Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Reminder Newsletter

Reminder Newsletter
March, 2011
Keystone United Church of Christ

From Sophie

It is hard to believe, after all the winter weather we’ve been having, that March is in fact here and spring is around the corner. Along with March comes the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, and later, the spring Equinox. It is naturally a period of transition and change. As my time here comes to a close, officially at the end of March, I am aware that it is an auspicious time to reflect on the past and begin something new.
First, I have felt honored and blessed to be part of the forward-moving energy of this congregation. I noted in the January Reminder the numerous ways I see this congregation continuing to embrace the future, not only for this community and the physical Church, but for our state, country, species and planet. It is inspiring to see a congregation able to work for justice in the world while also tending to the needs of their neighbors, and conversely able to tend to the needs of their neighbors without losing the vision of a just and peaceful world. If anything, we need to hide our light under our bushel basket less. Together with the Communications Committee I have helped set in motion a plan to increase our visibility in our neighborhood through improved signage (both permanent and weekly) and PR efforts in the community such as posting more flyers and even door-to-door promotion! Part of this work also includes creating our first photo directory, to make us more recognizable to one another and to newcomers, now in its final stages of production. The Communications Committee will also be collaborating with the Building Committee on improving the appearance and of the church building exterior when the time comes to update our paint job
Other projects I have been working on have included, briefly, spending some time myself and with our bookkeeper organizing Church files and getting to know the many faces and decades of Keystone’s history. I hope that this organizational work will make accessing Church files and documents a little easier for everyone in the present and future. Perhaps more importantly though, several of your names have “popped up” on the archival documents; it might be fun to continue one of your traditions of sharing each other’s stories, either in this monthly newsletter or in congregational gatherings. Many here probably have not heard much about the history of the church from those who have been here a long time and would enjoy hearing what you have to say!
I also enjoyed getting to know some of you better during the series I offered in Battson Hall earlier this winter. For those who were hoping to get a taste of what I was offering but were unable to come I will leave a copy of the handouts that I used in the Church office in a place where they should be easily accessible should you ever want them. If you want me to email them to you, I can put you on a list of recipients for when I have finished “touching them up.”
Lastly, thank you all again for being such a generous, flexible and forgiving congregation while I have tried out my legs co-leading and solo-leading Sunday worship. I have always felt that each Sunday gathering was a time of genuine, authentic sharing that made very real the presence of God in our lives and world. May each of you continue to be blessed, and share your light with the rest of Creation.
For the remainder of my time here I have offered to help the Building Committee check off some of their list items in terms of preliminary research, budget figures and project scenarios. This will exercise some of my project management muscles as well as (hopefully) leave behind something concrete that will help this committee move forward into the future. If any of you have anything else you would like from me in my final weeks here, I hope you will let me know!
My next steps career-wise are to work on my ordination process, something Peg has been working on this year as well, and further discernment about my call. I hope to stay in touch with you all!

Ash Wednesday Lenten Prayer
Mark you calendars for March 9!
The Lenten season is a time for somber reflection on Jesus' wandering in the wilderness and the ways in which we ourselves wander. Lent is an opportunity for us to re-examine our thoughts and actions and the ways in which they bring us nearer to or separate us from unity with God and the rest of creation.
Earth Ministry and Washington Interfaith Power and Light invite us as people of faith to make our Lenten focus a time in which we can reduce our carbon emissions.
March 9th is Ash Wednesday, the 1st day of the Lenten Season – a perfect time for us to gather as a community to pray, to recall that we are people born of the Earth, and to learn a bit more about how we can further reduce our carbon on a personal level and through our government, using the resources that Earth Ministry and Washington Interfaith Power and Light provide.
So come on March 9th to our sanctuary. At 7:00 PM. We will discuss and provide materials for our Lenten focus. At 7:30, we will have an Ash Wednesday prayer service.

See the Upcoming Schedule for Friday Night Meaningful Movies:

Scripture readings
6 March Exodus 24:12-18; Psalm 99; Mt 17:1-9
13 March Gen 2:15-17; 3:1-7; Matt 4:1-11
20 March Gen 12:1-4a; John 3:1-17
27 March Ex 17:1-7; John 4:5-42

Reader/usher schedule
3/6 Steve Bauck/Rita Peterson
3/13 Betty Sabo/Marilyn Wall
3/20 Erv Faulmann/Gloria Bollens
3/27 Nell Townley/Betty Sabo

Keystone Anniversary!
Keystone Congregational Church was incorporated on March 23rd, 1901. Keystone Church turns 110th this month!

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