Wednesday, July 6, 2016

July events-- Community with Keystone UCC

Join us for services
Worship Every Sunday – 10:30am
All Are Welcome!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Rev. Rich Gamble, preaching
Rev. Lauren Cannon, off

Theme:  Realm of God
Scripture: Luke 10: 1-11; 16-20
Accompaniment: Yigit Kolat
Music Leader:  Sarah Kolat
Greeter: OPEN
Reader: Nell
Usher: Amber
Communion Minister: Rita or Barb
Communion Servers: Paisley & Caleb
Coffee Hour Hosts: Margaret
Sunday School: Anita

On Sunday June 26 baby boy Daniel Smith made his first trip to Keystone at one week old!  Welcome to the community Daniel!  The Smiths celebrate the birth of Daniel on Sunday June 19, and thank everyone for their continued wishes and prayers in this time.
News back from SUNDAY June 26:   Thank you Alyssa, Grant, Megan, Danelle and all who carried our Keystone UCC banner of love to Seattle's annual PRIDE celebration downtown.

The streets carried our joy alongside other Open and Affirming UCC churches and all Welcoming churches, shining with God's love for all people.  And especially the continued commitment for freedom, as Orlando's massacre brought forth the strength of thousands and thousands in Seattle.

SAY CHEESE: Alyssa (JLP intern) will be taking new headshots of members, for updating of our Keystone Directory.  Also send her your favorite picture or two of Keystone life together, and Keystone in action. Alyssa is at work building our new Keystone UCC website.

SOLIDARITY: you will see- the Blessed Ramadan banner we all colored went up 2.5 weeks ago!
"To Our Muslim Neighbors This Ramadan:  Peace Be Upon You"

July 611 AM summer Wednesday Bible Study continues.
Gospel of Luke- pick up Gonzalez book chapter copies in Lauren's box.
All welcome! Drop in anytime!  Wednesdays through August 3.
July 10- Alyssa Nedrow (JLP intern) reflection in worship -faith & action to end gun violence.
July 17- Amber Dickson (JLP intern) presentation after worship- fatih & witness- women, mass incarceration in the US.  
July 24- Keystone UCC congregational Annual Meeting- after worship.  Faith Action Network (FAN) certificate presented to Keystone - in worship.
July 31- closing ritual in worship with Justice Leadership Program interns & our Keystone congregation. 
Families:  Sunday Worship:  Pick up Children's Activity pages & crayons on the welcome table every week as you come in to worship (based on the scripture of the day.)  There are two types: younger children & older children.  Children of any age are always part of worship & welcome!

 Childcare with Anita, open every Sunday 10:00am- 12pm
• Sunday School (multi-age) downstairs, during sermon & prayers time: approximately 10:45-11:15am.  (Help younger children to class after the scripture is read; and then pick them up to return for start of communion)

NOTE: Children with parent/caregiver are always welcome to move between the Sanctuary & Narthex (welcome area) during any part of worship, to head to classrooms, or enjoy the playground out back!  
Sunday June 26

Luke 9: 51-62
Theme: Pivot Point

This week's Gospel of Luke brings us the account of how Jesus and the disciples were rejected when they reached the village of Samaria.  James and John then want to unleash fire and punishment as a result.  Yet Jesus has "set his face on Jerusalem."  Much more significant political strife soon awaits.  Jesus signals that violence is the wrong response, and that there are times to focus the gaze on what will be life-giving in the biggest way.   

How do we turn to move forward when all our inclinations are to keep score, dig in our defenses, demand our position get a hearing?  This week we get a radical invitation to live in to a kingdom of God, with grander aims.  We will consider these junctures in our lives, where we might follow Jesus' call to step right toward a greater way.  How are you being invited to make a pivot point?  How do we set our face upon building God's kin-dom with just lives?  How are we each led to bolder, fuller lives, right now?
Upcoming Events Info:

Sunday, July 24 – Keystone UCC Annual Meeting
@ coffee hour
11:45 am
Business to include:
election of officers,
slate of organizations to receive dispersements of Festival of Hope money.

Sundays in July –
continuing congregational conversation on possible merger with University Baptist Church.  

June 26 Rich preached and held Q & A at UBC.  Keystone leaders meet the week of July 5.  UBC meets July 10 as a congregation.  Leaders from both congregations to meet again later in July.

Wednesday, July 6 – Mid-Week Summer Bible Study
@ Keystone UCC
5019 Keystone Pl. N
11am - Noon
Chapter 4

** See below for details on these and other events related to life in our community **
Elliot Kraber, Keystone's Music Coordinator & Song Leader - travel mercies go with Elliot as he heads to Come Sing With Us! GALA Choruses Festival 2016 held in Denver, overlooking the Rocky Mountains.  The Esoterics have a unique spot, performing this year alongside the group from Orlando, with some tributes after the massacre this spring.

