth Ministries and

Positions for work in housing/homelessness, worker's rights, legislative/policy work, economic justice, and other areas are still open as well.

For more information, contact myself or Elizabeth Dickinson ( or visit our website.
In faith,
Jenn Hagedorn
Outreach Coordinator, Justice Leadership Program


Justice Leadership Jubilee is a program for adults who want to integrate faith and justice work into their lives in a meaningful way.

Are you looking for the path to re-ignite your faith?

Do you long to deepen your spiritual self through social justice work?

Do you wonder…how do we create sustainable systemic change?

We are looking for adults who are in a transition point in their lives who are seeking an experience of transformation -- maybe you're retiring, maybe children have recently moved out of the house, maybe you're experiencing a lot of change in your work/life balance. That is the time to make intentional choices for your future, and the future of generations to come!

This will be the inaugural year of the program and we are seeking people who are interested in being a part of the formative year of Justice Leadership Jubilee. Please prayerfully consider the program and contact us with any questions or comments!

For more information, please read these flyers:
Initial Proposal: Justice Leadership Jubilee
Justice Leadership Jubilee Flyer

Contact Jenn Hagedorn at or 206.265.2834 for more information.

Rev. Lauren Cannon - 5/7
Michelle Hebner - 5/5
Dan Smith - 5/9
Sandie Schumacher - 5/14
Barbara Anderson - 5/17

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is @ Keystone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, as well as Sundays.  Wednesday office times.  And as she is often out and about for meetings and visits, just email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook