Friday, December 23, 2016

Worship at Keystone! & Upcoming Invitations

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
** Keystone UCC Weekly News & Events has moved to biweekly publication. Expect your next issue on Friday, January 6, and every other week.  See lower down for leaders lineup for next two Sundays and more **
Saturday Dec. 24- Christmas Eve worship
7 PM Christmas Eve worship @ Keystone
Come share this beloved candlelight hour celebrating the Christmas story with poems, and carols, as we worship the coming of the light of Christ.  Children join families in the pews.  All welcome! 
Rev. Rich
Rev. Lauren
Scriptures: Jo  
Music- Elliot & Yigit
Poems- Kate S.
Christ Candle Lighters: Leo, Mike, Lauren

Sunday December 25 Christmas Day worship
10:30 AM
Hark the Herald Angels Sing!  Come celebrate ‘Joy to the World’ in Keystone community, as ‘Good Christian Friends Rejoice!’  All welcome for this festive service of Carols, Poems, sharing Communion, as we ‘Go Tell It on the Mountain!’

Rev Rich 
Rev. Lauren
Readers: Lisa, Jo
There are three scriptures throughout the worship:
Isaiah 9: 2-7
John 1:1-14
Luke 2: 1-14

Poetry: Kate S.
Music Leader- Elliot 
Accompaniment- Yigit
Usher- Barb
Communion- Barb & Lauren
Coffee Host- Jo
Children’s Ministry- Anita: 10 AM- 12 PM

Sunday Jan. 1
Rev. Rich- Preaching
Rev. Lauren off
Music- Elliot & Yigit
Childrens Ministry- Anita
Reader- Marilyn
Usher- Jim
Communion- Barb with Rich
Coffee Host- Sandie
Childrens Ministry- Anita

From 3 Congregational Conversations:  On Sunday, Nov. 13, Rev. Rich facilitated an after-service conversation to reflect on the Nov. 8 election. We discussed how we were feeling, and what we were learning.

On Sunday, Dec. 4 we focused on our hopes and visions in these times. On Sunday, Dec. 11, we assessed, "How do we get there?" and "What do we at Keystone have that we can offer the world/the struggle?"

As we closed the conversation, looking to 2017, we were abuzz... contact the office to talk about what group to join, as we are in motion, and to get the notes, if you were not present!


NEW KEYSTONE DIRECTORY: Pick yours up this Sunday – thanks to Barbara Anderson!

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, Dec. 21 – 3rd Holden Prayer Service
Evening service of singing, scripture, and reflective time
@ Keystone UCC (in Sanctuary)

Saturday, Dec. 24 –  Christmas Eve Service
@ Keystone UCC

Sunday, Dec. 25 –  Christmas Day Worship
@ Keystone UCC
10:30 am


Sunday, Jan. 1 –  New Years Day Worship
@ Keystone UCC- Rev. Rich preaching
10: 30 am

Sunday, Jan. 8 –  Worship
@ Keystone UCC- Rev. Lauren preaching
10:30 AM

Sunday, Jan. 15 –  Worship
@ Keystone UCC- Rev. Lauren preaching
10:30 AM
Moment of Ministry - Iris Chavez, Justice Leadership Program Intern.
Celebration of Pamela Voget's Art

Pamela's Art is being gifted by Connie and Rich, for the people of Keystone to take home​
@ Keystone UCC (to be displayed in the Narthex)
After Coffee Hour

Thursday, Jan. 19- Interfaith Economic Justice Coalition
10 -11:30 am
- all welcome- please come add to our coalition & join Pastor Lauren & JLP intern Iris.

