Friday, July 3, 2015

Keystone shines at UCC Synod & Love wins at the Supreme Court!

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rev. Rich Gamble - preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon
Theme: The Power of Love
Greeter: *OPEN*
Reader: Lisa
Usher: Amber
Coffee Hour Host: Marilyn

Back from Ohio, Lauren will offer a brief report on UCC Synod. Of note from the Synod, Rev. John Dorhauer was elected to be the new President and Executive Minister of the United Church of Christ. John is a friend of pastors Rich and Lauren and has worshipped at Keystone.

LATER THIS MONTH, there will be a congregational meeting after church on July 19. This meeting will discuss whether or not Keystone will hire a temporary part-time staff person to assist us in developing new programs.  ALSO, The Green Team has learned that the Seattle city inspector approved Keystone for a rain garden grant and that the grant will cover the full cost of the rain garden. On July 19 we will vote if we want to go ahead.  The proposal is to build it this fall.

Families:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

Professional Nursery Care (0-2 yr. olds) with Anita, open 10:00am- 12pm
Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  (Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion)

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, or to rove to classrooms downstairs/upstairs, or enjoy the playground out back! 
Upcoming Keystone Events :

Friday, July 10                 – Meaningful Movies in Wallingford
                                           "Cascadia: The Hidden Fire"
                                           @ Keystone UCC (Battson Hall); 7pm

Monday, July 13              – JLP Faith & Justice Making Class
                                           Contextual Theologies
                                           @ All Pilgrims Christian Church, 500 Broadway E.
                                            6:45 - 8:30pm; workshop with dessert

Sunday, July 19              – Congregational Meeting and Voting
                                           @ Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle
                                            during Sunday Service

Tuesday, July 21            – JLP Faith & Justice Making Class
                                           Creating Art That Inspires Justice
                                           @ Keystone UCC, 5019 Keystone Pl N, Seattle
                                            6:45 - 8:30pm; workshop with dessert

Tuesday, July 28            – JLP Faith & Justice Making Class
                                           Contextual Theologies in Practice
                                           @ All Pilgrims Christian Church, 500 Broadway E.
                                            6:45 - 8:30pm; workshop with dessert

** See below for details on these, and other events related to life in our community **

Lauren reports on sharing word of the JLP at UCC Synod in Cleveland June 26-30

You can't get a better start to a gathering of 4,000 faithful representatives of the wider United Church of Christ.  On our first day together in Cleveland, those who work in faith-based health ministries led the celebratory cheer that the Supreme Court upheld Obama's health care plan; and welcomed how this could reach those most marginalized.  On our second day, there were more tears that words, as the Synod rejoiced and lifted thanks that a long-fought-for day had come, as the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage a right everywhere in the U.S.

Clergy opened a tent outside the Convention Center- and performed marriages; one of the first was a couple that had waited three decades. Read more on the UCC's statement on the Court's decision here.

Even with the blessing to be together as history was made, the Synod also began in deep lament for the loss of life of Cleveland's own Tamir Rice, who would have turned 13 on June 25.

Both joys and concerns continued through the days of business, and here are a few glimpses as especially related to Keystone UCC life together.

Pastor Lauren & Jenn Hagedorn led some workshops and a reception to share how to become part of Justice Leadership Program. Word of the Justice Leadership Program is spreading.

Before the crowd of 4,000, the Young Adult Service Communities of the UCC was recognized by the executives of the church as a place where God is leading vital ministry today. Throughout the Synod, folks were excited to see how young adults can be offered training and supported to become the leaders with skills to really change the world. Keystone UCC was especially lifted up as an inspiration: it need not be a great big church who hosts, but one with the vision that young adults are the leaders we want to support!  

One big piece of business was that a new General Minister of the UCC was elected who brings great vision for faith and justice- congratulations Rev. John Dorhauer (and friend of Keystone UCC)! Read more about Rev. Dorhauer's election here.

One of my highlights was catching up with Stephen Boyles (JLP alum 2012-2013) with Jenn Hagedorn (JLP alum 2012-2013 and now JLP advisory Board member.)  Stephen is really enjoying his work at Cleveland Food Bank where he just got promoted, and is expanding ways that prisons link with the Food Bank to support those getting released.  Both Stephen and Jenn encouraged friends to apply and the folks they know were accepted for our incoming 2015-2016 group.

Much of the business of Synod was to amplify our UCC voice as a small denomination that can call loudly for justice and increase mercy in the world.  You can read news of resolutions here such as "the Dream of Justice & Dismantling the New Jim Crow" and "Transition to Renewable Energy by 2040".  Take a look at video of the worship services with preachers calling us to experiment, innovate, and even to fail, but to get creative and try new things!

The toughest part of Synod reported by our Pacific Northwest UCC delegates were contentious debates about changes to the leadership structure of our UCC denomination's leadership.  Bylaw changes were recommended by the Board of the UCC, to concentrate power from a collegium of four officers to one president as general minister (Rev. John Dorhauer's new post.)  The Synod voted to keep the existing structure, for example to protect the "Executive Minister for Justice and Witness Ministries."  The Rev. Donna Schaper, pastor of Judson Memorial UCC Church in New York City said it this way:   "Efficiency and order are not the narrative of the United Church of Christ.  My biggest concern is not that we solidify our power. I trust these leaders. I'm just not sure the people have felt trust in the process, so I just want to slow down."   So for two years, until the next Synod to be held in Baltimore, it appears our wider church will continue to wrestle in dialogue to see that there is not a loss of of the democratic values that distinguish the UCC polity.  And at the same time explore concerns for efficiency during a time when most mainline denominations are changing.

