Plymouth Hosts Installation of The Reverend John C. Dorhauer
This weekend begins a celebrative three-part installation of The Reverend John C. Dorhauer as the United Church of Christ’s ninth General Minister and President. Plymouth Church Seattle, UCC is honored to be one of three churches in the nation to host the installation at 3 pm, Sunday, April 17. All are welcome; reception will follow in Hildebrand Hall.
Preceding the final event at Plymouth, two installations take place – April 15 at Riverside Church, New York City and April 16 at Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago. Described by the UCC as a three-city “progressive” worship service with a trio of UCC pastors and leaders presiding at each, Rev. Dorhauer says the combined events convey that ‘we are all in this together.’ Plymouth Senior Minister Brigitta Remole says, “I see John Dorhauer as both a mystic and social activist, leading the UCC to be a unifying place of extravagant welcome.”
Each service welcomes ecumenical and communion churches with interfaith guests. Hear brief vision statements of Rev. Darrell Goodwin from Liberation United Church of Christ, Rev. Rich Gamble, Keystone Congregational Church UCC and Rev. Sue Artt, Moderator, General Synod. Other pastors include Western Region Conference Ministers Rev. Diane L. Weible, California Nevada Northern; Rev. Dr. Felix Villanueva, California Nevada Southern; Rev. Walter John Boris, Central Pacific; Rev. Charles Buck, Hawaii; Rev. Susan E. Artt, Rocky Mountain; Rev. William Lyons, Southwest and more. Rev. Dorhauer and former General Minister and President Rev. Geoffrey Black, lead communion.
Hear commissioned music by Mark A. Miller, Minister of Music at Christ Church (a UCC and American Baptist Church), Summit, N.J. Miller’s words and music capture the essence of Rev. Dorhauer’s vision: From an ancient past love calls to us, calls to us/offering, shaping a future with hope, from the here and now/love calls to us, calls to us, shaping a future with hope. Music also includes combined children’s and adult choirs from area UCC churches and drumming.
Services will stream live on the UCC website,