Friday, Jan. 20- Know your Rights Training

Sunday, Jan. 22 –  Worship
@ Keystone UCC- Rev. Lauren preaching
10:30 AM

Friday, Jan. 27- Immigration 101 Session

Sunday, Jan. 29 –  Worship
@ Keystone UCC- Rev. Rich preaching
10: 30 am

Saturday, Feb. 4 –  Sacred Heart Shelter
food dishes to Keystone UCC- by 5 pm
serving: by Seattle Center

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Keystone UCC celebrates with Iris, after she advocated for immigrant protections.  The city of Burien voted on 12/19 to become a Sanctuary City:
Here is public comment Iris delivered at Burien City Council.
Iris Chavez
According to Seattle Mayor Murray’s Executive Order 2016-08, “Washington State’s population grew by 40,000 unauthorized residents between 2009 and 2014, making our state one of six in the country with a growing unauthorized population when numbers have decreased nationally”. Immigrant communities are a primary target for the dangers and threats imposed by the political climate, meaning a great number of our state’s communities are feeling unsafe and threatened. Immigrants should feel secure in their communities to contact local officials if they have legal issues. Burien city government must take actions that will ensure the justice system provides protection to Burien’s most vulnerable residents.  
The recommended action is that city agencies review their confidentiality policies to ensure that information collected from individuals is not disclosed for any purpose other than what is needed to perform agency duties, thereby ensuring eligible immigrants are not deterred from engaging with city agencies. The use of department resources to investigate or detain people for immigration enforcement purposes should be prohibited. Additionally, the city of Burien should enact prohibitions that make clear that law enforcement officers will not transfer individuals into the custody of federal immigration officials, or detain individuals at the request of federal immigration officials. 

Here is a summary that was printed in the Stranger of the Hate Free Washington press conference attended by Pastor Lauren and Rich Voget Monday December 19 at Seattle Center:
Congresswoman-elect Pramila Jayapal stated, "We come together today to say we will fight injustice and policies rooted in racism and will condemn hateful rhetoric. ... Together we say we respect women, we value Muslims, we value Black lives, we stand with LGBTQ community members, and with immigrants, refugees and people of all faiths. We value those of all abilities and workers and we will fight for dreamers of all kinds, immigrant and Native born."
A group of activists protesting the proposed construction of a new youth detention centerinterrupted King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray during the press conference. Activists, many of who were people of color, called on Constantine and Murray to use their power to oppose granting a master use permit to begin construction on a proposed $210million which would have 112 beds.  That seemed excessive since currently there are only 27 youth in the jail.
OneAmerica executive director Rich Stolz summed up the situation when he said, " "It has a particular resonance today because our criminal justice system is the tool used by the federal government to incarcerate civilians and undocumented immigrants," he said. "This is a time for us to really stand up and work with each other."
Can you help?  We are looking for someone to take lead to host Coffee Hour on these upcoming January 2017 dates:




It can be anything you like, and quite simple (you need not feed us all lunch!)  A bit of fruit?  A box of crackers and a dip?  A bag of store bought cookies?  Thank you!

Clipboard sign up is behind coffee pot in Narthex.

Or you can send a note to:
Know Your Rights Trainings  
Immigration 101 Workshop

Friends, Iris has been at work supporting Trainings on behalf of Keystone, and invites us to plug in.  Contact Iris:
~Pastor Lauren
Our immigrant community faces a lot of uncertainty these days. One step various organizations are taking is to educate community members about what steps to take to be informed about their legal options and to inform them of their basic constitutional rights regardless of immigration status through “Know Your Rights” trainings. The next training is being put on by the Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs. Details: 

Friday, January 20th, 2017
12 pm –  7 pm
McCaw Hall at Seattle Center
321 Mercer Street
Seattle, WA 98109
To volunteer and for more information call the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs at                   (206) 386-9090 after January 4, 2017.
The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) is offering Immigration 101 sessions, which are informational sessions open to anyone in the community who wants to know more about immigration law and policies. The next one will be held in Everett. Details:
9am – 12:30pm
Friday, January 27th, 2017
Everett Community College
Walt Price Student Fitness Center
2206 Tower Street
Everett, WA 98201
Go to to register for Immigration 101

Help Promo Keystone!

As a result of our congregational conversation on December 11, we are starting to experiment with some outreach.

Thanks to Christian, you can go to this link below, and RSVP etc if you want to help.
The facebook ad for our Christmas Eve service is live as of 12/21.  Its popping up. 
^check it out

Our ad on Facebook is targeted to people within 10 miles of Keystone with a big list of keywords like environmentalism and social justice concerns.