Thank you Keystone UCC for the honor to go and share our stories of how we have been inspired to lead the Justice Leadership Program.

And talk to Lauren if you are one who might be called to serve as a delegate to Baltimore in 2017!



FAITH & JUSTICE-MAKING Classes: Spring 2015

Please join us!
Please RSVP to Elizabeth:
Cell phone to get into building: 206.498.4654
For all classes at All Pilgrims, we will be in the Social Hall for Dinner & Colonial Room for Workshop. Guest teachers & service corps volunteers are not expected, though welcome, to bring potluck food

>> Contextual Theologies <<
We discuss how our identities and faith understandings interact by exploring some contextual theologies in the U.S. that may be of meaning to us. For example: Black Theology, Celtic Theology, Latino Theology, Feminist Theology, Womanist Theology, Queer Theology. Facilitated by Elizabeth Dickinson
Date: Monday, July 13
Time: 6:30pm potluck dinner; 7-8:30pm workshop
Location: All Pilgrims Christian Church: 500 Broadway E., Seattle. Enter at the door on 10th Avenue East, at Republican.

>> Using Creativity & Arts in Justice Movements<<
Led by Janet Stecher, Director of the Seattle Labor Chorus, and  Beth Amsbary, Theatre Artist and Director of Development at Church Council of Greater Seattle.
Date: Tuesday, July 21
Time: 6:30pm potluck dinner; 7-8:30pm workshop
Location: All Pilgrims Christian Church: 500 Broadway E., Seattle. Enter at the door on 10th Avenue East, at Republican.

>> Contextual Theologies in Practice <<
Led by Maria-Jose Soerens. We deepen our thinking about contextual theologies, as Soerens shares her research about spirituality as a source of meaning of solace  among women immigrants in the United States.
Date: Tuesday, July 28
Time: 6:30pm potluck dinner; 7-8:30pm workshop
Location: All Pilgrims Christian Church: 500 Broadway E., Seattle. Enter at the door on 10th Avenue East, at Republican.
Note: class locations have shifted primarily to All Pilgrims for remainder of year, so please see details below.  And contact Elizabeth with any questions:

Elizabeth's cell phone (please feel free for any on site entry questions!): (206) 498-4654

For more information, visit us at:

An Amber Update ...

Happy July Folks,

I hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated as we all endure this insane heat. So pride…was great this year. Lots of love and lots of celebrating. As many of you know the Supreme Court last Friday made a historic decision around marriage equality. With a 5-4 vote, the Highest Court in the United States declared that states can no longer deny lesbian and gay couples the(ir) right to marry. What a joyous hallelujah moment this was for me. It was beyond refreshing and a huge relief to hear this remarkable news, making Friday the best day of the week. Plus you know it was big news because Facebook went crazy. Rainbows everywhere, love wins hashtags and even some weddings. It was a beautiful scene and an incredible way to bring in Seattle pride.

The parade was also quite fun and wow did the UCC represent. We had the coolest tattoos in the world to give to the crowd, along with a message of love and solidarity. It may not seem like much but people of faith participating in the pride parade can make a huge difference in someone's life, like mine =)  So thank you for letting me be the documenter.

I am excited to see you all on Sunday and hope to have some great dialogue around criminal justice. Be ready to learn; but until then have a great 4th of July. Also, if you haven’t read last week’s newsletter, you should. Just saying.

With Love,
Amber Dickson,
Faith Action Network
FAN Organizing Intern

FILM: "CASCADIA: THE HIDDEN FIRE" plus Emergency Prep in the Pacific NW
(60 minutes; Michael Lienau and Lisa Knorr, 2014)
Friday, July 10; Doors open at 6:30pm; Movie starts at 7:00pm
@ Keystone UCC (downstairs in Battson Hall)

Join us following the film in a Community Discussion with the Seattle Office of Emergency Management.

“CASCADIA: THE HIDDEN FIRE ” is the riveting story of scientists and ordinary people caught in extraordinary seismic events and discoveries around the globe. It explains the dynamic geology of our Cascadia Region and how and why earthquakes and other seismic-related events occur. The film provides an education on the current earthquake risk and why it is important for residents here to consider natural hazards such as earthquakes. And what these seismic detectives are learning about Cascadia will ultimately benefit the two billion people that live in super-quake prone areas along the Pacific Rim known as the Ring of Fire.

Join us following the film for a presentation on Emergency Preparedness in Seattle as it relates to the Wallingford Area, and how you can work with your neighbors to be personally prepared. With Q&A and a Facilitated Discussion.

More information on Seattle OEM & how to prepare:

** Event Is Open to the Public. Admission is by Donation **

We help communities organize, educate, advocate & build community around social justice documentary film and conversation. See other upcoming films and More:

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren works on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, and holds office hours each Thursday at Keystone.  Email her at

To submit content for inclusion, email  All content must be received no later than Thursdays at Noon, for inclusion the next day's newsletter.