Friday, August 28, 2015

Preparing for 5 new interns: Justice Leadership Program

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, Aug. 23, 2015
Rev. Rich Gamble
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Theme: The Work of Faith
Ephesians 6:10-20
Greeter: OPEN (see below!)
Reader: Dan
Usher: Margaret
Communion: Rich & Lauren
Coffee Hour Host: Margaret

HELP EXTEND OUR HOSPITALITY: Many of us recall first walking into Keystone UCC as a newcomer, and being greeted with a warm genuine welcome.  If you might now be one among us who would enjoy sharing our hospitality with others on an occasional Sunday morning, you are invited to consider serving as a "GREETER".  You would join a rotation to serve approximately one Sunday every two months.  Your task will be to set up our welcome area before worship @ 10:15 a.m. and greet our visitors.  Talk to Lauren or Rich if you are interested!
Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

 Professional Nursery Care (0-2 yr. olds) with Anita, open 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  (Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion)

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, or to rove to classrooms downstairs/upstairs, or enjoy the playground out back!  


Upcoming Keystone Events :

Sunday, Aug. 23              – Kids & Race Workshop: 
                                            Beyond Colorblindness
                                           @ Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church,
                                            7500 Greenwood Ave N

Saturday, Oct. 3              – Weaving Our Strengths
                                           @ University UCC, 4515 16th Ave. NE
                                           8:00am - 4:00pm

** See below for details on these, and other events related to life in our community **

Justice Leadership Program Grows in 2015-2016!

We are thrilled to welcome Unite Here Local 8 as a partner organization with the Justice Leadership Program!

We are also thrilled to welcome Prospect Church UCC as a partner congregation!

So in 2015-2016, our JLP network will be comprised of five organizations, four churches, and five interns, all working toward social and economic justice.

On September 4, we will be welcoming:

Abigail Velasco: Working toward justice with the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance and Prospect Congregational

Alyssa Nedrow: Working toward justice with the Faith Action Network and Keystone Congregational

Ann Marie Do: Working toward justice with the Church Council of Greater Seattle and Plymouth Church

Hannah Long-Higgins: Working toward justice with Unite Here Local 8 and Plymouth Church

Julia Urban: Working toward justice with the Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness and All Pilgrims Christian Church (UCC & Disciples of Christ)

Bios and photos coming early August!

We also celebrate that Amber Dickson, interning this past year with us at Keystone and at the Faith Action Network, will be spending a second JLP year, this time with the Children's Alliance and Keystone. (And, as you heard at her closing ritual last Sunday, if you know of any inexpensive housing/room in a house, mother-in-law apartment, etc., PLEASE let Elizabeth know asap ( We are still searching for the spot!)

We are so excited for next year, even in the midst of our celebrations of the accomplishments of this one!


Kids & Race Workshop: Beyond Colorblindness

*** Keystone partners with non-profits through the year to provide the Justice Leadership Program. One friend of JLP is the Krista Foundation, whom we work with to offer a welcome orientation when a new team of young adults comes each year to Seattle.
Keystone folks are invited to the following workshop.  Stacy Kitahata is an engaging trainer.   Feel free to spread the word to others who can take advantage of this workshop! *** 

Kids & Race Workshop: Beyond Colorblindness
Date: Sunday, August 23
Time: 3:30-5:30pm
Location: Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, 7500 Greenwood Ave N

Race: We can talk about it! As parents, how do we recognize the ways we are shaped by race and privilege in order to raise children who see beyond superficial notions of colorblindness? Let's explore how we can prepare to seize the teachable moments that arise when we least expect them. Join scholar and activist Stacy Kitahata and children’s therapist Donna Linn for this interactive workshop on how we can help kids understand race, privilege, and its impact on all our lives. For families of all races with preschool through early elementary children. Childcare includes age-appropriate program for kids on appreciating difference and recognizing privilege.Co-sponsored by Columbia City Church of Hope, The Well, and Krista Foundation for Global Citizenship. $15 per family, or pay what you are able. Tickets at Brown Paper Tickets:


Weaving our Strengths
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Weaving Our Strengths is a day-long conference of fellowship, inspiration, and skill-building to strengthen local churches' efforts for the common good. Connect across denominations, share best practices, nurture neighborhood collaborations, foster spiritually-grounded action, and bring insights and opportunities back to your home congregation. The day includes worship, two sessions of workshops, a resource fair, a celebration of the Gertrude Apel Pioneering Spirit Awardees, and an opportunity to weave together what we've learned.

Date: Saturday, Oct. 3
Time: 8am - 4pm
Location: University Congregational UCC Church, 4515 16th Avenue NE

Last year, over 200 people from 14 Christian traditions and at least 57 congregations gathered for this transformative day of learning, sharing, and fellowship. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from each other, share information, and network. Mark your calendars now!

More information and registration available soon at Questions? Contact Ann at 206.204.3855 or

•• We can get a group rate if 5 or more want to attend!  Last year, Lauren, Sandie and the JLP interns attended and thought it was fantastic!  Contact Rich Voget ( or Pastor Lauren ( if interested 

101 Advocating Faith Communities in our Network!

We often say that FAN is building a statewide movement of the faithful, one faith community at a time. That has been true over these past four years as we do outreach, build relationships, and collaborate on projects around the state. We call this our Network of Advocating Faith Communities—NAFCs, for short. This month, our Network reached 101, and we are eager to celebrate that with you! But the story of our 101st faith community is built on the 99th, and the 100th, and all who came before…

You see, our 99th congregation was Keystone United Church of Christ in Seattle, which has been a cornerstone of our work since the beginning, but chose to formalize the relationship this year as members of the church discerned what that commitment meant, led by FAN intern Amber Dickson. We are delighted to have this more formal relationship with Keystone members!

Read more on the churches who make up the NAFC, and what FAN is up to, at


 ... start back September 4 (see below)!

complete listing of upcoming shows: visit the Meaningful Movies Project website at

** All events are Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation.

The Yes Men Are Revolting

Friday | 9/4/2015 | 7:00 PM
5019 Keystone Place N, Seattle, WA, 98103
 For the last 20 years, notorious activists the Yes Men have staged outrageous and hilarious hoaxes to draw international attention to corporate crimes against humanity and the environment. Armed with nothing but thrift-store suits and a lack of shame, these iconoclastic revolutionaries lie their way into business events and government functions to expose the dangers of letting greed run our …

August Birthdays abound at Keystone!  This month we celebrate with ...

Kaaren Mills - 8/10
Levi Penick - 8/23
Jim Little - 8/26
Porter Fasoldt - 8/27
Steve Bauck - 8/28
Elliot Kraber - 8/29

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren works on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, and holds office hours each Thursday at Keystone.  Email her at
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