Let's see how this first test does (fingers crossed)!
~ Celebration of Pamela Voget's Art ​~​
Display in Narthex - January 15, 2017​
Pamela's Art is being gifted for the people of Keystone to take home​.

From Connie Voget:
"I am grateful for the opportunity to offer to this community some artwork created by our daughter, Pamela Voget. The art will be on display in the Narthex​ on January 15​. Our daughter had a goal  to attend art college to learn how to create work for people to enjoy in their homes. Her interest in art manifested early and her earliest art classes were at the Neo Art School for children. She also did art in elementary and middle school, took art classes in high school and studied with private teachers in their studios. She was thrilled and honored to be accepted by the Cornish College for the Arts, but she died before she could matriculate. It has come to me recently that if I give away the art that she left behind, I would be allowing such fulfillment, as is possible, of her goal of giving pleasure through her art. I am honored to involve the Keystone community in this plan."

From Pastor Lauren:
"Friends, please ​mark your calendar to linger after coffee hour on Sunday January 15. You are invited by Connie and Rich Voget; Rita Peterson; Pastor Lauren and Pastor Rich ​to enjoy ​art pieces crafted by Pamela ​Voget before she died, Dec. 28, 2001 at the age of 20.
Keystone UCC is honored to ​offer​ community space ​where Pamela's art can continue to ripple, as gifts to bring in to your homes. Pamela's work will be mounted, and in notebooks, with display boxes for you to look through and select a piece that speaks to you.

Meaningful Movies in Wallingford
Friday | 1/6/2017 | 7:00 PM
5019 Keystone Place N (at Keystone Congregational Church) Seattle, WA
"A stunning exposé on how propaganda drives public opinion and, in turn, our understanding of reality. Here's the story of how American perceptions of the Middle East — as well as resulting legislation and military strategy — are engineered: from focus group to talking points to mortar fire."
“Finding the Wisdom we Need”
Dear Keystone members and friends, As part of our Pacific Northwest region, our United Church of Christ Conference invites all those of us identifying as men to this wonderful opportunity to retreat together at our beautiful UCC camp:

From Rev. Rick Russell, retired, member of the planning team, and member of Prospect Congregational UCC on Capitol Hill:

This is a reminder to sign up for the Conference Men's Retreat at Pilgrim Firs which is being held on February 3-5, 2017 (With a day of Silence opportunity on February 2).
The Program theme is "Finding the Wisdom We Need" with Program Leader, Rev. Mike Denton. Here are some words Mike uses to describe the theme:

There is a difference between being an elder and being older. Everyone can get older but an elder is chosen by a community to share the stories, wisdom, faith, love and hope that has been shared with them for the sake of the community. Past systems of eldership were dismantled by self-perpetuating systems based on privilege as opposed to the needs of the community. They were dismantled by systems of power that were threatened by the foresight and hindsight of wisdom. This retreat will be a discussion about how we might choose the elders we need and be open to being the elders our communities need.

The retreat is an opportunity to engage with other men in meaningful discussion, worship and song, and reflection on life’s transitions. The schedule allows for sharing as well as solitude.

To register, go to and click on Events in the banner. Then scroll down to the Men's Retreat.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Rick Russell  <>
2017 Legislative Agenda - get updated through FAN

You can learn what we discussed in the conversation about revenue and other critical issues prior to Washington’s 2017 Legislative Session.  Goal was to answer the question, “How can we fund our state education, mental health mandates and meet other critical needs?”

Become more familiar with FAN’s 2017 legislative agenda and how it relates to revenue reform in WA. A presenter spoke from the WA State Budget and Policy Center at these recent meetings and there was an Advocacy 101-style talk and Q&A.
If you missed Wednesdays of Contemplative Prayer
at Keystone UCC

You can enjoy some YouTube offerings of Holden Prayer:  Such as Here:

Elliot Kraber, Music Coordinator
Kate Froese, Accompanist
w/Rev. Rich Gamble and Rev. Lauren Cannon
Holden Prayer is 30-minute candlelit evening service with lots of singing, scripture and reflective time. Come as you are, for some peaceful contemplation after your day.