And make your plans here to catch him back in Seattle for shows July 8,9,10:

The Esoterics
Прощайте, Seattle! The Esoterics are on their way to Denver for GALA 2016. They can't wait to see us back here for Parnok: In that infinite moment July 8, 9, 10! Don't miss it! #TheEsotericsSingParnok #GALA2016
incase you missed previously
Celebrations for two of our Keystone Kids

Friday, June 17 & Friday June 24 were special days for two of our younger members! Caleb graduated from elementary school, and is on his way to middle school in the fall at Hamilton International Middle School. Paisley graduated from Hamilton and looks forward to starting high school at Roosevelt in the fall.
Updates on Merger Talks
The Keystone leadership team met with University Baptist Church leaders for the fourth time on Tuesday, June 14, regarding a possible merger of the two churches. The first meeting focused on the questions, what are the most important aspect of our respective churches, and what impact had our churches made in our lives. The second meeting focused on concerns connected with the merger and considered that concern in relation to a particular vision each leader has of what a merged congregation would look like. The third meeting focused on the questions, "What would be a vision big enough to risk what you like about your church, and face what you fear?  And if so, what does that vision specifically look like?" This fourth meeting addressed foundational concerns raised at end of last two meetings (such as financials and fundamentals)

Rich will preach at UBC on Sunday, June 26 to have Q & A time there.  The Keystone Leadership's next meeting with UBC will be in July (date TBD).

If you have any questions or comments to share with our leadership team, feel free to contact them at the following email addresses:

Rev. Rich Gamble,
Rev. Lauren Cannon,
John Preston,
Marilyn Wall,
Lisa Smith,
Eliza Pennick,

Mid-Week Summer Bible Study
Wednesdays 11 AM - 12 Noon @ Keystone

Join us for an 8-week Summer study “The Story Luke Tells; Luke’s Unique Witness to the Gospel” by Justo Gonzalez.  This is year C in the lectionary, which means each Sunday until November we have a portion of the Gospel of Luke.  On Wednesdays, come as you can to study the Luke story for the coming Sunday, with a chapter in our book (15 pages/week.)  Purchase your own copy or pick up weekly photocopied packet from Lauren’s box at church.

June 15: Introduction & Ch. 1- Luke and the History of Humankind
June  22: Ch. 2 - Luke and the History of Israel
June 29: Ch. 3 - Luke and the Great Reversal
July 6: Ch. 4 - Luke and Gender
July 13: Ch. 5 - Luke and Salvation
July 20: Ch. 6 - Food and Drink in Luke’s Theology
July 27: Ch. 7 - Luke and Worship
August 3: Ch. 8 - Luke and Holy Spirit & Conclusion: Luke’s Open Invitation

Feel free to bring your brown bag for an early lunch!

Questions? Contact Pastor Lauren at

Justice Leadership Jubilee is a program for adults who want to integrate faith and justice work into their lives in a meaningful way.

Are you looking for the path to re-ignite your faith?

Do you long to deepen your spiritual self through social justice work?

Do you wonder…how do we create sustainable systemic change?

We are looking for adults who are in a transition point in their lives who are seeking an experience of transformation -- maybe you're retiring, maybe children have recently moved out of the house, maybe you're experiencing a lot of change in your work/life balance. That is the time to make intentional choices for your future, and the future of generations to come!

This will be the inaugural year of the program and we are seeking people who are interested in being a part of the formative year of Justice Leadership Jubilee. Please prayerfully consider the program and contact us with any questions or comments!

For more information, please read these flyers:
Initial Proposal: Justice Leadership Jubilee
Justice Leadership Jubilee Flyer

Contact Jenn Hagedorn at or 206.265.2834 for more information.

Wishing all our July folks the happiest of birthdays, from all of us at Keystone UCC!

Keep an eye out here for upcoming Keystone Birthdays!

Pastoral Care & Keystone UCC Hours:

Rich and Lauren can be reached at the Keystone office: (206) 632-6021.  This phone is also checked remotely since both Rich and Lauren serve half-time.

Mondays:  the church office is closed.  Mondays are the day that Rich and Lauren take Sabbath. So while there are several groups that meet throughout the day and evening at Keystone, it may take a day for someone to get back to you, if you call on a Monday.

Pastor Rich is available Tuesday to Thursday mornings and Friday evenings, and holds additional office times on Saturdays and Sundays.  Not all of these times will Rich be in the church office. If you want to see him, it is best to make an appointment. Email him at

Pastor Lauren is @ Keystone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays, as well as Sundays.  Wednesday office times.  And as she is often out and about for meetings and visits, just email Lauren to make an appointment on any of those days at
Click here for: Justice Leadership Program- UCC
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