Dates: Wednesdays, Dec. 7, 14, and 21
Time: 7-7:30pm
Location: Sanctuary
Holden Village is a Lutheran (and quite welcoming of all) retreat center in the Cascades that started this lovely prayer service. Many of the hymns we sing in Sunday worship (green Gather hymnal) were written by Marty Haugen who once took a sabbatical in the Holden Village in 1986.  He composed Holden Evening Prayer while he was there.  It's a vespers (evening) service, that is now done in many many places. Years back (maybe eight years ago?) at Keystone, Melissa and Eric, who were serving as year-long, young-adult interns, began this practice, which we continue to cherish, as a shelter in what is all too often a season of too much scurrying.

Make a date to come breathe deeply with others at Keystone for any and all of these Wednesday evenings.  Bring a friend!  All ages welcome!

For more info, contact Pastor Lauren Cannon at Keystone UCC: (206) 632-6021 or at

Upcoming Calendar Notes:
Rev. Rich will be on vacation in Spain part of January including:
Sunday January 8
Sunday January 15 
     Moment of Ministry: Iris
     Pamela Voget Art Installation & Gifting 
Sunday January 22.

Rev. Lauren will be attending the Byberg Preaching Conference in Canon Beach, Oregon January 16-18.


Anabell Chang - 12/3
Carolyn Sabo - 12/7
Amber Dickson - 12/11
Leo Denton- 12/22
Elvina Spoon - 12/23

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is available Mondays: 9:30am-3:30pm, and mornings: Tuesday-Friday, & Sundays:  9:30am- 12:30pm. Wednesday evening mid-week classes.  (Saturday is Sabbath). Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Come celebrate Christmas Eve +/or Christmas Day!

Saturday Dec. 24- Christmas Eve worship 

7 PM  @ Keystone

Come share this beloved candlelight hour celebrating the Christmas story with poems, and carols, as we worship the coming of the light of Christ.  Children join families in the pews.  All welcome! 
Led by Rev. Rich & Rev. Lauren, Scriptures: Jo, Music- Elliot & Yigit, Poems- Kate S., 
Christ Candle Lighters: Leo, Mike, Lauren.

Sunday December 25 Christmas Day worship 

10:30 AM @ Keystone

Hark the Herald Angels Sing!  Come celebrate ‘Joy to the World’ in Keystone community, friends new and old, as ‘Good Christian Friends Rejoice!’  All welcome!  For this festive service of Carols, Poems, sharing Communion, as we ‘Go Tell It on the Mountain!’
Led by Rev Rich, Rev. Lauren, Scripture Reader: Lisa, Music Leader- Elliot, Accompaniment- Yigit

Usher- Barb, Communion- Barb w Lauren, Rich, Coffee Host- Jo, Children’s Ministry- Anita.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Conversations after church Dec. 4 & 11: preparing What Keystone can offer the world/struggle in this Time

Opportunities to Reflect & Strategize this Week and Next:  

Pause & Pray Tonight - Come Hold Deep Space of Hope - Lean in to start of Advent Season


Tonight, Wednesday November 30 @ Keystone Fireside Room, Advent Season Prayer Gathering, 7-8 PM:

Rita Peterson leads an evening of prayer tonight.  We will gather to hold the deep space of hope as we lean into the Advent season.  We will dedicate this special time for our intentions and inner reflection in prayerful, communion with one another.  Tonightwe have chosen to press the pause button, for just a bit of time, to nestle into God’s presence, in the loving solidarity of a circle of folks at church, to ponder and be, to touch into the longings and needs we have for ourselves, our loved ones, and our world.  Come for heart work and heart rest—a time of holy waiting, and maybe, if we get a little restless –some holy daydreaming.  There will be four 15-minute prayer periods.  Each will begin with spoken reflection to lead us into quiet prayer together.  There will be some sacred background music to help center us during our time holding space with one another, and each period closes with a prayer.

Then 3 more Wednesdays: Holden Prayer @ Keystone Sanctuary, 7-7:30 PM
December 7
December 14
December 21

Congregational Conversations continue in December after Worship:  developing our next arenas of transformational engagement.
On Sunday November 13, Rev. Rich facilitated a conversation for those who wanted to reflect on the election.  We discussed 1) how we were feeling, and 2) what we were learning.

The next two Sundays, our congregational conversation continues.  Please bring your voice as we have our coffee hour together in discussion @ 11:45 AM:

Sunday December 4:  Our hopes/ visions in these times.

Sunday December 11:  Assessment: How do we get there?  What do we at Keystone have that we can offer the world/the struggle?  

We will join together after worship- feel free to bring your coffee to a pew- both congregational conversations will be facilitated by Rev. Lauren & Rev. Rich.  

Monday, November 28, 2016

Wednesday Evenings Contemplative Prayer & upcoming events

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!
** Keystone UCC Weekly News & Events has moved to biweekly publication. Expect your next issue on Friday, December 9, and every other week thereafter.  See below for leaders lineup for Sunday, December 4 **

Sunday, November 27, 2016
First Sunday of Advent
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon, off

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Theme: Hope
Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-5
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Nick
Usher: Marilyn
Candle Lighters: Hannah, Nick, Ollie
Communion: Rich
Coffee Hour Host: OPEN
Children's Ministry: Anita
FESTIVAL OF HOPE RECAP: Another year of FOH is complete and BIG THANKS to all who took part in this special annual event, and especially to Organizer in Chief, Eliza Penick!
A few pictures from the event:

The Learning Center was filled with joy all weekend long

Elvina and John kept the kitchen humming

Keystone Babies' first Festival appearance

Can't have the bakesale without Nell! (thanks to some fancy photoshop work by Grant)

See more pictures at 

NEW KEYSTONE DIRECTORY: Pick yours up this Sunday – thanks to Barbara Anderson!
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Second Sunday of Advent
Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon

Music Leader: Elliot Kraber
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat

Theme: Peace
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Hannah
Usher: Margaret
Candle Lighters: Margaret, Iris, Grant, Sandie
Communion: Lauren & Rich
Coffee Hour Host: TBD
Children's Ministry: Anita
ANNOUNCEMENT:  [From Pastor Lauren] Praise God- all our little ones! Our new website is growing to celebrate all the life at Keystone.  And we seek for the site to entice others to join us in what we are discerning for next steps, to embody God’s love, through our courage to serve the world & planet.

Here is a glimpse:

We celebrate the children and youth that make Keystone Church a welcoming home for all! Please be in touch with me if you have passion to help develop our site.  And keep sending your best promo pictures!
Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome

Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm. More info at
Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, Nov. 30 –  Evening Prayer
Spacious meditative prayer time to begin season of Advent, with Rita Peterson & Pastor Lauren
@ Keystone UCC (Fireside Room, Battson Hall)
Friday, Dec. 2 – Wallingford Meaningful Movies -
Following in the Ninth: In the Footsteps of Beethoven’s Final Symphony

@ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall)
Doors Open at 6:30pm; Movie Starts at 7pm

Saturday, Dec. 3 – Sacred Heart Shelter
Cooking and Serving Dinner
food and servers at Keystone by 5pm;
leave by 5:15pm

Wednesday, Dec. 7 – First of 3 Holden Prayer Services
Evening service of singing, scripture, and reflective time. Also being held on 12/14 & 12/21
@ Keystone UCC (in Sanctuary)

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **

Our Prayers are with:

•  Sandie Schumacher, who lost her beloved dog Coco suddenly on Nov. 14.  We surround Sandie and Bill with our prayers. Coco was a  source of joy over 8.5 years of their life together.

• Nell, as she strengthens at home after being treated at Swedish Hospital for pneumonia.

• Kaaren, prayers for peace, as she manages life at home, with the devoted care of Nadia and Pico’s family.
Sacred Heart Saturday is December 3

Keystone folks will have the pleasure of preparing and serving a meal for Sacred Hear Shelter on Saturday, December 3.

Here's the line up thus far, and what we still need:

Chicken Dish - NEED
Vegetarian Dish - NEED
Rice or Potato - NEED
Salad - NEED
Dessert - NEED
Milk/Juice – Sandie
Servers (2) – NEED

Please sign up by emailing Michelle at

Remember to bring your items to Keystone UCC, that Saturday by 5pm.

Thank you!!
4 Wednesdays of Contemplative Prayer
at Keystone UCC

Evening Prayer with Rita Peterson & Pastor Lauren

Spacious meditative Prayer Time to begin Season of Advent.
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 30
Time: 7-8 PM
Location: Fireside Room (Battson Hall)

Holden Prayer
Elliot Kraber, Music Coordinator
Kate Froese, Accompanist
w/Rev. Rich Gamble and Rev. Lauren Cannon

Holden Prayer is 30-minute candlelit evening service with lots of singing, scripture and reflective time! Come as you are, for some peaceful contemplation after your day.

Dates: Wednesday, Dec. 7, 14, and 21
Time: All held 7-7:30pm
Location: Sanctuary
Holden Village is a Lutheran (and quite welcoming of all) retreat center in the Cascades that started this lovely prayer service. Many of the hymns we sing in Sunday worship (green Gather hymnal) were written by Marty Haugen who once took a sabbatical in the Holden Village in 1986.  He composed Holden Evening Prayer while he was there.  It's a vespers (evening) service, that is now done in many many places. Years back (maybe eight years ago?) at Keystone, Melissa and Eric, who were serving as year-long, young-adult interns, began this practice, which we continue to cherish, as a shelter in what is all too often a season of too much scurrying.

Make a date to come breathe deeply with others at Keystone for any and all of these Wednesday evenings.  Bring a friend!  All ages welcome!

For more info, contact Pastor Lauren Cannon at Keystone UCC: (206) 632-6021 or at

A Word From Pastor Rich

Hello Folks,

I received a hand written letter from Carol Sutton from University Baptist Church. Here is what it said:

"Dear Rich,

Please convey to Keystone members and especially the team that met with us how very grateful we are to you for your warmth and openness. I’m sure it wasn’t always easy to deal with the upset and uncertainty that go with such conversations.

However, we at UBC feel blessed to have gotten to you a little bit and seen your call to mission. It was inspirational to walk alongside you for a few weeks.

We will keep you in our prayers as I feel sure you will do for us.

Blessings on the journey!

Carol Sutton"

Enclosed with the letter was a generous donation to Keystone UCC.

Pastor Rich

FOLLOWING IN THE NINTH: In the Footsteps of Beethoven’s Final Symphony
(78 minutes; Kerry Candaele, 2013)
Friday, Dec. 2; Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie starts at 7:00pm

@ Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

This documentary follows the impact of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony on people’s lives around the world.  Filmed on 5 continents and in 12 countries, Following the Ninth is about four people whose lives have been transformed, repaired and healed by the 9th’s message.  ‘Alle Menschen  werden Bruder’ (All People Are Connected).  In East Berlin just before the wall came down.   At Tienanmen Square in 1989, students played the 9th over loudspeakers as the army came in to crush their protests for freedom.  In Chile, women under the Pinochet dictatorship sang the 9th at torture prisons, and those inside took hope when they heard the music.  In Japan each December, the 9th is performed hundreds of times, often with 10.000 people in the chorus.  The 9th took on added significance after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.  This film has spirit-lifting moments and powerful resonances.

Facebook Page:

** All events are Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation.


Anabell Chang - 12/3
Carolyn Sabo - 12/7
Amber Dickson - 12/11
Leo Denton- 12/22
Elvina Spoon - 12/23

Here's wishing each of them the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  (Monday is Sabbath.)  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is @ Keystone visits, meetings, work:
Mondays: 9:30 AM-3:30 PM
TuesdayFriday, Sundays:  9:30AM- 12:30 PM 
Wednesday mid week evening classes.
(Saturday Sabbath.)
Email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
LIKE Keystone UCC on Facebook